
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 76.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟔: 𝐊𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 (1)

“Ahem. . . . . . Alright, then, let’s meet after the vacation ends.”

“Can’t I go with you?”

“Don’t be stubborn. Do you have any magic that allows for a stealthy attack?”

“Hmm. . . . . .”

No matter how much she thought about it, the most stealthy magic she knew was Wind Cutter. The problem was that even Wind Cutter was a rather noisy spell, which effectively meant that it did not exist among the magic that she knew.

“I’ll make it, I’ll definitely make it!!”

“I’ll see you at the Academy.”

As Oswald was about to leave, Alicia suddenly ran up from behind and hugged him around the waist.

“Be careful!”

“Yeah, don’t worry. It’s not like I’m going to fight Chaos.”

“I know. . . . . . Take care.”

Oswald chuckled as he watched Alicia, who had officially become his fiancee, express more affection. Even though he was originally a person who would return to his original world. . . It wouldn’t be bad to be with her for 10 years, even if he couldn’t prevent the end of the world.

After a while, Oswald boarded a train heading south from the eastern end to Kuwait City.

It was a journey that would take about 10 days, but he was able to purchase a first-class ticket with the money he had received from his father, Wilhelm, after handing over the Gatling gun.

After riding for a while and looking out at the scenery outside, a yellowish landscape gradually began to appear. This was a phenomenon that could be seen as he approached the south and got closer to the desert.

After 10 days, Oswald finally arrived in Kuwait City. Since he had contacted him in advance through a magic communicator, Azel was there to meet him.


When Oswald examined Azel with his Eye of Horus, he saw that he had become whiter and more handsome, and confirmed that he had reached Master level.

“You’re here?”


“Haha, what are you talking about.”

Azel scratched the back of his head as if he were embarrassed.

After that, Oswald rode in a carriage prepared by Azel and headed for the safe house. There, he could also see Royman, who had likewise reached the level of Master.

Thus, all of the members of the Peacemaker organization were now composed of people of Master rank or higher.


“Gilgamesh, how far has the work progressed?”

“For the time being, we’ve only been able to locate the location of the Kronen family.”

“So, what are you going to do?”

“A frontal assault.”

At those words, Oswald turned his head to Royman and asked.

“Royman, what do you think?”

“I don’t care, since they’re not my family anymore anyway.”

His father had known that his wife was sending assassins after his son, and yet he had remained silent. This was because his father also knew that Royman was a troublesome existence.

“However, for the time being, we need to secure supporters within the Kronen family.”

That way, if something happened in the future, we could quickly take control of the family, right?

However, there could be many who would not follow Royman because he lacked legitimacy. However, even though he lacked legitimacy, Royman was an Assassin Master and had mastered all of Shadow Magic.

He was fit to claim the succession and had already received a promise of amnesty from the first prince, Valentine. Even if the Kronen family was one of the Seven Dark Families, there would be quite a few who would have misgivings about operating in the shadows.

For them, the empire’s amnesty and entry into the empire’s political world would be a considerable merit.

‘𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘯.’

“Royman, do you happen to have anyone in the family who supports you?”

At those words, Royman thought for a while and came up with a few people. There were three elders in the Kronen family who, recognizing Royman’s brilliant talent, had continued to insist that the eldest son should succeed him.

They had opposed Royman’s younger brother becoming the successor to the end, and when Royman had run away, they had given him money and advised him to enter the academy.

“About three people. . . .”

“Okay, is there any way to contact them?”

“No. . . . . .”

“Okay, Royman. Take this opportunity to show your face in Kuwait City.”


Oswald’s plan was simple. By revealing Royman, their number one target, in the Kronen family’s territory, he would make things go awry on their own.

“Well, let’s get started.”

The next day, Royman showed his face as Oswald had said, walking around crowded areas and exposing himself. Oswald, who had no magic power, followed Royman around, checking for flies.

‘𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘦.’

Was it after about an hour of walking? Finally, the Kronen family’s assassins began to gather. Royman must have sensed them as well, because at one point he entered a secluded alleyway.

“Come out.”

Then, the Kronen family’s assassins began to show their faces from all over the shadows. . . . . .

“I don’t know why you came here, but are you prepared to die?”

“Die. . . . . . Let’s see who dies.”

Royman, who had suddenly gripped a dagger in both hands, used Shadow Magic to bind the movements of the assassins around him.

It was a technique known as ‘Shadow Bind’, which used shadows to restrict the movements of the opponent. Of course, the caster’s body would also be bound. . . . However, it was not a bad technique in that it allowed him to move toward the enemy first.

Next, the ‘Shadow Leap’ unfolded.

It used a similar mechanism to ‘Shadow Hide’, but it allowed him to enter the shadow more quickly and jump out to the desired location to attack.


In an instant, the assassin with the strongest aura was taken care of. The assassins were wary when they saw that their leader had not been able to use a single hand properly and had been defeated.

However, Royman soon entered the shadows again, jumped out from under another guy, and with a swoosh, he slipped back into the shadows again.

Thanks to this, the assassins were wary and guarded the surroundings, but it. . . became a meaningless action.

As the last one remained, Oswald appeared on the street in a costume similar to a Sword officer and caused a disturbance.

“Who are these guys?!”

In the meantime, one of the assassins immediately used Shadow Hide and escaped from the spot.

“Royman, let’s go back.”

He had intentionally caused a disturbance so that one of them could escape naturally.

This was part of a plan to let the elders who supported Royman know that he had not simply appeared in Kuwait City, and to naturally spread the word of his abilities.

And as Oswald had expected, the Kronen family became noisy.


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