
It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students – Chapter 97

Chapter 97: Mass Production Fantasy Bread (1)

After briefly meeting the Demon King in his mind, Kyung-joon returned to Study Villa.

It was time to truly make the knowledge that the Demon King had personally instilled in his mind his own.

Before starting his review, Kyung-joon opened his skill window.

[Infinite Reading Lv.2]

━ Trance (Sub Skill)

[Just A Rather Very Intelligent System Lv.1]

[Dimensional Study Room Lv.1]

Although Kyung-joon had many skills, the three mythical skills he had acquired first appeared at the very top.

『Mythical Skill Points: 1』

Kyung-joon was contemplating which of these three skills to level up.

“Should I raise Infinite Reading to level 3?”

<It’s not a bad idea to focus on one skill first.>

Infinite Reading is a skill that levels up every time you study.

And when he previously raised it to level 2, it gained the effect of increasing his study ability when crafting.

A prime example was Kyung-joon’s Study Villa.

Even now, the buffs he was receiving here were:

▶Tenacity +60%

▶Creativity +90%

▶Concentration +50%

▶Calculation ability +20%

▶Memory +20%

Of course, these figures did not take into account the buffs from the bread.

Considering the unique bread’s study buff effect, tenacity would increase by another 50%, and calculation ability by another 30%.

Moreover, he could freely change the buffs depending on the color of the stand’s light.

Blue light for calculation ability +30%.

White light for memory +30%.

Red light for creativity +30%.

Currently, Kyung-joon had set it to red light, so the total creativity was the highest at +90%.

In addition to all this, there was Infinite Reading’s sub-skill 『Trance』, which doubled his concentration.

All of this was possible because he had raised the level of Infinite Reading to 2.

“But I wonder how it will change when it becomes level 3.”

<It will probably just increase the numbers. It’s not like it gets a new effect with every level up.>

“Hmm. That’s a bit of a letdown.”

Strengthening the existing effects of Infinite Reading was really good.

But it wasn’t as good as getting a new effect.

“I guess it’s better to raise one of the other two.”


<Finally, the moment has come for my abilities to become stronger.>

Teemo made an emoticon full of anticipation at Kyung-joon’s words.

If Kyung-joon raised the level of 『Just A Rather Very Intelligent System』 to 2, Teemo would be strengthened.

But unfortunately.

“Alright! I choose you! Dimensional Study Room!”

<〣 (ºΔº)〣!>

Kyung-joon chose 『Dimensional Study Room』, which increases study time, instead of 『Just A Rather Very Intelligent System』, which strengthens Teemo.


[The level of the mythical skill 『Dimensional Study Room』 has increased to 2.]

[New effects have been added.]

[Dimensional Study Room]

▶A dimensional skill created by the previous Infinite Knowledge Seeker, who wished to study endlessly. Allows the user to control the flow of time they experience.

▶Can only be used by the Infinite Knowledge Seeker.

▶Time Dilation: 2.0x + 1.5x

※Time Dilation increases by 0.01 per level.

▶Accumulated Time: 378 hours

▶Skill Level: Lv.2

▶Skill Type: Active (ON/OFF)

▶Skill Rank: Mythical


Kyung-joon’s eyes widened like lanterns as he read the added skill description.

Time Dilation increases with each level!

Kyung-joon’s level was 150, so 1.5 times was added, making it 3.5 times.

Numerically, it was almost twice the upgrade!

It was a huge change.

Originally, Dimensional Study Room allowed him to study for 2 hours while others studied for 1 hour.

Now, he could study for 3.5 hours while others studied for 1 hour.

“I was worried about how to divide my time when school starts because I’ll have a lot to study.”

Once school started, he was planning to reduce the proportion of Science Certification Exam preparation and focus more on schoolwork.

While the Science Certification Exam was the most important factor in Kyung-joon’s college application preparation, he couldn’t afford to neglect his school grades.

It was an inevitable choice as the amount of studying increased, but time remained limited.

Anyway, as of today, such worries were over!

“This is making me want to get up and do the PPAP dance.”

But it was just a thought.

