My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 169

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔𝟗: 𝐖𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐅𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐫 (5)

The jellyfish race perfected a new substance that can be applied to the Chimeraz’s body at the Believer’s request, which can be applied to the Chimeraz’s body.

On top of a steep hill, Gnox pointed his finger at the newly born Chimeraz Corps.

“There’s no visible difference, but the exoskeleton, skin, and bone structure have been replaced with new ones. The modification is complete at the genetic blueprint stage, so if you teach the modified version to Ludwig and the leaders, they’ll be able to produce it right away.”

We now have information on the Ycloquasar’s three weapons. So Lopez was able to imitate the unknown weapons used by the Ycloquasar through technical cooperation with the Believer.

Of course, it was impossible to imitate the fuselage and unknown internal structure of the Ycloquasar weapon with this level of technology. Still, it was fortunate that they were able to experiment with their weapons for the time being.

“How many of those new kids do you think will survive?”

“There are 10 each of the ground troops, for a total of 80, so about 5 of them might survive.”

The newly applied substances are Hounz, Cust, Kabana, Tritula, Elite, Mindrocker, Grounsecter, and Hailspatter, with 10 each.

On the opposite side of the corps was a complex mechanism that looked like an electromagnetic induction coil or a nuclear fusion generator.

Zizizizik. . . .!

The machine emitted a blue light and discharged lightning from the ground to the ground.


The blue lightning struck the corps like a monster walking on the ground. The new corps exposed to the lightning suffered severe burns or their bodies exploded, scattering flesh and blood in all directions.

Hounz collapsed with burns or died with their hearts burst.

Cust exploded all over without lasting even a second.

Kabana didn’t explode, but they all collapsed with burns.

Tritula died with its huge belly bursting like a balloon.

The Elite all suffered burns and fainted.

Mindrocker surrounded its body with a bio-barrier and held on, but most of them were brain-dead.

Grounsecter detached the parasitic life form from its rump, shivered, and collapsed, spilling green blood.

Hailspatter exploded because the high-pressure environment inside its body was exposed to the external air pressure.

“Eight of them survived.”

“Out of 80. . . . .”

“One of the Hounz survived. I thought Cust would all die because they were originally not durable. Still, it’s fortunate that they dropped the oviduct and died.”

The machine that fired the blue lightning stopped working, emitting black smoke.

“The Kabana held on well without exploding, but they died with burns on their vital organs. I guess we can solve this by planting more internal armor to protect their vital organs.”

Keureureureuk. . . . .

After the blue lightning passed, the survivors on the pile of blood complained of pain from the burns.

“Tritula and Hailspatter have high internal pressure, so there’s nothing we can do about it. In the first place, if troops acting as artillery are exposed to such enemy attacks, it means that the entire front line has been pushed back. And Elite is. . . . . . .”

The newborn children who had been given the new substance were immediately used for experiments and died or complained of pain.


It was a necessary experiment, but Kreion, who ordered and watched it, was never at ease.

“. . .Yes. Let’s reinforce it a little more and build up resistance to the Ycloquasar ground forces. Do we need more new substances?”

“I think it’s best to make them with the stuff the jellyfish race gave us for now. Didn’t you say there’s less than a day left?”

“The enemy will enter the human galaxy in 20 hours.”

After that, Kreion explained the principle and characteristics of the newly developed substance to Lopez.

Thanks to this, Lopez’s artificial intelligence army was equipped with superior new material armor, and the military of the human nation also hurriedly reinforced the army’s armor according to the design drawing submitted by Lopez.

The Chimeraz and the human army will be able to withstand the attacks of the Ycloquasar ground weapons better than before.

Then, the remaining time was only 17 hours.

The Believer, who had been watching the miserable end of each galaxy, analyzed the Ycloquasar’s spatial attack.

“They distort space by linking powerful gravitational fields. Fleets isolated in closed spaces mistake the light they saw before as an enemy and fire their cannons, but the Ycloquasar is no longer there.”

“So, the armor-piercing shells that our side fired actually came from behind and hit our rear.”

“If it were an intelligent shell or missile, it would be able to recognize our side, but in the case of simple optical weapons or particle weapons, it would hit our rear as it is.”

“We can’t defeat the Ycloquasar by using only mass weapons that are relatively slow.”

“That’s right. So we focused on analyzing what the power source was that allowed the Ycloquasar to distort such a wide space to such an extreme. And we were able to find what is presumed to be the power source.”

“That planet-sized white sphere. . . Wasn’t War Harvester the power source?”

“The guess that it was the power source was correct. However, the total amount of energy displayed by the Ycloquasar as it continued the war was extraordinary. So, the Reptured explained that the Ycloquasar handled ‘dark energy,’ and we wondered where the dark energy was.”

“Where was it?”

“To put it simply, we don’t know.”

