
Rockwall Lou – V4 Chapter 2

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐


In his youth, Ramon was known as the “Reform King.” At the tender age of twenty, he took the throne and began to dismantle old traditions and customs one after another.

What he particularly couldn’t tolerate was a certain religious group that influenced national politics and monopolized vested interests.

They were named the Mail Cult.

The objectives and activities of the Mail Cult remained shrouded in mystery. What was known was that they worshipped an ancient goddess, possessed a magical-like power, existed since before the kingdom’s inception, and had decision-making authority over the kingdom’s ceremonies and politics.

Ridiculously, they decided the kingdom’s policies based on astrological readings.

The young and fervent King Ramon plotted to dismantle the Mail Cult.

Though the Mail Cult was a historically and traditionally established organization, their secretive nature meant they lacked public support.

That was the weakness Ramon aimed for.

King Ramon and his strategist, Hou, carefully conducted internal investigations, uncovering the cult’s malpractices. They were suspected of bribery and human trafficking. Later, murder was added to the list when an investigator died under suspicious circumstances within the cult’s headquarters.

Once the evidence was secured, King Ramon publicized the cult’s crimes, stirring public opinion. The reputation of the Mail Cult plummeted, and its followers began to be labeled as fanatics.

With the environment set, King Ramon ordered the archbishop, the leader of the cult, to disband the organization and exile them from the capital.

Cornered, the Mail Cult retaliated.

They unexpectedly raised Ramon’s uncle, who had a claim to the throne, inciting a civil war. It was unforeseen that some prestigious nobles would participate, but for King Ramon, who had the kingdom’s strongest force, the Royal Knights, it was almost an advantageous situation.

Peace talks were not an option. Following Hou’s advice, King Ramon personally led the Royal Knights and eradicated the rebels.

The Mail Cult was disbanded. Many of its followers either took their own lives or were tried and executed.

The young king’s wrath did not subside.

King Ramon denounced the Mail Religion as heresy and their goddess as a false deity, banning all worship. He also destroyed all temples, statues of the goddess, and burned all writings and paintings related to the Mail Religion.

He sought to erase this detestable existence from history and people’s memories.

After the year-long “Cult War” ended, King Ramon appointed Hou as Prime Minister and implemented various reforms in national politics.

He streamlined the internal organization, reduced the number of officials, and strengthened penalties for bribery. He improved roads throughout the kingdom, established carriage stations in major cities, increased schools, and ensured equal education for all citizens. He regulated rogue wizards and established a system for their societal contributions.

As time passed, the “Reform King” Ramon gradually became known as the “Wise King.”

A pragmatic king who shattered superstitions, banished cults, and led the kingdom to prosperity from centuries of stagnation.

Yet, this king was frightened.

After an unprecedented incident in the capital where the king was attacked by a demon beast, during an emergency meeting, King Ramon remained dejected.

The meeting began with verifying facts.

The “Blue Demon Beast” suddenly appeared during the ceremony celebrating the fortieth anniversary of King Ramon’s coronation.


“To the best of my knowledge, there is no demon beast that manipulates words. After all, a demon beast typically resembles wild animals or insects. I’ve never seen one in person, but I’m unaware of any lion-like creature with wings and horns.”

This testimony was given by a renowned demon beast scholar.

The “Blue Demon Beast” claimed, “The time of the ‘Pact’ has come. Fulfill the trial and offer me the ‘Blood of the Goddess’.”

“There’s no mention of the ‘Pact’ or the ‘Blood of the Goddess’ that the ‘Blue Demon Beast’ speaks of in the historical documents or legends of the kingdom.”

This report was given by the chief steward in charge of the royal ceremonies, wiping sweat from his forehead.

“Moreover, we are unaware of the location the demon beast refers to as the ‘Altar of Endings’.”

“Actually, I have an idea about that place.”

The one who spoke was the “Wise Sage of the Wise King”, Prime Minister Hou. The elderly man, small and thin as a twig, shared his knowledge with a gentle smile.

“In the vast ‘wilderness’ to the far north, beyond the main road, lies the ‘Altar of Endings’. Ancient documents mention it as the sacred place where the ‘Pact’ was made.”

“Indeed, wise old Hou!”

Commander of the Royal Knights, Boskin, stood up. He is a muscular, bald warrior.

“That demon beast has ruined the citizens’ celebration in honor of His Majesty. I’ll hunt it down and make a fur coat out of it, even though it’s not a typical demon beast hunt!”

As many voices of agreement rose, a middle-aged man with an unnerving grin raised his hand.

“Excuse me. Would the Black Neck Squad be of any assistance?”

The meeting attendees fell silent.

The one who spoke was Ozma, the leader of the Black Neck Squad. Despite being a wizard, considered a lowly status, he had the trust of King Ramon and Prime Minister Hou and was allowed to attend this meeting.

Boskin was furious with the unsolicited suggestion.

“Hold your tongue, you mere wizard!”

With a troubled yet wry smile, Ozma retracted his hand.

The two don’t get along, or more precisely, Boskin despises Ozma. He believes that a wizard is unfit to serve the king closely.

Believing that the kingdom’s important matters couldn’t be entrusted to a rogue, Boskin made a recommendation to the king he deeply respected.

“With all due respect, Your Majesty. I request permission to dispatch the knight corps to the ‘Altar of Endings’ and to hunt the ‘Blue Demon Beast’. The citizens are disturbed by this incident. With Your Majesty’s consent, if the Royal Knights take proactive action, we can stabilize public sentiment.”