Instead, Teemo congratulated Kyung-joon.

<Congratulations, Master. Now it’s truly a time of ascension. Congratulations.>

< ‘ ͡o_ ‘ ͡o>

Dead-eyed emoticon.

The lack of light in his pupils made him look pitiful.

He was clearly sulking for not being chosen.

“Haha, well…… next time, okay? It’s just a matter of order. I was planning to make all three of you level 2 anyway.”

< ‘ ͡•_ ‘ ͡•>

<It’s alright. Even if I’m third on the priority list, I’ll be loyal to you anytime, anywhere, Master.>

“Aha, hahaha…… Thank you for that. You’re amazing. Shall we start studying now?”

Kyung-joon decided to change the subject.

Kyung-joon opened his book.

He was planning to review pages 97 to 174 of the Venom Grimoire today.

This was because the Demon King had instilled it in him, not because he had studied it himself.

<Master, it’s easier to understand this part if you think of it this way. Like this, like this, and then like that, like that……>

Teemo gave various helpful advice while Kyung-joon was studying.

“Oh. It’s definitely easier to understand that way.”

<Master, this part is also…….>

Studying with Teemo proceeded very smoothly, as always.

Teemo’s words about being loyal to his master were true.

However, there was a slight problem.

< ‘ ͡•_ ‘ ͡•>

<Master, as the third-ranked Teemo, I would like to advise you once again that this sentence refers to the fourth line on page 63.>

“Uh…… yeah. Right.”

< ‘ ͡•_ ‘ ͡•>

“……Are you still sulking?”

<Not at all. This is my original expression.>

“I…… see.”

Wasn’t Teemo’s original expression <^오^>?

Or rather, it was questionable whether Teemo even had an original expression in the first place.

But one thing was certain.

< ‘ ͡•_ ‘ ͡•>

<Master, so if you move on to the next page……>

Teemo’s sulking was likely to continue for a while.


The last week of summer vacation.

This weekend would be over, and next Monday would be the first day of school.

Since he had to be at school from morning till 4 p.m., the time he could spend logged into the world would be further reduced.

The only good thing was that there was no evening self-study.

But it wasn’t a big problem.

The Time Dilation of Dimensional Study Room, now at level 2, had increased by more than 50% compared to before.

Even with school starting, he would be able to study as much as he had during this vacation.

So Kyung-joon continued to spend his time in Study Villa as usual, without feeling pressed for time.

[Unique skill 『Multi Mana Control: Nano: Nano (Lv.1)』 ]

[Forcefully circulates the target’s mana.]

[Villager Brute’s mana has increased by 1.]

[Villager Fezun’s mana has increased by 1.]

This was mana training.

“Heung~ Uh-heung~”

“Crescens. I told you not to make strange noises when I’m manipulating your mana, right?”

“B, But when you touch my mana circuits so delicately……!”

“Shut up.”


Every morning, Kyung-joon would manipulate the mana of his residents like this while he was at Study Villa.

Therefore, the mana stats of all 107 residents had long since exceeded 100.


There was something else he always did in parallel with mana training.



Fezun came forward when Kyung-joon called his name.

Kyung-joon handed Fezun a piece of paper.

It was an exam paper.

One that had been completely solved and graded.

『Study Villa 2nd Mock Exam』

『Name: Fezun』

『Score: 97 points』

A high score of 97 points.

Nevertheless, Fezun frowned as he checked his exam paper.

He wanted to see where he had lost the 3 points for the one question he got wrong.

『Lord’s Comment: It seems you used Hooke’s law, F=kx. However, in this problem, this formula is only an approximation, and… (omitted)…』

Soon, Fezun read Kyung-joon’s comment and nodded in understanding.

“Ah, ah! That’s why I got it wrong! Not all formulas in the book are completely accurate.”

“That’s an important point to keep in mind. Just because a formula is in a book doesn’t mean it’s 100% correct. Many times, people memorize only the formulas and not the conditions, so they use them incorrectly and get it wrong.”

“Yes. I didn’t know that the formula given would be an approximation. The fact that it was just an approximation with higher-order terms omitted……”

“Remember this well because it will come up again when I teach you Taylor expansion later.”

