
It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students – Chapter 84

Chapter 84: The Territory Is Developing (2)

Soon, Fezun was reborn as a Rare grade, two steps higher than the existing (Normal) grade.

[Minister of Agriculture and Forestry]

▶Current Minister: Fezun (NPC)

▶Job Description: Manages and develops agricultural land, distributes agricultural products, and oversees all related affairs and administration.

▶Job Grade: Rare

” Ah…… Ahh……. “

Fezun, who experienced the change in his existence in real-time, had an expression of disbelief.

He had lived his entire life as a common-grade farmer, and now he was a Rare-grade minister…….

It was so unbelievable that he couldn’t tell if this was a dream or reality.

” Minister of Agriculture and Forestry…… Really…… Are you saying I’m a minister now? How can a simple farmer like me……. “

Fezun couldn’t believe it, so he asked Kyung-joon again.

Kyung-joon’s answer was simple.

” That’s because I judged you to be the most suitable talent.”

” You mean me……?”

” Yes. Remember when you brought up the waterway idea first? I’ve been hearing about various things from Liant for a while now.”

Kyung-joon received daily reports from Liant about how the territory was running.

He even knew about each and every resident of the territory.

Recently, he even had one-on-one meetings with a few residents through Liant.

” And especially, Fezun, you are the one who thinks and worries most seriously about the territory and farmland. That’s what Crescens said, right?”

” Did Crescens really say that…….”

Fezun looked at Crescens.

Crescens smiled kindly and gave Fezun a thumbs-up.

Fezun turned his head back, and Kyung-joon said,

” He strongly argued that no one here is better suited for this job than you. You have a really good friend, Fezun.”

” ……. “

Fezun couldn’t speak properly and just bowed his head.

” Not just Crescens, but Liant and other residents think so too. So please continue to think and act for a hopeful agriculture, a vibrant countryside, and happy residents.”

” Sob……!”

” Hmm, you don’t like it? I won’t force you if you don’t want to do it.”

Don’t like it?

No, it was the opposite.

Fezun was touched.

‘When I was in Ria Village, none of the lords listened……!’

The need for waterways and the efficiency of farming were something Fezun had been arguing for since he was in Ria Village.

But the rulers of the village at the time, instead of taking the time to think about such troublesome things, just punched him in the face and told him to work harder.

But Kyung-joon was different.

Far from dismissing Fezun’s opinion as something to be ignored, he developed it further.

And he even gave him books to study and a Rare-grade position.

And refuse?

Never in his wildest dreams!

” I, Fezun! I will take on the role of Minister of Agriculture and Forestry with a mission!”

Fezun bowed deeply, proving his will.

He even held dozens of textbooks in one hand.

His firm will was clearly conveyed.

Looking at Fezun, the young lord Kyung-joon smiled broadly.

‘Yes! One less thing for me to study.’

Kyung-joon wanted to give Fezun, who would lighten his burden, proper treatment.

All treatment always starts with money.

[『Increasing Minister of Agriculture and Forestry』 Fezun’s salary by 1 million liyan.]

▶Salary: 2 million → 3 million liyan

He increased the salary by 50% more than the 2 million liyan received by ordinary residents.

As expected of a ministerial position, there will be much more work to do in the future.

It was a natural choice for Kyung-joon, whose motto was to pay for the work done.

” Hahaha! Fezun! You’ve made it! You’ve made it! With a Rare grade, you’re no less than a low-ranking noble!”

” Promoted to Rare grade…… I’m so envious…….”

” Come to think of it, the noble who inspected Ria Village before was a Rare-grade awakened.”

” Congratulations~♪ And Celebrations~♬”

” Uhh, uhh?! “

Fezun let out a funny scream at the sudden toss by the residents.

Toss! Toss! Toss!

There was no hypocrisy or jealousy in the noisy voices.

They were kind enough to congratulate their colleague’s promotion rather than envy him.

” Heh. “

Crescens watched the scene from afar and turned away with a bitter smile.

Then his eyes met Kyung-joon’s.

Crescens bowed his head toward Kyung-joon.

He expressed his gratitude for listening to his request.

But then.

” Huh……? “

Beckon, beckon.

Kyung-joon was beckoning Crescens to come closer.

At that moment.

Fezun suddenly opened his mouth.

” Now, now. Enough with the tossing. It seems the lord has another announcement to make.”

Following Kyung-joon’s actions, Fezun controlled the residents.

Kyung-joon and Crescens were facing each other, surrounded by residents.

” Lord? What are these books about……? “

” Just take them.”

And just like he did with Fezun, Kyung-joon handed Crescens several textbooks.

They were mainly books related to landscaping and environmental engineering.

