
The Chronicle of the Dungeon Master of Slaughter – A Reclusive Beautiful Girl Became a Dungeon Master, So She Pursues the Path of a Hikikomori – Chapter 117

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏𝟕: 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝟑


A tremendous pain comes from my severed right arm.

It makes my body stiff.

However, there’s no time to pause.

The Demon God has already moved on to the next attack.

I have to move, even if it’s by force!

“《Shield Parry》!”

Not with my own body, but by manually controlling the Living Armor-senpai, I divert the attack of the Demon God with a shield.

I’ve never been so grateful for this style before.

This way, I can ignore everything, even the pain.



The Demon God is too fast!

It’s incomparable to just a moment ago!

The amplification rate of the dark fighting spirit is on a different scale than the Demon Lord!

I think it’s probably because it’s forcefully increasing its output by pouring a tremendous amount of magic power into the dark fighting spirit.

Every day, I infuse magic into the dungeon core, and now that I have become familiar with magic by learning it myself, I have a rough idea of the amount of magic used in magic and skills.

If I trust that sense, the amount of magic power used in the dark fighting spirit that envelops the Demon God’s body is more than massive.

Every second, a level of magic power that would even return change from all of my MP is being consumed.

No, it’s not just the dark fighting spirit.

Even for just a single black spear, I think it’s easily using about 100,000 in terms of MP.

Despite using that much magic power, there’s no sign of it bottoming out.

This is the Demon God.

This is the power of a god.

It’s really no joke.


This time, my side was grazed.

It easily destroyed the complete form of the Living Armor-senpai.

The current Demon God is pouring out an enormous amount of magic power without a second thought, and is fully investing in body enhancement.

Of course, it’s strong.

Rather, it’s amazing that I can withstand a serious god.

But, I can’t hold out for long like this.

I fully utilize Parallel Thinking to use healing magic and perform temporary hemostasis.

I don’t grow an arm.

There’s no point in having a flesh and blood arm against the Demon God.

It’s a waste of MP.

Furthermore, I use DP to repair the Living Armor-senpai.

It certainly doesn’t recover as quickly as healing magic.

The damage to my side is healed, but the cost of using super-metal like God Metal makes it impossible to regenerate the arm with DP repair.

If it’s such a large part, it can’t be reproduced with DP.

Then, I have no choice but to retrieve my right arm that flew away.

Besides, if I have the Deus Ex Machina, which flew off with my right arm, the situation should improve a little!

“《Shield Bash》!”


Somehow finding an opening, I repel the Demon God with a shield strike.

No matter how fast it’s become, the Demon God’s swordsmanship is still like a novice’s.

Then, if I watch closely with a do-or-die attitude, I can counter it!

“Go for it!”

🔹𝕬𝖜𝖊𝖇𝖘𝖙o𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘.𝖈𝖔𝖒 ― 𝕴𝖓𝖉𝖚𝖑𝖌𝖊 𝖎𝖓 𝖆 𝖈𝖔𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖘𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖉 𝖓𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 “𝖉a𝖎𝖑𝖞 𝖚𝖕𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖘” 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖊𝖝𝖈𝖑𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖆𝖈𝖈𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝖙𝖔 𝖆𝖉𝖛𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊𝖉 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘🔹

Then, I sent the elite zombie army against the Demon God, whose movement was slightly disrupted by my attack.

The goal is to buy time.

The demon lord zombie, the shindou Zombie, the dragon zombie, and the fenrir zombie, who can barely keep up with the current offense and defense, unleash their attacks.

The damage is minimal, but it further disrupts the Demon God’s posture.

Next, the other zombie army charge at the Demon God.

I hope they can at least serve as a meat shield!

Taking advantage of the opportunity, I activated a trap beneath my severed right arm.

The rising floor carried my right arm into the air, and arrows fired from the wall struck it.

The impact sent my right arm spinning towards me.

Yes, just as calculated!

Thanks, Arithmetic Ability!

“Get out of my way! 《Black Slash》!”


Just as my right arm docked onto my right shoulder, the Demon God unleashed his magic.

The darkness slash, sweeping across, easily tore through the elite zombie army.

Then, the Demon God, having repelled the zombie army, approached me again.

But it won’t go as easily as before!

“Change [Sanctuary Guardian]! 《Shield Parry》!”


Using the Deus Ex Machina to copy [Sanctuary Guardian], I deflected Demon God’s attack again with double the enhancement.

I’ve gotten quite used to its super speed.

I can still fight!

And then, I activated a trap beneath the Demon God.

The most primitive, yet incredibly useful trap.

Yes, I activated a pitfall.


The Demon God stumbled due to the pitfall.

He managed to escape danger with some floating-like magic, but if he wants to attack, that moment of distraction is more than enough!

“《Full Power Slash》!”


Naturally, I had neither the time to use magic nor to change to [Hero’s Holy Sword], so I simply used a sword art to slash and blow him away.

The damage is, well, minimal.

But that’s not the main point.

My goal is to send the Demon God flying to a predetermined spot.

In the place where the Demon God flew, I activated the next trap.

The rising floor became a pillar, and the flying Demon God was slammed into it.

Immediately after, the other rising floors I had set up around activated simultaneously, creating a circular wall trapping the Demon God.

And then!



A large number of explosive traps attached to the side of the pillar simultaneously detonated, assaulting the Demon God trapped inside the circle.

When the explosive force is focused in one place with no escape, its power dramatically increases.

