
Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method – Chapter 107.1

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎𝟕: 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 (5)


An army of 100,000 had gathered over the course of a month. Once a city of the Old Republic, the war had left much of it in ruins . . . but now it was bustling with activity as the city was rebuilt.

Although the Empire had a caste system . . . as the Republic had, in truth, had an invisible caste system of high-ranking, well-monied individuals, their faces were not dark.

“The fleet that will soon take us to the New Continent is arriving.”

Warships designed by Oswald and transports based on those warships were due to arrive off the coast of Lisbon.

“What is the situation on the New Continent?”

“The Comanche Kingdom in the west was the first to face the Army of Sin. The problem is that the power of the Comanche Kingdom is insufficient to oppose the Chaos, and they are repeatedly defeated and retreating.”

Oswald nodded at the words of Major Royman of the Intelligence Service.

“That is inevitable for the Comanche Kingdom.”

The Comanche Kingdom was a kingdom founded by the indigenous people of the New Continent with the help of lords from the Kingdom of Francia. The indigenous people of the New Continent, who outnumbered the Titan Westerners who had immigrated to the New Continent . . . . . .

The pioneering lords sought ways to attract these indigenous people in order to further strengthen their power, and chose to establish a nation for the indigenous people in order to foster a sense of belonging and unity among them.

There were two tribes that were most suitable for this: the great Comanche tribe in the west and the great Cherokee tribe in the center. Of course, there was the Iroquois tribe in the northeast . . . but they had come into conflict with the colonists of Britannia and were now on the verge of extinction before falling under the shadow of the Paranos Principality.

Accordingly, the pioneering lords from the Kingdom of Francia chose the Comanche tribe, which was close to their territory, and made the chief of the Comanche tribe their king, founding the Comanche Kingdom. Currently, the Comanche was a structure in which indigenous lords and Francia lords coexisted, and they were not on good terms with each other.

“What do you think is the reason for their retreat?”

“First of all, the most important factor is that there is no unity between them. The Francia lords in the east are at odds with the Comanche lords in the west, and now that the Chaos is attacking from the west, the east is turning a blind eye . . . the Comanche lords, who are relatively weak in military power, have no choice but to retreat repeatedly.”

“Idiots. . . . . . Don’t they realize that if they’re pushed back, their own territory will become the battlefield?”

“If they were so clever, they would not have been pushed out of the politics of the mother country and come to pioneer the New Continent.”

Royman’s words were also true.

“Well, what about the other countries?”

“First of all, the army of the Republic of Libertas is moving to the border area and setting up a defensive line.”

“Do they have no intention of supporting the Comanche Kingdom?”

“They say they cannot invade the territory without a request from the Comanche.”

“Tsk . . . . . . ”

“The Commonwealth of Texas and the Miocan Union in the east are the same.”

The ‘Commonwealth of Texas’ and the ‘Miocan Union’ were composed of pioneering lords. The ‘Commonwealth of Texas’ was a country formed by the lords of the city units, and the ‘Miocan Union’ was a country formed by the three duchies of the Duchy of Missouri, the Duchy of Okra, and the Duchy of Kansas.

Of these, Missouri and Kansas were countries founded by dukes from the Kingdom of Charles who fled to the New Continent during Napoleon’s revolution.

The remaining Duchy of Okra was a country founded by a Barbarian mercenary captain from the Kingdom of Holland, who was the first to go ahead and secure territory and pioneer it, and who then rose to the rank of duke on his own. When the Miocan Union was first formed 50 years ago, the dukes of the other two duchies recognized his dukedom, and he was formally inducted into aristocratic society.

“What about the Cherokee?”

“The Cherokee have expressed their willingness to support us . . . but they are worried about whether the Commonwealth and Miocan will open the way for them.”

“Tsk, shouldn’t the CID take action?”

“Miocan and the Commonwealth of Texas are not member states of the CID . . . . . . ”

It seemed that they had forgotten the importance of the CID as they continued to live on the New Continent with the Chaos. Of course, since they had become capable, they did not necessarily rely on the CID, and they had opposed the Chaos and pioneered the New Continent as their territory . . . . . .

Still, the Chaos was too powerful for them to handle alone. Previously, they had been able to fight back because their enemies had not made any major moves, but it was unknown whether they would be able to do so now that an army was invading.

“What about the peacekeepers?”

“First of all, I heard that the Titan Western Branch peacekeepers from the island of Sardinia have departed.”

“It will take a month.”

Since they had not yet received internal combustion engine technology from the Empire, their ships were made of magic and steam engines. Even with the weight-reduction magic, they would probably have to spend a long time at sea.

“Yes, it will take a month for them to reach the Republic of Libertas’ Timpikoyni Bay. However, since the Elondil Empire and the Sahara Empire have already sent one legion each to the republic, they should be able to hold out for a while, don’t you think?”

“Those jingling elven homunculi will stop them even if they have to throw their whole bodies at them.”

Unlike humans, elves live for 500 years, and most of them give birth to one child every 100 years. Since elves had only three children in their entire lives, they were always short of population, and for that reason they used homunculi, magical engineering life forms created from their own blood, as an army to operate their vast empire.

Homunculi, who take only three months to grow from cultivation to adulthood, were a very important military asset to such elves. That was why their homunculus manufacturing method was designated as a state secret to prevent it from being leaked out.

“Come to think of it, I heard that they even carried out suicide attacks on Tiger tanks during the war with the Republic. . . . Certainly, if it’s elves, they’ll be able to restrain Chaos.”

During the war in the Republic, Royman was assigned to an intelligence unit and worked in the rear, so he had never actually experienced the elven homunculi.

“If it’s them, they’ll be the ones rushing forward, throwing their lives away like they’re nothing.”


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – Magicless Extra: The Villain’s Survival Method

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!


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