My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 136

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑𝟔: 𝐘𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲’𝐬 𝐄𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲, 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐲’𝐬 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (2)

The elite fleet of Lomro-or demonstrated shield output and cannon firepower on par with humans, and their living flagship, equipped with phased assault technology and powerful main cannon, shocked humanity.

Therefore, their fleet, which simultaneously attempted to invade human territory, was quite threatening. However, fortunately, the Chimeraz seemed to have accurately predicted this situation and arrived just in time to provide support.

Nazar, alongside the fleets of various nations in the solar system, was facing the Lomro-or fleet when, following a call from the AI executor Hyper Mind, the UNF fleet also gathered to support the solar system.

The Lomro-or fleet invading the solar system deployed landing forces on Venus, Saturn, and Uranus, but the local human forces, aided by bombing and shelling, successfully repelled them.

With the sacrifice of numerous soldiers and the timely support of the Chimeraz and UNF, the Lomro-or fleet in the solar system would soon be cleared.

A fleet battle was also underway in the Defaulstellay star nation.

“What are they doing there?”


The two soldiers aboard the armored vehicle looked at the screen displaying the external footage.

On a barren plain devoid of vegetation, there was something resembling a military base that they were seeing for the first time.

【6th Chimeraz Rear Base】

【Special Control Zone】【Temporary Level 1 Confidentiality】

【! Approach within 10m and be shot without warning!】

Such words were boldly inscribed on the 5m high wall surrounding the military base, and within the base, UNF soldiers stood guard at regular intervals at the constructed outposts.

Drones and helicopters were flying around frantically, seemingly transporting cargo from outside into the base. And from the huge lifeform floating in the sky, something like a tentacle extended like an orbital elevator, attached to the center of the base.

“Are they raising Chimeraz in their own territory?”

“Raising them? Those days are long gone. Watch your words.”

“Hmm. . . At first glance, it looks like a colony.”

“It is a colony. In a few hours, tens of thousands of Cresecters will fly out of such bases on every continent.”

“Phlegeth, ranked 4th in the hierarchy, also brought Balor-class bio-planets. Is it necessary to allocate them to such bases?”

“The bio-planets are the largest shields in this star system. They are constantly exposed to attacks from the Lomro-or bastards. That’s why they’re setting up more colony sites in this safe rear area.”

“I strongly agree because I fought the Crolr with Nazar’s group last time. . . . Do soldiers from other countries think it’s okay?”

“I don’t know. But if you think that the lifeforms coming out of such bases are on humanity’s side, you’ll end up accepting them all.”

“I think so. Darwin’s big picture is remarkable.”

“Darwin will overturn his tarnished reputation in one go.”

At the same time, in the fleet battle, the Chimeraz fleet and the Defaulstellay regular fleet joined forces to surround the Lomro-or fleet.

The Lomro-or fleet was struggling to cope with the offensive of the two allied races.

➖ Phlegeth. Only the enemy’s last flagship remains.

Phlegeth, in a safe rear base of the colony site on the planet, was communicating with the regular fleet.

➖ At your request, I’ve let you hijack one of those living flagships. So, let’s finish this. Are you okay with that?

“No problem. We got what we wanted. But are you going to destroy that flagship with your human fleet?”

➖ That’s right.

“Why don’t you leave it to us instead of trying in vain?”

➖ It’s just that we haven’t been able to showcase our technology because we’ve been busy forming the necessary battle formation. I have orders from the command to let us handle the last flagship.

Phlegeth clicked his tongue inwardly.

‘They want to make it their national pride, don’t they? Pathetic humans, caring about such things. . . . ‘

In any case, the Lomro-or fleet was almost subdued. Once they gathered their fleet and took down the last flagship holding out, the victory would be sealed.

Phlegeth was not particularly interested in who would claim this victory in this star system. He had no interest in such things and was just an idiot to humans.

‘. . . Whatever.’

Phlegeth was merely helping the humans because his master had ordered him to, and even if they failed to finish off the last flagship properly, he could just finish it himself.

“Do as you please.”

In the fleet battle, Phlegeth’s group moved in unison. They skillfully opened up space so that the Defaulstellay regular fleet could secure the firing line for their cannons.

At that moment, the crew of the Defaulstellay regular fleet prepared to fire.

➖ We finally have a chance to use this.

➖ Space Gravitational-field Eliminator. Ready for deployment.

Phlegeth decided to watch how their fleet would finish off the last Lomro-or flagship.

➖ Flagship! Overload the antimatter engines. Complete!

➖ Escort ships! Field designation complete!

➖ Crush that damn flagship.

At that moment, Phlegeth’s mouth dropped open.

‘Space. . . . ‘

The last flagship of the Lomro-or strangely distorted like a liquid drawn to a point.

As if a hole had been punched in that empty space, the flagship and its surroundings were warping as if being sucked into an invisible funnel.

With that, the outer armor of the last Lomro-or flagship was torn apart, its flesh shriveled, and it spewed out a vast amount of blood. And the blood it spewed out returned to a single point, staining the flagship.

‘They’re using gravity as a weapon. . .? Wasn’t that something only the Vehlpciaarct could do. . . . ‘

Rumble. . . . !

