My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 74

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟒: 𝐈𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 (5)

In and around the Fayda military base, dozens of Drop Cysts fell. Infected flyers protected by shields for each Drop Cyst conducted low-altitude bombing on the military base, and the regulars on the ground began to be attacked by those who had been friendly forces just a few hours ago.

The Drone Hives of the military base moved the small army of Roburgs and the rotating cold weapon Chaintroopers.

➖New species using energy weapons identified.

Among the Chimeraz ground forces that showed up from the drop point, Grounsecters that shot plasma scrambled around. The dark red plasma they fired was much more formidable than the bone awl that Tritula had shown.

Kwang! Kwang!

The regulars and the Chimeraz used the military base as a battlefield to exchange fire. Chaintroopers made a loud noise and ran wild, and robobugs, who analyzed the Grounsecter’s injection organs as a weak point, rushed in from time to time and exploded.

The drone fighter squadron that took off from the ground carrier fought fiercely with the flock of Cresecters in the air, and medium-sized drones of the cluster drone soldiers with machine brains implanted in their brains joined the air battle.

The anti-gravity tank continued to fire while maneuvering to the rear to avoid the approaching Kabana, and the war machines and humanoid armies of various arms fought a local battle with a blurred concept of the defense line.

Booooom. . .!

Several Mindrockers spread bio-barriers, gradually encroaching on the military base.

The Drone Hives fired plasma of incredible power to remove the bio-barriers, but the Mindrockers noticed that the Drone Hives’ power was greatly depleted.

Soon, the Mindrockers ordered the Grounsecters to concentrate on attacking the Drone Hives.

The Drone Hives removed the bio-barriers at once, but lost their shield output in return, and were destroyed one by one by the concentrated fire of the Grounsecters.

➖The tactical movement of the Chimeraz has improved significantly compared to before.

“Why suddenly?!”


They don’t know what the cause is. There’s no way they could figure out that the Mindrocker’s main role is actually field command, not as bio-barrier.

The waves of the Chimeraz were that abstruse. There are definitely changed phenomena, but there is nothing that can be pointed out as the cause of the phenomenon.

And at the same time, Equillocke noticed.

‘They are not targeting my Mindrockers first.’

What they are targeting first now is the falling Drop Cyst and the group approaching the depths of the military base.

Shells fell on the heads of the Mindrockers, who were in a relatively safe position on the battlefield, but most of the shells were aimed at the Grounsecter group stationed around the Mindrockers.

‘Those machines judged Grounsecters to be a greater threat than Mindrockers. Because the Mindrocker’s bio-barrier can be removed by the heat energy of the firearms they have. . . .’

Based on such judgment, Equillocke actively uses information that the enemy does not know as an advantage right away.

‘My Mindrockers. I’ll give you more children, so focus on controlling the children rather than controlling the bio-barrier.’

The bio-barrier is made up of countless Chimeraz, and it requires considerable legion dominance for them to move delicately each and fulfill their roles.

Therefore, if the Mindrockers invest their psychic power, which was invested in the bio-barrier, entirely in legion dominance, they will be able to deploy better tactics. That way, the situation will become favorable.

‘We have to occupy the military base before they figure out your role.’

Equillocke, who destroyed the Drone Hives, stepped up the occupation of the military base.


Fayda’s city defense line was gradually pushed back. The Chimeraz rushing in from all directions of the city are adding chaos to the battlefield, and the colony spread out in the nearby mountains is expanding its territory and taking control of the environment.

In the streets of the city, in the sky, inside buildings, on the rooftops of buildings, and even on the walls of buildings, multi-legged tanks and Custs are colliding and fighting.

The outskirts of the city, which are covered in black by Xenotera.

The young Custs, who were eating the flesh of the dead soldiers, kept vomiting.


Cust vomited out the machine parts soiled with blood. And Jiannettera confirmed its appearance from the orbit where the fleet battle was taking place.

‘Seven out of ten of the troops are machines. The remaining three are those who have replaced most of their bodies with machines.’

There are too many machines to use as resources for the bodies of the enemies. That’s why the Mindrockers on the battlefield have been suggesting that they attack the civilians hiding in underground shelters and use their flesh.

‘Denied. It is basic to leave hostages until the end of the war.’

With their extraordinary technology and judgment, it seems that whenever they no longer have the justification to protect the planet from their standpoint, they can destroy the planet itself.

