My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 165

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Information from Voyager on the brink of death and the Believers was shocking.

“What does it mean when they ask what humans have been doing for 390,000 years. . . and then say they will harvest the Laniakea Supercluster as if they had been waiting in the void?”

“It seems like the human species is a race seeded by the Ycloquasar.”

The outlines of the terrible truth seemed to be revealed.

“If humans unite the Laniakea Supercluster, they will surely send probes outside the Laniakea Supercluster, and they plan to devour the Laniakea Supercluster at that point.”

Kreion thought there was no other possibility than that.

“Why would they do something like that. . .”

“We will not be able to understand. They are transcendents with different directions from us.”

“The Ycloquasar tore you the Believers apart. Does that mean they are a superior race to you?”

The Believer hesitated.


“. . .Yes. The Ycloquasar is technologically superior to us. That one encounter was enough to realize the gap.”

The situation assessment was almost over. Kreion acts immediately. He called one of the Asotus below the cliff. And he asked the Believer.

“If you want mortals to have meaningful lives and don’t want to tolerate mortals suffering, you will naturally help us. Right?”

Perhaps they would have waited like a net in all areas, surrounding the Laniakea Supercluster. If so, the number would be immeasurable.

If a single Ycloquasar object overwhelmed the Believers there, if there were countless of them, the entire Laniakea Supercluster would be in danger.

“Surely, this is not a situation where neutrality and all can be maintained. If the Ycloquasar had been waiting for an encounter outside the Laniakea Supercluster, one planetary-sized object there would not be all of them.”

Fortunately, there was no hole in the Believer’s beliefs.

“I don’t know what the harvest they talked about means, but if the plan is to annihilate all mortals in the Laniakea Supercluster, we will fight for our world.”

“How much time do you think we have left before the Ycloquasar, who was waiting in the void, begins its invasion of the Laniakea Supercluster?”

The Believer answered right away.

“The invasion has already begun.”


Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte galaxy.

Abbreviated as the WLM galaxy, the irregular galaxy is an isolated small galaxy located quite far from the outskirts of the Laniakea Supercluster, an area that has not been in contact with other galaxies for a long time since its formation.

Even in the WLM galaxy, which has grown on its own without contact with external galaxies, there were civilizations born centered on the main sequence star that turns red.

In general, although the number of individuals in the species is small, the technology-centered species, which have their own unique technological prowess, are distributed in this galaxy, not lagging behind other species in the Laniakea Supercluster.

Due to the relatively large distance from the other galaxies in the Laniakea Supercluster, the species of this galaxy were not able to actively engage in diplomatic activities. The species of this galaxy came to know about the dissolution of the Le-orantarum Federation recently.

However, with the news of the dissolution of the federation, the communication delay time throughout the Laniakea Supercluster was greatly reduced due to the birth of the Hive Alliance and the New Universe Civilization Union.

Thanks to this, the species of this galaxy were gradually activating exchanges and choosing alliances or unions according to their own inclinations.

Jijijijiji. . . !

Three spheres with a circumference of 12m and one sphere with a circumference of 23m are connected side by side. In the form of machine-like things shaped like a turtle’s back covering the spheres without physical contact, the overall appearance is like a larva made of a ball and a slender machine. In addition, like the unique appearance of the Ycloquasar, the pure white surface was finished with an armor of smooth polymer material.

Each sphere and machine are not connected to each other, but they move together as if connected by an invisible force, becoming one weapon.

Pajijik! Pajik. . . !

A powerful electronic motion occurred between the machines and spheres that made up the weapon, continuously causing something like a blue lightning bolt. And it moved as if crawling by floating in anti-gravity.

Perhaps these weapons are a kind of anti-gravity tank possessed by the Ycloquasar species.

The enigmatic Ycloquasar weapons, which no species in the Laniakea Supercluster had ever seen before, descended on the planet and defeated civilization.

Jijijijiji. . . !

They made a noise like a huge object rotating. Every time that happened, the blue lightning that started from the largest sphere touched the ground and moved forward. The army hit by the unknown lightning exploded without exception, whether they were living beings or machines.

Even those Ycloquasar weapons were equipped with phase assault technology. Much superior to what humans had, it didn’t even take 0.1 seconds for the transmission and reconstruction.

That’s how the fleet battle in space was even more miserable while the land-based weapons were cleaning up an army, a civilization, and a planet.

Just by one white sphere approaching a star system, the civilization of that star system becomes extinct.

As the various mass weapons, particle weapons, and optical weapons fired by the fleet formed colorful streaks of light, the white sphere the size of a planet distorted the space around the enemy fleet, creating a ‘closed space’ like a rounded wave.

The fleet saw that the shells and destructive energy they had fired were approaching their own rear.

Kukukung! Kukung!

In that way, numerous ships died in just a few minutes, and the fleet that survived in the closed space suddenly swelled like a deep-sea fish pulled out to the land and exploded all at once.

When the species of the WLM galaxy resisted with nuclear weapons, the energy warped along the space and completely attacked their own forces, and even the shield was strangely warped and peeled off.

