
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 130.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟑𝟎.1: 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 (2)

The news of the Allied forces’ northward advance also reached the Chaos forces entrenched in northwest Alaska. With the help of their worshippers scattered throughout the land, they had been gathering intelligence on the continent and had already grasped when, where, and how the enemy would attack.

【There’s no need to face the enemy in this inconvenient place, is there? 】

Invidia and Asmodeus, the newly incarnated archduke demon of Lust in the Century, frowned at Baalzebub, who spoke while shaking his flabby flesh.

【What a truly disgusting body. 】

Asmodeus, the archduke of seduction, with a very attractive female body and eight spider legs on her back, directly criticized Baalzebub.

【It’s disgusting, but his suggestion isn’t that bad, so I agree! 】

When Invidia also spoke, Baalzebub made a displeased expression, but soon thought rationally. He still had a full stomach, so there was no need to argue with them.

【Leave the lazy one to the Snow Elf shamans here, and let’s lead the army and set out to crush the Allied forces. 】

【Okay, but I’d like our Lust army to be placed on the outermost perimeter. 】

【Why? 】

【Because I think my eyes will rot if I march while looking at your disgusting self. 】

Asmodeus was not pleasing from beginning to end.

Thus, the Chaos army left the northwest Alaska region and began its southward march toward the Allied forces.

Millions of monsters, dimaens, and 330,000 demons marched at a tremendous speed to crush the Allied forces.

As the Allied forces and Chaos were about to clash, a major incident occurred in the Empire. The Emperor, who was preparing for the Crown Prince’s coronation ceremony, suddenly fell ill and lost consciousness.

Afterwards, priests came forward to examine the Emperor and. . . surprisingly, they were told that he had been cursed by Pleg, the Chaos God of Plague.

The people searched for the culprit, and the 3rd Prince, who had met the Emperor and then disappeared as if fleeing to the west, was designated as the culprit. The Imperial Senate immediately summoned the third prince, but. . . the 3rd Prince did not respond to the summons, effectively acting as an admission of guilt.

Later, when the central government of the Empire announced that they were preparing to appoint the 1st Prince, Valentine, as Crown Prince, it was judged that the 3rd Prince had been preparing for a rebellion.

The Senate decided to vote on whether to appoint the 1st Prince, Valentine, as Crown Prince in place of His Majesty the Emperor. . . The western and northern council members, who supported the 3rd Prince and the 2nd Princess, fiercely opposed it.

“In preparation for a possible civil war, it would be good to deploy the Central Military District’s forces to Maesterium and the Air Force Command.”

At the words of the 1st Prince, Valentine, Duke Solcrushid, the commander of the Central Military District, immediately began moving troops. The ostensible reason was for capital defense training, and it just so happened that Maesterium and the Air Force Command were located near the Crimean Peninsula, where the capital, Central, was located.

First, Maesterium was located in the city of Mariupol, northeast of the Crimean Peninsula, and the Air Force Command was located in the city of Krasnodar to the east. The Central Military District sent two legions to Mariupol and Krasnodar, respectively, in preparation for any contingencies.

Of course, the 3rd Prince had no intention or capacity to occupy these two places, so he didn’t care, but for Arwen, who had relatively close northern forces as her support base, the movements of the Central Military District were quite bothersome.

Fortunately, as her territory expanded, the Northern Military District had settled in the relatively southern city of Riga, so she planned to initiate a southward advance with the Northern Military District forces if necessary.

“Your Highness, if you update your official CID rank at this opportunity, there will be those among the western and northern lords who will turn around.”

One of Valentine’s aides, the Marquis of Zaporizhzhia, suggested his thoughts, and Valentine agreed, following the aide’s wishes. Valentine immediately went to the CID Central branch and officially obtained the Diamond rank.

When the first prince Valentine’s rank and official CID rank were announced through the media, chaos broke out among the northern and western lords who had supported Arwen and Douglas. They wondered how they could possibly defeat the first prince, who had become a Grandmaster.

Especially since the Golden Lion Knights, the Imperial Guard, had declared their support for the 1st Prince, such public opinion was spreading even more rapidly.

“This. . . hasn’t the balance of power completely shifted? The Earl of Barcelona is also a Grandmaster, and so is His Highness the 1st Prince. . . Moreover, isn’t the Marquis of Lionheart, the commander of the Golden Lion Knights, also a Grandmaster?”

“You’re missing one more. We have to consider Lieutenant General Valencia, who has reached the Diamond rank.”

“Isn’t Lieutenant General Valencia tied up in the New Continent?”

“If he returns leading the field army, it will be a disaster. Especially since most of the Iberian Peninsula is occupied by lords of the 1st Prince’s faction, we can’t even stop the field army from returning.”

As the political direction of the Empire was thrown into chaos, the Allied forces finally faced the Chaos forces.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!


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