Thousands of people witnessed the “Blue Demon Beast” and heard its voice. It’s unpredictable how the terrified citizens would react and spread rumors.

After a brief silence, King Ramon, with a weary voice, granted permission.


“Very well. But, be cautious.”


Due to the establishment of a policy, an atmosphere of slight optimism spread.

Although significant damage was done, it’s just one demon beast. If the Royal Knights take action, they should be able to handle it without an issue. The details will be discussed later, and the meeting was adjourned.

King Ramon, returning to his office, called for Hou. The elderly Prime Minister promptly appeared. Judging from the fact that he brought the chief lady-in-waiting with him, he likely anticipated the summons.

“It has turned into a grave situation, Your Majesty.”

Deep down, King Ramon sighed. This old man thrives in adverse situations, his eyes gleaming brighter the worse things get, cornering his opponents with a pleasant demeanor.

“You’ve done a great service, Hou.”

The elderly man, who provided crucial information that would determine the future direction, casually confessed.

“The “Altar of Endings” is a term that comes from the teachings of a heretical cult that was once worshipped in this country.”


King Ramon inferred that the heretical cult referred to the Mail Religion. The reason he explained in the meeting that it was mentioned in ancient documents was to prevent confusion among the participants.

“Then, what is the “Blood of the Goddess”?”

“It’s probably about the evil deity they worship. Those who inherit its power, I presume.”

King Ramon was surprised, yet he also felt something click inside him.

There was something that wasn’t brought up in the meeting.

The “Blue Demon Beast” demanded from King Ramon a “daughter” who inherits the “Blood of the Goddess”.

While Ramon had several sons, he had no daughters, at least officially. Hence, the attendees of the meeting purposely didn’t mention it.

However, in reality, a concubine had given birth to a princess ten years ago.

Her name was Tweney.

Although she was born healthy, the color of the baby’s hair and eyes didn’t match either of her parents. Whether shocked or fearing accusations of infidelity, the concubine chose to end her own life.

King Ramon had another reason to be distant from this infant.

Survivors of the Mail Cult, whom he believed to have been eradicated, had sneaked into the palace through underground passages that only the royal family should have known about, attempting to cast a suspicious spell on the newborn princess. Although the guards captured all the conspirators, an ominous mark resembling the cult’s symbol appeared on the baby’s forehead.

This incident sent chills down King Ramon’s spine.

Once again, he aimed to redirect the people’s hatred towards the Mail Religion and announced that the princess had been assassinated by remnants of the Mail Cult. In reality, he had her wear a mask and ordered her to be taken away from the capital.

He didn’t involve himself in her affairs afterward.

On the other hand, those behind the princess’s supposed assassination were subjected to intense interrogations. The newly established Bureau of Magic took charge. Specialized wizards adept at intelligence gathering and combat formed the Black Neck Squad. They interrogated the cult members using unique magic, exposing their hideouts.

The reason Hou knew about the “Altar of Endings” and other information was due to the compiled results of these interrogations.

Forty years after the disbandment of the sect, the cultists who had survived in hiding were all captured by the assault of the Black Neck Squad. King Ramon publicly executed them all and not only forbade the worship of the evil deity and the cult but also prohibited even mentioning their names.

Later, this incident would be called the “Fanatics’ Rebellion.”

“The “Child of Misfortune” is. . . . . .”

The king questioned the head court lady.

“Where is that person now?”

The newly appointed female chief officer, stumbling over her words, replied, “Princess Tweney should be in the remote castle.”

“Because the order was to confine oneself to a place unknown to anyone. Princess Tweney now resides in an abandoned castle where no one else lives. Of course, the minimum necessary living arrangements are being provided. There is also one lady-in-waiting accompanying her.”

The name of the castle seems to be Akkare Castle.

“Bring her back.”

“Y, Yes!”

As the head court lady rushed out, King Ramon covered his pale face with one hand.

The daughter who inherited the “Blood of the Goddess” must be that infant with the evil mark on her forehead. But he couldn’t just hand her over unconditionally. If he yielded to the demon beast, the royal family’s honor would be tarnished. Calling back the princess was a move to gather his pieces.

The demon beast subjugation should be left to the Royal Knights, and there was a need to investigate the Mail Cult.

King Ramon clicked his tongue.

“Was the book burning a mistake?”

“Due to the “Cult War” forty years ago, and the “Fanatics’ Rebellion” ten years ago, the main leaders of the Mail Cult were executed. If there is someone who knows everything. . . . . .”

Hou reminisced with a nostalgic look on his face.

“What’s on your mind, Hou?”

“The only one who ever called me a youngster was that lady.”

Forty years ago, there was a department in the kingdom called the Ritual Bureau that served as the interface for the sect. The woman who served as the director consistently tried to reconcile the kingdom and the sect. King Ramon vaguely remembered the striking woman. He certainly had no memory of executing her. She probably didn’t join the rebellion and sneaked out of the capital.

“That loud-mouthed director lady. What was her name?”

“Who can remember? It was forty years ago, after all.”

She would have been in her mid-fifties at the time, so if she were alive now, she would be nearing a hundred.

For a sheltered clergywoman who was exiled from the capital, finding a new job and surviving would be nearly impossible. She would have either died somewhere or reached the end of her life.

The two returned to their pragmatic conversation.

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