𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓
“My name is Crozet. I’m seventeen years old. How about you?”
“Luo. Ten years old.”
Although his nervous appearance was charming, Crozet thought it would be appropriate to draw a clear line since it was a business relationship. However, it’s a fact that she had been dealing with elderly people all the time, so she got a little carried away.
“Then, I’ll explain about us.”
“Star Guardian” works as a dismantler. They bring back the demon beasts hunted down in the “wilderness” and dismantle them for sale.
The boy asked with a curious look.
“You sell the demon beasts?”
“Yes. In the body of a demon beast, there are poison sacs and tendons filled with poison, but if you remove them, you can eat the meat. What’s for sale isn’t just the meat. Of course, there’s the skin, the bones can replace wood, some organs can be used for medicine, and the fat can be used as highly flammable firewood.”
Demon beasts pose a threat to people’s safety, but at the same time, they have become a valuable resource supporting life.
As they walked, she showed him around the “Star Guardian” premises.
“The big red tent you saw earlier is the meeting place. It’s where we eat and discuss things.”
There was a large open space near the meeting place with a large well.
“Our well is deep, so the water is good. However, it’s hard to draw the water out because of its depth.”
A little further away, there was a large table left out in the open.
“This is the dismantling area.”
The table and the ground were discolored because they had been stained with the blood of demon beasts. It hasn’t been used much lately. Crozet sighed and tossed away a leafy branch that was lying on the table.
“Next, I’ll introduce you to Pii and Mii.”
In a humble stable, two horses were tied up. They were special pack horses with thick limbs, stout bodies, and big heads.
As she approached, the two horses excitedly opened their mouths wide, scattering saliva and neighing. Their cries sounded like a cross between a cow and a pig.
“They’re called river-horses. Their names are Pii and Mii. They’re not very friendly to people, so be careful. If you get too close carelessly. . . . . .”
Changing her facial expression and tone, Crozet tried to scare Luo.
“They might bite.”
“O, Okay.”
Crozet smiled.
Lastly, she showed him the residential area where several tents were gathered. Made from the bones and leather of demon beasts, the structures were as sturdy as regular houses. They were well-ventilated, letting in sunlight, which made the interiors bright and, in Crozet’s opinion, quite comfortable.
“Ah, the black tent at the very back is a storage, so don’t get too close to it.”
After the tour, she explained the duties of a lookout.
The demon beast hunters who venture into the “wilderness” hunt demon beasts over several days. However, to dismantle the beast and bring back valuable parts, specialized knowledge and special tools are required. The combat pros, the demon beast hunters, don’t handle this. Instead, they send up a smoke signal to notify the dismantlers that a demon beast has been defeated.
“Find that signal fire and report it to Otou-s━━the captain of the transport team. That’s your job.”
“Look, the tallest man at the red tent earlier. The scary-looking uncle with a beard.”
With anxious eyes, the boy looked up at Crozet. His naive reaction made Crozet inadvertently smile.
“Don’t worry. Despite appearances, he rarely gets angry.”
“Um, okay.”
Crozet’s father, Gangi, serves as the captain of the transport team. By the way, the four elders at the meeting place, Bekios, Chara, Bon, and Totom, are also members of the transport team.
The elders tend to push all responsibility and decisions onto the younger Gangi, but they always have their say. Even so, Gangi respects them as his seniors. He’s very patient.
“Your lookout post is on top of the wall. Let’s go.”
Along the outer wall, there are six cylindrical towers. When the two entered from the north gate, they climbed a spiral staircase inside the nearest tower.
The exit led to the top of the outer wall.
Buffeted by the strong wind, Crozet held onto his hair.
Suddenly, an irritable voice called out.
There was a tall stool near the entrance, and a boy wrapped in a coat and wearing goggles sat there.
“Why is the ‘Star Guardian’ here of all places?”
The boy’s name is Taki, fourteen years old. He’s a member of the “Fresh Parts” dismantlers and serves as a lookout.
In the past, he had an endearing mischievousness. But as he grew, he became more annoying. Lately, he openly criticizes the “Star Guardian,” which was tiresome for Crozet.
