
My Presumed Fiancé, Who I Thought Was Around 120 Years Old and Whose Face I Didn’t Know, Turned Out To Be a Transcendent Beauty – Chapter 42

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟐

“Mabel. . .”

Eugene propped himself up on his elbow, slowly raising his upper body.

In response, Mabel also slightly bent forward.

Their lips were about to touch―but just before that, a loud flapping sound came from above.

And it was not just one set of wings.

“Oh, maybe I should have come back later.”

“S-Sorry, I’ll make sure not to look…”

“. . .”

As Mabel blushed and moved away, Eugene glared displeasedly at the unexpected visitors descending from above. 

In his line of sight was Row, wearing a deep crimson mask to match his red hair, and Mutabilis, who covered his eyes with his hand over the mask.

“What brings you here?”

“Well, this one wanted to see you.”


Mutabilis, pointed at by Row, bowed his head even more apologetically. The two changed their flapping pattern and slowly descended to the ground, landing gracefully.

“Nice to meet you again, I’m Mutabilis. My archetype is Shadow.”

“…Eugene. I’m Anima.”

Seeing Eugene sigh, Mutabilis bowed her head again.

“Thanks for your help last time.”

“It wasn’t for your sake.”

“Yeah, I know.”

While Mabel watched them talk, she timidly spoke up when there was a pause.

“Um, Mutabilis.”

“Mabel, what’s up?”

“I’ve been meaning to thank you. You intentionally didn’t cast a spell on me, right?”

A spell that would cause death when one spoke. 

What she had called a curse had, in the end, not affected Mabel.

Perhaps Mutabilis had pretended to cast it for her sake, Mabel thought. However, Mutabilis’ response was unexpected.

“No, Mabel. I did cast it.”


“But it didn’t work. It was because of the magic you possess.”

At the mention of that word, Eugene reacted this time.

Mutabilis also seemed to notice and shifted his gaze toward him.

“As promised, I came to tell you that. Mable, I think you have magic in your heart.”

“Magic in my heart?”

As Mabel repeated the words, Mutabilis continued.

“Yeah. When I tried to cast a spell on you, it was repelled by a strong magical force. That’s why my magic didn’t affect you.”

“It was repelled…?”

“I became convinced of it when I arrived in the Eakes Kingdom. Your older sisters also have their own magic. Strong bodies, beautiful singing voices, exceptional beauty, and musical talent. I think you have some type of magic, but it resides in your heart.”

Compared to her glamorous sisters, Mabel had no quality of mention.

However, she did have magic. It was in a place no one could see, her heart.

“I see. So that’s why Mabel-chan isn’t enchanted even when she looks at us.”

“Yeah. I think she has the power to nullify all kinds of magic.”

Listening to their conversation, Eugene finally felt that everything had come together.

She passed through this forest, where no trespassers were allowed, and nothing happened even when she saw his true face. With her help, he managed to stay alive after he transformed into a beast. It was all because of the magic in her heart.

Glancing at Mabel, who still seemed puzzled, Eugene chuckled wryly. Seeing the two of them, Mutabilis awkwardly smiled.

“But I’m glad. Thanks to Mabel, I was able to be free too.”

“Because of me?”

“Yeah. You removed my mask and broke the curse. Thanks to that, I was able to find the whereabouts of Melveilleuse’s Heart.”

“Melveilleuse’s Heart?”

She remembered Travis shouting those words back then.

“Yeah. I had been searching for Melveilleuse’s Heart all this time. I heard that Wiski had it and asked him to give it to me. But they said, ‘If you cooperate with us, we’ll consider it,’ and deceived me, sealing my power.”

“I had thought of running away, but I really wanted to retrieve [Melveilleuse’s Heart]. But that was also their lie… because, well, Melveilleuse’s Heart was nowhere to be found anymore.”

Saying that, Mutabilis smiled at Mabel. 

“The Heart of Melveilleuse” was divided among her daughters. It took the form of magic. Mabel, you are one of them.

“…Inside of me?”

“Yes. The Heart of Melveilleuse refers to the concentrated magical power that your mother possessed. She knew she was going to die and decided to share it with her daughters.”

“My mother had magical power?”

To be precise, it was given to her by a mage who fell in love with her, I suppose.

―May your future be filled with happiness.

With that wish, the mage disappeared, leaving his protection behind for her.

After her mother’s death, the magical power seemed to have vanished. Mutabilis had been searching for it.

“Could it be that you were the one who gave it to her?”

“No way! Well, it’s, um, the person who corresponds to my Master, so to speak..”

“Oh, so you are wrapping up your master’s matters…”

After hearing Mutabilis’ words, Mabel gently placed her hand on her chest.

Her mother had cast magic on her daughters.

Each sister had their own talents and beauty, and Mabel had magic firmly embedded in her heart. Knowing this, Mabel naturally smiled.

After being asked various questions by Row and glancing at the flustered Mutabilis, Eugene pointed towards the forest near the castle with his chin.

“By the way, it’s about time you go home.”

“Ah! Look at this guy; as soon as he found a girlfriend, he forgot his friends.”

“Oh! Right, sorry, I didn’t realize.”

“Hurry up and go!”

With that, Row fluttered his red wings and floated up, followed by Mutabilis spreading his black wings. As Mabel bid farewell to the two gracefully flying away, she looked at Eugene and nodded with satisfaction.

“I was surprised, but that’s the reason why I can look at Eugene-san’s face without any problem.”

“Yeah, If there’s magic in your heart, it won’t be so easy for you to be affected…”

Eugene sighed and scratched his head. Mabel watched him, then quietly stood in front of Eugene and took his hand.

“I have to thank my mother.”


Thanks to her, I can face Eugene-san like this.

Mabel said so and smiled gently. Eugene returned a slight smile to her expression and held onto Mabel’s fingertips.

“In that case, I feel the same. Thank you for being by my side.”


The grassy field rustled lightly. Amidst the sound, the two gently pressed their lips together.

There were five princesses in the Eakes Kingdom.

The first princess was a warrior princess. With a sword in hand, she was unbeatable; even ordinary men weren’t her match.

The second princess was a songstress. Her voice was more beautiful than a siren’s.

The third princess was a beauty. She had captured the hearts of many. Even a prince or a knight couldn’t escape her charms.

The fourth princess was a musician. Whether it was the piano or the violin, the music she played was heavenly.

The fifth princess was the Heart Princess. She, who had a kind and brave heart, fell in love with the world’s greatest magician and lived happily ever after.

(The End)

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