My Presumed Fiancé, Who I Thought Was Around 120 Years Old and Whose Face I Didn’t Know, Turned Out To Be a Transcendent Beauty – Chapter 41

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟏: 𝐍𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮, 𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜é

“Is that…true?”

Mabel, who had finally returned to the castle, stood there with her mouth agape, while her father and Kathleen watched over her.

Seeing her expression, Mabel’s father nodded slowly.

“Yes, I apologize for deceiving you like that.”

“So, Kathleen-oneesama and Eugene-sama are not engaged?”

“No, you can rest assured, Mabel.”

After seeing Kathleen’s radiant smile, resembling a blooming rose, Mabel turned to look at Eugene, who was standing behind her. Eugene, feeling guilty, continued speaking while meeting Mabel’s confused gaze.

“When I heard about the situation where you were taken, I thought there was a high possibility of a mix-up, and that Kathleen might have been the one intended to be kidnapped instead.”

“And the talk of engagement?”

“If your sister was the target, by spreading rumors about the engagement, the culprit would surely try to stop it. We could catch them then, that was my suggestion.”

I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly, Eugene thought, smiling as if mocking the situation.

“I see, I’m relieved…I thought you two were really getting married.”

Mabel let out a sigh of relief, and Eugene stared at her intently through his mask.

But then, he shook his head in exasperation and said with a hint of annoyance.

“There’s no way that would happen. Did you really think my feelings for you were so half-hearted?”

“No, it’s not like that…”

Feeling embarrassed when reminded, Mabel blushed and looked down. The king, who was watching the two, laughed heartily.

“But let me thank you again, Eugene-dono. Thanks to you, the Eakes Kingdom was saved.”

“I didn’t do it for the Eakes Kingdom. I only did it because Mable is here.”

“You’re still as harsh as ever.”

The king nodded in agreement, then looked at Eugene intently and opened his hand, resting it on the armrest of the throne.

“Anyway, we must show our gratitude for protecting our kingdom. Is there anything you desire?”

Upon hearing that question, Eugene quietly gazed at Mabel.

On the other hand, Mabel tilted her head, wondering what Eugene could possibly want.

‘But what does Eugene want? Does he want something?’

The overwhelming power of magic he had shown earlier.

With that, they could go anywhere in the world and obtain anything they wanted.

But Mabel was curious about what he desired, as he didn’t seem to care about food or clothes.

“Well, just one thing.”

With a smile on his lips, Eugene spoke.

“I would like to have…the youngest princess, Mabel Ratra Eakes.”

As soon as those words were spoken, a slight murmur arose from the people gathered in the hall. The four princesses each showed surprise or admiration, and the king, Mabel’s father, furrowed his brow.

But the most surprised of all was Mabel, who was proposed to in such a setting.

“More precisely, I wish to return to our original engagement,” Eugene clarified.

“Hmm, of course, but…”

Saying that, the king looked at Mabel slowly.

“Mabel, what do you think?”

Mabel, who was stunned by the proposal in front of everyone, repeated her father’s words in her head and finally regained consciousness. She looked at Eugene’s golden eyes behind the mask and smiled happily.

“I would be delighted!”

Seeing her response, Eugene’s eyes beneath the mask narrowed with joy.

A week later, Mabel returned to a secluded old castle on the outskirts of the Eakes Kingdom.

Now, she held a large woven basket and a simple picnic mat in her hands, knocking on the door of Eugene’s room on the second floor. Today, Mabel suggested having lunch outside under the shade of a tree outside the castle since the weather was nice.

“Eugene-san, everything is ready!”

“Ah, I’m coming.”

Eugene, called by Mabel, came out of his room and snatched the large basket from her. He then briskly headed downstairs. Surprised by the sudden lightness in her hands, Mabel followed him with a happy expression.

As they stepped outside, they were greeted by the beautiful sky, reminiscent of melted aquamarine, and lush green grass that shimmered brightly. The temperature was not too high, and a pleasant breeze blew.

“Is this place good?”

Eugene noticed a slightly larger tree near the castle and set down his belongings at its base. Mabel spread out a mat she had in her hands and began revealing the contents of the basket one by one.

“First, we have salmon and cheese sandwiches, as well as tomato and chicken ones. We also have potato quiche and roast beef…”

As Mabel excitedly explained and took out the items, Eugene watched with a slightly bewildered smile on his face. He let out a sigh and sat down next to Mabel.

“Can you really eat all of that?”

“If there are leftovers, we’ll have them for dinner.”

Eugene grabbed one of the sandwiches that was offered to him and brought it to his mouth, visible beneath his mask. After chewing a few times, he suddenly smiled.

“It’s delicious.”



Relieved, Mabel also picked up a sandwich. The smoked salmon sandwich, nestled between soft bread, filled her mouth with a satisfying flavor, complemented by the saltiness of the cheese. As she quickly finished one and reached for another, Eugene was already holding his third sandwich.

She opened a bottle of low-alcohol wine and poured a glass for Eugene and for herself. While sipping on the slightly bitter and acidic wine, Mabel let out a contented sigh.

“What’s the matter?”

“Oh, nothing. It’s just peaceful.”

Upon hearing that, Eugene put down his wine and leaned toward Mabel. He rested his head on her lap.


“I’m going to take a short nap.”


Saying that, Eugene remained facing the other way and settled into a sleeping position on Mabel’s lap.

Mabel was perplexed about what to do, but since she had finished laundry and cleaning, and had no plans for the afternoon, she decided to leave him as he was and chuckled.

Occasionally, as Eugene uncomfortably moved his head, Mabel suddenly had a thought.

‘I wonder if it’s hard for him to sleep. Maybe I should take off the mask…’

Gently placing her hand on the mask, she removed the earpiece.

“Since it seems difficult to sleep, I’ll take off the mask.”

She lifted the mask gently.

And there, beneath the still beautiful contours, long black eyelashes appeared. Not a blemish in sight, Mabel admired the flawless skin. Just as she did, Eugene, who had been sleeping on her lap, looked up at her.

“What is it?”

“Oh, I was just thinking how beautiful your face is, as always.”


Upon hearing Mabel’s words, Eugene averted his gaze slightly, seeming slightly dissatisfied. His cheeks seemed to turn slightly red. But quickly returning his gaze, he looked at Mabel with a serious expression.

“I prefer your face.”


His golden eyes, like drops of sunlight, firmly captured both of Mabel’s eyes.

Feeling a slight tightness in her chest at the sight of those captivating irises, Mabel finally recognized the words spoken to her, and steam rose from her bright red face.

“Oh, no, I’m really just an ordinary person.”

“An ordinary person wouldn’t go up to the second floor and break a window, would they?”

“Oh, uh, I thought Eugene-san was in danger and I was desperate!”

As Mabel tried to argue, Eugene extended his right hand, covered in black gloves, and gently touched her cheek. Mabel had no time to escape and was forced to face Eugene directly.

Perfectly arranged eyes and nose, as if crafted by a doll maker.

Skin so translucent, as if not wearing any makeup, and bewitching thin lips.

In the presence of a mage whose appearance could captivate anyone who saw it, Mabel involuntarily held her breath.

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