My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 163

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟔𝟑: 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (4)

The Quakacor fabricated a pretext for war on a remote desert planet, thus drawing the Drataiden in. They moved their legions without informing the Hive Alliance or the Chimeraz, and blatantly provoked war by unauthorized intrusion into Drataiden territory.

Even though the Drataiden were a defeated race, they did not concede the rule of the Andromeda Galaxy to the Quakacor. Behind the scenes, they had made a secret request to the Reptured which was rejected, and they continued to provoke the Quakacor by persistently targeting the planets containing organic matter that the Quakacor favored, despite being a machine-inclined race.

Regardless of the intentions and motivations of the two races, there was fault on both sides based solely on the series of events that unfolded.

Kreion had a glimpse of the memories of the Controller that Empress Karcon had absorbed.

‘The Reptured must have predicted that something like this would happen when they talked to the Drataiden.’

However, even though the Reptured were generally aware of the Drataiden’s intentions, they did not alert the United Civilization of New Galaxies.

Could it be that they simply dismissed it as an issue of a different galaxy and chose to ignore it? That seemed far-fetched. The Reptured had even given advice to the Drataiden at the time.

➖Lower Controller. These emotions will lead to undesirable outcomes.

➖What do you mean?

➖If you are going to transcend your consciousness vaguely, it is better to firmly choose one direction.

Perhaps, the Reptured intended to simultaneously advise the machine-inclined Drataiden while also demonstrating that they were not responsible for the impending incident.

‘If the Quakacor took the brain of the Controller, the conversation between the Drataiden and the Reptured would also be revealed. . . . That’s why the Reptured made those remarks.’

Therefore, the Reptured could not be held accountable for failing to warn the United Civilization of New Galaxies about the Drataiden’s actions in advance. The Reptured had given advice to the Drataiden in their own way, and decisively, they had rejected the Drataiden’s request, so they were innocent.

That was fortunate.

Thanks to the Reptured, there was now a basis for leniency.

‘Even after receiving advice from the Reptured, the Drataiden continued to provoke the Quakacor. And eventually, they sowed the seeds for this situation to unfold.’

It would be best to favor the Quakacor, who were part of the Hive Alliance. Doing so would increase the trust of the Hive Alliance races in the Chimeraz.

Moreover, the Quakacor resembled the Chimeraz.

Like the young Chimeraz who fought against humans and the Vehlpciaarct, they had a side that, if guided in the right direction, could make them a truly great race.

‘What would it be like to fight someone for four thousand years with hatred?’

As the ruler of the collective consciousness, the Empress must have directly experienced the deaths and suffering of her children.

‘Empress Karcon . . . . might be a leader who never liked war.’

Kreion both detested Empress Karcon for causing a rift in the peace that he had worked so hard to achieve, and felt sorry for her at the same time.


Nazar sent a few words to Empress Karcon, who was drowning in the swamp of regret, via waves.

➖If I had not been overseeing the entire Local Group of Galaxies, things could have gotten much worse. It means that the era of peace that our master had longed for could have been shattered by your reckless actions, leading to division among the great powers.

➖Empress Karcon. I still cannot forgive you.

➖However. . . . Our master pitied you and forgave you in the end.

➖Our master said that he cannot hate you because he has already embraced you. Nevertheless, the Quakacor are allies of the Chimeraz and a collective consciousness race belonging to the Hive Alliance.

➖Our master sincerely hopes that you and your race will grow well, which is why he personally visited your colony that day.

➖Therefore, change yourself with vigilance and a sense of responsibility. If you fail to do so and commit the same atrocities again. . . . . . . Then I will personally destroy your world.

October 17, 2621.

Leaders of the four races gathered on planet Petra, the diplomatic center of Hecartra, for a discussion.

Representing the human race, which was the central race of the United Civilization of New Galaxies, was President Sheamus Pollan. Having received prior instructions from Lopez, he refrained from commenting on the punishment of the Drataiden and focused solely on the words of the Chimeraz.

The new Controller of the Drataiden stated that the Quakacor had fabricated a pretext, apologized for killing the young Quakacors, but expressed resentment over the fact that their previous Controller had been killed by a surprise attack at the outbreak of war.