It contorted, compressed, and shattered. Like that, the flagship was reduced to a crushed sphere, smaller than its original size.

‘With such a weapon, neither evasion maneuvers nor shields would work.’

➖ Phlegeth. We’ve taken down their last flagship.

➖ It seems they have no intention of surrendering, so let’s finish off the rest and clean up the battlefield.

“. . . Yes, I understand.”

Thinking that he must convey what he had just seen to his master, Phlegeth moved his group.

The Defaulstellay regular fleet and Phlegeth’s Chimeraz fleet attacked and destroyed the remaining Lomro-or fleet from all sides,

【Why on earth did you choose to be with the humans! Chimeraz. . .!】

The Lomro-or executor did not surrender until the end.

【How could you forgive humans!】

No prisoners could be taken. The Lomro-or ships, resisting until the very end, ultimately chose to self-destruct.

Thereafter, the wreckage scattered across space in the Defaulstellay star system was cleared and divided between the regular fleet and Phlegeth’s bio-planets.

The elite fleet of Lomro-or, which had invaded all the star systems of the human galaxy, was defeated one by one.

Around that time, various media outlets in the human galaxy reported the news of victory, and it is said that the evaluation of the Chimeraz by each country improved considerably.


Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

In many star systems here, the Crolr and the Lomro-or Federation are at war.

A capital structure under attack by the Federation. The building called the Monarch’s Origin was filled with members of the ruling class.

【The Crolr will prosper. I report to you, Grand Monarch Dracatarr.】


Summoned by Dracatarr, the ruling class numbered about a few dozen. Dracatarr stood in front of a wide window, listening to their voices with his back to them.

【Leaders Gorrm, Pyisa, and Equillocke are supporting our galaxy. However, the Federation is attacking so many star systems that their support is not reaching all of them.】

【Several star systems are in grave danger, and so far, 5 star systems have been disconnected after falling to the Le-orantarum Federation.】

【Were the enemies from the Lomro-or?】

【It was a fleet composed of various races. They say that a pure Lomro-or fleet struck the human galaxy first.】

【Fortunately, we have heard news of victory that the Lomro-or fleets in the human galaxy have been successfully repelled.】

【Even so, it is true that our safety is at risk. Although warrior Racliaa are fighting his best, we have yet to recover from the severe damage to our civilization and military. . . . 】

The ruling class stopped talking there.

The great war broke out as soon as the monarch was replaced. The civilization of the capital structure was still recovering from the damage, and the monarch’s fleet was smaller in number than before.

If the monarch had not been replaced and Monarch Carrd and the Crolr had remained, the threat from the Federation that the Crolr was now facing might not have existed.

Of course, Dracatarr was the one who knew that fact best.

【Dealing with the Federation is several times better than dealing with the Hive Alliance and the humans.】

【Ah, I misspoke. I am not denying the wisdom of the Grand Monarch. . . . 】

【No. As the ruling class, you have the right to hold me accountable.】

The monarch’s attitude was starkly different from before.

The ruling class exchanged glances at his unfamiliar manner.

【Speak your mind freely. You should hide nothing from me. I want to hear your thoughts.】

【. . . Actually. . . . 】

The ruling class’s closed hearts were opening up.

【After the defeat in the previous war, our entire race’s military was downsized. And the subsequent challenge to the former Grand Monarch and the surprise attack by the Parahtoria further weakened our already depleted forces.】

【Yes. . . . And now that we have gone to war with the Federation, the reality is that many Crolr from isolated star systems are losing their lives.】

【I didn’t want to say this, but it is difficult for our race to overcome the current situation on its own. Without greater support from other races or powerful forces, we will lose more star systems and be greatly weakened.】

Dracatarr’s shoulders felt heavy after hearing that.

However, he was not an old-fashioned monarch who would unconditionally take a hard-line approach like before.

That was his responsibility and what he considered to be the true Grand Monarch. He had taken the throne after sacrificing that much, giving up his honor as a warrior, and even killing Monarch Carrd, who he served.

Now that he had become the monarch, he had to do it properly. He was determined to change the fate of his race.

【Thank you for speaking frankly. I have always been indebted to someone.】

【Oh, no. . . . Grand Monarch. . . . 】

【Who could have predicted this situation? It is not something the Grand Monarch should be apologizing for.】

What is the right way for a monarch to rule?

Is it authority? Is it power over the ruling class?

Is it the honor of the race? Or is it reigning eternally from that position?

To Dracatarr, being a monarch was a position where one had to devote oneself to and sacrifice for the race more than anyone else. That was the figure of a leader who was best suited for today’s world and who had adapted best to today’s environment.

【I will take responsibility and try to overcome this crisis.】


The Small Magellanic Cloud ruled by the Aooa race.

This small galaxy was strategically undervalued in this Great War and was not attacked by the Federation at all.

In other words, this is a galaxy that has maintained peace since the Crolr was defeated in the past.

【We were calculating between the humans and the Chimeraz, and now that these two powerful sentient races have sought reconciliation, it has become very convenient for us.】

In the imperial palace, the gentle Aooa emperor and a few experienced elders were singing in harmonious voices. If a race that did not understand their language were to listen, they would think that the imperial palace was singing.

