
Reincarnated Witch’s Carefree Gourmet Journey – Chapter 92

𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

Marie and her group decided to head to Horai Mountain.

Before that, they planned to visit the Forbidden Library, said to be filled with wisdom from all times and places, to gather information about Horai Mountain.

“So, why do we have more people now?”

In the Imperial Garden.

Princess Riara and her subordinate, a soldier named Keel, are standing.

“I’d like to offer my modest assistance as well!”

『Keel, was it? Didn’t he come back alive from Horai Mountain alone?』

“Yes, indeed! So, I could at least guide you somewhat.”

It seems that Keel hasn’t ventured too deep into the mountain before.

“You’ll be a hindrance.”

“Uh. . . . . .yes, that’s true. . . . . .But! I want to protect Princess Riara!”

Marie’s face shows a slight irritation.

Her goal is to quickly eat the delicious fruits of Horai Mountain.

No matter how you look at it, Keel and Riara are nothing but obstacles.

If she could, Marie would prefer to leave Riara behind as well.

“Ah, whatever. Do as you like.”

If something were to happen to Riara, it would be better to have a meatshield prepared rather than allocating resources to protect her.

With that judgment, she allowed them to accompany her.

『So, Witch-sama, where is this Forbidden Library located?』

“It’s between dimensions.”

『So, how do we get there?』

“? Just enter through a tear in the dimensions.”

Look, Marie points.

But both Ose and Princess Riara tilt their heads.

All they see is what appears to be empty space.

Marie sighs and extends her right hand.

Marie activates her magic.


“Whoa! Amazing. . . . . .This is the legendary grand magic I’ve heard about!”

“No, it’s just a fireball.”

“The power of beginner’s magic! Truly worthy of Witch-sama!”

The fireball that Marie launched.

It should have landed in an empty space.

“! Look, everyone! Something. . . . . .a crack has appeared!”

Kaito points, and there’s a vertical tear in what was empty space.

Beyond that tear, it seems like a different world is stretching out.

“Alright, let’s go.”

Marie takes the lead and enters through the tear.

“This is the Forbidden Library in the dimensional gap? Looks like just a forest. . . . . .?”

Although it’s called a forest, it feels a bit strange.

They quickly realize its true nature.

“The sky is. . . . . .red. Quite eerie.”

Rather than twilight, it’s a sky of blood-red that stretches endlessly.

Thud. . . . . .Keel falls to the ground.

“What’s the matter, Keel?!”

Princess Riara quickly approaches and shakes his shoulder.

Trembling in fear, he points to the sky.

“Ah, a red sky. . . . . .H, Here!”

“Here? What’s wrong with here?”

“This is it! Horai Mountain!”

Marie and the others tilted their heads in confusion.

“In the interdimensional space of the Forbidden Library. It’s a different place.”

“No! This is it! We wandered into this eerie forest, where this red sky stretches!”

“I see,” Ose nods, as if convinced.

『So the Forbidden Library and Horai Mountain are in the same dimension, huh?』

“We’ve saved ourselves some trouble. First, let’s head to the Forbidden Library.”

Marie proceeds forward fearlessly and confidently.

Keel looks at her with sparkling eyes.

“How can you move forward without fear in such a dangerous place. . . . . .”

“That’s because Witch-sama is a courageous and wonderful person!”

Kaito says proudly.

But really, Marie was just in a hurry because she wanted to eat dessert soon.

She didn’t feel a trace of fear.

Rather, she was driven by her appetite. Yes, she is an egotistical witch, a deity of gluttony.

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