
It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students – Chapter 96

Chapter 96: The Declaration of War from the 2nd Place in School

“His name is Burari.”

“Ah. Right.”

Burari. An ordinary villager NPC studying at the Beginner’s Village, aiming for the Fairy-Elven Magic Academy.

According to the original plan of the Operations Team, he was supposed to awaken as the Infinite Knowledge Seeker.

After awakening, he would enter the Magic Academy as if a dragon ascending to heaven.

From then on, he would experience hardships and adversity like any other fantasy novel’s magic academy arc, and within those challenges, friendship and love would blossom.

And through it all, he would proudly grow into one of the 7 Heroes, succeeding the former Infinite Knowledge Seeker!

……That was the originally planned story.

“And that NPC, who was designed as such……”

“Is now locked up in a mental hospital.”


However, the main character, Burari, was currently isolated by Kyung-joon.

He was practically stuck in a fantasy version of a mental hospital, a monastery, alongside his younger sister.

Of course, both of them were diligently studying and having conversations with the air in the monastery, but in the end, the Infinite Knowledge Seeker job was taken by Kyung-joon.

The original Operations Team’s plan to give the biggest variable of the main scenario to an NPC and keep it within a predictable range had long since crumbled.

As a result, Branch 10, which was in charge of monitoring Kyung-joon, had no choice but to take all the blame.


‘If only this plan goes well……!’

Things were different now.

There would be no more need to suffer from the tyranny of the Operations Team, no more need to work overtime because of user Kyung-joon.


Just then, the sound of a wind chime came from the door of Branch 10’s office.

Manager Min returned just in time.

“Team Leader, I’m back.”

“Oh, Manager Min! So, how is the Operations Team doing?”

“Yes. They don’t seem to believe the rumor we subtly leaked that 『the main scenario Chapter 1 might end soon』.”

“Right. That’s to be expected. Those Operations Team guys are almost blindly devoted to the scenario they created.”

Since the Operations Team was entirely responsible for running the game, it was always composed of smart people.

Perhaps because of that, they had a strong sense of elitism.

Some of them, despite their age, were stuck in their own little chuunibyou worlds, thinking they were the true masterminds moving the giant chessboard called The World.

That’s why they underestimated user Kyung-joon.

They thought he had just coincidentally unlocked a Mythical Job and was no different from other ordinary users.

But that was a huge mistake.

‘Now is the time. It’s finally time to make our move.’

After sending Manager Min off, the team leader looked back at Kim Bu-ha.

He had already packed his laptop and USB drive.

It seemed like he was ready for the presentation.

“Bu-ha! Are you ready?”

“Yes! From the PPT to the handouts, everything has been reviewed!”

“Good! Let’s go then!”

The team leader took the lead, and Kim Bu-ha followed behind.

“Team Leader! Good luck!”


“Bu-ha! Assist Team Leader well!”

“To the holy end of our eternal overtime!”

“The future of our Branch 10 depends on this!”

The team leader and Kim Bu-ha headed somewhere, receiving the great support of all the staff of Branch 10.

Today was the day of the 『general meeting』, where all the executives gathered to prepare for the upcoming second half of the year.

The team leader and Kim Bu-ha were going to give a presentation in front of them.

The topic was as follows:

『Regarding the Major Variable Player ‘Kyung-joon’ and the Proposal for the Establishment of a Special Management Team for Kyung-joon』

Starting today, Branch 10 would change.

Into a special branch dedicated solely to Kyung-joon.

TL: BTW, alternative to Bu-ha is ‘subordinate” Like ‘Subordinate Kim’. The author’s naming sense confused us early in the translations. But we’ll stick to the term because it’s versatile.


After Kyung-joon awakened to his Mythical Job, all hell broke loose in Branch 10.

At first, there were no problems as he just continued to study for school. However, as time passed, things started to get strange.

When he used his real-life scientific knowledge and Mythical Job skills to do something completely new, they thought it was just innovative.

But then he started using his abilities to disrupt other users’ quest routes.

He earned an incredible amount of money that shouldn’t be allowed for a beginner in an instant.