It wasn’t the answer Kreion had expected.

“But what is certain is that they are continuously supplied with energy while they are conducting the war. And the entity that received that energy and converted it into a form that the weapons could use was the ‘War Harvester.'”

‘Harvest. . . . . . War Harvester. . .’

Kreion chewed on the name of the white sphere inwardly.

“Do you think they’re getting energy from the act of war itself?”

“That’s an interesting hypothesis.”

“The energy used by civilization peaks when they wage war. Weapons move, tactical information is exchanged, and something is destroyed. . . . . All of those things can be seen as energy being dispersed. In fact, war does not consume a civilization’s energy but rather is a kind of act that gathers and disperses energy as much as possible. For them.”


“War releases energy more chaotically. If they are securing and reusing the energy released from all acts of war in reverse. . . . . Then, we might be able to explain a little bit about that ridiculous amount of energy consumption.”

“I don’t know the principle, but. . .”

“We don’t know the principle.”

So it came back to dark energy.

“At least we’ve learned one thing. Kreion.”

“If we can neutralize the War Harvester’s energy activity alone, all of its subordinate weapons will lose their massive energy supply and will not be able to exert 100% of their combat power as before.”

The key was to attack the War Harvester.

There was no need to destroy the War Harvester. All they had to do was cut off the energy supply route that the War Harvester was providing to the unknown weapons in an unknown way.

Then, they could expect to win the ground battle, and it might even be possible to establish a fleet battle on equal footing with the Ycloquasar.

“Believer. Has the Reptured’s mechanized black hole ever directly attacked the War Harvester?”

“No. The Reptured’s members were difficult targets to approach. The Reptured’s mechanized black hole only swung the accretion disk.”

“The Lomro-or and the Caycaconick have dealt minor blows to the War Harvester. That proves that the Ycloquasar doesn’t have shield technology.”

“That’s right. The War Harvester, which is so important, didn’t have any particular means of defense even when it was hit by the enemy.”

In fact, if it were the Ycloquasar’s spatial attack technology, a defensive measure like a shield might be old-fashioned.

“. . .Also, the Quakacor and the Parahtoria came into physical contact with the Ycloquasar’s weapons and succeeded in neutralizing them.”

“But they self-destructed.”

“At that time, their weapons were infected and neutralized, but thanks to the fact that they were still connected to the War Harvester, they were able to carry out such a powerful self-destruction.”

“It seems like the order of the attack is gradually becoming visible.”

“Believer. You must sacrifice yourself and open a black hole right next to the War Harvester. Cut off the interaction between the War Harvester and the ground forces with the event horizon and somehow bring the fleet closer to drop bio-bombs.”

“But then the War Harvester might self-destruct as well.”

“That’s why you have to stop it.”

Because no matter how much energy it is, it can’t overcome space itself, and no matter what information it is, it can’t easily cross the event horizon.

“If the War Harvester self-destructs, you will absorb it into the black hole.”

“We need to improve that strategy a little more.”


The Aooa of the Small Magellanic Cloud and the weak races with peaceful dispositions.

Thanks to their proximity to the human galaxy, they were able to borrow more heavenly lands from the Chimeraz and evacuate all of them.

In addition, the races under the rule of the Hive Alliance in the Sculptor Dwarf Constellation received similar help and completed their evacuation to the human galaxy.

➖Embark on the Chimeraz’s bio-planet for evacuation.

The Crolr and the Ririm of the Large Magellanic Cloud and the races experienced in war followed Anima to the human galaxy.

The number of Gorgo’s Stars increased to 48. And the number of bio-planets attached to each Gorgo’s Star like satellites reached 265.

Baal level.

Not a single race, but all the races in a single galaxy completed their evacuation in one move. That’s why the sight of Gorgo’s Stars carrying the races of the Large Magellanic Cloud and moving them to the human galaxy was reminiscent of a large-scale migration.

Like that, one by one, looking at Gorgo’s Stars spreading their giant tentacles in the Oort cloud of the solar system, one can’t help but think that they are Baal-class.

Anima connected a hologram communication with the Martian President of the solar system.

“When the Ycloquasar enters the human galaxy, all Gorgo’s Stars must be deployed in the war. Quickly send ships here to take the Large Magellanic Cloud races.”

“The solar system’s population capacity is already over-saturated. Besides, we just received the Small Magellanic Cloud races yesterday, so it’s difficult to accept the Large Magellanic Cloud races in a row.”

“Skip the reasons why it’s not possible and tell me the countermeasures first.”

“Ah, yes. Defaulstellay, Espera, Corcovado, and Slav nations have room. But the discussions with their leaders aren’t over yet. I’ll try to get permission right away, so please wait a moment. . . .”

“There’s no time to wait while discussing. I’ll send them to those countries for now.”

“Ah, I understand.”