The best army of the capital city, the hastily assembled fleet, the large coalition forces of the dominant species with the most excellent technological prowess, and even the latest Planet Weapon could not handle the huge sphere of the Ycloquasar.

The army was annihilated on the ground, the fleet was annihilated in space, and the antimatter pulse fired by the Planet Weapon warped round and hit the Planet Weapon in reverse.

It was hopeless.

The Ycloquasar did not accept surrender from the opposing leader or even attempt minimal communication. Everything was just destroyed and not a single one survived. It was too one-sided to be called a war, and too instantaneous to be called a battle.

The territories of the species annihilated by the Ycloquasar were not occupied. All the areas where everything was destroyed and died were simply abandoned.

And when the ground forces of the Ycloquasar disappeared all at once, the white spheres disappeared and repeated moving to the next target star system.

It was similar to the speed at which news of the extinction of a civilization and the extinction of a species spread. The Ycloquasar moved at a speed similar to the spread of information within the galaxy, and on average, one weak species went extinct per hour. They even found and wiped out not only intelligent species but also rudimentary primitive civilizations.

About 40 hours passed like that.

In the WLM galaxy, no one survived except the Ycloquasar.

And it would have been a similar time period.

Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy, Antlia Dwarf Galaxy, Aquarius Dwarf Galaxy, and Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy are now extinct species.


The queen of the Hyraguroa did not know what to do with the sign of the approaching doom.

โž–Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy is also over! The afterimage of the light of war has disappeared and no leader has responded to communication!

It is a neighboring galaxy very close to the Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy. About 41 hours ago, a being called the Believer came to warn them, but the neighboring galaxy had already been killed.

Judging by the distance, their next target would naturally be here, the Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy.

โž–We must evacuate. . . .

The queen decided that she could not resist them at all. As of now, not only the direction where the Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy is located, but also other galaxies located at the edge of the Laniakea Supercluster are losing contact one after another.

โž–We have to evacuate to the center! Mobilize all warships and spaceships and have as many Hyraguroas as possible board!

โž–Are we abandoning our galaxy?

โž–Rather than perish with this galaxy, it is right to join forces with the alliance and military power in the rear! Let the other species leaders of this galaxy know too! We must evacuate in a hurry. . .!

Instinct shouted loudly. Predators that you can never defeat are approaching from beyond the void.

The queen moved her numerous legs busily to leave her room. The Hyraguroas who were serving by her side also moved along.

โž–We don’t have enough ships to evacuate all the Hyraguroas!

The queen’s legs, which were moving busily, stopped.

โž–Some will be abandoned on this galaxy and killed! The leaders of other species are in the same situation!

It was impossible for the individuals that make up a species to evacuate all at once in one move.

โž–I’d rather fight. . .!

โž–We can’t fight! They are. . .

They are devils who even tore apart the Believers.

She couldn’t bring herself to say it.

The image of the Believer that the species of the Laniakea Supercluster think of is mystery and transcendental power.

We don’t know how many Believers there are, but at least Believers would be stronger than humans or the Chimeraz and are considered to be almost omniscient observers.

What are you talking about fighting against a race that has overwhelmed such Believers? I wonder if there is a choice to surrender, but the Ycloquasar seem to be destroying everything without minimal communication.

They would have the intellectual ability to communicate, but they don’t talk.

It’s probably a similar feeling to how humans don’t bother to talk to ants.

โž–Why does that evil race have such power. . . . .

The queen tasted the excruciating pain of her heart breaking and finally ordered.

โž–Hyraguroas who can’t fight can’t go with us.

โž–How can you give such an order. . .!

โž–My queen. . .!

โž–Shouldn’t we join forces with all the species of this galaxy and fight back?!

โž–I order you again.

Is it because the opponent is a demon that the queen had no choice but to act as a villain?

โž–Old, young, or sick Hyraguroas. Hyraguroas who can’t fight are abandoned on this galaxy. It is to stay on this galaxy and buy some time with their lives.

If the governing system of the Hyraguroa was a democracy, the queen who gave such an order would probably have to step down from the position of leader immediately.

It is such an extreme order.

It means abandoning the galaxy before even fighting, using the weak who cannot fight as a time waster, and instead saving all the healthy and strong and running away.

However, the one who would be most angry and saddened by this order would be none other than the queen.

โž–And our army. . . . . We must gather at the Human Galaxy and fight with everything we have. . . . . That is my order and judgement. . . . .


In the Human Galaxy, the dark network of Lopez and the wave network of the Chimeraz were combined, and real-time communication was realized in all areas.

In addition, near-real-time communication was realized even in other galaxies adjacent to the Human Galaxy, and now the Believers are joining in, and news from even more distant galaxies is being connected busily.

Kreion, Anima, Ludwig, and the Believer gathered in the colony’s conference room. And on one side, a hologram of the real Lopez, who is at the center of the Human Galaxy, is also being output.

Ludwig asks.

“Can’t we gather all the leaders and legions and launch a preemptive strike. . .?”

Kreion replies.

