
Otto Von Heidegger Is Game-Brained – Chapter 23

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑: 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐚𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝

When I wake up, everything seems as if nothing had happened.

The loli is getting ready, and Kukkoro-san (in her maid outfit) is preparing breakfast.

Somehow, I can see a smile instead of the usual emotionless mask.

She must have let go of her worries.

From now on, it’s a new game.

I have breakfast in my room.

I check myself thoroughly in the mirror, there’s no room for error.

I hold a departure ceremony at the entrance of the dormitory room.

“I’m off.”

“I’m going.”

“Yes, take care.”

The loli and I pass through the school gate.

It’s a new life.

Everything looks dazzling.

I part ways with the loli in front of the school building. It can’t be helped, our classrooms are different, we say goodbye.

As I walk leisurely,

A figure passes in front of me and some liquid splashes on me.

What!! An assassination attempt here!!

I throw off my cloak,

Jump back, and reach for the knife at my waist.

“Who are you!! Are you attacking knowing I’m Otto von Haedecker!!”

“I-I-I’m sorry!!”

The attacker, who is rolling around like a ghost with my discarded cloak on, is a male student from the school, although I can’t see his face.

“You scoundrel! Show your face!!”

“I’m Might Nikolai, a second-year student in the Alchemy class, attendance number 16!!”

He throws off the cloak and lies face down on the ground in a position close to prostrating.

Generally, this is how commoners approach nobles.

If he’s a second-year student, that means he’s a sophomore.

However, classes are taken in each class from the first year until graduation. Generally, graduation exams are taken in two to four years.

The content of the examination varies from person to person, and if the professor recognizes that it is sufficient for graduation, you graduate on that day.

Of course, you can also enter other classes.

The Alchemy class is a class for wizards who have graduated from or been admitted to the Magic class.

This blond, freckled boy with messy hair is, in a way, my senior.

He seems older than me, but he still has the look of a boy.

“Oh, Might-senpai, I am Otto von Haedecker, a first-year student in the Magic class.”

Of course, I don’t let my guard down. I extend my right hand and prepare the mega particle cannon with my left hand.

As expected of Might-senpai. He seems to be concerned about my left hand.

“I’m sorry, Otto von Haedecker-sama!! I apologize!! Please don’t kill me!!”

Oh, he understands this magic.

Impressive, senpai.

I cancel the magic in my left hand and extend it.

Of course, my right hand is still on the knife at my waist.

“Do you need something, senpai?”

“Ah, I was just about to submit the magic ink I made by pulling an all-nighter, but I got dizzy because I ran here without eating breakfast. . .”

My cloak, which is muddy with ink and dirt, and a shattered bottle are lying around.


Ignoring the screaming senpai with a sour face, I pick up my cloak.

It’s terribly dirty.

When I try to clean it with water and wind magic, I feel a sense of discomfort and let go of my hand. The limited magic is saturated and uncontrollable, and the cloak is blown to smithereens.

What is this?

“Ah, my credits~!!”

I hold a piece of the cloak and put my hand on the shoulder of the senpai, who is in complete real orz, with a smile.

“May I talk to you, senpai?”

The senpai, who has turned pale, quietly moved to a bench on the edge of the schoolyard.

The senpai, who looks sick, was silent when he sat down on the bench.

Hey, talk to me!!

The silence is broken by a “Goo~” sound from the stomach.

Of course, it’s not me.

“Senpai, did you have breakfast?”

“. . .”

The senpai shakes his head silently.

I take out a club sandwich wrapped in oil paper from my magic storage.

“Please eat.”

“Eh. . .but.”

“Eat! It’s calories! It’s the law of living beings to take in calories!! Both magic power and life force start from eating!! Start moving by eating!!”

“Yes! I’ll eat!!”

Senpai eats silently.

Yeah. It’s the nature of a fat person to want to eat when they see someone eating.

I have to hold back here to move the conversation forward.

Kukkoro-san should bring lunch at noon.

I have to hold out until then.

