
The Hero of Regression – The Talentless Boy Vows to Protect His Childhood Friend, the Female Hero, This Time Around – Chapter 23

𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐)

━━Stella’s Perspective

“Good morning, Stella-san.”

The morning of the day we set out on our quest to defeat the Demon King.

Currently, there’s a girl talking to me at the headquarters of the Holy God Church, where I’ve been staying.

She’s wearing the white robes that signify a high-ranking priest, and she’s the same age as me.

She’s also one of the members who will join me on the quest to defeat the Demon King.

“Good morning, Rin.”

Her name is Rin.

A girl who holds the highest rank of divine protection in healing and defensive magic—『Saintly Divine Protection』.

『Saint』 Rin.

She may look frail, but she’s an authentic Holy Warrior.

“. . . . . .It’s finally happening.”

Rin says this with a serious expression.

It seems she’s nervous.

“I still can’t believe it. To think that I, as Hero-sama’s companion, would be setting out to defeat the Demon King. . . . . .Just a short while ago, I was toiling away in a rural church, and now I’m revered as ‘saint-sama,’ bearing a grave responsibility as one of humanity’s guardians. . . . . .Life is really unpredictable. My stomach hurts.”

“I completely agree. If I could, I’d love to go back to those simpler times.”


“”High. . . . . .””

And so, both of us let out a deep sigh.

Rin originally worked as a healer at a small church in the countryside.

Although the work was tough, compared to now, her life was far more carefree until she encountered Blade, who had been dispatched to exterminate demons appearing near the town.

Just as I recognized Ruberto-san’s extraordinary aura, Blade discerned from the magnitude of Rin’s divine protection that she was a Holy Warrior.

In this era, Holy Warriors are an incredibly valuable asset, and there’s no room to let one laze around in a backwater town.

As a result, Rin was ‘recruited’ just like me.

Apparently, until meeting Blade, she had never encountered anyone else with divine protection, so everyone, including herself, had mistakenly thought her divine protection was merely 『Healing Protection』.

Who would have thought?

At first, Rin was thrilled about her promotion, but that quickly changed to dread once she realized the gravity of her role.

Right now, most Holy Warriors are fully occupied defending their designated areas from the Demon King’s Army.

They were struggling to find a Holy Warrior available for the Demon King quest.

According to the church, which has sent off many heroes over the years, an ideal party balance should include at least one 『Sword Saint』, one 『Sage』, and one 『Saint』.

They had managed to find a Sword Saint and a Sage, but were having trouble finding a Saint, causing the church’s higher-ups quite a headache.

Then Rin appeared, like a godsend, a veritable treasure trove of good fortune for the church.

Moreover, she’s the same age as me, the Hero, which makes it convenient for training us together.

The more they thought about it, the more ideal Rin seemed.

Her selection as a member of the Hero’s Party was, in short, inevitable.

An inescapable future.

So, Rin became my companion, and ever since, we’ve been particularly close within the Hero’s Party, often commiserating as fellow involuntary recruits from the countryside.

Well, that’s not the only reason we’ve become close, but that’s a part of it.

“Will Allan-kun be coming?”

“. . . . . . Who knows.”

Rin suddenly changed the subject.

Hearing that, I get a bit annoyed.

It’s not that I dislike hearing his name from another girl’s mouth.

Simply, I’m irritated because he’s taking so long to come.

. . . . . . I understand.

I know how much of an impossible task it is for Allan to surpass the gap of divine protection and gain strength beyond that of a Holy Warrior.

Spending time here as a hero, I’ve come to know the strength of heroes who have divine protection, and in the battles I’ve gone to for real combat training, I’ve seen the difference in ability between those with and without divine protection.

Objectively thinking, it’s 『impossible』 for someone without divine protection to surpass a Holy Warrior.

I even think surpassing a regular person with divine protection is impossible.

But, I believe Allan can do it.

It’s not blind trust.

