
My Children Swarm the Cosmos – Chapter 101

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎𝟏: 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐲, 𝐀𝐛𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐛 𝐎𝐫 (2)

Parahotoria were multiplying attached to the structure that emitted Xenotera.


In the midst of all this, a number of Hydras said that they cannot stand it any longer and wanted to tear that mycelium right off.

The structure in front of their eyes was supplying Xenotera to the nearby pond where Hydra larvae were growing.

In other words, the Hydras were claiming that their babies’ food was being stolen.

Kiiik! Kiiik! Kiiik!

“That’s noisy.”

The Hydras, who were releasing air inside their bodies because they were excited, instantly quieted down after hearing those words.

“If you are my children, act like my children.”

Nazar meant that his kin must be analytical, careful, and curious.

Tiktik. . . .

Nazar approached the Parahotoria mycelium.

“Didn’t they say that a child who tried to tear this off got hurt?”

Then, one Hydra, who had been isolated from its group, slithered over to Nazar’s side.

Parahotoria was spreading like mold from the corner of that Hydra’s mouth.

‘The Believer advised me. To be respectful to them.’

‘In that case. . . . It means that they aren’t a completely belligerent species. Assuming that’s true, that child must have attacked Parahotoria first and gotten hurt because of it.’

Nazar’s gaze shifted back to the mycelium of Parahotoria growing on the structure.

Their multiplying movement was fast enough to be visible to the eye. However, it was expanding at a range of about 0.2 cm per second at most.

The Parahotoria attached to the corner of the Hydra’s mouth wasn’t even growing.


Of course, there was no answer when he called out their name.

“. . . .”

Nazar cautiously stretched out one of his tentacles toward the Parahotoria mycelium.

“Parahotoria. We are the Chimeraz.”

Still, there was no answer.

“We harbor no ill intent toward you. Rather, we did something good for you.”

At that moment, a surprising reaction occurred.

“. . . !”

Something like a mushroom stem from the Parahotoria mycelium was growing towards Nazar’s tentacle.

“Hold on.”

Nazar pulled back the tentacle that he had stretched out towards the mycelium. Then, the Parahotoria growing towards Nazar stopped growing and slowly bent to the floor due to gravity.



An Elite directly approached the Parahotoria mycelium.

‘You try making contact. Reach out very slowly.’

Elite slowly reached out his hand toward the stem growing from the Parahotoria mycelium, just like Nazar had done earlier.

Then, the stem that had bent down to the ground lifted its head again and grew in the direction of Elite’s hand.

‘Accept it without moving.’

Finally, the Parahotoria and the Elite made contact.

Kreurrr. . . .

Elite informed Nazar that the Parahotoria that had attached itself to his hand was crawling into his wrist and following the blood vessel in his wrist towards his heart.

‘Calm down. It’s trying to access your brain.’

The Parahotoria that had moved to Elite’s heart soon managed to reach Elite’s brain.

With that, the connection with Elite was severed.


Nazar called out to him, but there was no answer.

Then, the connection was reestablished.

➖. . . . .I. . . am. . . .

‘Who are you?’

➖Fung. Brain. Nerve. Information. Word. Meaning.


➖. . . . .Wave. You. Who. Subject. Nazar. Leader. Wave. Question. Because. Answer. Wave. We. Fungus. Species. You. Your. Meaning. Assumption. Case. Suitable. Introduction. . .

➖We. Parahotoria.

➖We are Parahotoria.

‘Learn the language that’s in that brain and answer me.’

Now, the Elite in front of his eyes was no longer Nazar’s Elite.

He had become the host of Parahotoria.

➖We don’t have a species name, but if we have to introduce ourselves with an answer that’s suitable for you, we are the Parahotoria.

‘Yes. I was looking for you. You’ve been right by our side from the beginning.’

➖Your civilization, built here, has created a new ecosystem. We were in a long hibernation, but as the surrounding environment became abundant, we woke up and adapted.

➖Nazar. This planet belongs to us.

‘Just because you scattered some spores, you say it’s your planet? If I hadn’t come here, you would’ve been sleeping forever.’

Then, Nazar told the Parahotoria clearly.

‘I have no intention of removing the completed colony. From now on, this planet and the triple star system will be used as the territory of the Chimeraz.’

➖Don’t be mistaken.

‘What do you mean mistaken?’

➖We’re not telling you to leave this territory. Rather, we need you to maintain this environment because we have adapted to it. If anything, we prefer an environment where there’s a rich exchange of matter and energy. Most of the objects built here. . . . The Chimeraz structures and the Xenotera are abundant sources of energy for us.

➖And from the information in this Elite’s head, it seems that the Chimeraz is a very ‘reasonable’ species.


The Parahotoria do not know their own origin.

This is because Parahotoria do not record or store their information anywhere. Therefore, no one knows where the land on which the Parahotoria were first born is or what historical events led to the Parahotoria evolving this way.

The Parahotoria simply existed.

They seek energy and reproduce. And they protect themselves while doing so. That is how they survive.

That was all there was to the Parahotoria species.

➖Many species claim ownership of star systems and planets by occupying them and developing them using their own means.

➖We were the same.

The Parahotoria have been spreading their spores and forming mycelia. Just like species without spaceflight capabilities build spaceships, the Parahotoria, who also don’t have spaceflight capabilities, used spaceships from other species or natural celestial bodies as their means.

➖We weren’t interested in building a nation or creating a glorious and great civilization.

➖We simply wanted to spread to as many places as possible and solidify the survival of our species. We had no other desires.

The Parahotoria didn’t greedily seek wealth. They didn’t even seek resources or energy beyond what their species needed.

They just wanted to adapt to the given environment, reproduce, and spread far and wide. They didn’t want anything more than that.