“That’s dangerous. If we fail to attack, it will result in the deaths of numerous legions and leaders. If there is too much power loss, the Ycloquasar will not have the power to respond at full power when they arrive in the Human Galaxy.”

Lopez added to that.

“We still don’t have enough information about their tactics and weapons. Right now, it’s time to figure out how to give them flesh and take their bones.”

Anima said.

“Five species have already gone extinct, and the Hyraguroa are evacuating. How long are you going to give them flesh?”

The Believer replied.

“Looking at the direction of the Ycloquasar’s approach, they will target the Andromeda Galaxy before coming to the Human Galaxy. And in the Andromeda Galaxy, there is a species with a population that is not inferior to the Chimeraz.”

“The Quakacor. . .”

After the Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular Galaxy of the Hyraguroa fell, Andromeda was also notified that it would be in danger, but Empress Karcon refused to evacuate.

For a race of collective consciousness that uses waves, when commanding a legion, if the leader physically falls, there will be a delay in the battle, so Empress Karcon would not leave her position to fight with maximum combat power.

And the Believer intended to give the Quakacor flesh if necessary.

“The Quakacor will die in droves. Even so, the Quakacor will be able to resist them, establish a minimal battle, and obtain maximum information. We will counterattack in the Human Galaxy based on that information.”

Then Anima and Ludwig looked at Kreion at the same time.

“Kreion. Is it okay for the Quakacor to go extinct?”

“Master. . . . . They are loyal confidants who have sworn allegiance to master. . . . . If master just gives the order, the Quakacor will evacuate to our side and join us in the upcoming final battle. . . . .”

In order to fight the Ycloquasar, you must first know the Ycloquasar.

How they fight fleet battles, how they fight ground battles, how they invade planets and how they finish them, how they gain the upper hand in battle and how they overcome when they are at a disadvantage.

Without knowing anything about them, the Human Galaxy will be overwhelmed just like other species have gone extinct.

“I’m not comfortable either. . . . . . Here, I agree with Lopez and the Believers.”

Give them flesh. Take their bones.

Since the next scapegoat is the Quakacor, it hurts as if my flesh is being cut off, but there is no other way.

The Ycloquasar is not a force that can be defeated by simply gathering a large number of troops and attacking. No matter how many troops there are, if there is no means to attack them wisely, they will all be annihilated without exception.

That was the common sense that the Believer, Lopez, and Kreion, who were walking the path of mental transcendence, all thought of.

And perhaps Empress Karcon of the Quakacor also knew that fact and volunteered to stay in the Andromeda Galaxy.

“But Empress Karcon. The species that you decided to teach and hold in your arms. . . .”

Of course, Anima and Ludwig are decisions that they don’t easily agree with.

In the midst of an uncomfortable silence, Lopez, who had been thinking about this situation for 20 years, defended Kreion.

“What you need to do now is not to gather troops, find allies, evacuate, or prepare secret weapons.”

If he were an ordinary human, he would probably have panicked, but he was a mentally prepared being.

“We need to analyze. We need to analyze while we watch our side dying properly. Then the extinction of many species now and the death of the Quakacor, who will soon be sacrificed, will be meaningful deaths.”

The Believer also added.

“They are overwhelmingly superior in military power and technology. If you don’t even have information about such an opponent, the Laniakea Supercluster’s chances of winning will converge to 0.”

There is a reason why all three mental transcendents have this opinion. Anima and Ludwig will probably know it in their heads by now.

If necessary, the leaders must be released one by one. Nearby species, the Hive Alliance and the New Universe Civilization Alliance must also be released one by one.

We have to find out as much as we can about the enemy, even by shedding so much blood.

“The Andromeda Galaxy is large, so it will last for 6 to 8 days. So Believer. I’m asking you.”

“Tell me.”

“At least within 5 days, humans and the Chimeraz must achieve the same level of progress as you.”

“I thought you’d ask for that. The only species that can accept the technological advancements we offer and apply them within that time are humans and the Chimeraz.”

Then Lopez raised his hand and caught everyone’s attention.

“Let’s add one more to that.”


“The Reptured.”

The race that took the place of the Lomro-or. The ruling race of the Triangulum galaxy. Also, the most powerful machine transcendent race in the Laniakea Supercluster at this point in time.

“We need to advance the members of the Reptured civilization to the level of the Vehlpciaarct within 3 days. That way, you can have a means of spatial attack against the Ycloquasar. The weapon that the Ycloquasar has used the most so far is ‘gravity’.”

At that moment, Kreion immediately understood the strategy that Lopez was drawing.

“If the Reptured, who have achieved the level of advancement of the Vehlpciaarct, join forces with the Quakacor in the Andromeda Galaxy and are deployed to the front lines, they may be able to give the Ycloquasar a valid blow at least once.”


“Believer. Please.”

The Believer cooperates properly.

“I will. Let’s make the Reptured the ultimate machine transcendence. If we help them, they will become machines beyond the Vehlpciaarct.”

It was also a word that contained both hope and despair at the same time.

Because it means that you have to do that much to be able to give a valid blow once.

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