
My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 172

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕𝟐: 𝐖𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐨𝐰𝐧 (3)

Gorgo’s Star and countless bio-planets orbiting those stars were inevitably infiltrated by Ycloquasar ground forces.

The ground battle was somewhat balanced, thanks to the living dark nebula interfering with the energy exchange between War Harvesters and ground units.


Screaming, thrashing tendrils the size of buildings battered Refiners violently. The few Chimeraz fleets in orbit and Phase Assault Troops bombarded and assaulted the towering Phenomenon Tuners, and in every battlefield, black liquid shot from the Hailspatters in the rear rained down like a climate phenomenon, attracted by gravity.

“Ugh, damn it. . . !”

Rundalt, who had no aptitude for combat, kept cursing as he ran wildly through the colony site.


Refiners chased after Rundalt, weaving through colony structures.

‘Gorgo. . . ! Gorgo-nim! Help me!’

➖Sever the waves. They trace, pursue, and annihilate entities that amass waves as their primary targets.

‘I already cut off the waves connected to my Elite subordinates!’


The Chimeraz troops of the colony site blocked the Refiners and fought, but the blue lightning ignored the battlefield and targeted Rundalt.


Next, the red beams sniped by Phenomenon Tuners from afar were so powerful that even a graze reduced one to dust.

‘I’m gonna die for real at this rate!’

➖Casualties are inevitable in war.

Rundalt shouted as he ran.

“Ugh! Hey, you bastards! Stop those things!”

Ycloquasar weapons teleported to bio-planets or the surface of Gorgo’s Star faced all surroundings as enemies.

On the living ground, tendrils or snouts of unknown identity protruded, and in the sky, orbital bombardments and aircrafts flew. Amidst the downpour of black liquid, Chimeraz troops relentlessly pushed forward on the ground.

Pak! Pak! Pak!

Even so, Ycloquasar’s Refiners or Phenomenon Tuners responded with a small number of elites. Despite being unable to exert their full potential and being vastly outnumbered, the Ycloquasar forces had the upper hand in the ground battle.

‘I don’t wanna die. . . ! I don’t wanna die. . . ! I don’t wanna die. . . !’

The capability and strength of each ground unit outclassed what hundreds and thousands of troops could muster. The Chimeraz troops had all evolved with new substances and gained maximum resistance against the blue lightning, but they couldn’t avoid a massacre.

Pazzzzzzzzzzip. . . ! Puh-chok!

Rundalt’s left arm was blown off by the blue lightning.

He lost his balance as he was running and fell, his head hitting the ground.

“Huk, huk, huk. . . .”

A Phenomenon Tuner was about 2 kilometers away, and he thought he locked eyes with it.

“What the hell are those monsters. . . ?!”


That was Rundalt’s last will and testament.


The largest Gorgo’s Star.

Standing on a high colony, Gorgo brandished his staff, swirling the vast bio-barrier like a storm.

Booooooooooooooooooom. . .

The sight of the blue lightning and bio-barrier intertwined resembled lightning raging amidst dark clouds.

The ground battle that Gorgo directly participated in and commanded was not a battle between troops and enemy units. It was a peculiar sight of Gorgo and many Mindrockers wielding bio-barriers, while Refiners countered with blue lightning.

Occasionally, Phenomenon Tuners within the fierce dark clouds would fire red beams, killing the Mindrockers controlling the bio-barrier or targeting Gorgo himself.

Jiiiiiiiiiiing. . . !

Even when a Mindrocker on the ground died, a new individual would be immediately deployed, and the red beams that occasionally tried to kill Gorgo directly were blocked by war machines holding shields.

Meanwhile, Anima, deep within the largest colony of this Gorgo’s Star, received more bad news.

➖Anima-nim. Rundalt was defeated by a Phenomenon Tuner on the 41st star.

‘He was still pursued despite severing the waves?’

➖Yes. Perhaps they’ve infiltrated our wave network and may be figuring out our systematic hierarchy.

➖Leaders, Mindrockers, and colony masterminds on other planets are under concentrated attacks. Because of that, the entire troops are moving to protect their respective leaders, which inevitably causes the aggression the troops possess in ground battles to be converted to defense.

‘I can see that too. This must all be Ycloquasar’s strategy.’

➖The situation is not improving in both ground and fleet battles. Rather than losing leaders one by one without gaining anything, wouldn’t it be better to abandon the ground battles and invest all resources in fleet battles?