“It’s our business where we are. Mind your own!”
“Hmph, always following in others’ footsteps. You’re so shameless!”
They shouted, trying to be heard over the wind.
The job of a dismantler begins when the lookout spots a beacon. However, there are smaller organizations, like “Star Guardian,” that can’t allocate personnel to a lookout role. In such cases, what do they do? They wait for the transport team of another dismantler to depart and then follow them.
This act is called “tailgating.”
It’s not against the rules by any means. A massive demon beast can’t be carried by a single carriage, and the “first come” transport team can monopolize the best parts. Then, the “tailgating” transport team takes the leftovers. It’s indeed a logical arrangement.
True, “tailgating” isn’t against the rules. However, it’s hard to say it’s a commendable act. The reason “Star Guardian” is mocked as “old bone’s bone pickers” is that the elderly transport team collects the remaining bones of the demon beast.
When blamed by Taki, the lookout of “Fresh Parts,” Crozet usually had no words in response. However, this time was different.
“Too bad for you. The Star Guardian has hired an excellent lookout. You have no right to criticize!”
Taki, taken by surprise, fell silent. He pushed the expensive goggles up onto his forehead.
Crozet hid Luo behind him.
“Just so you know, if you bully this boy, I won’t stand for it!”
Pushing Luo’s back, they left the scene.
Taki remained silent.
“Honestly, he’s so uncharming.”
Back in the day, he used to be so affectionate. I wonder if boys lose their sincerity and kindness as they grow up. She thought of this as they walked along the corridor above the wall.
“Maybe this area is fine. The Star Guardian tent is also nearby.”
It’s been a while since she came here, but the wind is still strong as ever. If you stay still, you quickly lose body heat and moisture.
Regret washed over Crozet.
Leaving a timid-looking boy like Luo alone here, is it really okay?
However, that concern seemed unfounded.
For a moment, Crozet felt as if the boy had transformed into someone else. Despite the wind fiercely tossing his straight hair, his profile remained calm, even looking somewhat cheerful.
The boy jumped onto the safety ledge, leaning over to gaze down the outer wall.
“I see the red tent and the stable. But I can’t see Pii and Mii.”
“Hey, wait up!”
Hurriedly, Crozet rushed over and clung to the edge of the wall, along with the boy’s body.
The boy pointed towards the north.
“Is that the “wilderness”?”
“Yes, it is.”
Beyond the eerie landscape, there are clouds dyed purple.
The “wilderness” is not just a barren land; rather, it’s an area with distinct terrains and unpredictable weather.
“What’s that twisted black forest?”
“It’s the “Dark Forest”, a forest without leaves.”
“There are many sharp rocks.”
“That’s “Needle Mountain”. A dangerous place filled with rocky mountains.”
“What about there? It’s snowing.”
Crozet was amazed. Can this boy really see the ends of the “wilderness”, a place even demon beast hunters avoid?
Relief washed over Crozet when the boy finally stepped down from the ledge.
“If you spot smoke, you’ll inform the leader?”
“Yes. He should be at the gathering hall or stable. Report the color and location of the smoke signal.”
The boy seemed to be okay with heights and has sharp eyes. Crozet thought he might be suited for a lookout role.
A particularly strong gust of wind made her shiver.
“Let’s head back before we get cold――.”
“I found it.”
When Crozet turned around, the boy was gone.
Crozet’s eyes widened in shock.
The boy was standing nonchalantly on the unstable ledge amidst the strong winds.
No, it’s dangerous! Get down!
Warnings echoed in her head, but she couldn’t speak, nor breathe.
“I’m going.”
Leaving those words behind, the boy jumped.
Off the outer side of the wall.
“W, What?”
What just happened?!
As if breaking free from a spell, Crozet rushed to the ledge, leaning over to check below.
A rainbow-colored light surged with the wind, causing Crozet to instinctively close her eyes. When she opened them again, the worst scenario she had envisioned was nowhere to be seen.
Instead, what she saw was the back of a boy, presumably the same one, running towards the gathering hall on the ground.
Translator’s Blog
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