So Jiannettera decided to actively occupy the city using the bodies of her own kind, even if it took some time.

The fleet battle in orbit became so fierce that it was difficult for each other to influence the ground, and the enemy’s main fleet was being deployed in the planetary defense of the capital and the fleet battle of Altblubber.

Therefore, it is assumed that there can be no external intervention in Fayda City.

Then, time is on this side.


It is Equillocke’s wave.

‘Tell me.’

➖I have captured the military base.

Rather than a victory that was a little late than expected.

Jiannettera did not rejoice at all and hurriedly grasped the situation.

‘How much damage has your group suffered?’

➖I lost about 60% of my group. Should I take the remaining children and go to occupy the city?

‘Spread the colony and recover the number first. The occupation of Fayda must be completed with no variables.’

➖I understand. However, in this planet’s environment and the characteristics of the enemies, the situation is insufficient to obtain usable organic resources.

Equillocke also knew Jiannettera’s suffering.

Fayda is a cold planet covered with white snow, so there is no forest to speak of. In addition, the enemies are troops composed of seven out of ten machines, and the few human troops are modified soldiers who have replaced most of their bodies with machines.

➖Jiannettera-nim. The master told me to be creative. So I came up with one strategy.

‘What is it?’

➖It is to forcibly land Shockphonia on Euryale and fully utilize their machine corps.

‘Will that be okay if there is a power loss in your fleet battle?’

➖It’s okay. The fleet battle I’m facing is almost over.

➖However, if I execute the strategy I thought of, I don’t think I’ll be able to give Jiannettera-nim enough fleet battle support.

Jiannettera thought for a moment and then answered.

‘I’ll take care of this side.’

➖I understand. Then, I will start creating an infected machine army from now on. If we do well, we can refer to their armored new material for the evolution of our exoskeleton.

Jiannettera, who finished talking with Equillocke, focused on the city again.

Amidst the bio-barriers unfolding here and there, swarms of Roburgs, which are ultra-small self-destructing flyers, are rushing in like a black storm.

They are causing explosions like natural disasters. The chain of explosions was quite effective against the bio-barrier.

And at the same time, the Fayda fleet battle, which was in progress, has stabilized, but it is still destructive and fierce.

The Fayda fleet drew streaks of light with countless cannon shots, and destroyed Lemegeton with a single shot with a powerful main cannon.

In addition, their fleet and carrier-based aircraft deployed partial shields and also deployed collective shields like walls as needed. Even the entire fleet combined their computing resources and output to distort space.

Of course, Jiannettera’s side overwhelmingly outnumbered the fleet. Even if they fight each other like this and consume it, Jiannettera is sure to win in the end. However,

‘Is Altblubber’s main fleet battle okay. . . .’

What Jiannettera is most concerned about is the main fleet battle taking place in Altblubber.

Sometimes, if you look there through the eyes of Cresecter, you can see that a huge fleet battle is taking place that cannot be compared to this fleet battle.

The flames of death seen in the fleet battle there are too intense. The vast fleet battle with the UNF at the time of Hecartra is unimaginable.

‘Drake Star State. . . .’

‘Is half of the main fleet of a single country stronger than the main fleet of the UNF fleet. . . .?’

Jiannettera, who had thought that the UNF was the most powerful human group in common sense.

That’s because the UNF is a coalition of all the countries that the human race has established, and it is a force that represents the actions and voices of mankind in the local galactic army.

However, Drake’s enemies here seem to be showing off that they are the true power of mankind.

‘The master. . . . He found out our real enemy early.’

‘With the invasion of the Crolr, the dimensional passageway is paralyzed, and now that the UNF’s power has weakened right after the Battle of Hecartra. . . . If it wasn’t now, someday. . . .’

The prosperity of the race.

The survival of the race.

The truth of the race.

Imagination that is more vivid than that.

‘. . .It might have been that Drake came to kill us after the UNF.’

In the end, it was inevitable to get here. It was necessary.

➖Jiannettera. . . .

Jiannettera flinched for a moment.

Because the waves of a being several steps higher than her were sudden.

‘Yes. Ludwig-nim.’

Jiannettera inwardly reproached herself for being distracted for a moment while concentrating on the battle.

‘What’s going on?’