➖If we do that, and all Phase Assault Troops are deployed to fleet battles, we might be able to destroy a few War Harvesters.

‘Kreion told me and the other leaders to fight with all we’ve got.’

➖It’s good to do your best, but there’s no chance of winning at this rate. Our forces are dwindling in ground battles, but the Ycloquasar units being teleported keep increasing. We need to make strategic changes with all troops and allied forces now.

‘Kreion must’ve been running out of time and mental energy to explain everything, so he gave that one line of command. Just fight with all we’ve got.’

➖What do you mean. . . ?

‘Ludwig’s group is fighting with all they’ve got as well, you know. Even without any strategic changes among all troops and allied forces that you’re talking about.’

Anima said something different from Gorgo’s thoughts.

‘We’re all fighting with all we’ve got, employing various tactics and strategies, but no one’s attempting a strategy that changes this whole grand war itself.’

➖The troops and allied forces. . . . Are you saying the leaders are drawing Ycloquasar’s attention by each fighting with all they’ve got?

‘There might be a trick like that. If we try something without properly preparing the situation, we’ll be found out and stopped right away.’

Because the opponent is the Ycloquasar.

➖Then do Anima-nim and Ludwig-nim understand? The reason why there’s no change in this unfavorable situation. . . .

‘Rather than understanding. . . ‘

Anima gave an answer that she herself didn’t quite understand.

‘We’re fortunate that we don’t understand.’

➖. . . Yes?

‘If it were a trick that we could figure out right away, Ycloquasar would never fall for it.’

At that moment, Gorgo sensed a faint feeling of sadness from Anima.

‘So just believe in Kreion and fight. Even if you die. . . . . . . It can’t be helped.”

It was something Anima tried her best to hide and suppress, but she couldn’t help but convey it as waves to her kin.

Although she didn’t express it, she was the one who grieved the most from Rundalt’s death at this moment.

Gorgo, who was wielding a bio-barrier on a high colony, confirmed that Ycloquasar units were being massively teleported to the geostationary orbit of the star he was standing on and the bio-planets visible in the sky.

So Gorgo thought to himself.

‘Rundalt’s death. . . . All enemy forces that targeted Rundalt are now targeting me. . . . ‘

On this largest Gorgo’s Star, the enemy ground forces are manageable, but the bio-planets in geostationary orbit seem to be invaded by more enemies and are struggling to cope.

‘The nameless immature leaders. . . . Other bio-planets are probably in similar situations. . . . ‘

In addition, the density of the living dark nebula was gradually thinning. The rate of depletion was catching up to the rate of production.

Eventually, when the density of the dark nebula falls below a certain level, the Ycloquasar ground forces teleported to the celestial surfaces will be able to wield powerful energy as before.

‘Surely. . . . . . . ‘

Only then did Gorgo finally grasp Kreion’s intentions.


Nazar was observing and analyzing every battlefield of this closed space. He was continuously reporting the synthesized information to Kreion not in human language, but as clusters of information in the form of waves.

Kreion had ordered all leaders to fight with all they had against the enemy ground forces. He told them to focus solely on that.

However, Nazar had received a different order.

➖When you think the time is right, let me know.

So Nazar kept observing.

He watched as nameless leaders gathered from all corners of the Milky Way and foreign galaxies died, as troops were slaughtered, human AI armies were annihilated, colony sites were set ablaze, bio-planets losing ground little by little to the enemies, and the density of the dark nebula growing more and more faint, to the point of despair.

He had to pay close attention to the 265 bio-planets currently spread across the dark nebula, enduring Ycloquasar’s invasion.

And the leaders dying from Ycloquasar’s pursuit and sniping on each bio-planet, the sizes of the troops each bio-planet possessed, and the sizes of the enemy forces targeting them.

In addition, he had to constantly calculate, analyze, and keep an eye on the War Harvesters targeting the Gorgo’s Stars and the distances between each bio-planet and the War Harvesters.

Perhaps if Kreion hadn’t bestowed the intellectual product of transcending consciousness upon the leaders beforehand, Nazar’s brain might have exploded from observing and analyzing all these battlefields.

And Ludwig, who was currently controlling all members of the living dark nebula, might have already suffered brain hemorrhages.

‘. . . master.’

Collective consciousness, rank 3. Nazar.