He built a strange magic tower and farmed experience points without moving a single step.

He even created a unique magic spell that even the top rankers hadn’t achieved yet.

And to top it off, he cleared a unique dungeon in less than a day and earned the title of hero.

Besides that, there was the Black Secret Village bandit raid, TheWorld’sGreatestMerchant’s scout offer, and so on……

The list went on and on.

In the end, when the Territory System opened several years earlier than originally predicted, the team leader collapsed with a throbbing headache.

‘That’s when I realized. This can’t go on.’

While hospitalized at Seolha Hospital for a few days, the team leader thought deeply.

With overtime becoming a basic option for over three months now, he couldn’t leave Branch 10 as it was.

『Regarding the Major Variable Player ‘Kyung-joon’ and the Proposal for the Establishment of a Special Management Team for Kyung-joon』

『(Rough PPT content about user Kyung-joon)』

『Page: 24/27』

The general meeting room where the executives of the Seolha Group gathered.

There, the team leader of Branch 10 spoke.

User Kyung-joon could no longer be managed like this.

A new approach was needed.

“My esteemed executives. Everything that has happened so far is just a taste. User Kyung-joon will do even crazier things without batting an eye.”

They would approach things differently from now on.

They wouldn’t just brush things off with the complacent thought of 『He wouldn’t really do that, would he?』

Instead, they would be certain that the most unlikely thing would happen.

They would focus on the ‘ripple effect’ that Kyung-joon would cause and persuade the higher-ups!

“User Kyung-joon is not something that can be handled by a simple monitoring team. However, it would be unreasonable to ask other teams, already swamped with work, to take on the responsibility of managing Kyung-joon.”

That’s where they would emphasize themselves.

Branch 10 was the expert on user Kyung-joon.

They knew how many hours a day Kyung-joon studied, what he studied, how many times he went to the bathroom while studying in the game, and so on.

They knew more about user Kyung-joon than anyone else except Kyung-joon himself.

After all, it was Branch 10 that observed every move of Kyung-joon.

They were practically his legal stalkers.

“We propose the following. Instead of being a simple monitoring team, we request that Branch 10 be promoted to a ‘Special Management Team’ dedicated solely to user Kyung-joon.”

By being promoted to a Special Management Team, they would gain authority equal to that of the Operations Team.

With that, they would eliminate unnecessary reports and proposal processes and handle everything related to user Kyung-joon internally.

In addition, all monitoring tasks other than user Kyung-joon would be transferred to other departments.

This was the plan of Team Leader Jo Hyun-woo of Branch 10.

Of course, not everyone would just stand by and watch.

“A Special Management Team?! Team Leader Jo, what kind of absurd nonsense are you spouting?!”

Team Leader Hwang San-ha of the Operations Team was particularly vocal in his opposition.

“Team Leader Hwang, I am currently standing.”

“Grr! Is this the time for jokes?!”

Team Leader Hwang couldn’t accept Team Leader Jo’s words.

If Branch 10 was suddenly promoted to a Special Management Team, the power dynamics within the company would change significantly.

The Operations Team currently held the highest position after the board of directors, so having another team on equal footing with them was unacceptable.

“Esteemed executives! The current system is sufficient! If our Operations Team takes charge and deals with user Kyung-joon from now on—”

Team Leader Jo interrupted Team Leader Hwang.

He was smiling.

“Excuse me? The Fairy King has already started making his move behind the scenes, and the main scenario Chapter 1, which was supposed to end next year, is now over. I’m sure Chapter 2 will begin soon.”

“D, Damn it……! Isn’t that the same as what happened with the Territory System last time?! Team Leader Jo should have reported it properly in advance! If you had informed us properly, we would have taken care of it—”

Team Leader Jo interrupted Team Leader Hwang’s outburst once again.

He was still smiling.

“Excuse me? We clearly warned about that in our reports from the time user Kyung-joon went to the Fairy-Elven Magic Academy?”

“What are you talking about?! I never saw anything like that when I read—”

“Here it is.”

As soon as the team leader finished speaking, Kim Bu-ha operated the PPT and moved on to the next slide.

