
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 34

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑𝟒: 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 (5)

“Ahem, greetings, Minos Delarein, Jupiter’s Champion.”

“Ch. . . Champion?”

The old man clicked his tongue at Oswald’s apparent knowledge and turned to someone with a grumpy expression.

“Oh, you know what a Champion is. Unlike some dolt here.”

“What? Are you talking about me, senior?”

A Champion, or Hero.

All gods choose a Champion to represent their will and fight for them. There were as few as one or as many as five that appeared in an era under a single god.

They were granted divine power and a strong body to fight against evil as the god’s proxy. During his time playing the game, Champions were so rare that he could count the number of times he had met one on one hand.

“Rather than that, who are you people?”

“I am Oswald Winchester of the Order of the Holy Knights.”

“Oh, so you’re from the Order of the Holy Knights. This friend here is also a Templar.”

“Nice to meet you, junior. I’m Evelyn Arlington.”

Evelyn smiled and offered Oswald a handshake, which he accepted without hesitation.

After shaking hands, Oswald introduced Gilgamesh to them.

“This is Gilgamesh Arkad, my classmate from the Imperius Academy.”

Gilgamesh bowed his head at Oswald’s introduction.

“Amazing, such an achievement at your age. You’re definitely worthy of entering the dungeon. But are there only two of you?”

“No, I came with some CID agents. The enemy forces were too large, so I went out to ask for backup, and this friend and I stayed behind to scout.”

“I see.”

“But how did you two end up here?”

“I’m on a pilgrimage as a Champion, and I came in to clean up a small crack. But the situation was so serious that there was already a baron-class chaos demon. It’s strange that a Break hasn’t occurred even though it’s gotten this bad.”

“I came in when the crack got bigger. If I had to put a number on it, it would be about 60 days? While I was here with this senior, when we took down the baron, an earl appeared, so we were busy running around because of that.”

“Hmm. . . . . . If you were to fight an earl again as you are now, would you be able to win?”

“If you two join us, we can definitely take it down.”

At those words, Oswald looked at Gilgamesh, who nodded his head to express his agreement.

“Okay, let’s go.”


CID Titan Western Headquarters.

“A legion level?”

━Yes, that’s right, chief.

“We’ll need a large-scale expeditionary force. Let’s make a request to the Southern Military District of the Empire.”

The Empire’s military was divided into the Quadrivium, commanded by the Senate, and the Central Army, commanded by the Emperor. Of these, the Central Army was called the Imperial Army and was the most elite and proud.

In any case, since the Southern Military District was also under the command of the Senate, they could move troops if the CID requested it. This was because the treaty between the Empire and the CID already stated that the military would provide assistance without delay in the event of a request for assistance related to chaos.

“The problem is. . . . . . the location.”

The Chaos Dungeon was located near the Great Desert. To send troops capable of facing a legion level force there, they would have to cross the Great Desert. Moreover, the Southern Military District was located in Kuwait City, on the inner side of the Persian Gulf.

If they came by land, it would take at least two months. If they came by sea, it would take about two weeks, but the problem was the number of troops to be transported.

The Southern Navy, which was under the jurisdiction of the Southern Military District, could only transport about one division at a time. It would be suicide to face a chaos corps with a division, not even an army.

‘𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘧 𝘸𝘦 𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘜𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘪𝘳, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦’𝘴 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘸𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵. . .’

“Let’s wait for now. Tell them to contact us in two days.”

━Yes, I understand.

The chief, who had gotten up from his seat, stood in front of the bookcase in his office and took out and put back several books. Soon, the bookcase split open to the left and right, revealing a secret space.

Inside, there were several magical communicators, and he picked up one that had nothing written on it. Soon, the chief, who had activated the communicator, began to talk to someone on the other end.

━Long time no see, chief.

“Are you well?”

━Well, I’m doing well if you can call it that.

“Hahahaha, you still talk like it’s someone else’s business.”

━Rather than that, why did you contact me?

“Can you send me one person?”

━Are we getting involved?

“The location is a bit ambiguous, so it’s not suitable for sending troops.”

━To the point of sending troops. . . Let’s hear what it is.

“We found a Blood Chaos Dungeon. But it’s been around for a while, so I heard that a legion is stationed there.”

━Where is it located?

“The Great Desert.”

I hate the heat. . .

“Please, it’s urgent. I’ve already sent people inside. . .”

━I’ll have them go within a week. Of course, I’m not going.

“Well, it’s a shame that it’s not you. . . but they’re all strong, so I don’t have to worry.”


Oswald and Gilgamesh followed Jupiter’s Champion Minos and demon hunter Evelyn through the forest. The two were following the route they had taken when they infiltrated the castle before.

“We’ll be at the sewers soon.”

As Minos said, there was a sewer under the huge castle wall. Surprisingly, the entrance to the sewer was empty, with no guards. Of course, there were almost no lunatics who would infiltrate this far into the Chaos Dungeon, so there was no need to guard it thoroughly.

“Moreover, since we escaped in a different direction from here when we dealt with the baron last time, they probably didn’t think about this place at all.”

After walking through the smelly sewer for a while, Minos and Evelyn, who seemed familiar with the place, climbed up to the top of the sewer.

