
The Discarded Bride’s RemarriageーThe Icy Margrave Swears His Loveー – Chapter 5

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐡𝐥

He mutters as if in a delirium.

He was a beautiful man.

His eyes were a clear, icy ash-blue – perhaps he was from the Margrave Heyerdahl family.

“. . .I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time, Miss Chloe.”

“Ah, um. . .”

His gaze pierced me, and I felt as if something had penetrated deep into my heart.

My chest hurt sharply. I was frozen in place for a while, struck by this new sensation.

Noticing the silent salutes of the knight and maid, I snapped back to reality.

I hurriedly greeted him.

“Nice to meet you. I am Chloe, the daughter of the late Count Maclouge.”

“Nice to meet you, huh. . .I see. That’s right.”

I felt a cold sweat trickle down my back at his faintly bitter smile.

Had we met before? I don’t remember.

Noticing my confusion, he shook his head as if it was nothing.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s only natural that you don’t remember. I’m the one who’s been unilaterally aware of you.”

He said this casually, then gave me a gentleman’s bow again.

“Let me introduce myself again. I am Margrave Theodore Heyerdahl. Nice to meet you, Miss Chloe.”

“Thank you very much for inviting me, Margrave Heyerdahl. I will be in your care for a while. I know there may be some shortcomings, but I hope for your kind guidance.”

“You can call me Theodore. If you’re his daughter, we don’t need to be so formal.”

His voice was low and pleasant.

Although he had a dignified presence, there was a gentleness in his eyes as he softly narrowed them.

It was surprising that he was the Margrave himself. I thought he would be older since he was an old acquaintance of my father’s, but he was surprisingly young. Mid-twenties – even if he was older, he wouldn’t be more than 30.

“I understand. Then. . .Theodore-sama.”

“Miss Chloe. It’s an honor to entrust you with the tutoring of my adopted children. But don’t overdo it. I want you to enjoy your time at Heyerdahl with a relaxed heart.”

“I appreciate your consideration.”

“I’d like to have a leisurely chat with you, not just a standing conversation, but unfortunately, I have an inspection of the magic stone mine today. You can rest from your journey and we can take time from tomorrow onwards, if that’s okay.”

“Of course. Please take care.”


Theodore-sama signaled to the knight and maid who were guarding me, looked at the children with a satisfied expression, and walked away leisurely.

I let out a sigh.

He was a man who exuded such dignity and beauty as a lord that I almost forgot to breathe. The presence of the eldest, who manages the defense of the country at such a young age, was so overwhelming.

The knight lowered the corners of his eyebrows apologetically.

“I’m sorry. The greeting with Danna-sama ended here. Danna-sama is always on edge to prevent mining accidents. . .please don’t take it personally.”

“. . .Not at all. It’s just. . .”

“Just. . .?”

“I apologize. I was just. . . surprised. . . Lord Heyerdahl, even to a mere tutor like me, he is someone who can look straight into my eyes and talk.”

“Oh, is that so?”

The knight looks relieved.

“Danna-sama is a wonderful person who is loved and respected by all the citizens of the Margrave territory. Please forget about your past hardships and spend peaceful days in Heyerdahl.”

The laughter of children echoes.

(Somehow, it seems like I can spend happy days. . .)

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