Empress Karcon of the Quakacor had completely changed her attitude. Even in the presence of the Drataiden, whom she so deeply despised, she showed no animosity whatsoever. The Empress lamented that they should have secured their rule over the Andromeda Galaxy more firmly, admitting the Quakacor’s lack of ability, and repeatedly apologized.

And representing the Chimeraz, the central race of the Hive Alliance, was Kreion. He had finally decided on the punishment for the Quakacor.

“We will permanently monitor the Quakacor territory in the Andromeda Galaxy by settling the Parahtoria of the Hive Alliance there.”

From now on, the Quakacor would have to be cautious whenever they exercised force. This was because the Parahtoria would be attached to all their colony sites, monitoring the production and movement of their legions, and reporting all information back to Ludwig.

Empress Karcon thanked Kreion once again, thinking to herself that it was a lenient punishment, but the other races present realized how seriously the Chimeraz took the incident, considering that the ‘freedom’ of the Quakacor legions was now gone.

When Kreion announced the punishment for the Quakacor, President Sheamus Pollan pondered for a moment before making a decision.

“The Quakacor are the ruling race of the Andromeda Galaxy. The Drataiden must report to the Quakacor whenever they expand their territory or move their troops within that galaxy.”

This was the punishment that the United Civilization of New Galaxies imposed on the Drataiden. By firmly establishing the Quakacor’s rule over the Andromeda Galaxy, they prohibited the Drataiden’s aggressive territorial expansion.

Kreion was satisfied with this punishment. In this way, the Quakacor would be monitored by the Chimeraz, and the Drataiden would be monitored by the Quakacor.

As a result, the Andromeda Galaxy belonged to the Quakacor, but it became a territory that fell under the control of the Chimeraz.

Several days passed, and the Andromeda Galaxy stabilized. The various races that had been observing the war between the two races in that galaxy sought permission from the Quakacor whenever they moved their troops or expanded their territory. There were still minor and major conflicts, but everyone was now equal before the Quakacor.

Under the established hierarchy and order, the vast territory of the Andromeda Galaxy would be properly managed.

A few more days later, Empress Karcon visited planet Petra in Hecartra and requested a brief meeting with Kreion.

So, Kreion invited the Empress to the conference room on the upper level of the colony.

“I do not know how to express my gratitude to you, ruler.”

“I am relieved to see that you are doing well.”

“It is more than just doing well. Our race’s rule over the Andromeda Galaxy has been solidified, and we are now enjoying prosperity that we have never experienced before.”

“You must also take responsibility for the prosperity you enjoy.”

“Of course. We have already stopped the extermination of primitive civilizations. No matter how desirable a planet may be, we will yield if there are already intelligent beings inhabiting it.”

“Why did you decide to do that?”

“I thought it was anachronistic for us, the ruling race of a galaxy and a member of the Hive Alliance, to continue hunting primitive civilizations like we used to. And above all. . . . because the Quakacor race could also be the object of someone’s reverence, we cannot be careless in our actions of attacking others.”


The Empress’s eyes met Kreion’s squarely.

“I will definitely grow to be like you, the ruler. I will grow, taking you as my role model, and at the same time, I will raise my children to be proud members of the Hive Alliance.”

Empress Karcon realized Kreion’s mental level and depth and had the desire to learn from him.

And apart from such rational judgment, the Empress’s emotional realm was firmly rooted in her loyalty to Kreion.

Perhaps that was the power of forgiveness.

“Empress Karcon. I have a task for you.”

“What is it?”

“Reconcile with the Drataiden.”

It is a difficult task.

That was how the Empress would have responded not long ago.

“I am not sure how to do that. . . .”

Now, the Empress was basically asking for advice.

“First, apologize to the Drataiden on behalf of the Quakacor, and go to the new Controller to admit your own faults. Offer them a few territories as gifts and suggest that you get along well from now on. That one sentence should be enough.”

“What if they refuse reconciliation?”

“They won’t refuse.”

“How. . . . can you be so sure?”

“They will be bewildered at first. They will be bewildered and suspicious of the Quakacor for suddenly reaching out and offering reconciliation. Then, the new Controller will put aside his emotions and reconsider the relationship with the Quakacor.”


【Why on earth is the Empress of the Quakacor. . . .?】

The Controller and the Lower Controller were bewildered.

【This is a political trap. If it’s not a trap, then it doesn’t make any sense.】

【There must be something they’re after.】

➖Let’s get along. Am I misunderstanding your request? What is your real intention?