Then Kyung-joon said straightforwardly,

” Crescens, I appoint you as the Minister of Environment of Study Villa.”


A completely unexpected development!

Crescens just gaped, his face full of bewilderment, wondering what was going on.

At that moment.

He saw Fezun standing behind Kyung-joon.

Fezun was giving him a thumbs-up.

Just like someone he knew.

In that situation, Kyung-joon continued the appointment ceremony.

” I heard from Fezun. The flower beds in the village, you took the lead and did them all with Fezun without being asked?”

” That’s…….”

” Besides that, the landscaping around the village, and even the basic garbage disposal system. Considering how interested you were in the environment and ecosystem in class, I judged that you, Crescens, are the right person for this position. Well, Fezun’s recommendation also played a part.”

” …… “

Crescens remained silent.

He didn’t know what to say.

But he clearly felt something boiling up in his chest.

Kyung-joon sensed a silent affirmation from Crescens, who was clenching his jaw and staring straight ahead, and appointed him as the minister.

[Appointing Crescens to the Rare position 『Minister of Environment』.]

[Crescens’s job has changed from Common job 『Farmer』 to Rare job 『Minister of Environment』.]

[Crescens’s overall stats will be adjusted to match his new grade.]

[New skills will be generated for Crescens to match his new grade.]

[Crescens will be given a new title.]

” The Minister of Environment is responsible for the conservation of the natural environment and living environment, the prevention of environmental pollution, and all affairs and administration related to the conservation, utilization, and development of water resources. First of all, you should start by studying the books I gave you.”

” ……I will never disappoint you, Lord.”

” That’s good to hear.”

Afterward, Kyung-joon used the remaining two Position Appointment Tickets to appoint two more ministers.

He appointed the hairy Brute as the 『Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport』 to oversee construction.

And he appointed Liant as the 『Prime Minister』 to coordinate the many ministers that will be appointed in the future.

‘This should be enough for the basic framework.’

Three ministers and one prime minister.

He decided that this was enough for now and stopped appointing ministers.

The remaining ministries could be filled later when the territory grew larger.

▶Territory Points: 230 points

Anyway, his territory points were depleted after these appointments.

After finishing assigning the remaining residents to their respective ministries, Kyung-joon gathered the ministers and residents of each ministry and began the briefing.

” Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, please proceed with the irrigation canal and reservoir project so that water can be supplied to the fields even when it doesn’t rain. It would also be good to try creating rice paddies.”

With rice paddies, they could grow rice.

Rice is an excellent complete food with a high essential amino acid content.

Even without thinking of kimchi stew and white rice, there are many Western-style rice dishes like paella and risotto.

Currently, they rely on purchasing most of their food except for wheat, but he plans to gradually become self-sufficient.

The moment a territory can’t be self-sufficient in food, it could collapse in an instant.

” Waterways are basically under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment, so I ask for close cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.”

” Understood. Let’s do our best not to shame the lord’s name, Fezun.”

” Of course. What do you take me for?”

Fezun and Crescens hit it off well, as they always did.

It was a good decision to appoint both of them as ministers.

” Ministry of Environment, please make sure that all the garbage from the village flows into the garbage river.”

” Garbage river, sir?”

” Yes. It would be troublesome to dispose of it in the sewage treatment plant every day, so I made it flow there automatically. I’ll tell you about the sewage treatment in detail when we’re ready, so please just do that for now.”

” Yes, sir. Understood.”

” Oh, and the stench could be a problem, so we need to cover it with a lid to prevent it. We need to build a sewage treatment plant.”

” Construction is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, so we’ll get their cooperation.”

” I like how quickly you understand.”

Unlike his muscular physique, Crescens was very meticulous and quick to understand.

He seemed to cooperate well with other ministries, not just the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry where Fezun was the minister.

” Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, as you heard earlier, please cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Environment for future construction projects.”

” Hmm.”

The hairy Brute silently agreed with Kyung-joon’s words.

Brute was the type to silently do his job.

” Liant, I’ll entrust you with my spirits, Bangwool and Mod. Please coordinate so that each ministry can borrow the help of the spirits without conflict.”

” Of course, sir. I will continue to carry out the reporting duties I have been doing.”

” Yes, please do so.”

And so.

Study Villa, which used to have only houses and fields, was gradually taking shape as a society.


There are many huge rivers in the world.

For example, Venice in the Kingdom of Italia boasts a river so wide that all the roads are canals.

One of the reasons for this is Mount Chubur in the north of the World.

This is because the melted snow from there constantly flows south.

However, it is not just water that flows south.

[Ogopogo Raid!]

▶『Ogopogo』, a giant plesiosaur monster that inhabits the Chuburian region in the north! As long as its enormous length of over 100 meters, its appetite is also enormous. It prefers the clean water of melted snow and usually stays in the north, but every summer, it comes down south where food is abundant, eats all the fish, and goes back up.

