𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟖: 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 (3)
On the planet Defaulstellay, more than half of the regular army’s fleet had shifted over to the Warsaw satellite.
The fleet commander moving to retake Warsaw received a communication from headquarters in the command room.
➖I bet this is pretty confusing.
➖To be honest, the lifeforms that appeared on Warsaw are indeed the Chimeraz.
“T-That can’t be. . . Why are the Chimeraz in our territory?”
➖It’s because there was a Darwin Foundation facility on Warsaw. That group of Chimeraz is led by their boss, ‘Nazar,’ who was captured on Babylonia.
The people in the command room, including the fleet commander, couldn’t hide their shock.
“I don’t know what the hell happened. How could that wrecked Darwin Foundation facility have been hidden on Warsaw? And why do they still have that dangerous bioweapon group under their control? What the hell?”
➖There were circumstances. It’s too complicated to explain right now.
“Isn’t it dangerous? To think of the Chimeraz as allies, just look at how their numbers are increasing on that satellite. Those guys are. . .”
➖That’s right, Commander. Look at the numbers of that group of Nazar increasing right now. the Chimeraz are pushing back the Crolr.
➖To protect the capital planet and retake Warsaw, we need their power for the regular army to support other federation planets.
“But. . .”
➖The responsibility for all of this has been decided to be borne by this headquarters, the Ministry of National Defense, and His Excellency of this country.
The commander shut his mouth and looked at the camera footage of soldiers fighting on the Warsaw satellite.
Those who had been helplessly attacked by the Crolr were taking a breather, collecting the injured, or securing strategic points. Meanwhile, the Chimeraz, appearing from nowhere, were going to the most dangerous battlefields and fighting the Crolr army.
➖From this moment on, consider the Chimeraz as allies.
➖Don’t miss this opportunity and hurry to retake Warsaw.
“. . .Understood.”
Meanwhile, in the ruined city of Warsaw, the Chimeraz and the Crolr forces were engaged in street fighting.
“It’s the Chimeraz! Stop firing!”
“They’re on our side?”
A few surviving soldiers stared blankly at the Chimeraz rushing past them and into the wide street.
Cresecters flew between tall towers, and Custs leaped briefly onto the roofs of buildings, landing on the heads of the Crolr troops.
➖They’re coming from above!
Crolr infantrymen, clad in full body armor and armed with powerful heavy weapons, fought off the swarming Chimeraz.
A Hounz in the front line exploded along with the road. Custs that had fallen from above were torn into flesh and blood by the heavy weapons.
➖Damn things!
➖They’re endless! Not even for a second! Not even for a second!
The Crolr’s huge polygonal tanks clung to the building walls like spiders and fired blue beams. The structures in the city center collapsed, sending up clouds of dust and dirt, but the explosive force that surpassed that quickly cleared the view.
➖Damn it! Those things again!
A swarm of Cresecters flew across the sky like a squadron of fighter jets, dropping red plasma balls in succession over the Crolr front lines.
The Crolr infantry were incinerated by the low-altitude bombing, and only the polygonal tanks attached to the building walls were able to withstand it.
Screech! RRRRRRR!
“Carrdrarrk Crolaaaaa!”
As the Crolr infantry in front died, new Crolr troops rushed in from behind. And behind them, the landing ships that had landed on the city were continuously sending out troops.
Crolr space bombers that looked like they had four legs spread out in front and behind passed by, causing a sonic boom.
In response, a moment later, the Cresecter swarm exploded all at once.
the Chimeraz’s air power was still lacking.
The regular army of Defaulstellay noticed this fact.
“Those Crolr bombers are the problem. They’re intercepting the Chimeraz flyers whenever they sortie.”
“The ones that just exploded were Cresecters.”
“Who are you? How do you know so much?”
“It’s all in the anti-Chimeraz field manual. Read this.”
“Oh, shut up. Get that out of here.”
Once again, a swarm of Cresecters passed over the city center and bombed it. And this time too, the Cresecters that had carried out the bombing were quickly blown up by the Crolr space bomber formation.
How many times had this situation been repeated already?
“Oh, man. . . Do I have to help those monsters?”
“Hurry up and request air support.”
“Got it, I got it.”
In this way, the coordinates of some soldiers made it possible for the regular army to provide artillery support, bombing support, and fighter squadron support.
Soon, they were able to see the rare sight of human fighter jets and Cresecters picking sides and fighting against the Crolr space bombers in the sky.
On many fronts where the Chimeraz appeared, the Crolr ground forces gave up advancing and simply set up barricades. The Crolr, who had always been the attackers, suddenly became the defenders.
Upon those Crolr defensive lines fell a barrage of shells from the regular Defaulstellay artillery. In addition, the regular special forces took out the Crolr snipers hiding in the buildings one by one, and the Chimeraz used the gaps thus created to steadily advance the front line toward the landing ships.
