
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 109.2

Oswald was leisurely advancing with his troops. He was just a short distance from reaching the capital city of the Paranos Principality, Indiana City.

The transport vehicles had also arranged to meet Oswald’s troops at Indiana City. Well, they had already met once, and 40,000 more troops had moved, leaving only 10,000 troops to enter Indiana City.

“There it is.”

Indiana City, full of tall buildings, had many high-rise buildings, as befitting the New Continent. As they entered the city, they were met by the Foreign Minister of the Paranos Principality.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Brigadier General Winchester. I am Aphelios, Marquis and Foreign Minister of the Paranos Principality.”

“Nice to meet you, Marquis Aphelios. I am Brigadier General Oswald Winchester, leading the Expeditionary Force.”

“Her Royal Highness the Princess has arranged a banquet to welcome Brigadier General Winchester. Would you like to join us and enjoy it?”

“I would be honored. However, where would it be best to station the troops. . .?”

“The garrison has been prepared in advance. The Sword of the Principality will guide you there.”

Since the Princess was from the Empire, the police organization also used the name Sword. The 10,000 troops then moved to the garrison prepared outside Indiana City, and Oswald headed straight for the Paranos Royal Palace.

When he arrived at the Royal Palace, he saw a beautiful, elegant woman with a strong aura. She was a woman who looked like the First Prince Valentine at a glance. She was the ruler of the Paranos Principality and the First Princess of the Imperial Empire, ‘Amelia Taigon Paranos’.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Royal Highness. I am Brigadier General Oswald Winchester.”

“You have come a long way. The journey ahead will be quite difficult, so please enjoy this last supper.”

“. . . . . .”

He was taken aback by the somewhat ambiguous tone, but he didn’t show it and simply nodded with a smile. As expected, there was a lot of gorgeous and delicious food, as if it were a last supper.

Usually, at a place like this, he would make connections and socialize. . . but there was something so somber about it that it felt like he was at a funeral.

“This is. . . They’re really giving us a funeral meal.”

It seemed like they were trying their best to be considerate, but. . . this didn’t seem like consideration. Even the soldiers were provided with delicious food, so it was amazing.

After the funeral-like banquet. . . a day later, the transport vehicles arrived in Indiana City. Oswald immediately headed to Minneapolis City with the remaining troops.

After a day’s drive, they finally reached Minneapolis, the Paranos Principality’s northernmost city and fortress.


Since it was a city fortress fighting against chaos at the forefront, the height of the city walls was different. Thanks to their superior building technology, the height of the city walls was about the same as a 10-story building. There were small holes here and there through which it seemed possible to attack with arrows or spears, and large magic cannons were placed on top of the walls.

Since it was a military city at the forefront, it was possible to accommodate millions of people, and of course, it was so large that it could accommodate all 90,000 of the Imperial Empire’s troops and still have room to spare.

There were also ordinary Paranos Principality soldiers, mercenaries, pilgrims from the Order, and many members of the Order of the Holy Knights.

It was certainly a place that could be called the forefront of the chaos front, and there were more members of the Order of the Holy Knights here than in western Titan. Then, the pilgrims who spotted Oswald made the sign of the cross and paid their respects, and the members of the Order of the Holy Knights also paid their respects to Oswald.

“You’re late.”

“Well, that’s what happened. But who are those people over there?”

“They are pilgrims who have come to join this holy war. In particular, many demon hunters have come looking for you, almost at the level of a battalion.”

“Wow. . .”

It was surprising that there were 1,000 members of the Order of the Holy Knights. . . but it was also surprising that they had all gathered, looking only at him.

“What about the war situation?”

“Do you see over there?”

When Gilgamesh pointed to the northeast. . . there was a zone of dark clouds with orange lightning constantly striking it.

“The Wrath Corps?”

“Yes, that is a cloud that contains the demonic power of Wrath. They are terraforming and fighting in a place where they have the advantage.”

“What about the Sun Mercenary Group?”

“They are resisting as much as they can. . . but they seem to be outnumbered. Thanks to the support of the Britannian colonial infantry in the rear, they have been able to prevent themselves from being pushed back.”

“Okay, let’s take a day to rest and regroup, and then let’s leave tomorrow.”


Then, two bolts of golden lightning descended from the sky in front of Oswald.

Crackle. Kwaquang!

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!


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