
My Therapist Told Me to Stop Saying “Back In My Day” – Unrelatable TikTok Kids got me STRESSED


Ever feel like you’re stuck in an episode of Black Mirror, but instead of creepy tech, it’s just teenagers talking about stuff you don’t understand?

Yeah, me too.

We’re talking about Unrelatable TikTok Kids. Those fresh-faced fiends with their cryptic slang and trends that change faster than you can say “Charli D’Amelio.”

It’s enough to make a millennial feel ancient. Like, did we age 50 years overnight?

Here’s the deal:

  • The struggle is real. This isn’t just you being “old” (even though TikTok kids will tell you that). It’s about a generational gap that’s wider than ever.
  • You’re not alone. Plenty of us are nodding along, wondering what the heck a “Devious Lick” is (spoiler: it’s bad).
  • This is fixable. We can bridge the gap, understand the lingo, and even profit from it (because let’s be real, that’s what we do).

Ready to decode the matrix and stop feeling like a relic? Let’s go.

Why Do These TikTok Kids Have Me Speaking Simlish?

First off, let’s diagnose the problem. Why are these kids so darn unrelatable?

  • They’re digital natives. They were raised by iPads, nursed on YouTube, and swaddled in memes. The internet is their native language, and they’re fluent in a way we never will be.
  • Their attention spans are…different. Vine was their training ground. Six seconds to grab attention? They laugh at your feeble 30-second Instagram Reels.
  • They’re creating their own culture. Remember when we thought we were cool with our emo fringes and MySpace angles? Yeah, these kids are doing the same thing, just at warp speed.

From “Sheesh” to “Sheesh”: A Crash Course in TikTok Lingo

Alright, time for some real-world examples. Let’s break down some common TikTok phrases that might have you wondering if you accidentally switched to a foreign language film:

  • “Sheesh” – It’s not a sneeze, it’s an exclamation of excitement or admiration. Like saying “damn!” but…cooler?
  • “Cheugy” – The ultimate TikTok insult. Think: anything trying too hard to be trendy, but failing miserably. (Like those “Live, Laugh, Love” signs.)
  • “Hits Different” – When something is just next level good. Imagine the feeling of biting into a perfect pizza after a week of eating nothing but kale.
  • “Catch these hands” – Not an invitation for a friendly handshake. This means someone’s ready to fight (verbally or, you know, actually).

Pro Tip: Don’t try to use these terms unironically. You’ll just end up looking…cheugy.

Their Trends are Weirder Than Your Dad’s Jokes (And That’s Saying Something)

Remember when the Harlem Shake was a thing? Yeah, TikTok trends make that look like Shakespeare.

Here’s a glimpse into the chaos:

  • The “Devious Lick” Challenge: Kids stealing stuff from school and bragging about it online. (Don’t worry, most schools have caught on and this trend is thankfully dying down.)
  • The “Milk Crate Challenge”: Remember Jenga? This is like that, but with milk crates stacked precariously high and destined to topple over. Concussions galore.
  • The “Chapstick Challenge”: Don’t even ask. It involved lipsynching, suggestive lyrics, and chapstick as a prop. Just trust me, it was weird.

The takeaway? These trends are often ridiculous, sometimes dangerous, and always evolving.

So, How Do I Deal With These Unrelatable Little…Angels?

Don’t worry, I’m not going to suggest you start making TikToks about your “glow-up.”

Here’s how to approach the situation:

  1. Accept the Gap: You’re not supposed to get it all. It’s like trying to understand your grandparents’ fascination with Lawrence Welk.
  2. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask Questions: If you genuinely don’t understand something, ask! Most TikTok kids are happy to explain (just brace yourself for the potential eye-rolls).
  3. Find Common Ground: Not all TikTok is about dancing and challenges. There are creators talking about books, history, finance – you name it. Find your niche and connect with like-minded people, regardless of age.
  4. Use it to Your Advantage: Remember, TikTok is a powerful marketing tool. By understanding the platform and its audience (even if they are unrelatable sometimes), you can reach a whole new demographic.

Turning Unrelatable into Unforgettable: The Bottom Line

Look, these kids are the future. They’re the ones who’ll be buying our products, watching our content, and eventually inheriting this whole mess.

Instead of fearing the gap, let’s bridge it.

Let’s learn from their creativity, their hustle, and their ability to turn anything into a viral sensation.

Who knows, maybe we’ll even teach them a thing or two about the good old days… before TikTok, when dinosaurs roamed the earth and we used to record videos on actual tape.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go figure out what “rizz” means. I hear it’s important.

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