
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 73.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟑: 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩 (3)

Oswald, who had created a pistol railgun using the Blood Daemon. Since he used it while he was definitely demonized, the life force that was sucked out was less than before.

“We will purify the fallen demon Oswald!”

Crusader-class Inquisitor Decius rushed toward Oswald, emitting an Aura Blade. Oswald took out the holy sword ‘Moonlight’ from his magic pouch and wielded it.

The sword emitted a beautiful cyan light and left a splendidly beautiful Milky Way in the air.


Immediately, ‘Moonlight’ and Aura Blade collided, sparks flying as they pushed against each other.

“Th. . .That sword is. . . . . .”

Oswald, who was still able to use the power of ‘Moonlight’ thanks to his holy power despite being demonized.

“Are you going to keep saying that I am now fallen?”

“. . . . . .”

Decius hesitated for a moment, but. . . If he were to retreat here, he might have to give up something bigger. That’s why he didn’t back down.

“Damn it!! Are you now corrupting even Moonlight?”

“Ha! There is no other truly hopeless, disgusting seed. Now you’re going to interpret God’s will as you please. . . . . . Alright, I’ll cut you all down with a holy sword.”

Then, holy power was poured into ‘Moonlight’, and the light emitted by ‘Moonlight’ became even more beautiful.

Seeing this, Oswald began to swing ‘Moonlight’, and a cyan crescent-shaped sword light was emitted from ‘Moonlight’ and attacked Inquisitor Decius.

Oswald, who forced Decius to retreat, transformed the Blood Daemon. It was a sword that covered his entire right arm like a gauntlet. Oswald used the swords in both hands to swing at Decius.

“As expected, a fallen demon!!”

He was being pushed back by the tremendous force of Oswald’s body. At that moment, an explosion was heard from behind Oswald, and when he turned his head, Alicia was under attack by other inquisitors.

“When you look at it this way, aren’t you guys the demons! You cowards!”

As he said this, Oswald aimed the muzzle of the gauntlet-mounted sword at the other inquisitors and fired.


It didn’t have the same power as a railgun, but since it was a large-caliber bullet, it was enough to push back an expert-level person.

At that moment, additional personnel entered through the place where the heretic inquisitors had entered.

“How many of you have gathered?”

Several dozen more heretic inquisitors dressed in black priestly robes had gathered.

Oswald himself was not a big problem. . . But Alicia was not. In the end, Oswald had no choice but to step back and protect Alicia.

As they moved to surround Oswald! Oswald sensed a fierce energy coming from above his head. So he transformed the Blood Daemon into a bell shape and created a full-body shield to protect both himself and Alicia.


As Alicia asked her question, the ceiling collapsed and a large black greatsword split the space between Oswald and the heretic inquisitors.

Kugugung! Kwaaang!

The greatsword was stuck halfway between Oswald and the inquisitors.

Along with it, a doll fell down beside the greatsword, a figure wearing a silver mask.

Oswald could tell that he was Gilgamesh. Then, one with a shield, two with swords, one with two daggers in both hands. Finally, a man in a silver mask who slowly descends while using Void Step.

“How dare you interfere with the heretical inquisition! You must also be a servant of the demon! What are you doing? Attack!”

At the command of Decius, the inquisitors were about to step forward! At that moment, an overwhelming aura emanated from the man who had walked down from the void.

“Ha! Your guess is as good as mine. What? A servant of the demon?”

“Huh. . . . . . What else could it be if you are protecting a fallen demon?”

At those words, the man looked back and saw Oswald, who was definitely corrupted and demonized.

However. . . There was something else that caught his eye, the holy sword ‘Moonlight’ that Oswald was holding. Even though he was demonized, the holy sword ‘Moonlight’ was still emitting a bright light. . . It was a sign that God had not abandoned him.

“I’m sorry, but as you can see, this guy is under the protection of our empire.”

“You’re going to protect a demon of Chaos? That proves that you are servants of the demon!”

“Really. . . the conversation doesn’t seem to be working.”

Valentine was about to reveal his identity. . . But. . . He decided that it would be better for his mental health to just wipe them out.

“Wipe them out.”

At that moment, Gilgamesh, who was holding the greatsword, threw the greatsword covered in Aura Blade at Decius.

Shuaak! Clang!

Decius barely deflected the flying greatsword. However, the greatsword began to move on its own as if it were alive, pressuring him.

“V. . . Victorious Sword?”

At the same time, a battle broke out between the inquisitors and the Peacemakers.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, boss.”

“. . . . . .Can you come back?”

“It will take time, but I can come back. However. . . . . .”


“Please spare the life of that Decius.”


“He excommunicated me.”

“Hoo? Are you going to formalize the excommunication?”

“Yes, wouldn’t 10 years be too long?”

“Then you will no longer get any help from the church?”

“That’s okay. Now that my name is known to the CID, I can ask for help separately.”

“Keukheu. Yeah, it’s right to get rid of a troublesome burden.”

As the battle came to an end, Miguel and Yuilhan’s bodies began to surge with magical power. Thanks to the real-world experience of life and death, the two of them had overcome the wall.

In the end, Decius was defeated and barely escaped alone. Now he will go back and report that Oswald has fallen and hasten the excommunication process.

“Let’s go to the academy.”

Everyone nodded at Oswald’s words, who had pulled the hood of his robe down, and Oswald carried Alicia on his back.

“You’re okay. . . . . .”

“This is faster.”

After a while, they arrived in front of the academy. First Prince Valentine said he would return to the imperial palace in case anything happened. Oswald then entered the academy with the remaining personnel.

“But who are these people that you are entering the academy with?”

At Alicia’s words, Gilgamesh took off his silver mask, and the others followed suit.

“. . . . . .”

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