➖We wanted coexistence and peace.

They did not attack other intelligent groups for things they wanted.

They didn’t even intentionally kill living things to use as energy.

They didn’t wage wars to take something or become greedy to possess something.

➖But we have been discriminated against simply for existing.

➖The Mahadto. They called us dirty fungus.

Because we ruined the aesthetics, because we were dirty, or for no reason at all, just because we were visible.

➖The Teterek. They called us a disease of the universe.

Because we had great expansiveness, because we posed a danger, or because we were a group of living beings that they couldn’t control.

➖I don’t remember the specifics, but we instinctively know that many species have done the same in the past.

No wild animals ever went out of their way to harm the Parahotoria.

However, intelligent beings were different. The Parahotoria who caught the eye of an intelligent being were always threatened.

➖They doused us with deadly chemicals and burned us. All the species we’ve met so far have done that, and they’re still doing it today.

➖The species’ appearance, methods, and characteristics are all different, but the actions of species that expand their territory, increase their numbers, and survive are all the same. However, intelligent beings have shown aggression only towards us.

That’s why the Parahotoria have also resorted to using any means necessary to survive in the ‘environment’ where they were being threatened.

➖We took control of their systems, weapons, and members and used them to our advantage. This is because we realized that if we didn’t kill and destroy them, we would be the ones who would end up dead and destroyed.

In the past, we’ve tried to communicate several times, but we were always ignored.

We tried to show them the possibility of coexistence between the Parahotoria and them by temporarily gaining intellectual abilities.

However, no matter what the Parahotoria showed them, they thought that the Parahotoria had taken something from them and threatened the Parahotoria again.

That’s why the Parahotoria are still fighting today.

They’ve been fighting using any means and methods necessary without regard for the consequences, in any way possible, in order to survive.

After hearing their story, Nazar couldn’t help but ask a question.

“If that’s true, why didn’t you kill the Hydra who bit you?”

➖It was hard to see that as an intelligent being.

“How do you judge whether or not something is an intelligent being when you see it for the first time?”

➖No intelligent beings have ever gaped at us when they first saw us. So, we judged that the Hydra was a wild animal.

➖However, we thought that this drastic environmental change must have been caused by the intent of some intelligent being. So, we waited patiently this time too, in order to try to communicate.

“When I reached out to you with my tentacle, you reached out to me with your mycelium too. What was that?”

➖We act like a mirror to the other person. If you had tried to harm us, we would have tried to harm you and your species too.

Would have tried to harm.

That implication meant that the Parahotoria did not consider the Chimeraz to be their ‘superiors’.

At this point, Nazar thought to himself.

‘The Parahotoria aren’t a particularly strong species, but they have an ability similar to our bio-bomb. And their strong vitality was enough for a mechanical species like the Teterek to consider them a threat.’

‘If I absorb the Parahotoria in front of me right now. . . . I could take at least one of their vitality for our species.’

However, the price of that choice would be an eternal war with the Parahotoria.

If even a single Parahotoria, in other words, a fungus the size of a microbe, survives, they will revive and go to war even hundreds or thousands of years later.

And it’s impossible to completely eradicate the Parahotoria who are thought to be spread throughout this galaxy in the first place.

‘I could absorb the Parahotoria’s ability right now, but. . . . There will come a day when I’ll regret it.’

In that case, it’s time to organize things. I can organize this whole situation according to the will of the Parahotoria. For now,

“Are you like the Ririm, where the judgment of some is the judgment of all?”

➖Yes. We are a unicellular animal group.

He can organize everything here. Then, Nazar can clearly achieve the goal that the Chimeraz wants.

“The Mahadto and the Teterek are extinct.”

➖I know. I saw Elite’s memories.

“Do you realize how influential our species is?”

➖The Chimeraz. A species that has expanded its territory to this Canis Minor Dwarf Galaxy, following the Milky Way Galaxy and the Large Magellanic Cloud.

➖A species strong enough to go up against even humans.

➖We don’t want to fight you. But if you pick a fight, we won’t avoid it.

“The Chimeraz of the future will be stronger than they are now. They’ll be so strong that you can’t even imagine it.”

➖It seems like it.

“So, from today on, you will become a subordinate species of the Chimeraz.”

➖Subordinate species?

“You will hand over the secret to your vitality to us, and we will control your information and the authority to move.”

➖What do we get in return?

“At the very least, the Chimeraz won’t become a force that’s much more dangerous than the Teterek and the Mahadto, who have harmed your survival.”

➖. . . . .

“And as long as the Parahotoria are a subordinate species of the Chimeraz, the Parahotoria will be able to live under the protection of the Chimeraz for thousands and tens of thousands of years. . . . Isn’t that what your species wants the most?”

There’s nothing to look forward to. There’s no room for doubt.

In that case, the Parahotoria’s answer is set.

➖. . . . . .Alright.

➖We, the Parahotoria, will become a subordinate species of the Chimeraz.

➖If you respect us and guarantee our survival, we will be of any use to you.

“Then, this Canis Minor Dwarf Galaxy becomes the Chimeraz’s galaxy from today. Do you have any complaints?”


“And make it known that this galaxy originally belonged to you, that you handed it over to us.”

➖Do you mean that we were the dominant species in this galaxy?

“Yes. You won the war after a long battle. The Teterek and the Mahadto foolishly resisted the power of the Parahotoria and were eventually destroyed. After that, you asked the Chimeraz who came to this galaxy to become their subordinate species, and we accepted.”

➖So, you’re saying you’re going to take credit for everything. Nazar.

“If we take credit, you take credit too.”

Just like that, the Canis Minor Dwarf Galaxy became the Chimeraz’s,

➖I understand. I’ll do that.

and the Parahotoria, a fungal species, also became the Chimeraz’s.

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