
Rockwall Lou – V4 Chapter 7

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕


As one approaches the “wilderness,” the land becomes more desolate. Not only are there fewer trees, but even flowers diminish, leaving a bleak landscape of rocks and dried grass. The only reason many people can survive in this land, where even grass is hard to grow, is due to the demon beasts which provide food and materials. However, these demon beasts can also bring great calamity to the people.

Such an ironic situation, thought Boskin, the Commander of the Royal Knights.

He was a middle-aged warrior with a bald head and a magnificent beard. Born into a prestigious noble family, he was deeply loyal to the royal family. His character was, for better or worse, very serious. He deeply despised wizards who obtained special powers without effort, treating them like gambles.

In the towns and villages he had visited so far, Boskin had heard rumors of demon beasts becoming more active. Whether it’s true or not, in remote areas not even marked on maps, there seem to be settlements attacked by swarms of demon beasts.

These phenomena might be related to the “Blue Demon Beast.”

Such rumors will eventually reach the capital. If the people’s anxiety escalates, it would disturb the beloved king. Boskin needs to exterminate the “Blue Demon Beast” as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Boskin and the Royal Knights he leads did not encounter any demon beasts and safely reached the city of Arche.

“Ah, what a formidable outer wall.”

From atop his horse, Boskin exclaimed in admiration.

As expected of a fortress city adjacent to the “wilderness.” The walls surrounding the city were taller and thicker than those in the capital. Although it’s a dry region, they draw water from the eastern mountains via aqueducts. This city, rich in water and food, was among the most developed in the kingdom.

“Ah, if it isn’t Commander of the Royal Knights, Boskin. I am Norancho, the mayor of this city. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”

Boskin receives a greeting from the mayor who had come all the way to the gate.

At first glance, Boskin decided he disliked the man.

A plump figure with no distinction between his chin and neck, wearing a draped sheet-like outfit. The gaudy palanquin, carried by strong men and upon which he sat, seemed a waste of manpower to Boskin.

“As previously instructed, we have gathered enough water and food.”

“Hmm, good work.”

“No, not at all. If there’s anything else you need, please don’t hesitate to ask. Our city of Arche is united as one, and we are ready to assist Your Excellency and the Royal Knights in any way we can.”

As one would expect of a bureaucrat, Mayor Norancho was blatantly trying to curry favor with Boskin.

Even though he’s the head of a major city, this is a remote place. He probably wants to use the success of this task to promote himself, or perhaps he doesn’t want to make a mistake and lose the chance to return to the central administration. It was an attitude revealing the sly nature of such an official.

Riding towards the southern gate, Boskin, followed by Norancho, inquired.

“So? What information do you have about the ‘Blue Demon Beast’ that appeared in the capital?”

“Ah, yes.”


Norancho wiped the sweat from his forehead.

“I issued instructions to the Wilderness Guild, but there have been no sightings of such a demon beast. We also had them check various documents and books, but no relevant literature was found. The same goes for the ‘Altar of Endings’.”

“So, there are no clues?”

“No, not really.”

In this city, there’s an old saying parents use to get their children to behave: “If a child misbehaves, the ‘Blue Lion’ will come and take them away to the ends of the wilderness.”

“It’s considered a fairy tale, though.”

“I see.”

Boskin wasn’t being naive.

The appearance of the “Blue Demon Beast” in the capital, the legend of the “Altar of Endings” spoken by the “Wiseman” Hou, and the tale of the “Blue Lion” in the city of Arche, which is the starting point of the Wilderness Road. With all these events aligning, it’s hard to consider it mere coincidence. Moreover, fairy tales are often historical events turned into stories and passed down through generations. Sometimes they might hold more truth than poorly written history books.

As they passed through the gate, Norancho on the palanquin raised his hand as a signal. The bands aligned on both sides of the main street began to play lively music. Many residents had gathered along the road, and a few among them were elaborately praising the Royal Knights.