I create water by gathering steam with magic for the senpai who is choking, 

Fill a cup and hand it over.

Senpai drinks it all at once.

“Thank you. I’ve calmed down. But, is Otto von Haedecker-sama a water system?”

“Not particularly.”


“I’m not particularly conscious of any system. Of course, there are some advantages and disadvantages.”

“Eh, um, can you use all the systems?”

“All systems?”

“Ah, Otto von Haedecker-sama is in the Magic class, right?”

“Ah, today is my first day of school.”

“Ah, um, not the Magic Elementary class. . .”

I observe the senpai closely.

“No, I’m sorry. . .”

“Senpai, what do you mean by system?”

When I answer with a smile,

Senpai’s lecture took up the time until just before noon.

It was surprisingly easy to understand.

I see, magic is divided into seven days: Sun, Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Gold, and Earth, and it seems to become effective magic by synthesis, which is divided into Light, Darkness, and Healing magic.

Wind is Fire and Water.

Blacksmithing is Fire, Gold, and Earth.

Healing requires Moon and Water, and it seems that only those with four or more overall aptitudes can do it.

I’ve been healing with brute force until now, but it seems that it was quite dangerous.

Light and darkness seem to be two sides of the same coin. However, because there are few users, it is not well understood.

In other words,

Sun is radio waves and electromagnetic waves (light waves).

Moon is gravity. (Maybe magnetism)

Fire is heat and energy.

Water is water (or hydrogen & deuterium).

Wood is, life activity.

Gold is metal molecules.

Earth is glass and non-ferrous metals.

I see, it seems that in this world, things that have boundaries in modern knowledge are forcibly divided into seven.

I’m glad it wasn’t Sun, Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Gold, Earth.

There’s no need to take care of the cannon with a smile.

There’s no heavy electron or light electron.

Or rather, charge and potential difference were not known.

Did I do well in the entrance exam when I was blasting with electricity?

What category does my magic fall into?

I understand well, so I ask a final question.

“Um, what is a liquid?”

“That’s the ink used for drawing magic circles, it’s made from a liquid that has good magic circulation. We use it to create magic circuits. It degrades when used, so most of it is disposable, but the dream of an alchemist is to create magic ink (magic ink) that can be used forever. I thought it went well. . .”

My senpai drops his shoulders.

I see, something like a magical superconductor?

Indeed, if a superconducting magic material is invented, dreams will expand.

Hmm, it’s a good time when I notice.

The sun is high.

I’m completely skipping two frames.

I say goodbye to my senpai.

I enter my classroom.

It was completely in the middle of a lecture.

The surprised professor and students’ gaze focus on me.

It’s like a university lecture hall, a mortar-shaped lecture room, the higher the seat in the back, the more well-dressed people seem to be.

I won’t lose!!

“I declare!! From today, I have transferred to this magic department, my name is Otto von Haedecker. Nice to meet you!!

I mimic the royal army salute.

“Student Otto von Haedecker, take your seat.”

Ignoring the nervous teacher, I sit in a nearby vacant seat.

As soon as I sit down, the guy next to me whispers to me.

“This seat is reserved for vassals, move down.”

He has a rather sleazy face.

Looking around.

Vesta is sitting in a seat in the middle.

“Hey, hey, first year!!”

A group laughing quietly. What, is there bullying and school caste even in the game? At least wait until the class is over.

The instructor is ignoring it and reading the textbook.

It’s as if he can’t see me. Can’t be helped.

“Hey!! Vesta!!”

“Yes!! Master!!”

Kukkoro-san, standing at attention in the imperial style.

“Change seats!!”

“Yes, understood.”

“If there’s someone you don’t like, you can cut them!! Protect the honor of our house!!”


Kukkoro, who quickly comes next to me and draws her sword.

I calmly take the seat where Kukkoro was sitting.

Next to me was a feminine-looking noblewoman.

“I am Otto von Haedecker, the master of Vesta. Nice to meet you.”

When I greet her, she treats me like air.

What the hell.

Why am I being rejected by a woman.

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