Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 71.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕𝟏: 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩 (1)

The Last League, Starting from the Second Year

Oswald added another unconventional attack here. . . He sent summoners to the top and bottom lanes to defend Summoner Anna, and without a jungle, the four liners rushed into the mid lane and crushed the main stronghold in a short period of time, completely destroying the representative team of the second year.

The first-year representative team, which even won the second match by rushing into the middle lane, won the same victory. From the second-year representative team’s point of view, they thought the same tactics would be used again, so they just took it as it was.

Thanks to this, they were ranked first in total kill points and first in victory, and they were selected as the best team in the academy and caught the eye of each military district headquarters.

Meanwhile, the academy’s security has become more stringent since the last incident. The biggest change is that the guard golems are now stationed around the dormitory building. Usually, they stand like knight statues as if they were decorations, and when an intruder appears, they move.


Arkad Mansion, Peacemaker Headquarters in the basement. For the first time in a long time, all members of Peacemaker, including the first prince, Valentine, were gathered there.

“Do you want to take over the Kronen family?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Okay, if Royman takes over Kronen, I will grant Royman the title of Earl of the Empire. Of course. . . When I become emperor.”

Royman replied with an example to that.

“That’s enough, boss.”

“Okay, this time, let’s have Peacemaker move directly. It’s just the right level to face the wall. . . If we add some real-world experience here, everyone will quickly become masters.”


With the victory of the first-year representative team, all first-year students were given a one-night, two-day outing ticket. Of course, Oswald could have replaced it with a four-week vacation for his team. . . But he decided to consult with his teammates and win their hearts.

Anyway, they would eventually graduate and become officers in the Imperial Army, so they needed to grease the wheels in advance.

Moreover, since the academy generally gave the rank of lieutenant to silver~gold and the rank of captain to platinum and above, they would actually meet them as superiors and subordinates after graduation. It was a good way to win their hearts in advance.

“Ha, it’s been a long time since I’ve been out overnight.”

“I know, right! What should we do first?”

Then Dominika grabbed her hungry belly and said that she wanted to eat first.

“First, let’s eat.”

“Hohoho, yes. Thanks to our Dominika, we’re going out overnight, so let’s go eat something delicious first!”

Dominika, Alicia, and Natasha headed to a new Eastern restaurant called ‘Dragon’s Nest’ that had recently opened in the capital. It was so popular that there were a lot of people there and they had to wait in line.

Even more so, since there were many people who had gone out overnight like them today, there were quite a few students on the street, and there were also many students lined up here. As a result, some of them thanked Dominika and received attention from the people around them.

They finished their meal and moved to a general store. As they passed a deserted alleyway. . .

“Wait. . . . . .”


Natasha questioned Dominika, who suddenly stopped, when Alicia took out her magic wand and cast a spell.


At that moment, the dispel magic spread out and the magic that Alicia had activated was canceled one after another. At the same time, she suffered internal injuries from the shock of the cancellation and vomited blood.

“Cough. . . . . .”

“A. . . Alicia!”

“We have to get out of here. . . . . .”

Alicia couldn’t continue and fainted.

At that moment, masked men appeared, surrounding the front and back of the alleyway. . . Natasha used the magic of her necklace.

“Wave of Purification!”


A huge wave rising in a narrow alley. The walls on both sides of the alley collapsed because of it, completely sweeping away the surroundings.

If there was such a big commotion, Sword officers would come running soon, and the masked men who were left behind immediately ran towards Alicia.

Then Dominika raised her fist and confronted the masked men. As an expert in the field, her fighting skills were not bad.

Dominika subdued two masked men in an instant. However, her compatibility was not good. There was a wizard with the skill to dispel Alicia’s magic, which reached the 5th circle.

“Sonic Boom!”




Natasha screamed, covering both of her ears, and Dominika also collapsed, bleeding from both of her ears. The wizard seized the opportunity to secure Alicia’s unconscious body and teleported away from the spot.

Shortly after, the Sword officers who heard the commotion and dispatched rescued the two academy students who had collapsed at the scene. Even without that, the situation was chaotic due to the academy raid incident that had occurred two days ago, and this time, an academy student was attacked.

Moreover, the person who was attacked was the only daughter of Duke Romanova, one of the Five Grand Dukes of the Empire, who was more powerful than the Imperial Family in terms of wealth.

Upon hearing this news, Duke Romanova was furious and put a bounty on those who dared to attack his daughter.

Meanwhile, news spread that one of the students had been kidnapped, and the media was abuzz. Public opinion, which had been rapidly deteriorating since the last Chaos Dungeon incident, eventually led the emperor to issue a statement, vowing to mobilize everything to find the kidnapped student.

At that time, Oswald received a magic communicator through the mail.

━Can you hear me?

“What is it?”

━We have Alicia Valian.

“. . . . . .”

Only then did Oswald realize that the kidnappers were after him, not Alicia.

“What do you want?”

━Come to the Unification Square by noon tomorrow. Of course, you know you can’t tell anyone and you have to come alone, right?

Unification Square, a square created to commemorate the Empire’s unification of all Western countries except for four.

There was a large fountain in the square, and various patterns were engraved on it, which were symbolic patterns of countries that had been destroyed or annexed.

“Okay, I’ll do that.”

━Okay, if you’re even a little late or if you show any strange signs, your girlfriend won’t be safe.

As the communication ended with those words, Oswald clenched his fists as if he was angry.

That day, Oswald immediately summoned Peacemaker in the academy dormitory. No matter how much the other person told him to come out alone. . . He didn’t know what would happen or how it would happen. That’s why he decided to ask Peacemaker for help.


“Yes, judging from the fact that he contacted me. . . It seems like I’m the target. . . . . .”

“The reason you’re telling us this is because you need our help, right?”

“That’s right, I could do it by myself. . . But if they’re a force related to Chaos, wouldn’t it be better to have more people than just me?”

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