“Hey, look! It’s the Royal Knights. What a magnificent and valiant procession!”

“The one next to Mayor Norancho is Commander Boskin. I’ve heard he’s highly trusted by the King. Truly!”

“According to the proclamation, they’re here to subdue the wicked demon beast that appeared in the capital. If the Royal Knights are on it, we’re surely safe. We can rest easy now!”

“Go, Royal Knights! The city of Arche wholeheartedly welcomes you!”

Norancho on the palanquin sneakily glanced at Boskin with a smug smile. For a moment, Boskin seemed offended, but he couldn’t show displeasure after receiving such a warm welcome. He continued the procession with pride.

Suddenly, an old woman with a walking stick appeared in front of the two men. At first, it seemed like she was lost due to her impaired sight and hearing, but that wasn’t the case. She stood in their way, glaring at them with sharp eyes.

The procession got disorganized, the music stopped, and the crowd murmured.

“W, What is this insolence? Who do you think you’re dealing with here?!”

Norancho’s face turned red as he shrieked, but the old woman remained unfazed.

“You mustn’t lay a hand on the ‘Blue Lion’. If you defeat it, irreversible consequences will follow.”

Her eyes bulged, and she let out a roar that was unimaginably powerful coming from her frail body.

“A great red wave will surge, and the world of man will perish!”


Overwhelmed by her intensity, Norancho shivered. But quickly regaining his composure, he became furious. He banged on the heads of the men carrying his palanquin, giving them orders.

“W, what are you all doing? Capture this hag! She’s ruining the plan. Let her spend the rest of her life in prison! Ahh――oh no!”


Norancho tumbled from the palanquin as its bearers dwindled and it lost balance.

Meanwhile, Boskin remained composed.

This city serves as the base for hunting down the “Blue Demon Beast.” The support of the residents is essential to maintain the army. He didn’t want unnecessary commotion due to the ramblings of an old woman.

He surveyed the roadside from atop his horse. He spotted a group of several people discussing with concern.

“Doesn’t this old woman have any kin?!”

Boskin drew the sword from his waist and raised it to the sky.

“If none exists, there will be no one to mourn her passing. I shall dispose of her right here!”

As if breaking a dam, several hooded men and women sprang from the roadside and surrounded the old woman.

“Please, Director, show restraint!”

“Theresa-sama, come this way.”


The youngest girl in the group gave a small bow, and they all fled at once. In acknowledgment of their bravery, Boskin decided to forgive the disrespectful old woman.

Despite the minor incident, the Royal Knights managed to reach the city of Arche as planned. As they allowed the weary knights to rest, preparations were made to march to the “wilderness.” The town’s mayor, Norancho, proposed dinners and sightseeing, but Boskin rejected all. He didn’t come this far just for sightseeing.

“I’ve heard rumors in the towns and villages we passed through that the demon beasts are becoming more active. Is it true?”

“Indeed, it is.”

According to Norancho’s explanation, around the time the “Blue Demon Beast” appeared in the capital, the number of demon beasts brought to the wilderness guild increased, now being about three times the usual.

Boskin believed they should act before the situation worsened.

“Prepare a detailed map of the ‘wilderness’ and find a guide. Ideally, an experienced demon beast hunter. We depart in two days.”

“Ah, in two days? However. . . . . .”

There’s a pile of tasks, like loading supplies and preparing for departure. Norancho tried to buy some time, but Boskin wasn’t having it. From experience, Boskin knew that brandishing authority was the best way to get officials to work.

“Once we’ve defeated the ‘Blue Demon Beast’, your dedication will likely be reported to His Majesty. Take this matter seriously.”

Failing could mean being branded as incompetent.

“Yes, of course!”

With cold sweat on his brow, Norancho bowed deeply.

Translator’s Blog


Advanced Chapters




💎ᴠɪᴘ – 𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 (𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨) Free Ch1-100 (Password – AWEBSTORIES-FREE100CH)


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