My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 145

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒𝟓: 𝐆𝐥𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (1)

Quakacor’s thought entity was ambitious.

➖So, races that don’t even understand the common tongue and have their limbs cut off. . . dare to talk about ‘sharing our spoils’ among themselves.

“It seems like you are saying that it doesn’t matter if the structure is that of the Lomro-or or the humans.”

➖Ruler, here are the main forces that each race boasts.

➖If we just leave the trustworthy friends of the Hive Alliance. . . who in this star system will know what happened here once we chop off the limbs of the inferior races, including the Supreme Council?

➖Then, the Le-orantarum Federation’s empty seats will be filled by the collective consciousness. After all, the Federation’s spoils were ours to begin with. We don’t need to share them.

If the UNF fleet, the Elise fleet, and the Supreme Council are annihilated here, will there be any force that can stand up to the Hive Alliance?

➖I don’t mean to make an enemy of or annihilate any of the races fighting alongside us right now. I’m just suggesting that we get rid of all of those gathered here and make the Local Group of Galaxies ours in the future. . . Let’s tread carefully.

“Yes. I understand what you’re saying.”

➖I dream of a glorious future for Ruler’s children, swarming in the universe.

Kreion pondered.

In a short amount of time, he imagined and calculated everything that he would have had to talk about for an hour without stopping.

Then, he came up with the best answer after considering everything.

“Thank you for your offer, but it is not yet time. Above all else, this doesn’t seem like a decision that I can make without consulting with your empress, Karcon.”

It was a soft rejection.

How would the Quakacor’s thought entity react?

➖Oh. . . I apologize. I, a mere thought entity, have become hasty and ended up being disrespectful.

“For now, we need to observe things a little longer.”

The thought entity noticed the existence of the small-scale dimensional passageway and told Kreion about it first.

It wanted to get rid of all of the armies of the various races gathered in this star system, except for the Hive Alliance, and thus make the Hive Alliance’s power grow even more.

It was opportunistic and rational. The gains far outweighed the risks.

In fact, the way the Quakacor thought was probably very ordinary and exemplary to the collective consciousness races of the Andromeda Galaxy.

However, the Chimeraz were not like that.

Furthermore, there was no way that humans and AIs would hide something so sloppily and plan something in secret.

“Master. . . What do you think about the thought entity’s proposal. . .?”

“What do you think, Ludwig?”

If the Chimeraz’s collective consciousness were likened to a server, Ludwig would be the leader, like a main server that is the standard and repository for both large and small collective consciousnesses.

The old Chimeraz, or rather, the old Ludwig, would have naturally assessed the Quakacor’s proposal favorably, but. . .

“It’s a sweet offer, but it feels like poison. . . If we swallow it without being sure, we’ll definitely suffer the consequences. . .”

Ludwig added something else.

“. . .And if everything ends up happening just as Master said before. . . We won’t be affected much even without the Quakacor’s proposal. . . After all, what the thought entity said was just a dream that will come true anyway. . .”

“Observe carefully. It’s important to win, but we also need to maintain our numbers until the end.”

“We’ve done a lot. . . Since Gorgo’s Star was destroyed, it would be fine for us to conserve our strength a little. . .”

Now, there was only one thing that the Chimeraz needed to do subtly.

“Move cunningly.”


One planet was in pieces, like a fruit that had been eaten by a beast.

Another planet had some of its surface dyed with Xenotera, as the Hive Alliance fleet stuck an Organic Pipe into it.

The debris left behind by Gorgo’s Star was floating around like asteroids, and the Lomro-or’s capital star activated several times, causing bio-planets to be shattered like Gorgo’s Star.

The capital planet’s shield output was weakened, and some of the buildings that made up the civilization on the ground were burning because of the debris that had previously been pouring down from Gorgo’s Star.

No landings or teleports were successful because of the Supreme Council fleet’s strong defense network and the shield that covered the entire planet.

Although none were successful, the war had already begun inside the capital planet.

【Burn it down!】


Here, too, plants were running wild. The Lomro-or soldiers, who had contracted an unknown mental illness, were attacking their allies, and the dead bodies were revived as hideous flesh monsters that fought. And the mechanized weapons covered in mushroom-like things were running wild.

They had prevented Gorgo’s Star from colliding and had even crushed the large meteorite-sized debris approaching from Gorgo’s Star with their shields.

And they were only showered with as much debris as they could handle, like a meteor shower.

Even that debris was the seed of destruction.

Kyaaaah. . .!

【It’s the Chimeraz!】


Lomro-or soldiers were going to each crater where the debris had fallen and providing firepower support.

Chimeraz troops were climbing up the slopes from the center of each crater that had fallen on the entire continent.

Even so, the Lomro-or army had fully calculated where Gorgo’s Star would fall and had sent out a sufficient number of troops. They surrounded the craters in a circle and fired and bombed downwards, not allowing even a single Chimeraz to escape from the craters. They didn’t even allow them to climb up the slopes.

【No movement detected from Chimeraz organisms.】

【Be careful with the vibrations underground. They might be extending long worms underground while doing that.】

【No vibrations have been detected.】

【All identified individuals have been exterminated. We’ll go down and confirm the rest.】

After clearing out one of the craters, the Lomro-or troops sent a small number of troops down the slope.

