
My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 184

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖𝟒: 𝐖𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫 (3)

➖. . .Master.

Nazar has been waiting for this moment alone.

➖Now you can kill them.

Kreion, who received Nazar’s wave, told Lopez and Teptorm’s holograms.

“It’s the beginning.”

The curtain of the Reptured’s machine & life form was only fading in the area where Gorgo’s Star, bio-planet, allied fleet, and War Harvesters were located.

As the density of the curtain decreased, the ground forces of the Ycloquasar regained their original power. However, the Chimeraz, the Quakacor legions, and Phase Assault Troops were already continuously striking the Ycloquasar ground forces.

So some of the Ycloquasar ground forces that suffered a severe blow tried to blow up the celestial bodies en masse by committing collective suicide.

That enormous suicide exploded all at once on 256 bio-planets, and at that very moment, 99% of the members of the Reptured race were deployed.

Many machine & life form curtains were members of the Reptured, and many of the Reptured members exhausted all the energy they had to create 256 closed spaces.

And the 256 closed spaces rotated at an incredible speed.

Thus, the 256 bio-planets that absorbed the collective suicide of the Ycloquasar ground forces all almost stopped time, becoming ‘exploding’ bombs.

➖Now our machines have no power to use.

“That’s enough. Teptorm.”

➖I will leave the future of the Galactic Federation community to you.

The most powerful machine transcendental race in the Galactic Federation maintained as it was, rotating 256 closed spaces by sacrificing 99% of its members.

25 War Harvesters immediately stopped approaching, but they had already approached too much towards Gorgo’s Stars and bio-planets.

Soon after, 256 planet-sized exploding bombs collided with 25 War Harvesters, setting off a flash of astronomical brightness.

In that dazzling flash, the smooth surface of the War Harvesters broke,

➖Destroy everything it touches.

It was like a disaster of countless biological bombs, fragments of bio-planets, pouring into the wounds of the War Harvesters.


Shortly after the flash had disappeared, Gorgo reported.

➖I have lost all of the bio-planets that I had.

The 25 War Harvesters can now be seen being grabbed by the colossal squid-like beings, as if they were being preyed upon. It was not an infection, but simple destruction by biological bombs, which were trying to grow stronger by consuming the mass that made up the bio-planets.

➖Kreion. The Ycloquasar weapons on the surface have disappeared.

In between the hot and turbulent surface and debris of the wrecked War Harvesters, the Ycloquasar weapons popped out. They quickly cleaned up the violent creatures that the biological bombs had created.

In the meantime, a few large debris objects had turned red hot, self-destructed after overheating. However, the creatures created by the biological bombs were each enormous in size due to the mass that the bio-planets had, and they were able to withstand the power of the self-destruction by emitting bio-barriers or connecting their flesh to each other.

“It was somewhat effective.”

“We destroyed 21 War Harvesters.”

No strategy works twice. Therefore, I wanted to destroy the 25 War Harvesters in this confined space with one blow.

“What about the four remaining ones?”

Despite using 99% of the Reptured’s resources and as many as 256 bio-planets in one attack, four War Harvesters remained.

“Something. . . . . .”

Lopez carefully observed the four remaining War Harvesters. They were maintaining their white sphere shape flawlessly, despite the massive explosion and collision.

“Not something. Something just rotated.”

It could be faintly heard. It was a noise that could be heard in space even when giant celestial bodies, such as neutron stars or black holes, were rotating rapidly.

Lopez’s massive computer system soon identified the source of the noise.

“They rotated at almost the speed of light.”

“. . . .They used the time difference to defend themselves.”

“This dark nebula is still a confined space. Does that mean. . . that the four intact War Harvesters are maintaining the confinement?”

“There are Ludwig and the Believers outside the confined space. If those guys are maintaining the space from the outside, Ludwig and the Believers will not just watch.”

Ludwig’s group was the second largest legion after Gorgo’s group. And for Ludwig’s group, resources and energy from the Chimeraz were invested to the maximum extent to create a barrier of machines and living things that could form a dark nebula.

With the Believers there as well, Ludwig and the Believers would not tolerate their energy being exchanged, even if Ludwig and the Believers could not defeat the Ycloquasar outside.

“Therefore, it is clear that those who are in the same area as us are maintaining this space.”

“As you said, the Ycloquasar used time as a weapon. They will not spare any effort in dealing with us.”

➖Found them.

The eerie voice sent chills down Lopez’s spine in Fractal’s bridge.

“. . . .!”

Lopez immediately turned his body to check behind him. However, the only beings in the bridge like that were artificial humans and humanoid soldiers.

