
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 157.2

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓𝟕.2: 𝐓𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐩 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 (2)

Above the Dragon Spine Mountains.


Kaiser fighters launched from the aerial magic carrier attacked the approaching wild griffins, giant bats, and great eagles.

It was extremely rare for different monsters and beasts to gather together and attack. However, the Dragon Spine Mountains made this possible.

“Still, the fighters are taking care of them easily.”

The fighters were much faster in terms of speed, so they were being dealt with without any problems. However, if wyverns had joined in, it would have been difficult. . . Fortunately, wyverns were under the control of dragons, so they did not participate in such matters.

“Should we have gone around by sea instead?”

But that would have taken too much time. Besides, didn’t the CID say they had detected signs of the plague army descending? If they made a mistake and the plague army came up faster. . . that would be the end of the Great Zhou Empire. They had to secure at least a bridgehead to fight against the plague army.

In particular, the top priority was Mu County, the largest industrial area in the western part of the Great Zhou Empire. They planned to use this as a base to produce weapons and arm the people of the Great Zhou Empire to send them to the front lines, even if the plague army came up.

Of course, as a secondary measure, a weapon factory ship the size of a Metatron-class magic carrier was being built. Various production facilities were planned to be installed inside, and this magic carrier alone could produce enough to supply one field army within two weeks.

Of course, since one aerial magic carrier was under construction, they could buy some time. . . but they still had to wait about three more months for the weapon factory ship to be completed.

Until then, they planned to receive supplies through the transcontinental railway that passed through the underground of the Dragon Spine Mountains. For that purpose, one corps had already gathered in Urgench City, the end city of the Imperial Empire where the transcontinental railway tunnel was built.

They planned to move directly through the railway to Kashgar County in the Great Zhou Empire on the other side and settle there. And since Kashgar County was connected to Mu County by railway, the supply problem was somewhat resolved.

Currently, Kashgar County was controlling those coming from the east under the control of the Kashgar County Defense Force. Or rather, the Xinjiang Province Defense Force was controlling the refugees flocking from other provinces in the east.

Xinjiang Province was unknowingly influenced by the Human Empire, and there were many followers of Hermes, the god of wind and travel, one of the Nine Divines, and even churches had been secretly built.

Thanks to this, Xinjiang Province, which was relatively safe from the plague, was controlling those coming from other provinces.

In the first place, Xinjiang Province, where deserts accounted for two-thirds of the land, had a relatively small population, so they were able to prevent the spread of the plague. . . but they couldn’t handle the influx of refugees from other provinces.

Therefore, they had no choice but to control the influx of people from other provinces as much as possible until at least the Human Empire’s expeditionary force arrived. Otherwise, Xinjiang Province would also perish like other provinces.

In response, the provincial governor, who governed the province, enlisted the help of the provincial military commander to control the entire province.

“Haaah. . .”

Western outskirts guard post of Oromukje City.

Since monsters and demons occasionally came down from the Tianshan Mountains, which branched off from the Kunlun Mountains , and harmed people, they built this guard post for defense.

Anyway, while the guard at the post was yawning and looking west. . . he noticed something strange.

“Huh? What’s that. . .?”

A large number of unidentified objects in the western sky. . . they were approaching Oromukje at a constant speed and in a constant formation. The guard thought that monsters had appeared and immediately rang the bell to warn of danger.

A moment later, the troops of the Oromukje Local Brigade, which defended Mu County, gathered at the western wall of Oromukje, fully armed. This wall was also built to protect Mu County from monster attacks.

Then, the county magistrate, who had received news from the provincial governor, informed them that they were not monsters but reinforcements from the Western Empire.

The Oromukje Local Brigade watched with suspicion as they approached, and only when they could see their identity with their own eyes did they believe the county magistrate’s words.

That. . . was an artificial structure that monsters could not create.

Then, as they saw people descending from the structure with light, the Oromukje Local Brigade realized that they were the famous Human Empire army.

“Who is the commander here?”

“Ah. . . I am Brigadier General Wei Zhijinjin, commander of the Oromukje Local Brigade.”

“Nice to meet you, I am General Oswald, commander of the Imperial Empire Expeditionary Force.”

Brigadier General Wei Zhijinjin, stunned, shook hands with Oswald, who introduced himself with a four-star rank insignia. It was amazing that they could even communicate, but. . . he was also surprised by the fact that the Human Empire’s power was greater than he had expected.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!


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