In fact, Allan pushed a demon, who is said to possess power equivalent to those with divine protection, to the brink of death.

And he did that when he was just 10 years old.

Allan already has a track record of making the impossible possible.

That’s why I can believe that he will even make surpassing a Holy Warrior possible.

Even so, I think it will take quite some time for even Allan to reach the strength of a Holy Warrior.

We’re talking about something that may only come to fruition after decades of training.

The one who’s mistaken is me, for sulking after just waiting for 5 years.

I understand.

I do understand, but . . . . . . couldn’t he at least show his face?!

I get that after saying, “I’ll definitely become a man who can protect you and come get you,” he might be reluctant to come before becoming strong, but think about how I feel not seeing the person I love for 5 years! Idiot!

“Oh my, Stella-san is sulking. Allan-kun really knows how to make a girl cry.”

“It’s not like that!”

I turn my face away in a huff, avoiding Rin’s smirking gaze.

Rin, watching me, chuckles.

It’s a relief that the tension seems to be gone, but being regularly teased about Allan is quite bothersome.

Well, thanks to these casual chats about Allan, we’ve become closer friends.

It seems Rin met Allan just before she was about to be moved, and she knows about him after he parted ways with me.

When I found out about that unexpectedly and overreacted by asking various questions, she kind of figured things out.

Since then, Rin has been treating me not as Hero-sama, but more like a regular female friend.

It’s a good outcome if you think about it . . . . . . but admitting it feels a bit off.

If Rin ever finds someone she likes, I’ll make sure to tease her plenty.

“Hey, hey, two ladies. Pretty lively for this early in the morning, huh?”

“Ah, Blade. . . . . . .”

“Ah, good morning, Blade-sama.”

While we were engrossed in our hallway conversation, someone I find a bit difficult to deal with showed up . . . . . . .

No, it’s not like he’s a bad guy or anything, but . . . . . . how should I say it, our compatibility is a bit off.

But that’s just something I feel one-sidedly.

This guy is 『Sword Saint』 Blade Valkyrias.

The grandson and successor of that Ruberto-san.

And one of the members set out to subdue the Demon King.

A powerhouse who doesn’t dishonor those titles, he fights with a great sword that’s larger than he is, and it’s nothing short of awe-inspiring to watch.

Well, I find him a bit hard to deal with.

The reason is, well, how do I put it. . . . . .Blade is somewhat irresponsible.

He occasionally skips training, and lacks tension in battle.

He’s not exactly lazy, but to put it simply, he lacks desperation and seriousness.

The strong swordsmen I know were diligent.

There wasn’t a day Allan didn’t swing his sword, and he was always serious, whether during our matches or otherwise.

He always put in extraordinary effort, and his desperate struggles were really cool.

Compared to Allan, Blade is overwhelmingly lacking in both mindset and the quality and quantity of effort.

And yet, Blade’s skills are far greater than Allan’s were back then.

I know that’s the insurmountable gap that divine protection provides, but. . . . . .somehow it makes Blade seem like he’s cheating, and I just can’t help but find him hard to deal with.

Well, if I say that, I’m probably the one who’s generally at fault.

“Eh, what’s the deal, eh, what’s this? As usual, you’re cold toward me, Stella.”

“Haha. . . . . .Stella-san is not fond of Blade-sama.”

“Right? Is it that? Pretending to dislike what you really like? Ha, I’m too charming for my own good.”

“No, definitely not, absolutely, 100% not, so rest assured. You’re the opposite of my ideal type.”

“What?! Don’t make such a bleak statement with that emotionless face! It actually hurts!”

Blade exaggeratedly said, “I’m hurt,” and Rin began to console him with a resigned look.

Unlike me, these two get along well.

Rin seems to support Blade.

Well, to Rin, Blade is like a life-saving benefactor, so it’s natural, I suppose.

“My, you’re all so lively from the morning. Youth is dazzling.”