『(Roughly underlined content in the middle of the report)』

『Page: 25/27』

“Hmm…… It’s clearly written here, but you’re saying you didn’t receive the report…… You didn’t just read the beginning and end of the report and skip the middle part, did you?”


Team Leader Hwang was speechless.

Team Leader Jo, with a sly smile, continued.

“Surely not~ You wouldn’t run a game played by hundreds of millions of people worldwide so carelessly, would you? You must have just forgotten for a moment.”

“H, Haha…! Yes, well! We’ve been so busy with the summer event lately that I must have forgotten. I read it, really…… Hahaha……”

In the end, Team Leader Hwang of the Operations Team couldn’t refute Team Leader Jo’s proposal for a Special Management Team.

There were no particular objections from other teams either.

They were also tired of the Operations Team’s tyranny, so they were actually on Branch 10’s side.

The fact that Team Leader Jo had previously treated the other team leaders to drinks and discussed the matter beforehand also played a part.

Except for the Operations Team, of course.


In the end, the team leader’s gamble was a success.

Most of the executives reacted positively to Team Leader Jo’s proposal.

He was sure that a good outcome awaited them.

Team Leader Jo was certain of this.

After all, it was Team Leader Jo who had previously proposed the ‘Dimensional Study Room’ setting to the executives.

They already trusted him.

“This way, please! This way, please!”

“Yes, yes. Good work, Team Leader Jo.”

“Our Team Leader Jo has been working hard, as always.”

“That was a great presentation today. I’m sure we’ll be able to create even better games in the future.”

“Thank you! Thank you!”

Team Leader Jo was busy seeing the executives off.

Team Leader Hwang of the Operations Team had already left in a hurry.

He must have been furious.

Just as Team Leader Jo thought he had seen everyone off and was wiping his brow……

“Team Leader Jo Hyun-woo, was it?”

“Gasp…! C, Chairman Yoo!”

Chairman Yoo Geun-chul, the chairman of the Seolha Group, was looking at Team Leader Jo.

“Can I see your PPT again?”

“O, Of course! Bu-ha! The PPT!”

“Y, Yes, sir!”

Kim Bu-ha hurriedly brought up the first slide of the PPT with trembling hands.

“Shall I proceed……?”

“Yes, please.”

Kim Bu-ha nervously clicked through the slides one by one.

After about ten slides……

“Stop there.”

“Y, Yes, sir!”

The screen projected on the wall displayed user ‘Kyung-joon’s The World account information.

『ID: Kyung-joon』




『Profile Introduction: 2nd Place in School at Cheongshin High School lol Aiming for 1st place soon haha』

『Page: 11/27』

Kyung-joon, who had changed his profile introduction to subtly brag about being 2nd Place in School!

It contained not only his pride but also his determination to become number one.

Chairman Yoo looked at it and asked the team leader softly.

“…Is this Cheongshin High School mentioned in the introduction located in Songpa, Seoul?”

“Yes? Hmm…… Please wait a moment. I’ll check his personal information right away.”

“No, it’s fine. Even as the chairman, I can’t pry into someone’s personal information.”

“If that’s what you wish…… Ah!”

The team leader suddenly had a good idea.

“Bu-ha! Search for ‘Cheongshin High School’ on the internet!”

“Yes, sir!”

“How many results do you get? One? Two?”

“There’s only one! Chungmin-ro, Songpa-gu!”

That answered which Cheongshin High School it was.

“Chairman Yoo, it seems that it is indeed the Cheongshin High School you are referring to.”


Chairman Yoo was quite impressed by Team Leader Jo’s clever response.

At the same time, he was staring intently at Kyung-joon’s profile picture displayed on the screen……

“…He dares to challenge my granddaughter for the top spot? What a bold young man.”

Yoo Geun-chul, the chairman of the Seolha Group.

And his granddaughter, Yoo Seol-ha.

As a reference, she was currently the top student at Cheongshin High School……

『Profile Introduction: 2nd Place in School at Cheongshin High School lol Aiming for 1st place soon haha』

This was practically a declaration of war.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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