They were infantry in thick mechanical combat suits, armed with various firearms, and living tanks.

【These disgusting things. We kill them and kill them, but no end to them in sight.】

The corpses of the numerous troops piled up had some differences from the individuals they were familiar with.

Among the corpses, there were some with very thin exoskeletons or none at all. Some were missing a leg or had their sharp teeth exposed without any gums.

【The corpses look a little strange.】

【What the. . .?】

The Chimeraz were a race that boasted a biological design optimized for each individual to perform their role. But in this crater, the corpses of the troops that were part of that race looked sloppy, like mutant bioweapons.

Sloppy corpses were piled up like a hill throughout the crater. They were all burned black, with not even a single drop of blood spilling out.

【They were a makeshift army. No wonder they died so easily.】

【A makeshift army?】

【What kind of idiot leader made such crude individuals?】

【It doesn’t look like these were made by someone to me.】


【They were made. In the debris of the monster planet that fell through the shield. . . They were made inside that debris. To attack the ground.】

【An attack? That can’t be. This planet is the capital with hundreds of millions of troops.】

Clatter. . .!

The sound of something breaking was heard from the center of the crater. At that moment, the small number of Lomro-or soldiers aimed their firearms at where the sound was coming from.

【HQ! Is there any movement at the center of the crater?】


Their nerves became tense.

➖An Elite is crawling out from the pile of corpses at the center.

【An Elite?】

They said it was just one Elite.

【Damn. . . I thought they were all wiped out.】

【Hey. Hold on a sec.】


【. . . Weren’t Elites supposed to be individuals that protect the leader?】


【Has a single Elite ever appeared on any other battlefield?】

An ominous feeling brought forth an ill omen.

That foreboding would soon become a reality.

【O, oh shit. . .! HQ, you morons! You don’t even know what an Elite does. . .】

Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam!!!

A single Elite rose into the air from the hill of corpses at the center of the crater.

Its appearance was strange to be called just an ordinary Elite.

It was a creature with a head resembling the short mandibles of a female stag beetle, a face like a human skull, a body like an upside-down bamboo shoot, long limbs, a staff-like object of unknown use in its right hand, and Levitation Weapons floating behind it.

It wasn’t a large creature, and it didn’t seem to have any special abilities.

But why couldn’t they utter a word or pull the trigger without thinking?

【Ah. . .】

The dark eyes, with no pupils or sclera, like deep space, seemed to be looking at them, but it didn’t feel like the gaze of a single individual right before their eyes.

It was an indescribable sense of oppression. It was as if there was a huge being behind it. It didn’t feel like what they were seeing right before their eyes was all there was to it. That incomprehensible fear sent chills down their nerves throughout their entire bodies.

【I-I know that thing. . .】

They couldn’t shoot.

They couldn’t even think about running away.

They just lost their minds.

Somehow, they felt like they knew what that thing was.

【Reaper. . . When that thing appears, it definitely. . .】

“Do you know that?”

The Reaper’s terrifying voice.

“Even now, my satellites are ‘devouring’ the planets of this galaxy one by one.”

【Shoot it!!!】


Mass weapons fired short, high-speed missiles and explosive rounds, and energy weapons targeted Gorgo at the speed of light. The living tanks fired electromagnetically accelerated armor-piercing rounds in a barrage befitting of a bombardment.


At that moment, Gorgo pointed the staff in its right hand at them.

That was the end of it.


Black gas spread like magic throughout the crater and engulfed them. In fact, it was an aggressive bio-barrier that Gorgo, with its immense troop control ability, directly controlled.


【Aaaah! Aaaaaah!】

【Spare me! Someone spare me!】

The tiny Chimeraz that made up the bio-barrier carved up the Lomro-or infantry and living tanks that Gorgo had designated as targets.

Whoosh. . .

After that, there was nothing left.

Not a drop of blood, not a piece of bone, not even the metal that made up their combat suits and armor.


Only a single communication device fell to the ground with a thud.

Gorgo reached out its left hand and lifted the communication device into the air.

➖. . .! . . .! . . .!

The Lomro-or on the other end of the communication device were shouting something urgently. From what they could gather, it seemed like they were talking about withdrawing the troops surrounding the crater and bombing it again from the air.

Gorgo brought its mouth close to the communication device.

“You’re the first ones to break my star like that. You did a pretty good job.”

➖. . .! . . .! . . .!

“However. . . My masters have released the ‘brake’ on me since you picked a fight with us.”

It was the Reaper that dragged the hellish star.

“You’ve barely managed to destroy one of my many stars.”

The Lomro-or on the other end of the communication device went silent.

“Now, for the question.”

Whir. . .!!!!

The black corpses spread across the crater were compressed and twisted, squeezing out a vast stream of blood like a wrung-out rag. The bio-barrier rose above the crater and began to spread throughout the area.

At the same moment, the same phenomenon was repeated in the craters etched all over the capital planet,


Each crater explosively spewed out giant tentacles that towered above the atmosphere. Those giant tentacles, of cosmic proportions, each seemed to be licking the shields.

The blue planet, seen from space, looked hideous, as if it had been attacked by dozens of leeches.

“How many of my stars that devour planets do you think are roaming around. . . in this Triangulum galaxy right now?”

This was how things were going to end up.

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