
It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students – Chapter 60

Chapter 60: Fairy-Elven Magic Academy (2)

It had already been a year and a half since the otherworlders appeared.

That meant the human named ‘Kyung-joon’ had reached such a level in just a year and a half.

‘Hide Casting’, a unique magic that only fairies could use.

He didn’t completely see through it, but he was a human who could notice it.

He had reached that level in just a year and a half.

“Or is it just that this human is special?”

Considering that he had calculated mana and whatnot, it was highly likely.

There had been several times when otherworlders tried to cross the gate.

However, most of them were insignificant and all were denied entry.

In other words, ‘Kyung-joon’, the first otherworlder to cross the gate, might be the most proficient otherworlder in magic in the world.

“I might have to report this to the Fairy King. Fuaa~”

TikiTiki, who said that, decided to do her duty as a gatekeeper for now.


Even dozing off.


Kyung-joon warped to Fairy-Elven Magic Academy.

As soon as he came out of the gate, he was greeted by a fantastic scenery beyond description.

A shining forest.

Each and every tree trunk was a building, and the leaves were shining softly like lanterns.

But the most surprising thing was the mana that filled the air.

[You are the first player to discover Fairy-Elven Magic Academy.]

[Fame has increased by 50.]

[The dense mana of Fairy-Elven Magic Academy embraces your entire body.]

[Your mana temporarily increases by 30%. The duration will continue to be renewed as long as you do not leave this place.]

[Your mana permanently increases each time you adapt to mana.]

[Mana has increased by 1 due to the dense mana.]

“Wow…… If I’m not careful, I’ll get drunk on mana.”

<It will be fine with Master’s mana.>

Most areas of the Fairy-Elven Alliance were shrouded in dense mana.

Fairy-Elven Magic Academy was famous for having particularly dense mana.

In fact, the minimum mana cutoff for admission here was over 300.

If one’s mana was less than 300, they would be afflicted with the 『Mana Poisoning』 debuff, rendering them unable to move properly.

“Fairies and elves are the majority, and humans…… are very rare.”

<Based on the statistics from the observed data so far, fairies make up 47.8%, elves 34.4%, and the rest are humans and beastkin. In particular, there are more beastkin than humans.>

“Beastkin? Beastkin are good at magic?”

<No. Except for a few special races, their magical talent is far inferior to that of humans or dwarves. It seems they were wearing necklaces that prevent mana poisoning. They must be here for something other than being students.>

“Hmm, interesting.”

It was fascinating that there were more beastkin than humans at a magic academy, even though beastkin were not good at magic.

Kyung-joon stopped thinking and immediately moved his steps.

He was a little curious about the reason, but he had something to do.

“Professor Frankel? Which department is he in?”

“If it’s Professor Frankel, isn’t he the one who researches scrolls? I’m in the Battle Magic department, so I don’t know much about it.”

“Huh? I’m on my way to Professor Frankel’s class now. If you have business with him, do you want to come with me?”

<A student of Fairy-Elven Magic Academy>

▼Ezeri (NPC)

Her braided hair and large glasses seemed to say that she was a model elf student.

“Is it okay?”

“Yes. Let’s hurry. We’ll be late for class.”

“Yes, let’s go right away. Thank you.”

“Hey, it’s nothing.”

Fortunately, thanks to Ezeri’s guidance, Kyung-joon was able to go to where Frankel, his original destination, was.

“Okay, class is about to start. Sit here for now.”

“Huh? I’m not a student here…….”

“It’s okay. Scroll classes are popular, so there are a lot of people anyway. It’s fine to audit. Besides, it’s the first class today.”

Ezeri, who took his words of not being a student here as not having registered for the class.

Thus, Kyung-joon ended up attending the class.

Since he couldn’t ask his business during class anyway, he thought it would be okay to listen to it while waiting for the class to end.

“Welcome everyone to the Introduction to Scroll Magic. This class will be held twice a week for a total of 5 weeks, which will take a little over a month. We will have exams twice and classes for the remaining 8 times.”

A blond, middle-aged elf.

He, who started the class standing on the platform, seemed to be Frankel.

“Scroll magic can be said to be the oldest of all existing magic tools. Its origin dates back to the era of the elves’ Fairy Totemism, and even now, nearly 700 years after the Demon King was sealed and the Fairy-Elven Alliance was formed, it is still the most important strategic material of our alliance…….”

Since it was an introductory class, Kyung-joon, who had only studied basic magic theory, could understand most of the content.

For example, scroll magic was a very old and profound magic possessed by the Fairy-Elven Alliance.

It was like explaining kimchi in Korea.


Scribble, scribble.

At that time, the green-haired elf next to him, who had brought Kyung-joon, was doing something else instead of listening to the class.

“What are you doing?”

“Hmm…… Writing a scroll.”

Ezeri was pouring mana into the parchment and writing something.

“You don’t have to listen to the class?”

“I’ve already taken this class before. I’m Professor Frankel’s assistant. I’m a graduate student.”


So, she came to attend the class, but not as a student, but as an assistant to the professor who was teaching.

As long as Frankel didn’t specifically ask her to do anything, she could do her own thing as long as it didn’t interfere with the class.

Kyung-joon didn’t stop her and continued to watch.

Of course, he wasn’t just sitting idly by.

‘Oh, that parchment is really amazing? It absorbs mana as it is without any magic being applied.’

