
Reset Life – Chapter 69


Chapter 69: Re.Extra: Would You Like to Travel? (2)

Risel also seems surprised by the behavior that can only be described as strange. This is the first time I’ve seen my sister……mentally unstable.


“I understand. Let’s stop here for today. Lea, get some good rest today. I’ll lower the intensity a bit starting tomorrow. Risel too……don’t push yourself too hard from now on. I’m telling you in advance because I won’t be seeing you for a while. Have a good trip.”

My sister, who was speaking with her head down, turned and walked away without listening to the others. Not only me, but everyone else seems dumbfounded by my sister’s behavior, which we’ve never seen before.

Namia looked around at the people around her with a slightly puzzled expression, then turned to me and asked.

“Is this……my fault……?”

“Ah, um, I don’t think so…… How should I put it, I think you played a role, but……”

“Aila, why is Teacher acting like that?”

Risel asked me with a bewildered expression. As expected, but he really seems to not know. Actually, I’m also confused because I don’t know what’s going on.

“I don’t know either, but think about it carefully. It’s probably something related to you. Lea, just don’t worry about anything. Namia, please treat Lea.”


I emptied my teacup and got up from my seat. I think I need to go after Teacher Ibi.

Sigh, what in the world is going on?

Knock, knock, knock!

“Sister? Teacher Ibi, are you in there? Yes? It’s Aila. Please open the door. Yes?”

It’s been 10 minutes since I knocked on Teacher Ibi’s door.

I wonder if she’s really not in the room, but seeing the tightly locked door, it’s clear she’s inside. Usually, it’s left open because of the maids who come to clean.

I put my hands on my hips and said. Okay, here’s the hidden card.

“Sigh, okay. Let’s negotiate. I won’t tell Risel anything. But if you stay like this, both you and Risel will be uncomfortable. Right? Especially Risel, if I poke him a little, he’ll tell me something, but you don’t say anything, do you? Sister, it may be a habit, but if you keep worrying alone like this, you’ll get sick. Besides, in this situation, even I might think you’re the bad guy. Sister, please, don’t avoid people you can confide in. Okay?”

“That’s excessive meddling.”

A voice came from inside. As expected, my sister was inside. I crossed my arms and said confidently.

“Who else would do it if not me? Besides, a dull man like Risel doesn’t notice a lot of things. There are a lot of delicate things to talk about between delicate women, right?”

“O-Okay. I just……need some time to think.”

“Heh, is that so? But even if you’re the Sword King, you don’t have to force yourself to be strong.”

After the hidden card, I pulled out the final weapon. As expected, the effect was immediate. I heard the sound of the lock being hurriedly unlocked from the other side of the door. Soon, the door burst open, revealing Teacher Ibi.

My sister stammered with a very flustered expression.

“H-How……How did you know?!”

“Hehe. Did you really think I wouldn’t know? If you know what you did in Breedpo, you’ll find out your identity soon enough. Soldiers are surprisingly weak to women. Surely you don’t think you’re like Risel, who won’t know unless you tell him, right?”

“No, I mean……I……”

“Come on, let’s go inside. You have tea leaves, right? I’ll make it delicious for you.”

I smiled brightly and pushed her inside, and she was pushed in weakly.

Risel and Teacher Ibi have been hiding her identity, but I’m not the one who wouldn’t notice that. I might as well change my last name from Hind if I can’t even notice that. Hehe.

In addition, I know that our family vault has been pretty much emptied thanks to Risel. Hmph. You should deceive those who can be deceived. Still, I’ll let it slide since he sold it relatively conscientiously.

“Now, have a seat. Um, where’s the teapot?”

I deliberately created a bustling atmosphere. While I was making tea, my sister sat still with her head down and remained silent.

“Here, it’s done. I don’t know who the maid in charge is, but they’re doing a good job managing it.”

“Y-Yes. I think so too.”

Teacher Ibi replied in a quiet tone, unlike usual. Seeing her look so drained and discouraged…… Ah, she seems like a different person.

I placed the tea set on the table and waited for the tea to steep.

Until then, Teacher Ibi glanced at me from time to time, and quickly turned her head away when our eyes met. Like mischievous children who are struggling to avoid their mother’s eyes after doing something wrong.

If it were now, I feel like I could hear a cute sound like ‘D-Don’t do that’ if I poked her…… Ah, I almost drooled. She’s a person worth teasing, but I should hold back today.



My sister flinched and was startled. Euaaa! That scared puppy-like expression! Isn’t she too cute?! Ugh, this is not the time to be thinking about this. This is all because of Dad. Tsk.

“Hey, why are you so surprised? Like you committed a crime.”

“Crime…… Hoo, you’re right. It’s true that I committed a crime. I thought about it, and I think I’ve been too harsh on Lea and Risel lately.”

“What about Namia?”

“Ah…… S-Sorry.”

My sister slightly frowned. Why is that? She seems to make an uncomfortable expression when talking about Namia. I shrugged and smiled comfortably.

“Now, have a cup of tea first. We have plenty of time, so let’s talk slowly. Okay?”

“Uh-huh. Thank you.”


Fill the small teacup about 70% full.

‘Ronsil’, a black tea from the south of the continent, is very popular for its deep and rich aroma. The fragrant tea scent seems to soothe the mind. Somehow, Teacher Ibi’s expression also relaxed.