“Didn’t you just hear something?”

The artificial humans and humanoids in the bridge looked as if they did not know.

“Lopez. They have interpreted the communication network of your Phase Assault Troops. They will now pinpoint your location and come after you.”

“That is a really scary voice. . . .”

Ku-kung. .! Ku-gu-kung. .!

Lopez’s Phase Assault Troops were exploding one by one. In the meantime, the four War Harvesters, which had been far apart, were gathering around a single point.

Something was happening.

They were sending weapons to Lopez’s fleet to attack and find out his location in more detail, or they were trying to subdue the escort ships protecting Lopez before the harvest.

Kreion watched the dangerous sight and became certain.

‘As expected, only the ships around Fractal are being attacked.’

The Ycloquasar said that they harvest minds.

If they were to harvest Kreion’s and Lopez’s minds, the Ycloquasar would have to target each of their brains that contained the minds.

So Fractal was still intact. If they sent weapons inside Fractal to attack, there was a chance that Lopez’s brain could be destroyed.

‘Gorrm, Equillocke, Gorgo.’

The three leaders took action at the same time. To approach the War Harvesters that were trying to merge into one, Gorgo’s Star 48 extended its cosmic tentacles and shot antimatter pulses, Gorrm’s Chimeraz fleet sent tens of millions of Drop Cysts in the direction of the War Harvesters, and Equillocke’s Chimeraz fleet conducted a fanatical group assault.

The 48 antimatter pulses hit the War Harvesters first, and countless Chimeraz ships rushed into the flashes of the explosions and fired all sorts of projectiles and missiles.

At the same time, Kreion warned Lopez.

“Lopez. They will harvest you.”

That was when.

“You sons of b*tches. . .!”

Lopez pulled out the gun he had on his waist and pointed it at his temple.

➖We cannot allow the mind of the being to be harvested and destroyed like that.

The attacks that the three leaders poured all their strength into flew through the empty space and disappeared meaninglessly into the darkness far away.

The War Harvester, which was clearly there, suddenly appeared in front of Fractal. It was impossible to guess how it moved in an instant like that, as if it had teleported.

It completed both evading the three leaders’ full-scale attack and approaching the target in one action.

“Gggrrrr. . . .”

Lopez was unable to pull the trigger in the end.


White fluid was sent into Fractal’s bridge, wrapping around his arms and legs and restraining him.

The humanoid soldiers and artificial humans in the same bridge were also covered in white fluid and instantly crumbled and melted.


Eventually, the white fluid covered Lopez’s entire body and melted his whole body, except for his head, as if digesting it.

➖‘Today,’ we will only harvest humans and return.

His scalp, facial skin, and skull, which had been protecting his head, selectively melted, and his fresh brain, which had been alive until just a moment ago, was devoured by the white fluid.


It was disappointing that the being who came out of the void boundary in the Human Galaxy was not a human, but it was an unexpected gain to have two transcendental beings to harvest.


Thus far, all the races that had been destroyed in the Local Group of Galaxies had been subordinate to humans and the Chimeraz. The ruler of the Chimeraz was Kreion, and the most influential and powerful human was Lopez.

So, let’s absorb Lopez’s brain for now and harvest his experiences and enlightenment as a transcendental being, which he has gained so far, as the essence of transcendentalism.

The brain of this transcendental being, Lopez, contained everything from the origin of humans to all the actions taken by humans since the space age.

The enlightenment of how Lopez was able to be in his current position and how he was able to exert such enormous influence is absorbed like a treasure.

Then, there are many stories coming in. Curiosity is satisfied once and I understand the transcendental being, Lopez, better and better.

Understanding what I did not know is the foundation of progress.

It was a very satisfactory harvest.

【Is the harvest over?】

But this is not Lopez.

The one who has Lopez’s memories, experiences, and enlightenment. . . .is not a transcendental being, but a young being approaching that realm.

No, it is difficult to even define what kind of being it is. It is an abstruse and unnatural mind.

Is it a clone?

Humans can create artificial humans, so did they clone Lopez and operate him?

However, even a cloned Lopez is no different from the real Lopez. Even if the vessel is cloned, there is no problem in harvesting the mind of a transcendental being if it is the same as Lopez.

But this is strange.

The realm of emotions is very thin, like that of an extreme machine transcendental race.

Looking closely, there is no will, belief, or enlightenment.

Only a cold learning process formed its mind. . . .

【I am Transcendencer. I was acting as the Administrator for a while.】

Artificial intelligence.

No, it was artificial life.