Because of this, the damage to fishermen is no joke! In the end, the Kingdom of Francois designated Ogopogo as a harmful monster last year and decided to defeat it this time.

Quest Reward: Gain fame according to raid contribution, opportunity to order custom-made Ogopogo weapons.

▶Quest Type: Regional (Kingdom of Francois)

▶Quest Grade: Unique


The Francois River, where several tributaries converge.

A large crowd had gathered on its banks.

Players, NPC adventurers, mercenary groups aiming for a big score, and knights dispatched from the kingdom.

They were all here to catch Ogopogo.

” Wow, with so many people here, aren’t we going to miss out on rewards?”

” Do you know how long Ogopogo is? Just the thorns on its spine can make hundreds of weapons! Besides, Ogopogo is a monster from the north, so weapons made from it might have ice properties.”

” Wow, ice. That’s amazing.”

” Yeah. It’s the same water attribute as water, but it’s on a whole other level. Honestly, how can we hunt an ice attribute monster alone at our current level?”

Generally, to encounter ice attribute monsters, you have to go to the Chuburian region in the north.

But the monsters there are all tough guys who endure the freezing cold.

Even the lowest level monster is at least level 300, so it’s not a place to enter recklessly.

For players who haven’t even reached level 300 yet, hunting ice monsters is a matter for the distant future.

” That’s why we need to make good use of this raid quest.”

This Ogopogo raid is a raid that involves not only players but also NPCs.

Even though players have the ‘immortal’ ability to come back to life after death, they are still newbies with less than two years of experience.

NPCs are still much stronger than players.

” Glorious soldiers of our Kingdom of Francois! Adventurers seeking romance and mercenaries seeking profit! And otherworlders who came from a strange world! Welcome, everyone! I am the leader of the 5th squad of the Mont Saint-Michel Knights! Getorix of the Camembert family! “

” Woo-hoo! Getorix! Getorix! “

The knight commander of the Kingdom of Francois began a powerful speech on the platform.

The NPCs cheered loudly at the word ‘commander’.

Players showed a slightly different reaction.

” Getorix? That’s a name like ‘Gatorade’.”

” I guess the quest is about to start.”

” Oh, is it a raid right away?”

” No, we haven’t even decided on anything yet. What do you mean ‘raid right away’?”

” Once the speech is over, each group will discuss what role they’ll take and how they’ll move.”

” Oh, you’ve done raids before?”

” Ah……! I’m so excited for the raid! “

” We couldn’t catch it a year ago, but this time we will! “

The Ogopogo raid was also held last year.

However, at that time, it was a party consisting only of mercenaries and players, so they ended up only raising Ogopogo’s level and gave it up.

But this time is different.

Players have become much stronger in the past year, and this time, not only mercenaries but also the kingdom’s subjugation force has joined.

” All humans gathered here! Regardless of your origins, let’s join forces and fight against our common enemy, Ogopogo! “

” Ooooh!! “

The kingdom’s subjugation force, mercenaries, and players.

While everyone joined forces and prepared for the Ogopogo raid on the banks of the Francois River.

━Ogogogo. Pogogogo.

(I’m hungryyyy. Fooood.)

Ogopogo, the giant plesiosaur monster that had descended from Chuburian, was swimming along the riverbed.


(Two paths?)

He hesitated at the fork in the road.

There was a path straight ahead and a path that curved to the right.

-Pogo! Ogo!

(Clean water! It’s that way!)

The scent of clean water coming from the right waterway.

Ogopogo turned right.

” ……. “

” Fezun, what’s wrong? Spacing out with that look on your face again.”

Crescens wondered what was wrong as Fezun frowned and stared at the river.

” No, it’s just…… Didn’t something dark just pass by from that river towards our territory?”

” Something dark?”

” I thought I saw a huge, long shadow on the river for a second…….”

” Hmm, where…… I don’t see anything strange?”

The river was fine.

As always, it was clear, with fish jumping and playing, flowing smoothly around Study Villa.

” ……Is that so? Am I being too sensitive?”

” Maybe. It’s been a long day.”

” Yeah…… It has been quite a day.”

They were lost in thought, recalling the day’s events.

Just then.

Fezun pointed upwards.

<Study Villa’s Minister of Agriculture and Forestry>

<Study Villa’s Minister of Environment>

” Hey, look at that. What amazing titles.”

” Ahh…….”

Two titles shimmering in purple.

It was like looking at a binary star system where the two stars attract and coexist with each other.

” What a magnificent color.”

” Ahh, it really is.”

” It’s like……”

Translator’s Blog


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Translation-(COMPLETED) – It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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