➖There is no other intention. Isn’t it true that there is no reason for the Quakacor and the Drataiden not to reconcile?

➖Do you think that’s an easy task? You succeeded in taking over this galaxy, so are you now asking for reconciliation to improve your race’s image?

➖I am not asking for reconciliation right away. I just want us to let go of all the grudges we have accumulated and gradually design a productive future, leaving it to time.

【Is there any benefit for us to continue being hostile to the Quakacor?】

【If we restore our relationship with the ruling race, the Drataiden citizens will be less anxious, and we might be able to gain more territory.】

【What about the backlash from the citizens who hate the Quakacor?】

【If we can gain more value than when we hated them, their perception will change.】


“What you’re saying is that their guard won’t be broken down right away.”

“If it were a 100% machine-transcended race like the Reptured, they could immediately make calculations and completely change their relationship. But both the Quakacor and the Drataiden are not races without emotions, are they?”

“That is true.”

“So, we take it one step at a time. Like climbing stairs.”

“Stairs. . . . I see. . . . I have a feeling that I will gradually come to understand your depth, the ruler.”

With this incident as an opportunity, Empress Karcon’s mind will take steps one by one. Like climbing stairs.


Somewhere in the dark nebula that enveloped the Hecartra star system.

Particles of mysterious light, like waves, approached and entered a bio-planet.

Chimeraz structures, fused with the plants of the Ririm, spread out like a forest. Kreion turned his body around on the cliff’s edge, above the cascading Xenotera Falls.

“What is it this time?”

The being who approached him from behind was the Believer.

“Sacred Pit. . . .”

“Ah, is it about that?”

“Kreion. The Reptured are creating a sacred pit out of machines.”

“It’s because they saw the Vehlpciaarct using the mechanized black hole last time. They must have been inspired by it and wanted to have a powerful weapon like the Vehlpciaarct.”

“It is still in the research phase, but if they succeed, the Reptured will profane the power of the sacred pit.”

“So you’re saying that I should stop the Reptured before they succeed in weaponizing black holes.”


“Is it really necessary?”

The wind blew over the cliff.

“What do you mean, is it really necessary?”

“What’s wrong with the Reptured becoming stronger by using black holes as weapons?”

“. . . .”

“You don’t have to be anxious. The Reptured will not abuse that power and will only use it for the right causes.”

“Do you trust the Reptured?”

“I believe that Lopez and I can control the Reptured in the right direction.”

And Kreion added.

“The Reptured are not trying to use that power to wield it, but to protect themselves by gaining such power. They are different from the races that have desecrated your so-called sanctuaries up until now. Rather, it is better for the Reptured, who represent the transcendence of machines, to become stronger from the perspective of power in the local galactic group.”

“. . .If no one else but you can guarantee that, then it’s worth watching a little longer. I understand.”

Looking at the Believer, who often agreed, Kreion added a few more words.

“You probably keep being vigilant because you think that black holes are the most powerful force among the forces that the mortals of this universe can realize? Even though you explained it to me in terms of your beliefs for easier understanding.”

They had almost become equals.

In the depth of thought, the range of consciousness, and the pondering mind.

“Kreion. Seeing you now, I realize how amazing the abilities of humanity are.”

“Humanity was lucky.”

The environment of the Human Galaxy and Earth is a really good condition, no matter how many times you think about it. Perhaps that’s why humans, who boast advanced technology, are still the race with the most positive view of creationism to this day. Because the conditions were so good that it could be truly believed that they were created.

“In such a galaxy, you grew up so early, on such a good planet, with such incredibly good conditions.”

A race created by such humans.

What was considered adverse conditions at the time were all optimal conditions. The Chimeraz are the most perfect race that grew up in that way.

“But Kreion. I have confirmed that Karcon’s approach has changed significantly in the Andromeda Galaxy. Was it your intention for her to awaken in that way?”

“Yes. I helped Empress Karcon to enter the realm of mental transcendence, just like us.”

“Her rich experiences have finally been refined. Thanks to you, Karcon will blossom.”

“I am relieved to hear that the Believers think so.”

“Lopez guided you. . . . and you guided Karcon. . . .”

And in the future, Kreion will lead everyone.

However, it seems that the Believer is still the one who is in the lead, not Kreion.


“. . .?”

“How about simply cooperating with our race?”

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