While we were doing this, the last party member appeared with a sleepy face.

A young girl around 12 years old in appearance, wearing wizard-like robes and holding a luxurious magic wand.

She speaks like an old person, but she’s younger than anyone here.

However, her actual age is not as it appears.

Her ears were sharply pointed.

This is a characteristic of Elves, known as the longest-lived race among humans.

Contrary to her youthful appearance, she is the oldest among us.

To the point where the old-fashioned words she spoke earlier suit her.

Her name is 『Great Sage』 Ernesta・Yggdrasil.

A grand wizard of the Elves who has lived for hundreds of years.

She also has a history of defeating the Demon King as a companion of heroes, and compared to others who have the 『Sage’s divine protection』, she’s overwhelmingly strong, one of the mightiest Holy Warriors.

Therefore, people call her 『Great Sage』.

“Good morning, Ernesta-san.”

“Good morning, Ernesta-sama.”

“Call me Auntie Elle. How many times have we been through this?”

Ernesta-san rubbed her sleepy eyes and tilted her head.

She looks like a small animal, so cute.

After all, she looks like a cute doll-like girl.

I can’t treat her like an old lady.

Neither can Rin.

Well, except for Blade.

“Auntie Elle, you look really sleepy, are you okay? We have the departure ceremony later.”

“Sleep when you can. That’s the key to long-lasting combat. Don’t worry, I won’t mess up at the important ceremony. I’m good at sleeping while standing, after all.”

“No, that’s not okay, right?!”

Blade energetically threw in a retort, but Ernesta-san was completely unfazed.

As expected, being alive for hundreds of years has made her thick-skinned.

I’m not as calm as Rin, but I was a bit nervous inside, so this resilience is reassuring.

These three are the companions of the hero of this era.

Given the times, the Hero’s Party only has the minimum number of people, but they’re all Holy Warriors, an incredibly elite force.

Normally, you’d think they’d be reliable companions, but. . . . . .

According to Allan’s dream… everyone except me will die in battle before reaching the Demon King.

Allan says that, at least when we left the village, I am stronger now than the me in his dream, so it might work out.

However, knowing the accuracy of Allan’s dreams, I can’t possibly feel at ease.

My desire for him to come quickly grows stronger.

But, I’m not just a princess waiting for Allan’s help.

I want to become a comrade who stands beside Allan.

So, even without his help, I will fight valiantly until he arrives.

I, too, want to proudly reunite with Allan.

“Hero-sama, the ceremony preparations are complete. Please, this way.”


“Alright, let’s go!”

“Yes, yes!”

“There’s no need to be nervous.”

With that resolve, I followed the priest who came to pick us up, along with my companions.

The grand ceremony for my departure as a hero begins.

“Amazing, isn’t it. . . . . .”


The Hero’s Departure Ceremony.

Standing on the church balcony that serves as the venue, I was overwhelmed by the crowd filling the space below and the resounding cheers they emitted.

I even think that nearly all the people living in this royal capital are here.

That just shows how important and highly regarded the existence of the Hero is.

In this age of insufficient military power, a large number of knights are even assigned for security here.

Near us, there is even the figure of Ruberto-san, who is responsible for the security of this place.

That’s how large-scale this ceremony is.

Ernesta-san and Blade seem quite accustomed to crowds like this and are not flustered, but Rin was sweating cold bullets.

“Now then, Hero-sama, reveal the Holy Sword, the true symbol of a Hero.”


Following the words of one of the highest authorities here, a gentle-looking Grandpa in pure white robes, the Pope of the Holy God Church, I unsheathed the sword from my waist and raised it high in the sky.

This sword is humanity’s and the Hero’s strongest weapon, which has supported them for a long time.

A sword said to be granted by God to the first Hero, a sword that can only be wielded by a Hero, designed to kill the Demon King.

It emitted light in my hands.

The divine light that vanquishes evil and protects humans.

