
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 175.2

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕𝟓.2: 𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐝𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 (1)

“I should have passed the throne to the Crown Prince 100 years ago. I guess I understand why the elders say they should die when they get old. Would you please tell the Crown Prince to step down from the throne before he becomes like me?”

“Yes, I will, Your Majesty.”

“That’s good enough. Now, get out of here.”

As Minister of War Seok Seong-ryeon led Zhou Yunwen away, Emperor Zhou Shangluo, who was left alone in the Great Hall, called out to someone.

“Is there anyone there?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Is that you, Chief Eunuch?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Why aren’t you following the Crown Prince?”

“My duty is to serve Your Majesty, so how can I follow His Highness the Crown Prince?”

“Heh. . . . . . Shouldn’t you protect the Crown Prince while I’m gone?”

“I have decided to leave that duty to my successor. Shouldn’t new wine be put in new containers?”

“Hahaha. That’s right. . . . New wine should be put in new containers.”

At that moment, the Imperial Guards, the North-Advancing Warriors, and the South-Advancing Warriors entered.

“Your Majesty, we are also staying.”

Then, the South-Advancing Warrior brought a golden armor and presented it to Shangluo.

“Your Majesty, I have brought Your Majesty’s armor.”

“Hahaha. Well, it would be fun to ride the battlefield with you guys after a long time.”

After that, Shangluo put on the golden armor and went outside with Chief Eunuch and the Imperial Guards’ North and South Warriors.

In the open space outside the Great Hall, 150 Imperial Guards and 150 Dongchang warriors stood in a firm and determined line. Shangluo smiled broadly as he looked at them.

“Let’s go! Sons of the Great Zhou! Today, I, Shangluo, declare my personal expedition for the first time in 100 years!”




The shouts of 300 warriors. . . . . . Soon, a total of 304 cavalrymen emerged from the Imperial City Palace and headed for the North Gate, where a fierce battle was taking place. At the same time, the Imperial Guards began to take out their conch shells and blow them. . . . . .




The sound of the conch shells, which were only used when the Emperor was on the move, began to raise the morale of the soldiers who were fighting at the North Wall and the North Gate.

“His Majesty the Emperor has arrived!”

“Drive back the enemies!”

The North Gate had already collapsed, and ogres were pouring in through it. At that moment, the Emperor appeared, using the machine gun he was holding to fire on horseback as he continued to charge forward.


When he finally reached the ogres, the Emperor threw away the machine gun and drew the sword he had on his waist and began to swing it.

The Imperial Guards and Dongchang warriors who were with the Emperor broke through the ogres in one breath and rushed out of the North Gate. Nevertheless, many ogres still blocked their way, but the Emperor did not stop.

“I am! Emperor Shangluo of the Great Zhou Empire! Kuooooooo!”

Soon, Shangluo, who had awakened the bloodline of the dragonian lineage, transformed into a dragonian. Four horns grew from his forehead and temples, and the scales that were usually hidden under his normal skin rose up, making him look more like a reptile. In addition, his arms and legs also changed into those of a reptile, and wings grew from his back and a tail from his rump.

Soon, Shangluo, who had spurred his horse and flown up, breathed fire from his mouth and burned all the surrounding ogres to death.


The breath of fire became an area-of-effect attack and burned the ogres, and the flames spread in all directions, using the ogres as fuel. In addition, as Shangluo continued to breathe fire, . . . more and more flames raged all around.

It was only then that the chaos demons appeared. It wasn’t a noble, but a high-ranking demon blocked Zhu Shangluo’s path.

A humanoid demon with mottled skin here and there; the only way to tell that he was a demon was that he had a single horn growing from his forehead. Moreover, the mottled skin was oozing green plague factors little by little. It was truly a grotesque and filthy sight.

【Dragonian lineage. . . . . . Are you the Emperor of the Great Zhou Empire? 】

“Yes, you filthy plague scum.”

【Kukukuk. . . . . . Dragonian lineage, you look tasty! 】

“Come on!”

Shangluo provocatively challenged his opponent, and the demon rushed toward Shangluo.

The demon, who had jumped up from the ground toward Shangluo, swung the large warhammer he was holding and attacked Shangluo. Shangluo dodged it by slightly twisting his body and then swung his tail to hit the demon’s side.


The force was doubled because he had wrapped his tail with Haki, and because of that, green blood flowed from the demon’s side.

【I thought you were just an old dragonian, so I thought you’d be weak. . . . It looks like it will be more fun than I thought! 】

“I’ll soon destroy that confidence of yours!”

After putting Haki on his fingernails, Shangluo scratched the demon’s body indiscriminately, tearing it apart. Of course, the demon also resisted by protecting his body with demonic power. . . . But Shangluo was stronger, and the demon was helpless.

However, it seemed that the demon was not just taking the attacks. That was because the plague factors were oozing out even more from the wounds inflicted by Shangluo.

In the end, Shangluo also came into contact with the plague factors and soon. . . . He vomited up blood.

“Keuheueueok! Waaaaaaaaaae. . . . . . ”

【Kukhahahaha! Dragonian lineage, huh? . . . You weren’t anything special! Did you enjoy it, knowing that all your attacks worked? 】

In an instant, all the wounds that had been inflicted by Shangluo healed. Seeing this, Shangluo had no choice but to realize his own blunder.

However, he had already taken in too much of the plague. . . . . . Blisters appeared on his scales and began to fester, and his vision was gradually becoming blurred in one eye.

Soon, just when the life of the Emperor of the Great Zhou Empire was on the line! The dark clouds that had been darkened by demonic power parted, and a sword imbued with holy power fell down between them, instantly annihilating the demon and the ogres around it.

At the same time, a white-haired man in white clothes slowly descended to the spot where the sword had fallen. Looking closely, his forearms resembled the forelegs of a white tiger.

“Who are you. . . . . .? ”


“The founding king of the Huan Kingdom?”

“I woke up to a foul smell. . . The world is truly. . . . . .The bloodline of the dragon has also died out.”

Haemosu, the demigod who was said to have founded the Huan Kingdom.

Born between a celestial being and a tiger-kin, Haemosu had lived a long time as a demigod. He then married a water spirit and gave birth to the spirit-kin. . . . He is said to have passed the throne to his child and gone into seclusion.

At that time, there was no wall between the spirit world and Century, so it was possible for spirits to come to this world and give birth to children with demigods like Haemosu. . . . But now, a ‘wall’ had been erected separating the worlds, and it had become difficult for beings from other worlds to come over.

“Is Mir dead? Well, judging by the fact that his descendants have become like this and he hasn’t shown up, he must have died a long time ago. Tsk. . . . . . But I still feel like there’s a dragon above. . . . Is it another dragon?”

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!


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