
Reincarnated Witch’s Carefree Gourmet Journey – Chapter 90

𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

Marie and her group were ushered into the imperial guest chamber.

There they met Emperor Caliburn.

Emperor Caliburn and Princess Riara took their seats on the sofa.

Standing in front of them, Kaito looked nervous.

“Please, have a seat. And your name is?”

“Uh, it’s Kaito.”

“Kaito-dono, why don’t you sit?”

“W, What?! You don’t have to call me ‘Dono’!”

“But you are the apprentice of Lady Witch, are you not? It’s only proper to show respect.”

“I, I’m not worthy to be called an apprentice! I’m just a cook!”

Kaito vigorously shook his head.

Beastmen are often the targets of discrimination.

“Now, now, Kaito. No need to be so formal. This isn’t an official setting.”

However, this Caliburn seems to treat Kaito not as a beastman, but as an individual.

“W, What a nice person. . . . . .!”

『So, Emperor, what do you want from our Witch-sama?』

Unlike the readily trusting Kaito, Ose directed a suspicious glare at the Emperor without reservation.

“What do I want. . . . . .? His Majesty wishes to express gratitude for saving the imperial city from orcs, that’s all.”

『As if! You have some motive for bringing us into your territory, right?』

Caliburn paused before speaking in a calm tone.

“I assure you, I have no intention of deceiving Lady Witch and her companions, nor exploiting them. I just wish for your help to assist our people in distress.”

Caliburn knelt and bowed his head deeply.

Kaito hurriedly spoke.

“P, Please lift your head! I’m sure Witch-sama will gladly lend her powers! Right, Witch-sama?”

As for the person in question. . . . . .


The Witch was happily munching on frozen cake.

“Isn’t this quite good? This. . . . . .”

『Weren’t you just mumbling complaints about the cake?』

“Did I say that? Yummy~♡”

Marie seemed quite pleased with the empire’s cake.

And watching that happy face. . . . . .

“Your Majesty! Look at the benevolent smile of Witch-sama! She will accept your request!”

“Oh, is that so? I’m truly grateful!”

And so, unbeknownst to Marie, matters were progressing.

Ose intervened, saying 『Wait, wait』.

『Accepting without even knowing the content? Don’t be reckless. Besides, we haven’t heard the consent from the person involved.』

When Ose interrupted, Caliburn agreed, “You have a point,” and began to explain.

“Lady Witch, are you familiar with Horai Mountain?”

“Horai. . . . . .? Witch-sama, do you know it?”

Marie pondered before answering.

“. . . . . .I’ve read about it in a book long ago. A place where Sages live, a sort of fairyland, I suppose.”

“Sages! What are they, Witch-sama?”

“Those who’ve gone too far in their powers and left humanity behind. They’re considered mythical beings. They probably don’t really exist.”

However, the Emperor’s expression remained tense.

『So you’re saying that these Sages actually exist?』

“Yes. A mysterious island has suddenly appeared within the empire’s territory.”

『Suddenly? What do you mean?』

“There was just a lake there, empty. Then, out of nowhere, a beautiful island like nothing we’ve ever seen appeared above it.”

『How can you be so sure that this is Horai Mountain?』

Caliburn, still with a gloomy expression, stood up.

“Please come with me. There is something I would like to show you.”

Caliburn, along with Riara, exits the guest room with Marie and the others.

They head for the underground of the imperial palace.

『Is it a dungeon?』

“Yes. . . . . .and this is. . . . . .”

『!, Wh, what the. . . . . .what is this?!』

What they found was a human whose limbs had been torn off and was sprouting flowers all over their body.

“Is. . . . . .is this alive?”

“. . . . . .Yes, it’s alive. It can’t die like this.”

“Can’t die?!”

Caliburn explains.

“This being was dispatched to Horai Mountain and is the only survivor who made it back. When they returned, they were in this horrific state. . . . . .”

The grotesque former soldier was repeatedly muttering, “I want to die. . . . . .”

“Even with the empire’s latest medical technology and even borrowing the power of the saint of the Heavenly Guidance Church, we could not return this being to its original form.”

『A warning, is it?』

“Exactly. The Sage is saying: do not approach Horai Mountain. This is what happens if you do.”

Turned into a monstrous form, the former soldier also appears to have become immortal.

Riara sheds tears softly.

“My troops were also dispatched to the reconnaissance team. . . . . . This one was one of my subordinates. The rest are. . . . . . gone.”

『You’re saying the Sage killed them?』

“Most likely. . . . . . ah. . . . . . oh. . . . . .”

Marie intensely gazes at this grotesque being.

She reaches out and touches it.

At that moment.


Incredibly, the immortal monster sprouting flowers all over its body. . . . . .

Turned back into its original human form.

“W, What. . . . . . What happened to me?”


“Whoa! Your Highness?!”

The being that was just a moment ago an immortal monster has turned back into its original human form.

Riara embraces the young soldier called Keel, shedding tears.

“Thank goodness! You’ve returned to normal, haven’t you?”

“Returned. . . . . .? But I was supposed to have gone to Horai Mountain with everyone. . . . . .why am I here?”

Ose thought there seemed to be a fogging of memories.

But Marie shakes her head.

“I reversed time.”

『What do you mean?』

“Healing magic didn’t work on this person. So, I rewound the time of his physical body. Back to before he was turned into that monster.”

『Time manipulation. . . . . .you can use such advanced Ancient Magic?』

“? It’s not particularly advanced. I’m not rewinding the time of the entire world, am I?”

With an air of “It’s quite simple,” Marie says.

Ose was too astonished to say anything.

Meanwhile, Caliburn wears an expression of amazement.

“Ah, I can’t believe it. . . . . . it’s a miracle! Thank you, Lady Witch!”

“Much appreciated, Lady Witch! You healed my subordinates!”

However, Marie dismisses the gratitude from the emperors as if it’s unnecessary.

『Where are you going?』

“To Horai Mountain, obviously.”

『To Horai Mountain?! Isn’t it dangerous?』

“So what? There’s no reason not to go, right?”

Upon hearing this, the Caliburn family, the young soldiers, and. . . . . . Kaito shed big tears.

“What’s going on. . . . . .! You’re saying you’ll go to Horai Mountain and help those who haven’t returned!”

“There’s no reason not to go. . . . . . So you mean there’s no need for a reason to help people! How. . . . . . how wonderful!”

“As expected of you, Witch-sama! How incredibly kind you are!”

. . . . . .Meanwhile, while the followers are crying, Ose perches on Marie’s hat.

『So? Why are you going?』

In her hand was a small fruit.

『What’s that fruit?』

“It’s a fruit that was growing on the young soldier earlier.”

There were bite marks on it. . . . . .

『You ate it?! Eww. . . . . . that’s disgusting.』

“No, listen. This is sooooo sweet, and it was delicious!”

Seeing her sparkling smile. . . . . . only Ose noticed.

『So you’re going to Horai Mountain to. . . . . .』

“Get more of this delicious fruit. I’m going to have Kaito make lots of sweets for me.”

Ah. . . . . . I knew it. . . . . .

This selfish Witch wasn’t motivated by helping people after all.

“The next destination is. . . . . . Horai Mountain! Setting off in search of delicious desserts!”

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