
Reincarnated Witch’s Carefree Gourmet Journey – Chapter 97

𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐤𝐞

Marie repels the Human-Faced Tree.

The Human-Faced Tree is made of chocolate, and its sap was cream.

Whether it’s an eerie magical creature or not, Marie doesn’t care as long as she can eat delicious food.

She decided to leave the cooking to Kaito.

“Uh-oh? Witch-sama, the magic tool isn’t working!”

The magic tool Marie created, the Anywhere Restaurant, isn’t functioning.

Normally, laying out the mat would open a door to a different dimension.

After some thought, Marie expresses her own opinion.

“It’s probably because we’re already in a different dimension.”

『What do you mean?』

“The tool connects the physical world to a different dimension. If it’s dimension-to-dimension, they interfere with each other, preventing it from functioning properly.”

『Well. . . . . .I kinda get it and kinda don’t. It’s complicated.』

Either way, the Anywhere Restaurant is unusable.

“This is a problem. Without the restaurant, we can’t cook.”

This is quite problematic.

However, Marie begins to think.

“Hey, princess.”

“Huh? What is it!”

“Do you have a kitchen in your castle?”

“We do. . . . . .so what?”

“Lend it to me.”


“Lend me the kitchen.”

Under Marie’s pressure, Princess Riara hesitantly agrees.

Having secured her word, Marie snorts confidently.

Riara’s subordinate, Keel, tilts his head and questions the Witch.

“So, Witch-sama. . . . . .what do you plan to do?”

“Hm? I’ll teleport to the imperial palace.”

“What?! Witch-sama, that’s impossible!”

Keel categorically asserts that it’s impossible.


“When our investigative unit went to Horai Mountain, we tried to use a Teleportation Crystal to return.”

Teleportation Crystal.

A magic tool imbued with teleportation magic.

Though it’s an exceedingly rare item in this magic-declining world, it had been bestowed by the Emperor, specifically for the princess’s direct unit.

“We tried to use the Teleportation Crystal, but it wouldn’t activate properly.”

『So, some kind of curse or something is preventing teleportation. In other words, Witch-sama, we can’t go back, right?』

However, Marie snickers.

“Stopping me with such a trifling curse is laughable!”

Marie raises her right hand to the ceiling.

A magic circle appears in the air.


With a sound like breaking glass. . . . . .

『Wha?! The sky. . . . . .the red sky is turning blue?!』

Until a moment ago, a red sky had been spread above Horai Mountain.

However, as soon as Marie used her dispelling magic, it changed to blue.


It’s an extremely advanced spell that connects spaces.

On the other side is. . . . . .

“The. . . . . .imperial palace’s kitchen?!”

Riara is astonished.

Despite being told that the Teleportation Crystal was unusable, Marie showed she could still teleport.

“Witch-sama. . . . . .amazing!”

“Kaito, take this chocolate and make something delicious.”

Ignoring Riara, Marie gives her orders to Kaito.

He nods, takes the chocolate Human-Faced Tree in both hands, and walks through the 【Teleport】.

Marie lays out a mat and sits elegantly.

She puffs up her chest in anticipation until Kaito returns.

Eventually. . . . . .

“It’s ready. . . . . .! Witch-sama!”

Returning from the kitchen, Kaito holds in his hands. . . . . .

“A chocolate cake!”

Marie’s eyes sparkle like the starry sky.

In Kaito’s hands is an impressively large, whole chocolate cake.

It’s not just any cake.

It’s almost as tall as half of Kaito’s height, resembling a wedding cake in appearance.

Marie almost faints at the sight of the delicious-looking cake.

“Wow, Kaito! You’ve outdone yourself! It looks so delicious!”

“Thank you! Now then, Witch-sama, please enjoy!”

“Can I really eat it with this shovel-like spoon?!”

“Yes, go ahead!”

Marie smiles, takes the shovel spoon, and starts voraciously eating the chocolate cake.

“It’s so good!”

The chocolate sauce has a bit of bitterness, but it’s balanced by the whipped cream in between, enhancing the sweetness.

The texture is crumbly with chunks of chocolate mixed in, making it impossible to get bored of the flavor.

The Witch rapidly devours the chocolate cake.

Riara and others watch in astonishment.

. . . . . .And then, Ose solemnly murmurs.

『Breaking the curse means the curse has returned to the one who cast it. It’s a curse reversal. Probably, the enemies now know about Witch-sama and the others.”

But without paying any attention to that, Marie blissfully continues to eat her chocolate cake, shouting, “It’s so delicious!”

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