The Holy Sword only allows itself to be drawn by a Hero it deems worthy and emits divine’s light when wielded by that Hero.

A famous legend.

Probably one of the most famous legends in this world.

Therefore, everyone understands its significance.

“Blessings upon the birth of the new Hero!”


The birth of the Hero.

People are ecstatic at the appearance of humanity’s hope.

A great deal of expectations and lives from people. . . . . .no, from people all around the world rest on the Hero’s shoulders.

If I were to lose to the Demon King, I can’t even estimate how many people would be killed.

And among them could be people who are important to me.

The pressure is insane. . . . . .

I feel a crushing weight.

Past Heroes must have been quite something to defeat the Demon King under such immense pressure.

I’m already so nervous that my heart is pounding and my breathing is erratic.

The people’s enthusiasm shows no signs of stopping.

This overwhelms me with unbearable pressure, a naive trust that we’ll no longer have to fear the Demon King.

I was prepared for this, but experiencing it is far more intense than I had imagined.

But no one will stop it.

This enthusiasm is necessary for the people.

It’s something necessary for many people to have peace and hope in exchange for the tranquility of my heart.

I understand that it’s unavoidable.

But it feels as if all the anxiety and fear are being pushed onto me.

That was a little bit sad.

“Who are you?!”


━━However, someone appeared to disrupt this fervor.

A voice calling out from below.

The voice was quite loud, but it was drowned out by the overwhelming enthusiasm of the majority, not spreading to the surroundings.

Still, in that immediate area, the enthusiasm definitely cooled down.

That’s why, somehow, that voice reached even me.

What was there. . . . . .was a suspicious person, swords aimed at him by the security knights.

A young man who had forcibly tied back his unruly black hair.

A suspicious young man wearing a tattered black robe, and similarly tattered dual swords attached to his waist.

He had crossed the line where spectators were allowed and had intruded into the knights’ security area.

A suspicious person who has set foot in this sacred ceremony.

Due to him, the knights’ alertness was raised, and the people around were forcibly released from their spiral of excitement due to the sudden emergence of anxiety before their eyes.

“. . . . . .Ahaha!”

I can’t help but laugh when I see it.

I mean, really? He actually did it.

I kind of get why he did it, too.

Most likely, it’s because he saw my expression cloud over, or some other trivial reason like that.

Just for that, he went and disrupted the Hero’s Departure Ceremony, an event considered top-tier globally.

What else can I do but laugh?


The intruder’s advance doesn’t cease.

Ignoring the knight’s warning, he continues to approach.

The knights do their best to obstruct him, but he couldn’t care less.

With fluid movements, he dodges the knights’ swinging swords, trips them, and lands blows to their bellies and chins, knocking them down.

Eventually, those with divine protection, the elites among the knights, move towards the intruder.

“You scum, where do you think you are?! This is the venue for Hero-sama’s departure! A nobody like you with no divine protection has no business here! I, Doug Byte, a member of Sirius Kingdom’s elite knight corps, will execute judgment!”

Ah, it’s Doug-san.

The guy who groaned in pain after Allan kicked him in the groin.

Yet, he is one of the heroes with the divine protection of the sword.

This time, he properly draws his sword and lunges at the intruder.


At that moment, the intruder draws his waist-held sword.

A familiar small sword.

The intruder’s sword isn’t particularly fast when swung with one hand.

Doug-san’s sword is much faster.

However, Doug-san’s sword is deflected in an unexpected direction when it collides with the intruder’s. Taking advantage of Doug-san’s momentary astonishment, the intruder mercilessly lands a counter-kick to Doug-san’s groin.


Just like five years ago, Doug-san clutches his groin and crouches.

Realizing the true threat of the intruder, those with divine protection attack him together.

But they can’t land a hit.

Whether it’s swords, spears, bows, or magic, the intruder deflects and dodges them all, using the knights as shields and consistently taking them down in counter-attacks.

No one can stop his advance.

