
It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students – Chapter 68

Chapter 68: What Happens When a Model Student Drinks (1)

[Tarnished Black Magic Stone: 3rd Degree]

▶A black magic stone obtained from a mutated monster. Traces of weak mana and artificial processing remain.

▶Item Grade: Unique

<It belongs to the dark wizards. It’s something that can’t exist in the Fairy-Elven Alliance, which despises dark magic. The two have historically been at odds.>

” Hmm, what’s the difference between the two? “

<Both study and handle magic, but the difference is that dark magic has no good in it. Moreover, their origins are completely different.>

Primordial magic originally belonged to three beings.

The magic of the arrogant dragon’s power.

The magic of the prudent fairy’s wisdom.

And the dark magic of the wicked demon.

Since the demonkin, descendants of the wicked demon, did not have commonly accepted morals and ethics, dark magic took a very different path from other magic.

[Quest item acquired.]

[The quest will be activated when the conditions are met.]

Considering the status window that suddenly popped up and Teemo’s explanation together, it seemed like this dark stone was quite a troublesome item.

It felt like there was a conspiracy, a scheme, politics involved.

It smelled fishy.

Various scenarios came to Kyung-joon’s mind, but he decided to ignore it for now.

He was busy studying.

[Unique item 『Mutated Minto Morco’s Claw』 acquired.]

[Unique item 『Mutated Minto Morco’s Hide』 acquired.]

[Unique item 『Mutated Minto Morco’s Gallbladder』 acquired.]

[14,420,360 liyan acquired.]

He picked up the other items as well, besides the Tarnished Black Magic Stone.

The claw, hide, and gallbladder were all unique material items.

He wasn’t sure about the claw and hide, but he could cook and eat the gallbladder.

Surely, befitting the item’s name, it would boost his memory.


[Unique skill 『Ultrasonic Vibration Mana Dagger』 level has increased to 3.]

[Rare skill 『Fine Mana Manipulation』 level has increased to 9.]

[Advanced skill 『Spell Delay』 level has…….]

Various skill levels increased while fighting the Mutated Minto Morco.

Not only that, but his affinity with the beastkin also increased significantly.

Just like the Ria villagers who passed by Study Villa.

[Brave Fang affinity starts at 50 (Friendly).]

[Dancing with Wolves affinity starts at 50 (Friendly).]

[Fast Spot affinity with…….]

With the incident settled, the beastkin threw a feast, saying they would treat Kyung-joon to a grand meal.

It was called a feast, but it wasn’t really anything special.

” Black-haired brother! Hiccup……! I knew you’d succeed! “

” Wahahaha! What are you crying for? “

” Don’t be so sentimental, you rascal! Drink up, drink up! “

” Like a man, bottoms up! Gulp~! “

” To the eternal glory of our brother! “

True to the beastkin culture, they roughly chose spots to sit down at the battle site without any mats and took out the food they had brought.

Most of the food was alcohol.

He wondered if it was okay for him, a minor, to drink, but there were no restrictions on alcohol in the world.

‘Well, if PK, which is killing people, is allowed, there’s no reason why alcohol wouldn’t be.’

Unlike the stuffy government, Seolha Group, which ran The World, didn’t impose unnecessary restrictions for the sake of the game’s high degree of freedom.

Of course, they did have ethical restrictions for beginners, such as restricting access to the Beginner’s Village.

” Huh? You’re not drinking, brother? “

” Ah, I’m underage. “

Of course, that didn’t mean Kyung-joon took this opportunity to chug down alcohol recklessly.

Even if the game allowed it, he was still a high school student.

Kyung-joon was a model student who knew how to follow the school rules.

” What? Underage? “

” I’m not old enough yet. “

” Puhaha! You’re already an adult, aren’t you? In my day, I started drinking when I was 10! “

” Hey, hey! A mere 10 years old? I started drinking when I was 9! “

Suddenly, the beastkin started arguing about something strange.