“Yes! I understand!”

Fezun curled his lips in satisfaction at his newfound understanding.

In response, the mythical skill activated almost simultaneously.

[The effect of the mythical skill 『Infinite Reading (Lv.2)』 is partially transferred to the resident.]

[Resident Fezun’s intelligence has increased by 2.]

Like this, Kyung-joon not only trained his residents in mana but also taught them academics.

As a result, the residents’ intelligence stats had long since exceeded 100.

Just by looking at their mana and intelligence stats, one would mistake them for novice wizards.

Of course, since they hadn’t been taught magic yet, the residents were still just farmers with mana and intelligence stats.

But it didn’t matter.

As long as the foundation was solid, they could learn magic anytime.

“Anyway, 97 points is excellent. At this rate, Fezun, you’ll be able to get good results on the actual mock exam.”

Of course, Fezun would never have to take a real mock exam in reality.

“Hahaha, it’s all thanks to you, Lord.”

Fezun scratched the back of his head awkwardly and said.

“Thanks to you, Lord, I, no, we have been able to open our eyes to the world. It was a real shock to learn that the world is made up of atoms, incredibly tiny particles that can never be divided. To think that both you and I are ultimately made up of the same atoms…… And to realize that the vast difference is simply due to the arrangement of protons, neutrons, and electrons……!”

A very scientific statement that was hard to believe coming from a medieval fantasy NPC!

It was all because Kyung-joon had taught them.

Because of Kyung-joon, the NPCs who were supposed to have medieval fantasy knowledge were becoming strange.

“Hehe. Finally, we’re on the same page.”

Kyung-joon was deeply moved by the residents’ transformation.

In the past, they would have made a fuss about him being an incarnation of a god or something just by showing them how to synthesize Kyung-joon Fertilizer.

But now they knew.

That Kyung-joon Fertilizer was nothing more than ammonia synthesized from nitrogen in the air.

Nevertheless, the residents still regarded Kyung-joon as something akin to a god.

“Thank you for always sharing your divine knowledge with us!”

“Thank you!!”

“Haha…… So, it’s not like an incarnation or something.”

Seeing their reaction, he couldn’t help but think of the saying:

『Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.』

Considering this saying, it made sense that they would revere Kyung-joon as a god.

After all, Kyung-joon’s magic, which combined real-world scientific knowledge with traditional fantasy magic, was nothing short of something completely new.

Furthermore, its performance was a complete upgrade over existing magic, so it was not an exaggeration to call it divine knowledge.

‘Well, not everyone becomes like this just because they study a bit of science.’

Just having scientific knowledge didn’t mean everyone would turn out like this.

If that were the case, any scientist or gamer would be like Kyung-joon.

‘I did really well studying in the game. I even got this amazing Mythical Job.’

This was something only Kyung-joon, the 『Infinite Knowledge Seeker』, could achieve.

If it weren’t for the Mythical Job’s correction, would the current Kyung-joon even exist?

It was hard to say for sure.

“Okay, that’s the last one.”

After handing out the exam papers to all the residents and giving them brief advice.

“By the way, Kyung-joon-nim. What are your plans for teaching us magic?”

Liant, the former village headman of Ria Village and current Prime Minister of Study Villa, asked Kyung-joon.

“Ah. Are you curious?”

“Of course, we’re more than happy to learn magic, even though we’re just humble farmers…… but we were wondering if you had something grander in mind.”

“Hmm, good question. I think now is the perfect time to tell you.”

Why had Kyung-joon been opening up the residents’ mana circuits and teaching them science?

‘Now is the perfect time to put it into action.’

Summer vacation would be over next week.

It was best to finish up the big things before the vacation ended.

And didn’t they say that every ending was a new beginning?

‘Since we’re here, why don’t we put it into action today?’


Kyung-joon made up his mind and stood in front of the residents.

“Speaking of which, let’s all work on a new project together today.”


The residents’ eyes sparkled as they waited for Kyung-joon’s next words.

Kyung-joon grinned and declared.

“From today onwards, you will all become a bread-making factory.”

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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