“. . .They say so. Lopez.”

“I’ll take care of it.”

Lopez closed his eyes and put his hand to his temple.

‘Is it communicating?’

Lopez, who had been at the center of the human galaxy, came all the way to the Hecartra star system.

He led the Phase Assault Troops and even brought the artificial planet, which was humanity’s most powerful Planet Weapon, to the Hecartra star system.

Even Lopez can’t hide somewhere. Ironically, this Hecartra star system, which is targeted by the Ycloquasar, might be the safest place in the human galaxy.

If Lopez continues to stay at the center of the human galaxy and there is a problem with the communication network, he will be excluded from the battle. That’s why he had to come here in person for that reason.

Lopez, who had been silent for about 20 seconds, opened his eyes.

“Permission granted. To Defaulstellay Star President, Espera Star President, Corcovado Planet President, and Slav Planet President.”

“That was quick.”

“It’s an emergency measure of the UNF, so they have no choice but to follow it. And among the Magellan friends, the race that is the best at war is definitely the Crolr, right?”

“The Ririm is there, but the Crolr would be more suitable for the Ycloquasar’s war speed.”

“Send the Crolr to my country.”

“Do you mean Drake Star Nation?”

“I think it would be better because the people of Defaulstellay have bad feelings towards the Crolr.”

The Defaulstellay Star Nation is the first human group to cooperate with the Chimeraz and fight against an external race. So, compared to other countries, they have more friendly feelings towards the Chimeraz. However, on the contrary, they are negative towards the Crolr, who was the common enemy they defeated together with the Chimeraz.

“Then, I understand that your country will accept the entire Crolr race.”

“There are many planets, and I can build buildings to accommodate the Crolr civilization right away. . . . . I’ll make it happen somehow.”

➖Master. The war in the Andromeda galaxy is over.

Nazar informed him with a wave.

➖In addition, the communication with the Mind Advocates who were waiting in the interstellar space between the human galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy seems to have been cut off, so it seems that the Ycloquasar is currently approaching the human galaxy.

➖The direction is right here. They are approaching this Hecartra star system in search of the master’s existence, where all the wave networks gather.

It’s time to choose.

Whether to go in the direction the Ycloquasar will enter and fight, or to face them here in the dark nebula, including the Hecartra star system.

At the same moment, Lopez put his hand to his ear and seemed to have received a similar contact.

“Kreion. It’s time.”

“I heard.”

“They say that several War Harvesters are approaching from other directions of the human galaxy. Our side will buy as much time as possible until the humans, the UNF, and the races that have evacuated to the human galaxy, but we will lose.”

Everyone will lose.

That’s why this side has to win.

This star system, where the Phase Assault Troops, including the Elise fleet, Kreion’s group, all the leaders, Anima and Gorgo’s group, and even the Believers have gathered, is by far the maximum power of the human galaxy.

“We’re going to do it here?”

“We only get one chance wherever we fight.”

If the maximum force is defeated, the Chimeraz will die, the Phase Assault Troops will be annihilated, and a considerable number of the Believers will also be wiped out.

What comes after that is a one-sided massacre towards the human galaxy.

“It’s right to face the enemy in a slightly advantageous area.”

Dark nebula and Hecartra star system.

This is the area where the Chimeraz, who yearned for freedom, first took root and is their true hometown that has overcome numerous trials and tribulations.

Therefore, if there is an area that the Chimeraz should cherish and protect more than anything, it is this place.

“Lopez. Tell your AIs to prepare for the upcoming invasion.”

Kreion said so and got up from his seat. And Lopez, who had been watching his back, looked up at the ceiling of the conference room and sighed.

“I knew this day would come. . . .”



➖This time, there is a very high probability that the Administrator will die.

It was the AI in his head that was talking. He said that he might die again.

This time, the weight of his words seemed different.

“When wasn’t it?”

However, Lopez only looked composed this time as well.


Kreion stepped into the throne room.


As the door with dense teeth opened left and right, Gats and the Elite Honor Guard lined up on both sides and bowed their heads.

My heart beats with tension.

It’s not a thrill. It’s a reaction caused by thoughts about the future, such as anxiety, worry, fear, and impatience.

Susususu. . .

Ludwig, who had been standing next to the throne, stepped forward.

“The leaders are replacing the troops with new ones. . . .”

“We have to hurry.”

“Leave it to me. . . . . I will make sure that we are fully prepared before they arrive. . . .”

The heavily armored bio-armor that had been hiding behind the throne walked up to Kreion on its own.


The bio-armor opened the front wide open, revealing its ribs, and wrapped around Kreion as if it was trying to eat him.

“Inform the leaders. Let them enter this place.”

“You’re waiting with your mouth open. . . .”


Soon, Kreion, fully armed, sat on the throne.

“We will have the final battle in this dark nebula.”

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