“You couldn’t eat Alice’s food because of the National Foundation Day holiday, right? You must have missed it.”
Rene’s words are genuinely pleasing.
“I also want to eat. Now that I’m relieved, I’m hungry.”
“Is it because Rolf has only been eating sandwiches? Um. . . I also want to eat something. It doesn’t have to be sweet.”
“If Miss Norchev doesn’t mind, could you perhaps make something?”
I was a bit puzzled when asked by Roa-sama to prepare food.
It’s really pleasing that everyone wants to eat my cooking. Whether it’s addictive or comforting, I don’t know, but it seems like I could attract regulars if I opened a shop.
But. . .
“I have a Prep-kun and Cooker-kun here, and can cook the same things as the Fourth Knight Order. I could, but. . . I want the Prep-kun and Cooker-kun from the Fourth Knight Order!”
I clench my fists and scream from the bottom of my heart.
“Any other Prep-kun and Cooker-kun won’t do! To use the Prep-kun and Cooker-kun here when I want those so much. . . isn’t that cheating?!”
“Wow. . . What?”
I fix my gaze on the mumbling Roa-sama.
“The thing I hate and can’t forgive the most in this world is cheating and infidelity! Sure, there may be situations where it can’t be helped, but I still hate it! Down with the cheating men!”
Roa-sama averts his eyes subtly.
“Men who cheat and have affairs should be cut off! And yet, for me to betray Prep-kun and Cooker-kun. . .”
It will take a considerable amount of time to prepare food for this many people with my out-of-shape body.
As feared, I’ve truly been turned into a person who can’t live without Prep-kun…!
“Miss Norchev, please calm down.”
Arthur’s large hand gently touches my shoulder, and I look up dispiritedly.
“I apologize, I lost my composure. . .”
I hate myself for remembering my ex-husband from my previous life just when I had moved on. I want to forget him entirely, but he’s as persistent as bathroom mold.
“Your feelings have come through, Miss Norchev. May I share a belief passed down in the Dahlia family?”
“. . .Yes.”
“A knight uses a sword. No matter how much you care for it, it will eventually break.”
I suddenly look up.
“When that happens, I think like this. If the partner who trained and encouraged me has a soul, then it resides in the new sword, supporting me. If Miss Norchev feels this way, then the magic tools here will also support you.”
“Is it okay to think like that? . . .Isn’t that too convenient for me?”
“You said those magic tools are good. They will respond to that. Those are the things you have cherished.”
“. . .I understand. . .I’ll believe that the souls of Prep-kun and Cooker-kun have fled here with me!”
“Yes, that’s probably true. Miss Norchev always treasured that magical instrument. Even I could tell, so the magical instrument must have felt it even more.”
I clench my fists and stand up.
“I’ll go greet New Prep-kun and Cooker-kun! What would Arthur-sama like to eat?”
“I’m pondering, but perhaps meat? Meat is the best when tired.”
“In that case, shall we go for tonkatsu(pork cutlet)? It’s the go-to for victory.”
“Oh, sounds good!”
Arthur grins at the new pun.
“Roa-sama, are there any ingredients we should avoid?”
“Use whatever you like. Thank you, even though Miss Norchev is tired as well.”
“I’ve had a good rest, so I’m fine.”
Bows to miss maid.
“I’ll be using the kitchen.”
“Please don’t worry about me, feel free to use them as you like. Thank you for preparing the meal.”
Heads to the kitchen and looks at Prep-kun and Cooker-kun. Nothing different from what’s in the Fourth Knight Order’s kitchen.
Although Arthur managed to persuade me, I don’t want to act like a child and refuse to be of help here.
“. . . Support me here as well.”
Bows and takes a chunk of pork from the refrigerator. It’s tenderloin, not loin, but given some people might sleep soon, tenderloin might be better.
I thought it might not matter since it’s fried, but seeing the gleam in everyone’s eyes when I said “tonkatsu,” I can’t ask if they’d prefer something else now.
Rice will be quicker than bread, so I’ll make rice today.
Set the rice in Cooking-kun and press the start button. Took out the pork cut and breaded by Prep-kun.
“I left the tonkatsu sauce I made back in the Fourth Knight Order’s kitchen. . . I have the recipe noted down, but Cooking-kun is occupied with the rice now. . . Ah, let’s make katsudon!”
In this world, eggs are usually fully cooked, so I’ll skip the half-cooked runny egg.
I can eat it raw, so maybe I’ll just have mine half-cooked. Katsudon really is best with a half-cooked egg.
Have Prep-kun make chicken meatballs and put them in the pot with vegetables to make soup.
Frying the tonkatsu, the kitchen fills with a satisfying sizzle and aroma.
The fried tonkatsu goes into a small pot with broth and onions, simmer a bit. Pour in beaten eggs, cover and simmer, then turn off the heat and let it steam for a bit. . .
“Done! It looks delicious!”
After repeating this seven times, place it on freshly cooked rice. When I popped my head out from the kitchen, miss maid quickly noticed and came over.
“I can’t carry it all by myself, would you mind helping?”
“Thank you for cooking. I’ll take it from here, please have a seat on the sofa and wait.”
“Since we’ve come this far, I’ll see it through to the end.”
I felt hesitant to leave it all to the petite miss maid. We split the tasks and carried it together, then everyone gathered around the table.
Miss maid asked with a puzzled expression.
“. . .you have some for me as well?”
“Ah, did you not like the rice? Making bread would take time, so I went with rice.”
“That’s not it. . .”
“It’s fine. Chris, let’s eat together.”
“. . .Understood.”
At Roa-sama’s word, miss maid took a seat at the edge.
“Let’s eat!”
I scooped up some katsudon with a spoon and took a big bite. The familiar sweet and salty flavor brings me comfort.
The soft, runny egg blends perfectly with the freshly fried katsu. I used less rice, so the guilt is minimal.
“The sun has already set, hasn’t it?”
“Indeed. . . It’s been a long day.”
Roa-sama picks up my deflated words, directed at no one in particular, and responds.
I was pleased by that.
Translator’s Blog
- Goku Goes Yandere: A Dragon Ball Z Nightmare
- The “I’m So Deep in This Light Novel I’m Living It” Blues: When Your Waifu Gets NTR’d and You’re Not Even Mad (But Kind of Are)
- Itachi Uchiha: The Ultimate Husbando?
- The One Thing I Gotta Do Before I Kick the Bucket: A Bucket List For The Rest of Us
- Do Your Gym Bros Think You’re a Weirdo? (Secret Signs You’re the Gym Oddball)
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