” Hahaha! What does it matter if it’s 10 or 9! I started drinking when I was 5! “

” Then I’m 3, you punk! “

” What? You remember when you were 3?! “

” You idiot wouldn’t remember! Back then, I did this, and chug~ Ah~! That’s the taste! The exact same taste as when I was 3! “

” Wow, those who can’t even handle their liquor are fighting over something so strange. “

At that moment, one beastkin said something they shouldn’t have.

” What? “

” What did you say? “

” Are you sure you can handle the consequences? “

” Of course I can! Bring it on! “

” Hey! Let’s get this b@stard! “

” Let’s have a drinking contest! “

” The last one standing gets to order the others to do anything! “

” Yeah, sounds good! “

The beastkin, who were fighting over something stupid, ended up making a stupid bet.

He thought they were really living life on the edge.

” I’ll participate in that bet too. “

So Kyung-joon decided to join in.

” Huh? “

” Eh? “

” Brother……? “

What kind of bet was this?

The last one standing after a drinking contest gets the right to order everyone else to do anything.

‘I could really use some extra hands right now.’

With more hands, he could cut down more Memory Trees and return.

It would also be useful in the process of processing the Memory Trees to make his exclusive scrolls.

He decided to take this opportunity to borrow the labor of 10 strong beastkin for a while.

” But brother, didn’t you say you’ve never had alcohol before? “

Brave Fang asked, sounding concerned for Kyung-joon.

” Yes. “

” Hmm, it’s best not to overdo it. “

” Yeah, yeah! No matter how strong of a wizard and rogue you are, you’re still human, right? It’ll be tough to keep up with our beastkin’s drinking capacity. “

” Hahaha! There’s a saying that the average beastkin can handle 10 bottles! “

” No, I can do 15. “

” I can do 16. “

” Then I can do 17, you punk! “

The beastkin all judged that Kyung-joon wouldn’t be able to handle his liquor.

” I’ll still participate. I want to win the bet. “

Nevertheless, Kyung-joon insisted on participating.

” Wahaha! What can we do if you’re so determined? Alright! Let’s drink together! “

[Sudden quest generated!]

[Drinking Contest with the Beastkin]

▶The beastkin have thrown a drinking party to celebrate you. And true to their nature, they started arguing about something ridiculous and ended up making a bet. Win the drinking contest against them!

▶Quest Reward: You can order the beastkin to do anything within their limits.

※The scope of what you can order is proportional to your affinity with them.

▶Quest Type: Sudden

▶Quest Grade: Common

” Right, this is all part of the experience! “

” Now, let’s drink! I’ll pour you a glass, brother. “

Glug, glug.

Brave Fang poured Kyung-joon a glass of alcohol.

Judging by the smell, it was definitely soju-grade.

But the glass was the size of a beer mug.

One glass of beastkin soju was practically equivalent to a whole bottle for a human.

” Then, to the eternal glory of our brother! “

” Cheers! “


Gulp, gulp!

The beastkin downed the beer mug-sized soju without hesitation.

As if they were drinking water!

It seemed their claim of being heavy drinkers wasn’t an exaggeration.

” Ah~! Come on, brother, drink up. If you can’t handle it, you can forfeit early! “

” Puha! This is what alcohol is all about! You saved us, brother, so we won’t ask anything weird even if you lose! “

” Yeah! No need to force yourself! “

” I’m fine. Gulp, gulp, gulp! “

Kyung-joon started chugging down the alcohol just like the beastkin did!

” Oh! “

At the same time, Kyung-joon started to concentrate his mana towards his esophagus and stomach…….

[Rare Skill 『Multi-Casting (Lv.7)』 ]

[Rare Skill 『Fine Mana Manipulation (Lv.9)』 ]

[General Skill 『Energy Bolt (Lv.10)』 ]

[Advanced Skill 『Spell Modification (Lv.8)』 ]

[Decomposing the alcohol in the liquor with Fine Mana Manipulation.]


Kyung-joon was confident that he would win.


The process of alcohol breakdown within the body.

Kyung-joon had memorized this accurately while studying general chemistry.

The process consists of a total of three steps, the first of which is as follows.

[Alcohol contained in alcoholic beverages is broken down by Fine Mana Manipulation.]