Soon, they arrived at the room where the baron had been staying, which was now occupied by the earl. The problem was that the earl wasn’t here. . . However, Minos and Evelyn didn’t panic.

“He’s probably in the Great Hall. There’s a huge statue of Bahamun there.”

“There are fewer guards inside than I thought.”

“The nobles are very proud. That’s why that baron suffered.”

It meant that there were guards outside but no guards inside.

Soon, they arrived at the Great Hall and saw a noble-class chaos demon sitting on a throne set up under the statue of Bahamun. It was a female chaos demon with pale gray skin, long red hair, and four horns.

【Oh. . . Guests? The two who ran away before, and the other two who came in this time.】

“Hey, demon! Don’t think we’ll go easy on you because you’re a woman! So you better be prepared!”

At Minos’ words, Evelyn shook her head and put her hand to her forehead.

Meanwhile, Oswald was looking around for something.

‘𝘐𝘵’𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦?’

Like the Plague Grimoire, there was a high probability that a Blood Demon existed in such a place. Then, Oswald’s gaze suddenly went up to the statue.

A black stone bust of Bahamun. If there was anything unusual about it, it was that the bust, which was folded in its arms, had a gold ring on the index finger of its right hand.

And in the center of the ring was a red jewel, the symbol color of the Blood God. In a word. . .

‘𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘪𝘵.’

【Hahahahaha, who should be watching whom. . .】

At that moment, the earl-class demon’s figure disappeared. Oswald’s senses warned him, and his judgment recommended using a silver smoke bomb, so he immediately took out a silver smoke bomb and threw it at the ground.

Poof! Pshhh!


The earl-class demon revealed herself, emitting flames as she came into contact with the blessed silver dust. The faster she moved, the more flames could be seen bursting out with the naked eye.

“Good judgment!”

Soon, golden electricity burst out of Minos’ whole body and changed his appearance.

In an instant, Minos was armed with a golden armor and a golden spear.

“The Astrape?”

“A replica.”

“A hot plate, huh?”

Of course, it was ridiculous for a human to wield Astrape, a divine weapon. Even if he was a Champion representing a god. . . It was too much.

Soon, the electricity emitted from the Astrape instantly engulfed the entire spear, making it look like he was holding a bolt of lightning.

“Take this!”

Crackle, crackle!

Minos threw Astrape, which had turned into lightning. The Astrape, which flew at an incredible speed, hit the earl-class demon’s chest directly.


The earl-class demon suffered considerable damage, and a hole appeared in her chest armor. She seemed to be in considerable pain, and she looked down at her chest, which was not recovering due to Jupiter’s divine power. She soon let out a roar and charged at Minos.

Evelyn, who had holy power, swung her great sword and blocked the demon’s path as it ran towards Minos.


She may have said that, but Chronos’s divine power was dangerous, even for an earl-class demon. Jupiter’s divine power was also strong enough, but Chronos was an old god who had existed since the beginning of time.

The depth of his divinity was indescribable, so even a small amount could accumulate damage, so the demon avoided the attack.

At that demon’s movement, Oswald quickly fired a normal bullet imbued with holy power to attack its weak point.

【Do you think you can do anything to me with such a weapon?】

Just then, Minos, who had retrieved Astrape, rushed in, and Gilgamesh, who had raised his Aura Blade, joined him.

The demon, which was relentlessly attacked, soon lost its mind and accumulated minor wounds due to Oswald’s containment bullets in between.

However, as the fight continued, the commotion grew, and eventually, enemies who had noticed the strangeness here began to appear in the Great Hall one by one.

“Damn humans!!”

Vampire knights bared their fangs and expressed their anger. Seeing them, Oswald summoned the Phoenix on his left arm.

“Summon Phoenix!”


A phoenix made of blazing flames flew towards the vampire knights at Oswald’s will.

In an instant, the flames of purification were transferred to the vampire knights.

‘𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵. . .’

As expected, he needed that Blood Demon.

So Oswald pretended to aim at the earl-class demon, making sure he didn’t notice, and subtly positioned himself so that the statue of Bahamun was behind him.

Soon, Oswald loaded the explosion magic bullet and pulled the trigger.



The earl-class demon, sensing the mortar’s magic power, turned its head to avoid the bullet, which hit the statue’s arm and exploded.


【How dare you, scum, damage Lord Bahamun’s statue!!】

The demon approached Oswald, but was soon blocked by Gilgamesh’s Aura Blade.

“This bastard!”

Oswald, who felt the vampire knight running up behind him, quickly loaded a silver bullet and turned around to pull the trigger.



A cluster of small silver bullets swept across the vampire knight’s front, and the vampire knight, hit by the silver bullets, was engulfed in white flames that rose from the wound and turned into ashes.

‘𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵!’

After loading the explosion magic bullet, Oswald fired again the moment the statue and the demon were in a straight line. This time, too, the demon managed to avoid the bullet, but the statue’s arm was finally knocked to the floor.

Soon, Oswald fired several normal bullets at the finger.

Only then did the chaos demon realize something and shouted.

【Bastard!! Now I see, you were aiming for the Blood Demon!】

Soon, the chaos demon flew towards Oswald, and he detonated a silver smoke bomb and put on the Plague Grimoire at the same time.

In an instant, Oswald was covered in green particles. . .

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