By this point, the crowd’s excitement has completely vanished, likely due to the loud noise of flashy magic.

Stepping over the knights, dead or alive, the intruder finally reaches the balcony where we are.

Confusion, murmurs from the people, and the knights’ hostility fill the air.

Blade is astonished, Ernesta-san observes the intruder with interest, Rin holds her head, and I’m struggling to hold back laughter.

“What are you doing?! Catch that rascal at once!”

The one who shouts is the other highest authority in this place, alongside Pope-san.

The King of the Sirius Kingdom.

The knights try to follow his command. . . . . .but they can’t.

Because there is no opening in the intruder’s defense.

Ignoring the words of the king of humanity’s greatest kingdom, the intruder points his sword straight at the balcony and loudly declares his identity.

“I am the friend of Hero Stella, Allan the Sword Demon! Following my promise with the hero, I have come to get her! Sword Saint Ruberto Valkyrias, who separated Stella from me! I’ll answer the challenge you laid down! Betting my entry into the Hero’s Party, I challenge you to a duel!”

The words of Allan, the man I adore, reverberated throughout the area, as if he were using magic.

The king looked at me and Ruberto-san in astonishment.

Ruberto-san. . . . . .was laughing.

Like a parent celebrating their child’s greatest accomplishment, he discarded his usual mask of an old gentleman and laughed from the bottom of his heart.

“Hahaha! Well done, young man. By intruding on the Hero’s departure ceremony and scattering the heroes with divine protection who were on guard, you’ve proven your power. Now, all that’s left is for you to defeat me, the Holy Warrior. Then, you can join Hero-sama’s companions without any reservations. Manners are of no concern. In this era, everyone desperately wants a force that can rival the Holy Warriors.”

After muttering this almost to himself, Ruberto-san went to the edge of the balcony with a joyful expression.

And then, he took a deep breath and responded loudly, not to be outdone by Allan.

“Alright! I gladly accept your duel! Should you win, I, Ruberto Valkyrias, known as the Sword Saint, will recognize you as a comrade of Hero-sama! No one will object!”

“Thank you!”

“Hmm! Then, let’s go!”

Ruberto-san jumped from the balcony and headed towards Allan.

At that moment, he suddenly turned his gaze towards Allan, and their eyes met.

Allan’s face, seen for the first time in five years, had lost some of its youthfulness and become even cooler.

There were scars on his face that hinted at his experiences.

Those scars looked painful, but also cool.

Allan smiled at me.

It was the same kind smile he occasionally showed in the village.

At the same time, it was the face of a reliable man, putting me at ease.

My heart skipped a beat.

Moreover, Allan even blew away the fervor of the people I had felt burdened by.

Now, everyone’s attention was focused not on me, but on the sudden turn of events and Allan and Ruberto-san who were at its center.

Despite being the focus of such intense attention, Allan smiled fearlessly.

Not relying on power granted by the gods, but transforming the strength he had gained through his own efforts into supreme confidence, my beloved Allan smiled daringly.

“He really is unbeatable. . . . . .”

Unconsciously, those words escaped my lips.

Allan is amazing.

He really is.

I don’t have the confidence to say that I can be Allan’s equal without the Hero’s Divine Protection granted to me.

But, I’ll definitely catch up to him someday.

Whether it’s the win-loss record or the overwhelming strength of heart, I’ll catch up and stand beside him.

And then, I’ll proudly tell him that I love him.

So, I won’t forgive myself if I lose here.

I don’t need any unfair advantage because of the Hero’s Divine Protection.

Close that distance soon and come to my side.

Then, let me chase after your back again.

Like the fun times before, I’ll chase after you with all my heart.

So, so. . . . . .

“Go for it, Allan!”

I shouted my support with a loud voice.

At those words, Allan…

“Alright! Leave it to me!”

He gave a reassuring reply.

Then, Allan sheathed his small sword and unsheathed another, a black blade I had never seen before.

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