[Alcohol is broken down into acetaldehyde and hydrogen.]

Acetaldehyde is produced in the first step.

It binds to various parts of the body and interferes with the normal functioning of organs.

This is why, when you drink alcohol, the parts of your body that usually hurt ache and your body doesn’t function properly.

So this is where the second stage is needed.

A stage in which highly toxic acetaldehyde is broken down into a weaker one.

[Acetaldehyde is broken down into acetic acid and hydrogen.]

Kyung-joon felt his mouth suddenly turn sour.

Acetic acid is, simply put, vinegar.

The sour taste in vinegar is all due to this acetic acid.

It was much less toxic than acetaldehyde, but of course it wasn’t good.

So the third stage.

[Acetic acid is broken down into carbon dioxide and water.]

Carbon dioxide is a carbonated drink.

What we call ‘carbonation’ is simply carbon dioxide dissolved in water.

Through these three processes, Kyung-joon completed the alcohol breakdown.

To summarize in the end…….

『Alcohol→Hydrogen+Carbonic acid+Water』

This is how it was broken down.

Water is just water, so you can just swallow it…….

” Burp. “

Hydrogen and carbonic acid are gases, so just burp them out.

Kyung-joon had drunk alcohol, but in reality it was no different than drinking sparkling water.

[Advanced skill 『Detoxification』 has been learned.]

[The effect is too great compared to the existing detoxification skill.]

[The grade of advanced skill 『Detoxification』 is adjusted to Rare and the skill name is changed to 『High-speed Detoxification』.]

Kyung-joon held out his empty glass.

What it meant was simple.

” One more drink, please. “


” Whoa! Black-haired brother, you’re a surprisingly good drinker! “

” No, you don’t know yet. Once the alcohol hits, you can go down fast. “

” We’ll see about that later. Here! This time, I’ll pour you one, brother! “

Glug, glug, glug!

The empty glass is full again.

Gulp, gulp, gulp!

The glass is empty again.

Glug, glug, glug! Gulp, gulp, gulp!

Glug, glug, glug! Gulp, gulp, gulp!

Kyung-joon drank glass after glass without rest.

But he didn’t get drunk at all.

[Rare Skill 『High-speed Detoxification』 ]

[All the toxicity of alcohol is decomposed.]

[Rare Skill 『High-speed Detoxification』 ]

[All the toxicity of alcohol is decomposed.]

No matter how much alcohol he drank, it was nothing more than drinking sweet sparkling water to Kyung-joon.

He was already on his fifth glass of soju, each glass the size of a beer mug.

The beastkin who saw this were astonished.

” Black-haired brother, you’re a surprisingly good drinker! “

” Brother, you’re not only amazing at magic and combat, but your alcohol tolerance is off the charts! “

” We can’t lose either! “

” We’ll show you the true strength of the beastkin! “

The beastkin and Kyung-joon continued to pour and drink countless glasses.

How much time had passed?

” Ugh……! “

” Hey, hey! You can’t pass out already! “

” I can’t…… drink anymore……. “

” Whew……! I can still go for more! But if you’re struggling, brother, I can stop here……. “

” One more drink, please. “

” ……! “

Despair filled the beastkin’s flushed faces.

The beastkin hesitated to pour more alcohol.

Unable to just sit there, Kyung-joon stepped forward.

” Here, everyone, have a drink. “

Glug, glug, glug!

Kyung-joon grabbed the bottle and began to fill the beastkin’s glasses to the brim.

With his surprisingly dexterous hands, Kyung-joon filled all 10 glasses to the brim without spilling a drop!

Kyung-joon said with a bright smile.

” Cheers. “

” ……. “

The beastkin thought for a moment.

Perhaps Kyung-joon was an even bigger monster than the Mutated Minto Morco.


” Ugh…… Where am I……. “

Ezeri, who had fainted from mana exhaustion, barely opened her eyes.

First, she looked around to see what was going on.


” ……Gasp?! Everyone, everyone! What in the world is this……! “

Translator’s Blog


Advanced Chapters




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Translation-(COMPLETED) – It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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