
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 83.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟑: 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 (2)

After finishing their tour of Madrid, Oswald and Alicia confirmed the location of the Revolutionary organization that Peace Eye had provided them.

“Let’s see the locations. . . They’re all in poor areas.”

The ones located on the outskirts were supported by the ‘Vision’ and the Libertas Paladin Corps, supported by the Republican Parliament. Most of the targets of the Revolutionary Party were located in bustling areas, so if a riot broke out, they would inevitably clash with the Republican police organization.

“For now, I’ve designated teleport markers at the safe houses so we can escape quickly.”

Even if they tracked their teleports, they wouldn’t know that they were staying at a hotel since they were heading to the safe houses.

“Now, put this on.”

Alicia handed over a black coat, black combat suit, and finally a skull mask. They looked like villains no matter who saw them.

“When did you get these?”

“Before coming here. They said that we would have to act disguised as other groups? So I prepared them. Our organization is ‘Ghost.’ And our ideology is monarchism. Our goal is to overthrow the Democratic Republic and restore the Charles monarchy.”

“I see.”

It was a very good idea to oppose liberalism. Moreover, the restoration of the monarchy. . . It was a good goal and sense of purpose to oppose liberalism, wasn’t it?

“I’ve already talked to Peace Eye and put materials for the restoration of the monarchy and information on the targets to be eliminated in each safe house designated by the marker.”


“That way, Peacemaker won’t show up. To draw attention there, I installed explosion magic traps in the Madrid National Museum, the Statue of Libertas, and the Napoleon Building.”

“Ah, so that’s why the magic power moved so cleverly.”

There was a flow of magic power that I couldn’t feel during the tour, but it seemed that it was Alicia’s doing.

“Well, shall we go?”

“Ladies first.”

“Only at times like this?”


Midnight. . . They flew through the sky towards the first Revolutionary Party base. The first base was a revolutionary base located on Napoleon Street.

Since the headquarters of the January 1st Brigade was also there, they planned to take care of the January 1st Brigade as soon as they destroyed the Revolutionary Party base.

The organization named themselves the January 1st Brigade to commemorate the day when Thermidor, the most notorious liberal revolutionary in the Empire, declared freedom on January 1st in the Central City Square, the capital of the Empire. Of course, Thermidor was captured and executed for treason.

“They said they were using the entire building?”

“So, what? One big room? Or go in and clean up?”

“I’ll take care of this, so Oswald, you take care of the January 1st Brigade. Let’s clean up at the same time and meet back here.”

“Okay, then. . .”

Oswald headed for the January 1st Brigade base. . . and the remaining Alicia immediately cast the magic she had memorized in advance.

“Seven-fold Explosion!”


Seven red magic circles were lined up vertically at regular intervals above the building of the Revolutionary Party base.

Soon after, a small sphere of fire shot from her hand and began to fall through the magic circle. . . Each time it passed through a magic circle, its size and power increased, and the moment it passed through the seventh magic circle, it contained immense magical power.

Sensing it, several gunners emerged from the Revolutionary Party base, but it was too late.

“Absolute Shield!”


Alicia cast a 7-circle defense spell that enveloped the building at the same time as the explosion, preventing the force of the explosion from spreading to other buildings. Thanks to this, the pressure of the explosion did not spread out and remained within the Revolutionary Party base, killing everyone inside.

At the same time, not far away, Oswald transformed Blood Daemon into the form of an M230 chain gun attached to both arms. Soon after, he fired a 30mm shell, completely shredding the building itself.

Todododododo! Todododododo!

Since they were 30mm armor-piercing incendiary rounds, they ripped through even the bricks, and the incendiary rounds exploded inside, thoroughly erasing all life forms inside from this world.

Then Oswald, who had made a megaphone, announced the reason for their attack to all sides.

“For the restoration of the Charles monarchy!! Long live the Charles royal family!!”

In the end, the building, which had been stripped to the ground by the 30mm shells, collapsed with a roar, and Oswald flew towards Alicia using his jetpack.

Alicia, who was waiting after finishing her work, grabbed Oswald’s hand and cast a teleport spell.

A moment later. . . The Democratic Republic police, who had received a report of the commotion and dispatched, arrived at the scene. . . but the criminals had already left.

In this way, the two of them, who had been shouting for the restoration of the monarchy in the middle of the night, attacked two more Revolutionary Party bases and took refuge in a safe house before quickly changing their clothes and returning to the hotel in secret.

The next day, the Democratic Republic media reported that liberal revolutionaries had been attacked due to the restoration of the monarchy and the terrorism of the imperialist forces.

Although there were no civilian casualties, they strongly denounced them as a declaration of war against liberalism and published their mugshots in the newspaper.

Meanwhile, there was a discussion in the Republican government and parliament about whether to postpone the presidential inauguration due to the terrorism that had taken place in Madrid. However, since most countries had already sent delegations, it was concluded that postponing the inauguration due to terrorism would be a national disgrace and that it would be better to call in the military to stand guard.

Accordingly, the Democratic Republic deployed the National Gendarmerie Division to the capital, Madrid, to patrol the streets around the clock. Of course, it took three days for them to be deployed, and during that time, terrorism continued to occur, amplifying the anxiety of the citizens of Madrid.

“Even with this, they’re not going to postpone the inauguration?”

“It’s probably something that can’t be postponed because it’s a matter of national prestige. They don’t want to show that they’re weak enough to be pushed around by a terrorist group.”

“Even so, we’ve cleaned up all the Revolutionary Party bases. . .”

“There’s still a possibility that there are secret bases that we don’t know about. . . Let’s clean up the rest of the organizations first. Garçon, if possible, please track down more people belonging to the Revolutionary Party.”

“Yes, I understand.”


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