“Good skills.”

“You’re welcome. My dad loves the tea I make. I learned a lot to make him happy.”

“You mean Baron Dakard Val Hind. He was a man with a good impression.”

“I think so too.”

I replied with a bright smile. There’s a fact that everyone misunderstands, but let’s not talk about that. Anyway, Teacher Ibi was able to smile more comfortably.

So we drank tea in silence until we emptied a pot. I put hot water back into the pot and when I was brewing the second tea, Teacher Ibi spoke first.

“Originally……I wasn’t going to train that hard.”

“Yes. It seemed that way. But that seems to have changed. So……after Risel’s masquerade ball.”

“Right? I think so too.”

“And you’ve become distant with Namia too.”

“Ah, u-uh-huh. T-That’s right.”

My sister rarely stuttered. Even if it wasn’t me, everyone would realize that something was strange. This allows me to predict the cause, or the detonator, of everything.

Something that happened when she went out with Namia to catch the demon.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t heard that story. The story about fighting that demon. Please tell me in detail.”

“Huh? That, that incident……”

My sister made a slightly surprised expression, then her expression darkened. Seeing her bite her lip slightly, my guess is correct. What in the world happened?

“Please tell me.”

“Do I……have to do that now?”

My sister said with a slightly troubled expression. It was almost a pleading expression, so I almost said it didn’t matter if she didn’t do it. Hmm. Let’s be a little tough today, Sermaila.

I said firmly.

“Yes. Please tell me.”

My sister was momentarily surprised by my momentum, her shoulders flinched and she began to fidget. Her hesitant appearance was so cute that I almost lost my composure.

“Hmm, I see. I vaguely knew, but Risel is a really great chess player.”

“Right? I think so too. Except for the latter part, he prepared to catch the human culprit by cornering him according to his plan.”

My sister said it as if she was proud of it. Looking at it this way, it seems like she has no regrets about Risel.

I heard the general story. I learned that the tremendous incident that happened in the early morning of the 13th was more dangerous than I thought. But usually, after dealing with such a dangerous situation, doesn’t the bond between people deepen?

I thought about the story my sister told me.

I definitely couldn’t think that there was any friction between her and Namia there. They helped each other, so there was no friction.

Then the breakthrough must be Risel. There’s a high probability that something happened between Risel and Namia. Ah! Come to think of it, Risel and Joey were strengthened by receiving holy spells from Namia, right?

“Sister, I have a question.”

“Yes? What is it?”

“How did Namia strengthen Joey and Risel?”


My sister immediately changed her expression and looked reluctant to speak. Ah, such an easy-to-read person. As Risel said, is she below average in aspects other than the sword?

I pressed her with what could be called persistence. The last clue to finding the buried treasure lies there. Come on, sister! Tell me the truth!

Eventually, my sister spoke with a very difficult attitude.

“F-For Joey, she kissed him on the forehead, so it seemed like she strengthened his exterior. But to balance the power, it seemed like she had to strengthen Risel’s interior. So…… that kind of……”

Seeing her trailing off and lowering her head, it seems like it would be difficult to press her any further. Besides, I’ve already secured the clue I wanted.

If she kissed him on the forehead to strengthen the exterior of his body, where would she have to kiss him to strengthen the interior?

The human body has quite a few holes leading to the inside, and the largest of them is the mouth. Unless an accident happened and a 30-centimeter hole leading directly to the stomach was drilled.

In the end, Teacher Ibi witnessed Namia and Risel kissing.

I have some questions, but I understand roughly.

Now, the next question.

“Has it been awkward to deal with her since then?”

“Uh-huh, I don’t know why either. When I see Risel, I feel very uncomfortable…… I end up giving him difficult training for no reason. Then Namia always comes and heals him…… and seeing that makes me feel bad again. I wonder if my training is that harsh. It’s not like he needs to be healed with holy spells, right?”

“You could think that way.”

I roughly agree. However, Risel was actually injured today. Risel, who continued training until he was injured, is a fool too, but that was probably his stubbornness.

I don’t know why Teacher Ibi is giving such harsh training, but since Namia is there, it’s clear that he was stubborn with the thought of seeing who would win.

He endured and endured, and then when Namia spoke to Teacher Ibi, he exploded!

My sister kept talking about how she felt bad and so on. I nodded and pretended to listen, and then asked at the right time. The kind that hits the core.

“But why do you feel bad?”

“I don’t know.”

My sister was half frustrated and half gloomy, struggling with that unknown feeling.

I don’t have a special talent for reading people’s minds, but anyone could see my sister’s mental state of panic. She really has an easy-to-understand personality.

“It can’t be helped if you don’t know. Then why are you giving Lea such harsh training? I think there’s a reason. Of course, I know that even someone like me, who knows nothing, can see that her talent is worthy of being called a genius. But would you be so engrossed in it to the point of neglecting Risel?”

“No, that’s, I mean……”

“I think the words you were about to say to Risel today, ‘Because of whom am I doing this,’ are related, am I wrong?”

Today’s sister will fall if you push her hard. I asked in a somewhat sharp tone, as if interrogating her.

Usually, my sister would counterattack when cornered, but today she was showing a weak side, raising the white flag. I’m sorry, sister. That personality is the problem.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Reset Life

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