Combined with the enhancement from DP, its power was incomparable to when I used it against the grandpa zombie and the hot-blooded zombie in the past.

“Damn ittttttttt!”

Still, it was not enough to defeat the Demon God.

The Demon God, whose language had become quite vulgar compared to the beginning, launched another assault.

He’s clearly lost his cool.

The fact he’s barely using any magic is proof enough.

If it’s like this…


At that moment, a part of my shield cracked from Demon God’s blow.

It was nearing its durability limit, but that wasn’t the only issue.

“Faster than before…?!”

The Demon God’s attack was faster than before.

It was heavier, stronger.

Looking closely, the amount of magic power being expended by his dark fighting spirit had increased even further.

“Die! Die! DieDieDieDieDieDie!”

There was no composure on the Demon God’s face.

He’s coming to kill me without caring about appearances!

With this level of desperation… he might be nearing his limit.

The Demon God is surely becoming exhausted.

Not just from battling me.

Also from fighting with Shindou and others.

Or even more, from the ancient battle with the goddess.

The Demon God likened the killing of gods to a meal.

So, the Demon God, who has been sealed for such a long time since the ancient past, has been fasting for that long.

Having fought and exhausted with the goddess, being sealed and exhausted, fighting with Shindou and others and being exhausted, and fighting with me and getting exhausted.

Even for the Demon God with vast energy, it would not be strange if the limit comes after all this exhaustion.

If so, if I can endure this rush, I might be able to win!



The impact coming from the shield hurts.

The shock that couldn’t be completely deflected with the sword hurts.

My arm was cut.

My leg was cut.

My face was cut.

I keep repairing these damages with the DP I have accumulated so far.

My own healing is minimal.

As long as I am alive, the Living Armor-senpai will move my body for me.

While I was somehow enduring, that moment finally came.

Unable to withstand the sword attack of the Demon God, my Guardian broke.



The Demon God’s sword is closing in on my heart.

I can’t dodge.

I can’t take it.

I can’t block it.

All I can do is endure.

Can I live if my heart is pierced?

No, it’ll be okay.

If I copy [Immortal Hero] immediately after getting hit, I can manage.

But, even if I can recover, what about after that?

The Guardian has been shattered.

It takes time to redeploy it.

Can I survive just with the Deus Ex Machina during that time?

No, there’s no point in thinking about it!

Now, I just need to endure…

The moment I thought so, a small figure stepped in between me and the Demon God.


The Demon God raises a voice of astonishment.

That small figure, the demon lord zombie, used the true equipment great sword as a shield, and further used its body as a shield to stop the Demon God’s attack.

The great sword was shattered, the body was pierced, but certainly the Demon God’s attack was stopped.

“Don’t screw with me!”

Take that, Demon God, pierced by the Demon Lord you discarded yourself!

[《Holy Chain》]

“What?! Wh, what is this?!”

In addition, pure white chains that appeared from somewhere bind the body of the Demon God.

What is this?

No, these chains are coming from the bodies of the zombified Twelve Apostles.

Which means…


Sure enough, this is the power of the goddess!

Whether she changed the power of her blessing, or she gathered her last strength, it doesn’t matter.

The help was a life-saver.

For now, the enemy of my enemy is my friend!

“Change [Hero’s Holy Sword]!”

“Stop! StoooooOOOP!”

I copy the [Hero’s Holy Sword], and wrap the sword in thunder.

Then, while the chains of the goddess hold down the Demon God, I spend a few seconds charging.

Increasing the density of the thunder, I mix it with the demon-breaking power of the [Hero’s Holy Sword].

I don’t have the [Sanctuary Guardian] right now.

Without doing this much, I can’t inflict damage on the Demon God.

While preparing for that, the Demon God was struggling with all his might.

Struggling, wriggling, cracks appear in the chains.

Still, the chains do not let go of the Demon God.

The completion of my magic was quicker than the chains breaking.

And so, I swung the sword, imbued with the completed magic, at the defenseless Demon God.

“《Heaven’s Lightning》!”


The lightning strike meant to vanquish the demon sliced through the Demon God.

The remnants of the Demon God, with most of its body obliterated by the single strike, rolled on the boss room floor.

The chains of the goddess were now gone.

However, the Demon God would not attack me.

Because it no longer had the strength to do so.

“Healing, healing! Ah, why, my body is falling apart…?! I don’t have enough energy, not enough magic power!”

The severed head of the remaining Demon God shouted.

Trying to heal itself, magic power was being concentrated at the cross-section of the neck repeatedly, but it failed to take shape.

Apparently, it really had exhausted its magic power.

It was over now.

I raised my sword again.

“No way, ridiculous! Me, I’m, at such a place…”

And so, I swung down the sword without hesitation, as always.

“I don’t want to disappear… I don’t want to disappear… I don’t want to disappear… Dis…ap…pear…”

The copied [Hero’s Holy Sword] impaled the severed head of the Demon God.

After a short while, whether due to the infusion of the demon-banishing power, the severed head of the Demon God gradually vanished, leaving not a speck of dust behind.

An amount of experience and DP flowed into me and the dungeon core, so vast that it couldn’t be expressed with words.

And so, the battle was over.

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2 responses to “The Chronicle of the Dungeon Master of Slaughter – A Reclusive Beautiful Girl Became a Dungeon Master, So She Pursues the Path of a Hikikomori – Chapter 117”

  1. thanks for the chapter

  2. A bit surprised at the goddess’s involvement. If anything, I thought the goddess could have just appeared and kill both at their weakened state.

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