The purple glare in his eyes, which he was born with as a Chimeraz, was the same color as Kreion’s eyes. This was something even Ludwig envied, and it was a color all leaders yearned for.

Now was the time to prove once again why he was born with these eyes.

If it was now, he would definitely succeed.

‘We can kill them now.’

Kreion, who had been waiting for that wave, spoke to Lopez’s hologram and the Believer in his heart.


They could’ve intentionally lowered the density by spreading out the living dark nebula, but they didn’t.

The dark nebula was a vast area encompassing the Hecartra star system, but it was mainly consumed in the fleet battles outside the Hecartra star system. In other words, it was mainly consumed in the area where Gorgo’s Star, bio-planets, allied fleets, and War Harvesters were located.

The dark nebula, which was consumed only in that area and naturally lowered in density, gradually opened up the energy exchange between Ycloquasar ground forces and War Harvesters.

As a result, the Ycloquasar ground forces attacking each bio-planet were able to regain their original power little by little.

The blue lightning of the Refiners grew more powerful, engulfing entire troops and colony sites, and the red beams of the Phenomenon Tuners began to instantly destroy the giant tentacles rampaging across the entire surface.

However, the Chimeraz troops and Phase Assault Troops had already finished approaching the Ycloquasar ground forces, or they had been continuously inflicting damage on the Ycloquasar ground forces.

So even if they were gradually regaining their original power, they couldn’t be safe from the attacks of the troops and the army.

Therefore, the Ycloquasar ground forces, who could no longer be safe, naturally resorted to self-destruction.

The moment that indiscriminate self-destruction began to erupt one by one on the 265 bio-planets, completely destroying the bio-planets, the Believers stepped up.

Numerous Believers sacrificed themselves along with the Chimeraz members of the surrounding dark nebula, turning the 265 spaces into ‘closed spaces.’

It was a powerful gravity manipulation technique that could even realize the power of a black hole, and all 265 bio-planets that had endured the self-destruction of countless Ycloquasar ground forces became phenomenal ‘bombs.’


Lopez had said.

“. . . The only chance is now, when the density of the dark nebula is high and there’s a considerable number of Believers. If we fail, it’s the end.”

“We’re all at the end anyway.”

At that moment, the Believer who suddenly appeared next to Kreion and Lopez both spoke.

“I think I know what your strategy is. But be prepared to accept the fact that the number of Believers in this closed space will decrease.”

The Believer willingly chose to fight.

He willingly chose to sacrifice for a reversal.


➖We will also exist outside the closed space. But our existence in this space ends here.

The dice of reversal, thrown over the long and arduous hours, will finally show its result.

➖I entrust you with the future.

The energy released by each Ycloquasar ground force as it self-destructed was confined in space along with each bio-planet. As a result, the bio-planets became spheres with blinding white flashes rotating like crazy along the geostationary orbit.

What is the most important value in this universe?

The races of the Local Group would all answer, ‘existence.’

Then what is the most powerful thing in this universe?

The Ririm would answer, ‘harmony.’

The Parahtoria would answer, ‘symbiosis.’

The Aooa would answer, ‘peace.’

The Crolr would answer, ‘force.’

The Lomro-or would answer, ‘stability.’

The Quakacor would answer, ‘collectivity.’

The Reptured would answer, ‘community.’

Lopez or Kreion would answer, ‘cell.’ And the Believers would answer, ‘gravity.’

However, the power that the three transcendents came up with this time was none other than ‘time.’

The bio-planets rotated with the closed space.

They rotated at the speed of light.

Therefore, to the existences outside the 265 closed spaces, the time of the bio-planets would appear to have stopped relatively.

By freezing the moment when the Ycloquasar units self-destructed, the 265 bombs were completed.

Eventually, the 25 War Harvesters that had been continuously approaching from all directions to destroy the Gorgo’s Stars and bio-planets sensed the crisis and stopped in their tracks.

However, the distance between each bio-planet and the War Harvesters had already been effectively narrowed.

Ludwig whispered to all the leaders amidst the great thrill.

‘If the enemy’s weapons are too strong, don’t destroy them, take them away. . . . ‘

Soon after, the 265 planet-sized ‘exploding bombs’ collided with the 25 War Harvesters, causing a tremendous flash of light, and at the same time, the smooth surfaces of the War Harvesters shattered,

➖Destroy everything it touches.

Countless biological bombs, which were fragments of the bio-planets, poured like a catastrophe into the wounds of the War Harvesters.

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