【The smaller races of the Small Magellanic Cloud, who want to expand their diplomacy through our race, have increased significantly.】

【But Aooa is not participating in this Great War?】

【I do not intend to make any military intervention. We are not allies of the humans or the Chimeraz, nor do we belong to the Hive Alliance or the Le-orantarum Federation.】

The Aooa are an excellent race in politics and diplomacy, but they are exceptionally immature in military activities.

Therefore, most of the equipment and weapons possessed by their military were imported from other races.

【Neither side is asking for our help or attacking us. So there is no reason to get involved, but if we do, it means that we are fanning the flames of the Great War. We will quietly watch and join the winning side.】

【Isn’t it obvious which side will win? If we take the initiative at this time, our race’s influence will greatly increase in the future.】

【As I said earlier, our race’s military power is weak. Military intervention will not be of much help to our allied races. And if we intervene militarily, we will naturally face the Federation’s forces, which are located at the ‘closest point.’】

【Then we will be fighting in the neighboring galaxy. . . . The Crolr of the Large Magellanic Cloud.】

【Yes. None of us want that. The Aooa voluntarily helping the Crolr is unthinkable considering the past atrocities they committed.】

The emperor made such an assertion and then pondered.

‘ . . . Still, after listening to the elders, it seems fine to make a ‘declaration of hostility’ toward the Le-orantarum Federation. As part of a passive intervention.’

Just then, the door to the imperial palace opened and an Aooa entered.

【Your Majesty. Excuse me for interrupting your meeting with the elders.】

【Is there urgent news?】

【The Monarch of the Crolr has requested to land on the planet.】



At the mention of that race’s name, the elders showed great vigilance and the emperor gave a suspicious look.

That’s what the Crolr is to the Aooa.

An object to be avoided, unforgivable spiritual enemies, enemies who had exploited, oppressed, and committed atrocities against the Aooa for centuries, a race that had to be constantly monitored even after the war ended and they were liberated, like a bomb.

Not all Crolr hate the Aooa, but all Aooa hate the Crolr.

The emperor asked firmly,

【If it is the current Monarch of the Crolr, are you saying that Dracatarr has come in person?】

【Yes. He says that he secretly came to see Your Majesty with only 3 fleets.】

The elders immediately protested.

【How dare him come here without prior notice!】

【We must not let the Monarch of the Crolr in during this dangerous time.】

【That’s right. Whatever their intentions, they are using this Great War as an opportunity to spread their ambitions again.】

【Maybe they will spout nonsense like betraying the humans and the Chimeraz and siding with the Federation! Just the fact that Your Majesty has heard such nonsense can make our race the subject of investigation!】

【Grant permission to land and let the Monarch into this imperial palace.】

【Your Majesty. . .?】

【I understand the elders’ concerns. However, Dracatarr is the Crolr who was ‘personally appointed by the Chimeraz’ this time. Since he has become the Monarch, shouldn’t we at least see his face? It would not have been in vain for the Parahtoria, who only listens to the Chimeraz, to help Dracatarr’s coup d’état.】

【Even so, it is very suspicious that he is visiting at this time. It’s not another race, it’s the Crolr. The Crolr to us the Aooa. . .】

【I hate the Crolr as much as you do. Nevertheless, as Emperor, I have the duty to listen to the requests of leaders of other races.】

A moment later.

Monarch Dracatarr entered the imperial palace as the elders and the emperor watched.

The Crolr had an average height of 8 meters, so his head seemed to touch the ceiling of the imperial palace.

【Why have you come? Monarch Dracatarr.】

The emperor did not utter a word of greeting when he saw Dracatarr’s face.

【Thank you for responding to my request to meet you. I am Dracatarr, the current Grand Monarch of the Crolr race.】

【’Grand’ Monarch. . . . . .】

The emperor hesitated for a moment as if he did not like the sound of it and then introduced himself.

【I am the Emperor of the Aooa. You can call me Your Majesty, or as our race calls me, Emperor.】

The emperor then led Dracatarr to quickly get to the main point.

【So why did you come to see me? It seemed like it would have been okay to come after this dangerous period was over.】

【Actually, I am on my way after seeing Queen Hyraguroa.】

He said that he had met the Queen. What business did he have with her? The Crolr must have committed terrible acts against the Hyraguroa in the past as well.

A few of the elders tilted their heads.

【So what does the Monarch want to say?】

That was the moment.

. . . . . . thud!

Dracatarr’s four legs buckled at the knees.

His waist bent forward and his head bowed.

He took that posture in front of the emperor.

This posture is clearly that of ‘some behavior’ when the humans and the Lomro-or spread the culture to the Local Galactic Group.

【As the leader representing the current Crolr race, I would like to sincerely apologize to the Aooa for all the atrocities that our race has committed.】

【Apologize. . .? The Crolr. . .??】


【. . . . . . This is so absurd that I can’t even laugh.】

Perhaps it was a reconciliation between the Aooa and the Crolr that was much more difficult than the reconciliation between the humans and the Chimeraz.

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