
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 80.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖𝟎: 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐞𝐫 (2)

“Bloody Axe Corps?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Members of the organization gathered at the Peacemaker’s mansion. Oswald reported what he had seen to Prince Valentine.

“I’ve certainly never heard of that organization before.”

“It’s an organization based in the former capital of the Cruenen Principality.”

“I wouldn’t know, given that it’s in ruins.”

“The strange thing, however, is that they were a small organization that didn’t even fully control that ruined city half a year ago, when I visited.”

“And in six months, it has grown to the point of dealing in narcotics? That’s certainly strange. Do you suspect there’s someone behind this?”

“Yes, I do.”

Prince Valentine frowned at Oswald’s words.

“Someone behind it. . .Royman.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Can you find out through the Kronen family’s intelligence organization?”

“Yes, I will give instructions.”

Royman was already using the Kronen family’s intelligence organization to track down Happy Powder. However, since he was now aware of the name of the organization trafficking it due to Oswald’s report, he could obtain information even more swiftly.

“In that case, let’s put the matter of Happy Powder on hold for now. It seems best to wait and see how things develop before we gather more information.”

Alicia then spoke up to express her opposition.

“However, if we continue to leave them alone, we will only end up with more victims.”

“If we just arrest them as they appear, they will only hide and spread to places where it is more difficult to find them. The only way to prevent them from operating is to eliminate them all at once.”

Oswald agreed with Valentine’s words.

“Alicia, I think His Highness is right. Shouldn’t we avoid creating more victims in the future by trying to stop the victims in front of us right now?”

“But. . . . . .”

“Besides, we are still just academy students. We don’t have much time during the week to make big moves and. . . Sword is already increasing their patrols and cracking down on crime. I don’t think there’s any need for us to put ourselves out there any further, especially now.”

“If you say so, Oswald. . . . . .”

“If you’re really that concerned, perhaps you could focus on outreach within the academy as a student. . . no, as a member of Vanguard. You could work to prevent victims from arising within the academy.”

Alicia nodded reluctantly at Oswald’s repeated persuasion.


The forces of chaos of truth had suffered a major blow due to repeated failures. As a result, the third prince, Douglas, was forced to move cautiously.

“It’s been a long time, Muzak.”

“I have been well, Your Highness.”

“It couldn’t be helped. . . The largest stronghold in the capital was destroyed, and after that, we had to avoid the eyes of the church and the CID. . . . . .”

“Even now, there are still some observers left, but they are unlikely to notice us easily.”

“Rather than that, why have you come to meet me at such great risk?”

“To share with Your Highness the schedule for our future plans.”

“Tell me.”

“We have decided that it will be difficult for the forces of chaos of truth to achieve their goals on their own, so the upper echelons have decided to join forces with other chaos forces.”


“Like us, it is a force of blood chaos that has had one of its strongholds destroyed.”

“Blood. . . . . .”

“Before long, a great war will break out and a great deal of blood will be shed.”

“A great war? Are you referring to the Western Unification War?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“But the anti-war forces are not to be underestimated. . . How do you intend to start a war?”

“The plan is already in place. Your Highness need only wait and prepare to go to the battlefield and win glory.”

“I understand. How long will it be before this great war breaks out?”

“It will not be more than this year.”

“Then it is likely to be around autumn or winter, after the harvest is over.”

“As it happens, most of the forces that support Your Highness are also concentrated in the west, so it will be easy for Your Highness to win glory.”


On the weekend, Oswald and Alicia were in the former capital of the old Cruenen Principality. Unlike before, everyone walking the streets was wearing a red coat, showing that the Bloody Axe Corps had taken over the place.

“These guys, who were only armed with rusted swords and the like. . . I wonder where they got the money to buy weapons.”

“What was it like when you came last time?”

“They were armed with crude, makeshift weapons.”

Of course, they were still armed with hand axes at their waists as sidearms, but their main weapons seemed to be the Revolver series or the Piper series. Unlike the Winchester family’s firearms, they were made for civilian use rather than military use, so they were easy to obtain on the market.

Of course, there were calls from the imperial government to ban their sale to civilians. . . but they were being pushed back by the Revolver family’s lobbying efforts.

To be honest, things would be different if the Winchester family stepped in. . . but the Winchester family saw no need to ruin the Revolver family, so they left them alone. In the first place, their goals were different, so there was no major conflict.

Anyway, the two of them moved around, keeping an eye on the Bloody Axe Corps and looking for places where Happy Powder might be. They mainly searched places where the axemen were heavily guarded in this ruined city, and they were able to find a place with magical alarms and traps.

Of course, this was also thanks to Alicia’s detection magic.

When they headed there, it was certainly more heavily guarded than other places, and they also confirmed that there were members of the organization waiting nearby, apparently in charge of combat.

“Is this the place?”

“Wait a minute. . . Clairvoyance!”

Alicia’s eyes gleamed with magic power, and she scanned the building guarded by the Bloody Axe Corps.

“I think this is it. I confirmed that they are refining blue powders inside.”

“I never imagined that the Bloody Axe Corps would be making Happy Powder. . . . . .”

“What should we do? Should we rush in right away?”

“No, I think it’s better to wait. No matter how I think about it, this is not a place that could have grown into such a powerful organization in just six months.”

“Do you think there’s someone behind this, too?”

“Well, the Kronen family’s intelligence organization is supposed to be deployed here soon, so we’ll be able to catch them.”

“I guess that is all we can do. . . .”

As much as Alicia wanted to destroy the place right then and there, she held back. She understood that taking out the distributors would only temporarily suppress the distribution of Happy Powder. As long as the organization producing it continued to operate in the shadows, they would simply continue producing it.

The problem was that Alicia understood this in her head but not in her heart. Oswald, who knew her well, took her hand gently.

“Oswald. . . . . .”

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