
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 84.2

“Alright, I’ll cooperate with you guys for the time being. Until the day the Fourth Prince returns safely.”

“Thank you.”

After Oswald and Alicia suspended their terrorist activities that day, the Democratic Republic lamented that they should have called in the Glory Knife Regiment sooner.

Shortly after, the Speaker of the Kingdom of Britannia’s parliament arrived as part of a delegation to celebrate the President’s inauguration, followed by delegations from the High Elf Empire Elondil, the Dark Elf Empire Sahara, and the Wood Elf Empire Orion from the southern Gigas Continent. There was also a delegation from the Eastern Great Empire.

‘𝘈𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘥𝘷𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘥 𝘤𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘻𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. . . . . . .’

The Great Empire was the only one that drove into the city in an internal combustion engine automobile while the others rode in carriages. The army escorting the Great Empire’s Minister of Foreign Affairs also exuded an extraordinary aura.

They wore pointed black bulletproof helmets decorated with gold tassels and pheasant feathers as plumes and black modified magitek armor with gold tassels and dragons engraved on them. The weapons they carried appeared to be the Great Empire’s standard automatic rifles, the Type 81.

“It’s almost time.”

Finally, the Fourth Prince of the Imperial Empire arrived in Madrid. As soon as he arrived, Oswald, along with Alicia and Katarina, greeted Gilgamesh.

“This is Katarina from the Dark Brotherhood.”

“Nice to meet you.”

“These are our friends who have been working with us.”

“All of them are promising individuals? Oh! You could already join the Brotherhood?”

While Katarina mingled with them, Gilgamesh took a seat with Oswald.

“Was the trip here alright?”

“Yeah, the problems will start from here on out.”

“For now, we’ve cleaned up as much as we could, it’s a shame we couldn’t take care of the Libertas Paladin Corps. . . . . . . But we’ve attached Peace Eye to them, so we’ll know if anything’s up.”

The delegations from each country planned to rest at their respective embassies until the inauguration ceremony. Of course, since parties would be held continuously at each embassy, Oswald and the others also had to keep an eye on the prince at all times.

A week after everyone had gathered in Madrid. . . . . . . The inauguration ceremony was finally about to take place.

The delegations from each country entered while showing themselves off by participating in the parade. The Fourth Prince was no exception. . . . . . .

“Damn, this is the perfect time to get something done, everyone, stay alert!”

Those who were watching the Fourth Prince with their communicators. . . . . . .

Just then! Oswald’s senses detected killing intent among the crowd.

“Damn it!”

At the same time, someone ran out into the road where the procession was passing and shouted.

“Long live the Liberal Revolution!”

He then took out a revolver from his bosom and tried to pull the trigger, and at that moment, the Glory Knife soldiers who were overseeing the event in preparation for terrorism moved.

A soldier who had thrown a dagger and arrived right before the revolutionary’s nose in an instant struck down the revolutionary’s neck, knocking him unconscious. However, revolutionaries appeared from various places and attacked, and in an instant, the parade route became chaotic.

“Let’s move!”

Oswald and the others, also dressed in Peacemaker uniforms, tried to step forward to protect the Fourth Prince. However. . . . . . .

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Democratic Republic’s ambassador who was right next to the Fourth Prince opened fire on the Fourth Prince, and the Fourth Prince, who was shot by the ambassador, died on the spot with two shots each to the heart and the glabella.

“Long live the January 1st Brigade! Long live the Liberal Revolution!”

After that, a prepared magic scroll was torn, and a powerful explosion engulfed the carriage.


“Damn it. . . . . . .”

Before long, the Empire’s media began to trumpet this fact, and all the citizens of the Empire were enraged. Even the Emperor, who had lost his son, was greatly angered and sent an investigation team to the Democratic Republic.

Recognizing the seriousness of the situation, the CID also dispatched its own investigators. This was because there was a chance that the Empire, which had been suppressed for hundreds of years, might start a great war if something went wrong.

At the same time, all the nations on the western side of the continent began to deploy troops to their respective borders. After all, if things went wrong, it would be war.

In particular, the three kingdoms of Francia, Britannia, and Holland, who knew that they would be next if the Democratic Republic was attacked and collapsed, knew that they would have to fight alongside the Democracy against the Empire if things went wrong.

Peacemaker also quickly returned home for the time being. There was nothing more they could do in the Democratic Republic.

In particular, Oswald was running various thoughts through his head, imagining what would happen if a war broke out in the future.

‘𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦’𝘴 𝘯𝘰 𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘢𝘳 𝘯𝘰𝘸. . . . . . .’

If war could not be avoided, they had no choice but to minimize the Empire’s casualties and bring this war to a swift end.

Having made up his mind, Oswald immediately sought the understanding of his companions and headed for Winchester Nation.

“I’ll show my father the advanced technology using Blood Daemon and have him use it as a basis to create new weapons and deliver them to the Imperial army.”

Oswald planned to produce automatic rifles, machine guns, and field guns to arm the Imperial army.

“It’s definitely the viscount’s doing!”

“Perhaps it was the work of those Restorationists back then.”

The members of the Republic’s parliament each uttered a few words, desperately trying to avoid any responsibility for themselves.

“The problem is. . . . . . . That it has come to light that the January 1st Brigade was involved.”

Everyone’s faces darkened at the words of President Jean Bradlay, who was attending the parliament of the Republic. This was because they already knew that the ‘January 1st Brigade’ was heavily involved with the Republic.

This was because it was the parliament of the Republic that had approved the budget to provide support to the ‘January 1st Brigade’ through the Republic’s intelligence agency, ‘Vision.’ It was even more problematic because it had been revealed by the CID elf investigators. . . .

If the investigators from the Empire had revealed it, they could have dismissed it as manipulation, but. . . . . . . It was a fact that had been uncovered by the elves, a neutral nation that was not a third party or an interested party.

“For the time being, how about we declare a state of emergency and mobilize the reserves?”

“Wouldn’t that be tantamount to admitting that we did it?”

“For the time being, it would be best to at least reinforce our troops at the border.”

At those words, the President pondered for a moment before making a decision.

“I will deploy the Marseille Musketeers and the Lisbon Mobile Corps to Nice.”

“Your Excellency!”

Two of the top three armies in the Republic were deployed to Nice, a border port city. Even though the Kingdom of Francia was just across the border, it also meant that they were committing their full strength to the border region that would face the Empire if things went wrong.

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