
Rockwall Lou – V2 Chapter 8

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖


“Huh, what’s this?”

Surprisingly, the space there was quite expansive.

Even though it’s within the walls, it’s bright.

There’s a table and chairs. There’s a sofa and fireplace against the wall. Curiously shaped stone figures are displayed on the shelf.

And, there was a window.

Without thinking, Crozet rushed to the window.

It’s not made of glass.

“A transparent. . . . . .stone?”

It seems like a panel of mineral resembling crystal is embedded.

Outside the window, the familiar scenery of the “outside wall” stretched out. The red tents of the assembly hall can be seen.

To think that he lived so close.

So surprised, she couldn’t even speak.

On the floor of the room, colorful square tiles were densely packed. The ceiling and pillars looked like wood, but upon closer inspection, they were brown stone with patterns resembling tree rings. The walls had a color similar to plaster, but they were stone as well.

“Crozet-oneechan, sit down.”

As Luo pulled out a chair for me, I sat down as told.

“T, Thank you.”

“Just wait a moment.”

Saying that, Luo disappeared into the next room.

“This chair is made of stone too.”

The surface is smooth, so it’s comfortable. The legs are slender with graceful curves, and intricate reliefs were carved on the backrest. How did he carve this?

Casually placing her hand on the table, Crozet felt something off.

“Isn’t this lace?”

The white table’s surface was cold and hard to the touch.

“It’s a stone with a lace pattern.”

It’s hard to distinguish what’s real and what’s not.

After a while, Luo returned with a tray bearing a cup.

“Here you go.”

A white cup with a floral pattern was placed on the table.

It looks like tea inside.

“T, Thank you.”

The cup was unexpectedly heavy.

Not ceramic, but stone. The handle was thin, and the floral design was intricate.

It’s making her head spin.

The swirling questions in her mind were blown away the moment she took a sip.

“Ah, such a lovely aroma.”

It’s neither fruity nor floral.

“Purple moss.”

Luo informed her.

“Purple. . . . . .moss?”

“Yeah. I saved a little.”

“I, I see.”

While she knew of the expensive spice called green moss, she had never heard of purple moss. Nonetheless, it had a wonderful scent. It was indescribably pleasant.

Taking a moment to relax, Crozet came back to her senses.

“Is this your house, Luo?”


Luo, sitting opposite, was swinging his legs.

“I had no idea there was such a house nearby.”

“I built it recently.”

Common sense no longer applied. Crozet accepted this.

This boy is a wizard with magical power.

When they first met, the day Luo jumped down from the outer wall, she suspected something was off. She didn’t question him right away because she knew wizards often hide their powers. She felt that if asked, the innocent Luo would honestly tell her. But Crozet didn’t want to take advantage of his naive nature.

But now, her curiosity reached its limit.


“Luo, will you show me around your home?”

“Sure, I will.”

First is the kitchen next to the living room. Naturally, it’s also made entirely of stone.

“The knives and dishes, they’re made of stone too?”

“Same as my house.”

On the sink, there were two slender protrusions. Wooden plugs were inserted at the tips.

“What are these?”

“Water and hot water.”

After getting permission and pulling out the plug, sure enough, both water and hot water flowed out. It’s convenient. When asked how it works, he said that water flowing within the walls was being used. The hot water seems to be boiled in a room above.

Going up further, they reached Luo’s bedroom.

The bed, as expected, was made of stone. One might wonder about its comfort. Interestingly, half of the room’s walls were adorned with a wood grain pattern, while the other half was bare stone, giving an impression as if it was left unfinished.

Above the bedroom, he said it was a “storage room”. There were no tools, but various shapes and colors of stone artifacts were packed in. Luo placed a silver ornament, which he bought earlier at the central market, among them.

“Aren’t you going to display it in your room?”

“I don’t need to.”

Then, why did you buy it?

Above the storage, there were two rooms side by side. One was called the “hearth room”. There was a recess like a fireplace, and it burned grease coal extracted from a demon beast named “Tanimo Worm”. He had lit it before going to the post office. It seemed risky to leave it burning when away, but there was nothing else in this room.

The other room was the “bath”. As the name suggests, there was a bathtub that could accommodate about three adults. Two protrusions similar to the ones in the kitchen were jutting out from the walls. When Luo pulled out one of the wooden plugs, hot water gushed out vigorously.


Luo pulled the other plug to mix in cold water. The bathtub was rapidly filling up with just the right temperature of water.

Crozet was watching this, holding her breath.

Having a private bath is an incredible luxury. There are communal baths in the “inner wall”, but they charge a fee. It’s not a place where the nearly bankrupt “Star Guardian” women can easily use.

There are too many people, you can only soak up to your waist, and the water isn’t even that hot. Crozet pretended that wiping one’s body with a cloth soaked in a basin of water was better.

But, in reality――

“To be submerged up to the shoulders in plenty of warm water.”

Luo explained about the bath.

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