Kyung-joon was secretly spying on Ezeri’s scroll-writing process by flowing a faint amount of mana.

Fortunately, unlike TikiTiki, she didn’t seem to notice Kyung-joon’s mana.

“Teemo, record everything I’m measuring right now without missing anything.”


Kyung-joon continued his measurements, speaking very quietly so that only Teemo could hear him.

It was practically stealing magic!

If there were copyrights on magic, it would be a highly reprehensible act.

But this was a fantasy game world ruled by the system.

Anything was fine as long as the system allowed it.

However, he would have to take responsibility for his actions.

‘The more I look at it, the more it looks similar to the technique of carving magic into the Magic Memory Stone……? No, it’s much more sophisticated and systematic.’

‘The problem with the air conditioner right now is that the efficiency of the Magic Memory Stone is too low, so if I can replace it with this scroll magic and improve it to be much cheaper and more efficient……’

Kyung-joon shuddered at the solution he had found quite by chance.

As expected, the environment was important when studying. It was a good thing he came to a magic academy to improve his magic.

He had stumbled upon such a windfall.

It was then.

“Hey! The black-haired human fooling around next to the assistant!”


“What are you doing instead of listening to the lecture?”


“And assistant, is it okay to slack off like that just because you’ve taken this class once? Ezeri, huh?”

“I, I’m sorry……!”

Ezeri bowed her head, sweating profusely.

Frankel sighed deeply and turned his gaze back to Kyung-joon.

“Black-haired one, answer this question. Why does the Fairy-Elven Alliance have a near monopoly on scroll magic? If you’ve been paying attention in class, you should be able to figure it out quickly.”

A teacher’s tricky question, thrown in the hopes of catching the student off guard, even though he knew the student wouldn’t be able to answer!

Kyung-joon had been busy spying on Ezeri’s scroll-making magic and had no way to answer.

But there was no problem.

There was someone who was listening to the class for him.

<The answer to the question is that the ‘Tree of Memory’, the material for scrolls, only grows in the Fairy-Elven Alliance.>

“It’s because the ‘Tree of Memory’, the material for scrolls, only grows in the Fairy-Elven Alliance.”


Frankel’s eyes widened.

“Even if there are wizards in other countries who can make scrolls, as long as the alliance monopolizes the Tree of Memory, they have no choice but to get permission from the alliance.”

Kyung-joon repeated what Teemo had told him and added a few details to explain it coherently.

Frankel couldn’t help but be a little taken aback by the unexpected response.

Information about scrolls was not well known to the outside world.

Especially to a human who came to study from abroad.

“You seem to have studied a lot separately, even though you’re a freshman. Excellent. Keep up the good work.”


In the end, Frankel had no choice but to acknowledge Kyung-joon.

“However, I can’t just let you off the hook for slacking off even though you already knew the answer. Fairy-Elven Magic Academy is a place that should be an example to others. Therefore, I have no choice but to deduct some points from your class participation score.”

Kyung-joon was a little embarrassed by Frankel’s words.

“Ah, about that…… Professor Frankel.”

“No excuses. If you don’t tell me your name, I’ll use my magic to force you to.”

Frankel took out his attendance book and grabbed his quill.

He intended to immediately find Kyung-joon’s name in the attendance book and check it off once he said his name.

“Professor Frankel.”

“I won’t listen to any excuses. If you don’t tell me your name, I’ll use my magic to force you to.”

Frankel cast a spell of identification.

Then, Frankel was able to confirm the name that appeared above Kyung-joon’s head.

▼Kyung-joon (Otherworlder, Human)

“I see. Your name is Kyung-joon. And you’re an otherworlder. ……Hmm?”

Frankel felt a sense of familiarity as he searched for Kyung-joon’s name in the attendance book.

An otherworlder?

Had there ever been an otherworlder enrolled in our magic academy?

If there had been, it would have been a big topic within the academy, and as a professor, he wouldn’t have missed it.

While Frankel was confused, Kyung-joon added in a low voice.

“Professor Frankel. I’m not a student here.”


The moment he was caught auditing the class.


“I see…… So Sever is really gone.”

Frankel’s professor’s office.

Kyung-joon showed Frankel Sever’s professor’s badge and explained what had happened in Beginner’s Village.

Frankel only offered his silent condolences on the death of his friend.

“You don’t seem very surprised.”

“What’s there to be surprised about? I knew he would do something like that someday. To think what he did to the 17th Magic Experimentation Lab…….”

Frankel’s tone suggested he was extremely troubled, but there was a hint of longing in his voice.

Soon, Kyung-joon got up from his seat and tried to leave the office.

“Thank you for letting me know. I’ll have to go visit him myself sometime.”

“No, not at all.”

“And about the scroll magic, I’ll let my student know, so you’re free to use the lab starting tomorrow. If you don’t know anything, just ask her. She’s a bit of a klutz, but she’s got the experience.”

“Thank you for your help.”

“No problem. It’s the least I can do for someone who inherited Sever’s will. Don’t worry about it.”


“Just try not to melt down the lab like Sever did.”


Kyung-joon smiled bitterly at Frankel’s joke.

[You have gained access to ‘Frankel’s Lab’ in the 13th Magic Experimentation Lab.]

[Official access will be granted starting tomorrow.]

[Frankel is very grateful to you for informing him about his friend.]

[Your friendship with Frankel starts at 50 (Friendly).]

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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