
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 82.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟐: 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 (1)

At that moment, the Democratic Republic had just finished its presidential election and a new president had begun his term. Accordingly, envoys from the countries in the western part of the continent as well as the New Continent and the Southern Gigas Continent visited the nation to celebrate the occasion.

The Empire was no different. Even though they were not on the best of terms, it was the custom to send envoys when a head of state changed. As such, the emperor appointed the fourth prince, Franz, as the head of the delegation and sent him to the Democratic Republic.

“The fourth prince as an envoy? Why?”

Normally, it was customary for a member of the royal family to be sent as an envoy to another country, but it was usually the heir to the throne. That way, when they ascended to the throne, they would be able to lead the country in accordance with the international climate.

However, the fourth prince was just a prince in name with no power. Furthermore, since his mother was a former slave, he was an illegitimate child with no external power to rely on.

“Gilgamesh, did anything like this happen before you regressed?”

“No, I don’t know either.”

In none of the moments Oswald had played had a member of the royal family ever been dispatched. It was usually the foreign minister or the prime minister who took action.

“Could it be. . . just saying. . . but. . . this is just a guess. . .”

“Do you have an idea?”

“Originally, it was said that the imperial expansionists were going to use the liberal revolutionaries to start a war.”

“That’s right. Even before I regressed, the Democratic Republic was. . .”

“Yes, the Democratic Republic was the beginning of the Great War. What if. . . what if the fourth prince was killed by the liberal revolutionaries in the Democratic Republic?”

“That would give the anti-war faction a huge justification that they wouldn’t be able to oppose.”

There were still people who cried out for peace even as the liberal revolutionaries committed acts of terrorism and war broke out. But what if such opinions could be eliminated?

“That would be terrible.”

“We have to let His Highness Valentine know right away.”

“Yes, let’s do that.”

Gilgamesh and Oswald then informed Valentine of their reasoning, and Valentine also thought it was a reasonable suspicion.

So he told the emperor that he would go as an envoy himself, but the emperor flatly refused and instead dismissed Valentine and confined him to the palace.

“. . . . . . .”

“. . .It seems His Majesty the Emperor wants a war.”

“He did in the previous playthrough, but. . . to go this far. . .”

“That just shows how determined he is to start a war.”

“Then it means Peacemaker has to move personally to protect the fourth prince, but. . .”

The time frame was vague. If they made a mistake, they might end up being absent from school without permission for about a week after the new semester started.

“We have to stop it no matter what. With chaos and war on the horizon. . . if the Gigas Continent elves in the south end up participating in the war, we’ll end up getting bogged down in a fierce war of attrition.”

“Where do you think the terrorist attack will take place?”

“Madrid, the heart of the Democratic Republic.”

“Madrid. . .”

They soon informed the first prince, Valentine, through communication that the fourth prince would be dealt with in Madrid, and that they would follow the fourth prince to prevent it.

Valentine told them that it would be dangerous, but asked them to do their best to stop it.

Oswald immediately called the rest of the Peacemaker members together. Excluding Royman, who was currently independently pursuing and cleaning up Bloodtooth, and Dominika, who had gone north due to a family matter, the remaining members were Alicia, Azel, Miguel, and Yuilhan.

“As of now, we are going to Madrid to prevent the Great War.”


“Why there?”

“Because the liberal revolutionaries and the imperial expansionists are conspiring to deal with the fourth prince in the heart of the Democratic Republic and use it as an excuse to start the Great War.”

Everyone reacted with disbelief to Gilgamesh’s words, but Gilgamesh didn’t seem interested in persuading them one by one and simply told them to follow.

“So, we’re going to follow the fourth prince?”

“No. Oswald and Alicia will go to Madrid first. There, work with Peace Eye to deal with the liberal revolutionaries as much as possible.”


Alicia was capable of moving medium distances, though not long distances, through teleportation magic. It was the perfect ability to deal with the liberal revolutionaries in the vicinity of Madrid.

The problem was the revolutionaries who were staying in Madrid. As far as Oswald knew, the relationship between the Democratic Republic and the liberal revolutionaries was not completely clean.

The Democratic Republic’s intelligence agency and parliament were secretly supporting them, using the chaos in the Empire to prevent them from expanding and instead causing an internal conflict that would prevent them from expanding. This meant that attacking them would inevitably lead to a conflict with the Democratic Republic.


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