The Kabana, which appeared very rarely, had somehow become a solid support for the soldiers. On the battlefield where they could die at any moment, they found themselves relying on it without realizing it.
“We’ll use the Kabana as a tank! Follow behind it and advance!”
As the Kabana moved forward, the Crolr opened fire. Most of the bullets hit the Kabana’s exoskeleton, causing sparks of friction, and most of the grenades burst open the Kabana’s flesh, but it didn’t fall down that much.
“Anti-tank missile incoming!”
“Oh, crap!”
An anti-tank missile flew in from the Crolr side. They were treating the Kabana’s durability as that of a tank.
The soldiers, who saw the anti-tank missile flying slightly slower than bullets, squeezed their eyes shut or activated their shields.
At that moment, the Kabana swung its tail.
The side of a building collapsed where the Kabana’s heavy tail had passed. Countless fragments of the building collided with the missile.
The Kabana swung its tail at an incredible speed for its size. A brief gust of wind occurred along with the missile exploding in mid-flight, shattering all the less-broken glass windows in the vicinity.
Grrrrrr. . . .
The Kabana shook its head several times, blood gushing out.
Then it charged toward the Crolr camp.
It knew that it was badly injured and was about to die, so it was trying to deliver a final blow.
➖That monster is still alive!
➖It’s coming this way!
Seeing the huge mass approaching, the Crolr mobilized all available firepower without hesitation.
In the end, one Kabana was hit by concentrated fire from a front line and collapsed in front of the Crolr as a corpse.
It was a death that held great significance.
“Alright! Finish off those damn kids!!”
By then, the regular army of Defaulstellay had already approached and seized advantageous positions.
As the Chimeraz appeared in succession on the front lines and Defaulstellay reinforcements arrived on the Warsaw satellite, the human forces’ offensive intensified.
➖Commander! This city is contaminated with Chimeraz matter! It’s their colony site! They’re increasing their numbers! Retreat before we lose the Colossus unit, and join up with them!
➖The front lines can’t be pushed back this far! All Colossus units, advance! We must establish an outpost on this satellite!
Colossus as tall as a decent-sized building was advancing. Human drone squadrons flew around the Colossus, but below the Colossus were also smaller Colossus that specialized in intercepting such flying objects.
The Colossus that had advanced to the front lines unleashed a barrage of grenades at the swarming Chimeraz on the ground. Immediately after, an explosion occurred that was greater than that of a bomber squadron passing by, and a heat storm swept through along with something like a small mushroom cloud.
The regular Defaulstellay forces, who were relatively behind the Chimeraz, were daunted by the explosion.
➖Move out!
Screech! BOOM! BOOM!
The Colossus advanced. Again, missiles flew towards the Colossus, but those missiles were quickly intercepted, and when artillery fire fell on the Colossus, the Colossus traced the trajectory of the artillery fire and fired a beam of light in the direction where the artillery base was likely to be. The beam of light plasmafied the surrounding air, causing another explosion, and this destructive advance continued.
Supersonic fighters briefly flew alongside the Colossus and launched high-powered laser attacks.
➖Hull damage detected! Get those things!
However, the firepower of the fighter jets alone was not enough to take down the Colossus right away. Once the supersonic fighters caught the Colossus’ eye, they were immediately tracked by the Crolr space bomber formation.
Could it be another fighter squadron trying to take down the Colossus? The Colossus detected the presence of a flying object approaching at supersonic speed.
The trajectory of that flying object was erratic. At that speed and in that direction, it looked as if it was simply going to ram into the Colossus.
➖It’s a supersonic missile! Cover me!
The Colossus judged it to be a supersonic missile.
The small Colossus at the base of the Colossus’ legs calculated the trajectory of the flying object in an instant and scattered a barrage of fire.
➖. . .What the. . .?
It was an absurd change of direction. The flying object that had been considered a supersonic missile had suddenly changed direction in mid-flight and avoided the barrage.
➖Ah, I see! It’s probably a supersonic missile equipped with artificial intelligence. . .
That Colossus was hit directly by a Crepitus variant and collapsed.
Sheamus Pollan, the Star President of the Defaulstellay Federation, was pressing his ear hard.
➖We’ve restored communications with Warsaw using the fleet.
“We’ve barely restored it, so make sure you keep it up.”
➖Yes, sir.
Pollan took his finger off his ear and looked straight ahead.
“Is it restored?”
It was Darwin’s hologram.
“Yes. Where’s Nazar?”
“Ah, Nazar is probably in the facility’s genetic garden. I’ll try to call him there wirelessly.”
“Does that leader even know how to make a holographic call?”
“I don’t know. I think he’ll just make a voice call.”