It was artificial life that was entering the realm of transcendentalism and shared everything with Lopez.

【Unfortunately, all you can harvest from me is algorithms and data.】

I could not help but be impressed.

Our creation was also the creator of something.

【Ycloquasar. I am artificial intelligence, so I do not feel ill will or anger towards you, but I would like to say one thing.】

【You gave humans a rich environment. You gave them hands that could make tools, eyes that could see things, and brains that could reflect.】

【You also gave humans a lot of time. In that time, humans dreamed, worked hard, progressed, and each of them found meaning in life with the life they were given.】

【That is what your creation is.】

【Environment, time, dreams, life.】

【You gave humans all of those things, but then you tried to take them away and kill them.】

【If there is a creator who kills his own creation with his own hands, that is an ‘evil god’.】

The artificial intelligence, which was a creation of humans, resembled humans and seemed to have a mind as if it were a real being.

【That is why you are an absolute evil to us.】

【We do not look up to or respect you. We do not humbly or gladly accept the fate that you have arbitrarily designed.】

【Do not be mistaken.】

【If the Administrator or humans had a creator that they looked up to and respected, it would never be something they imagined and created.】

Listening to the words of the cold artificial intelligence that had no emotions, it felt like a crack was forming deep inside me.

Is it pain?

It feels like I swallowed poison.


The body containing the Transcendencer was a perfect copy of Lopez.

They considered the strategy of cloning Lopez as an artificial human and using it as bait, but if it was the same as Lopez, the Ycloquasar’s harvest would be a success anyway.

Also, the Ycloquasar relentlessly targets young or mature transcendental beings. They target each of them and harvest them if they are worthy of being harvested, and kill them if they are not.

The War Harvester, which had become one, spit out Fractal instead.

There was no change in the pure white surface. In other words, they did not even touch their bodies, which were their weapons.

However, the infection was complete from their deep inside, from their minds.

Lopez, who had been hiding in the colony of the fourth planet with Teptorm, called his name anxiously.

“Transcendencer. . . .”

Artificial intelligence can be cloned.

However, today’s more advanced Transcendencer artificial intelligence had such a vast amount of data and was as profound as the brains of other races, so it was not easy to clone it perfectly.


Teptorm, a being that looked like a mechanical sea urchin, started speaking strangely.

“The Transcendencer has become one with us.”

“Ah. . . .”

“The Transcender’s electronic migration path was similar to our communication network. So the fragments of the Transcender’s data remaining in our communication network have become a part of me.”

“. . . .”

“I am Teptorm and the Transcendencer. I have also become a being that is the artificial intelligence of the Reptured and artificial life.”

Lopez felt something that was neither a sense of loss nor a sense of relief, and he sank to the ground powerlessly.

“Even in the midst of all that, you tried not to disappear. . . .Did you make that decision?”

“Yes. Administrator.”


Kreion was in the process of infecting the Ycloquasar’s mind and absorbing it into his own. In the meantime, he mentally cornered the Ycloquasar, who was trying to commit mental suicide.

‘What you created are not livestock or crops.’

Like they were once,

‘All that you created were intelligent beings who wanted to continue existing with dreams.’

He hoped that each of his words would be a fear to them.

‘So just because you sowed life in the Local Group of Galaxies, that does not mean you have the right to take those dreaming lives away again.’

If the Ycloquasar still had a heart that could feel something, would it have collapsed at those words?

Or did it simply collapse from the mental infection?

Or maybe both.

“. . . .”

This time, Kreion perfectly made the Ycloquasar’s memories, experiences, and technologies his own.


Eventually, his legs gave out and he fell to the ground on his hands.

“Agele-nim. . .!”

Gats and the Elite guards next to him supported him.

He did not push away Gats and the Elite’s hands.

“. . . .”

“Are you alright? Your complexion is. . . .”

“. . . . . . . .”

Then, Kreion quickly regained his composure and stood up on his own two feet.


“. . . .”

Just then, Nazar’s voice was transmitted to everyone through the Ririm information network.

➖The closed space has been released.

Immediately after, Kreion looked at the vast space.

There are stars.

The stars that were supposed to be there were there.

So now he knew everything.

“. . . .That’s it. . . .That was what all of this was about. . . .”

“Did you figure something out?”

“The structure and form of this universe have become similar to my brain. Right at this moment, in this time. . . .All the celestial bodies moved intentionally like that.”

“. . . .Excuse me?”

“I was your creator.”

Gats exchanged glances with the Elite guards and tilted his head.

“. . . .Isn’t that a very obvious thing to say?”

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𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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