
Limited Time, Kitchen Maid of the Fourth Knight Order ~I Got a Job Because I Don’t Want to Get Married~ – Chapter 61

𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐜𝐤

While Chris was preparing lunch, everyone woke up. They seemed a bit lethargic, but their complexions looked good.

We all gathered around the table, engaging in slightly airy conversations typical of just waking up. I was simply lifting my teacup filled with tea up and down, as part of special training.

“Sorry for the wait.”

A variety of dishes are laid out on the table. Roast chicken is added to the meal, just like in the morning. The beautifully browned chicken is sizzling and dripping with fat.

Inside the roast chicken, finely chopped onions, celery, and bread are stuffed. The aroma of sage whets the appetite.

“Ojou-sama, excuse me.”

After finishing the serving, Chris stands next to me.

I nod and remind myself, I am Queen Tianne, I am high-ranking nobility!

Chris cuts the deviled eggs into small pieces. The yolk part is piped out. Smoked salmon and herbs are scattered around, making it look quite fancy.

I open my mouth slightly to accept the bite that Chris brings to my lips and chew it. It’s rich and the mustard and smoked salmon complement each other well, making it very tasty.

Next, I briefly glance at Chris as he slices the roast chicken.

“My apologies. Shall we go with bread?”

I answer by averting my gaze and proceed to eat the offered bread. It’s soft and chewy, surprisingly filling.

I finish eating under the gaze of everyone, and Chris wipes my mouth with a cloth napkin.

Chris nods.

“That was very Tianne-like, quite good. Have you been observing how high-ranking nobility behaves?”

“. . .I observed people who acted that way.”

This is what my ex-husband used to do in my past life.

He never lifted a finger, always making me do everything. He expressed dissatisfaction through his gaze and sighs, making me constantly apologize and feel small.

In the end, I had him sign the divorce papers and took all my savings.

. . .It disgusts me to think of that scum now that I’m here. Maybe I’m feeling anxious because I’m away from my family and the future is uncertain.

“Ah, I’m not talking about my dad and brother! They would never do such awful things!”

Realizing my slip of the tongue after speaking out.

“I’m not saying high-ranking nobles are bad! Just that if it were me. . . I would hate being communicated to in such a dissatisfying way. . . I’m glad I could act like Tianne.”

As a servant to high-ranking nobility, failing to understand the master’s intentions is a blunder. Therefore, this behavior of Tianne’s is correct.

“. . .I really should have punched that scum.”

With brass knuckles.

At that time, I refrained because my lawyer advised against it. Even afterward, I thought it would be a waste of time to go all the way to my ex-husband’s place just to punch him, so I chose to erase him from my memory.


“I’ve pretty much figured out your preferences, Ojou-sama. If we’re eating in public, I’ll pick something to your liking, so you don’t have to act as you did earlier. Originally, those actions were meant to help you learn the manners of the upper-class nobility. It’s fine if you choose not to do them.”

“Chris. . . is that okay?”

“Ojou-sama has a good memory, so you don’t have to go that far.”

“It’s because Chris lent me this bodysuit. Wearing this, it automatically makes me move in a manner befitting Ojou-sama, which is very helpful.”

“It’s a prototype, but it’s packed with the latest technology. We’re still researching how to make various things possible by weaving magical threads into the fabric.”

“That’s quite impressive.”

If just wearing it can change my behavior this much, it should be capable of many things.

“Could it possibly shape my body into its ideal form through strength training. . .?”

I’ve been doing squats and yoga without really knowing if my form and posture are correct. If the suit can force me into the correct positions, then I won’t lose to my weaker self.

After expressing his surprise, Chris chuckled.

“Yes, it might be useful for training as well.”

“Do noble Ojou-samas do strength training?”

“No, they do not.”

This bodysuit can help me move like an Ojou-sama, but that seems to be its only function. The future where it can help me strength train just by wearing it still seems far off. Too bad.

“Tianne usually takes a week to ten days off from school. Let’s aim to go back to school in a week. In the afternoon, everyone will take turns serving as Ojou-sama’s attendant. Ojou-sama, please get used to being attended by multiple people of the opposite sex. I ask everyone to be prepared to kneel and take care of Ojou-sama.”

“So that means everyone will be kneeling around me. . .?”

“Yes, get used to it.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it, but I can keep it from showing on my face.”

“I’m good at keeping a poker face, so I think I’ll be fine.”

“Right. I’ll continue to teach you how to maintain that expression.”

“Those who have seen my poker face up to now have given me indescribable looks. It’s puzzling.”

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