And after a short wait, a strange voice came through, as if several voices of an old man and a young boy were overlapping.
➖Is this Darwin?
“Nazar. I’m really grateful that you remember the stories we shared together.”
➖Do you think I’m some uncivilized fish that would forget such things so quickly?
“I didn’t mean it like that. . . . Um. . . . Anyway, Nazar. I hear that the leader of this star system is listening to our conversation right now.”
➖So what are you saying?
“As you know best, the regular army of Defaulstellay is joining forces with your swarm. The reason that was possible was because there was someone who gave orders to that regular army.”
➖Are you saying that he’s a human who’s participating in our temporary cooperation?
“Well, something like that. His name is Sheamus Pollan, the Star President. I think you can call him Your Excellency.”
➖I remember about that.
Nazar knew who Pollan was.
➖Pollan. If you’re listening, answer me.
Darwin was slightly taken aback by Nazar’s blunt tone of voice, but Pollan went ahead without minding it.
“Let me introduce myself formally. I am Sheamus Pollan, the leader of the Defaulstellay Federation Star State, the Star President.”
➖You’re the one who declared war on us on behalf of the UNF. By now, your UNF fleet must have been swallowed up by the dark nebula.
This was a passage where Nazar’s hostility was clearly revealed.
“Why don’t we forget about the past for a while? Even if we have bad feelings towards each other, it’s a fact that we need each other’s help right now, isn’t it?”
➖To meet the master again, I will cooperate with you as advanced flyers are needed.
➖But do not mistake this as an alliance.
“Of course.”
➖I am Nazar, the third in the hierarchy of the collective consciousness, leader of the survey herd, and the eyes of the Chimeraz. Looking at you now, it seems that you represented the UNF, but you are ultimately one of the leaders of the humans.
“Humans are a race that has no concept of a supreme leader in the first place.”
➖It is a race that suffers for thousands of years because each individual thinks differently.
“Let’s stop the small talk. I’d like to talk about strategy and the future.”
At this, Nazar simply blurted out his plan. That’s because Nazar only bothered with the flow of conversation when dealing with Kreion or Ludwig.
➖I plan to turn Warsaw into a satellite colony site and drive out the Crolr.
“The whole of Warsaw?”
➖Yes. In the process of fighting the Crolr, I plan to expand several colony sites on other planets as well. That way, I can create more children and fight against the Crolr.
From Pollan’s point of view, it was a plan that could only be inconvenient.
‘If Nazar betrays us after driving out the Crolr. . . . Hell will break loose again.’
Darwin argued that Nazar would not betray them immediately after driving out the Crolr, but Pollan could not rule out even the slightest possibility.
“I think it’s necessary to turn Warsaw into a colony site, but I don’t think it’s necessary to turn other planets into colony sites.”
“Because the Chimeraz forces coming out of the Warsaw colony site are enough. The ones driving out the Crolr are fundamentally the regular army of Defaulstellay, and the Chimeraz are playing a supporting role to that regular army. Our regular army will always be the main force fighting the war.”
➖. . .I feel like I could laugh at you if I could.
“What do you mean?”
At that moment, Nazar spat out words as if he were talking to something insignificant.
➖You said you would use the regular army as the main force to drive out the Crolr. You’re saying that you’re willing to join hands with the Chimeraz because you want to protect as many of ‘your people’ as possible.
➖Have you ever seen such a disgusting leader?
➖Aren’t the ‘soldiers’ fighting right now your people?
Darwin was overwhelmed by the dangerous atmosphere and fell silent, and Pollan was caught off guard by a point he had not thought of.
➖Yes, I understand that humans don’t feel much about the death of their own kind. That’s because you’re human.
➖I will help ‘your army’ with production from a small satellite called Warsaw for the time being. And when the Crolr are cleaned up, I will reclaim my colony site and children and leave.
Pollan quickly thought about how to respond.
‘My behavior may have caused some misunderstanding. . . . But it’s okay as long as it means they won’t expand additional colony sites other than Warsaw.’
➖If you have any objections, speak up, Pollan.
“I have no objections. Then let’s join forces until we drive out the Crolr. We’ll limit the colony site to Warsaw.”
➖You’re so bland. Well then, now send your expendable soldiers to where I am. That way, you can save your precious people on other planets, can’t you?
“We’ll do that.”
➖And I warn you, if you plan on betraying me right after driving out the Crolr, then don’t.
‘That’s what we were worried about.’
They were treating each other as temporary allies out of necessity.
Even so, for Nazar, humans were a race that was generally untrustworthy.
➖If I see even the slightest sign of anything suspicious, I will destroy your world.
“I understand. The situation you’re worried about will never happen. I promise.”
After that, Nazar began to expand the colony site on the Warsaw satellite to the ground.
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