➖Is the occupation of Fayda still far away. . .? Equillocke will be fighting to help you. . . .

The battle at Fayda has already been going on for 9 hours.

‘I’m sorry. I captured the enemy’s military base a while ago, and I’m currently attacking the enemy’s main facilities and cities.’

➖I need an independent colony planet from this fleet battle. . . . How many hours will it take. . .?

Jiannettera felt impatient.

‘I can finish it in 4 hours.’

➖I’ll give you 2 hours. . . .

➖Be sure to capture Fayda within that time. . . .

‘. . .I’ll definitely do it. Ludwig-nim.’

And Ludwig’s waves disappeared.

Jiannettera calmed her trembling heart and focused on the waves of all the children.

What matters is not the current Fayda fleet battle. Of course, if we win the fleet battle here, it will be very easy to attack the ground, but the problem is the time it takes to win the fleet battle.

It is more efficient to quickly attack and end the ground battle from the ground, the city, which Equillocke will support with the infected army someday, and then influence the fleet battle in orbit from the ground.

So, in order to carry out Ludwig’s orders, the city attack is the top priority.

‘What’s the problem? Where in the city should I attack to bring down the bastards a little faster?’

Drones, combat helicopters, Roburgs, and Cresecters fighting dizzyingly over the city center.


Multi-legged tanks and Cust groups fighting against the walls of buildings.


Skeletunnels extending to the city’s sewers and Chaintropers underground trying to cut down such Skeletunnels.


A humanoid and infantry-centered force that uses a 120-story mega tower as a base and influences the battlefield.

Numerous enemies firing from the windows or balconies of the tower.

The children fighting against the enemies centered on war machines on the wide lawn of the tower site, advancing in an attempt to attack the tower.

‘Yeah. That’s it.’

Looking at the entire city, the number of war machines has been greatly reduced, and it turned out that almost all of those war machines had moved to the tower site.

It was that the enemies considered the tower important.

‘That tall structure is their watchtower, bunker, and the last remaining temporary military base.’

And the tower site is not easily penetrated, so the children are not even able to enter the tower.

Jiannettera found out why.

‘War machines using swords. . .?’

Among the war machines fighting at the tower site, there was a war machine that stood out the most.

It was a weapon that fought with a plasma-covered cutter, walking on two legs with a much larger body than other war machines.

Two such conspicuous war machines.

One was a war machine that was 19m tall, holding plasma cutters slightly smaller than its own height in both hands like swords, and cutting off Kabana’s head with a single blow.

Another one was 17m tall, equipped with plasma cutters that rotated like gears in both hands, and was literally massacring the Chimeraz smaller than it.

The bodies of her own kind scattered around them were so numerous that they formed low hills, and the green lawn of the tower site was dyed red, as if a bloody shower had passed.

‘Mindrockers. How many ways have you tried against those machines so far?’

Then, the Mindrockers on the battlefield said that they had tried 14 methods.

That’s why she suffered so much troop damage against those war machines.

‘It won’t end like this. Above all, I don’t have much time.’

In such a situation, she calmly thought of the most reasonable way and carried it out without hesitation.

‘Empty the minds of the Mindrockers inside Euryale.’

That’s the 21st place in the collective consciousness sequence.

It was Jiannettera’s way.

‘I will copy everything in my head. Keep it in case I die.’

And soon, a very sturdy mutant Drop Cyst for the exclusive use of the head fell into the nearby colony site.

The surrounding Chimeraz flocked around the Drop Cyst, shaking their heads or letting out low cries.

‘Two war machines that slaughtered my children. . . .’

A hollowed-out pit where the Drop Cyst fell.

Jiannettera appeared from inside.

‘I’ll destroy the bastards myself.’

The head, which is reminiscent of a devil with its elongated head sideways, is a leader with a very heterogeneous white skin color compared to ordinary Chimeraz, which unpleasantly resembles a human woman’s body.

Such Jiannettera touched the ground with her excessively long arms.

Kuuuuuuu. . . .!

Jiannettera rose into the sky with a jet organ resembling Cresecter’s wings.

Around Jiannettera’s body, there were two pairs of ‘Levitation Weapons’ that borrowed the power of anti-gravity and ejection to move with their masters.

‘Clear the sky.’

At that time, an Elite group with Cresecter’s wings and Levitation Weapons flew into the sky with Jiannettera.

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