
It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students – Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Even a Dog Wouldn’t Disturb Someone Studying (1)

After school.

Most of the students had already left for the day.

It was a time when only teachers with remaining tasks were left.

The math teacher of Kyung-joon’s class had not yet left work either.

The reason he hadn’t left was clear.

The principal had asked him to recommend promising students.

As part of that process, the ‘creativity problem’ was coming to an end today.

‘Ugh…… This is a headache.’

『 Creativity Problem Solution 』

『 Name: 2-7 Lee Kyung-joon  』

The math teacher scratched his head as he looked at the creativity problem homework collected from class 2-7.

‘I can’t even leave work because of this kid……’

All that was left was to finish writing the student evaluation report on the creativity problem and send it to the principal.

Then the students whose names were on the report would be listed as ‘Seoul National University Principal’s Recommendation Candidates’.

And that was the problem.

Kyung-joon, who had brilliantly solved the creativity problem!

The math teacher had to decide whether or not to put Kyung-joon on the list of candidates for the Seoul National University principal’s recommendation.

‘I didn’t expect a student like this to suddenly appear…’

He recalled what had happened during the 4th period today.

‘This kid, unlike Yoo Seol-ha who mixed in some college-level math, explained it solely using high school level concepts, and his logic was sound.’

Kyung-joon’s explanation was amazing.

Of course, it wasn’t mathematically perfect like Yoo Seol-ha’s explanation.

Nor was it as unique as Kim Chul-soo’s or Park Young-hee’s explanation.

Nevertheless, Kyung-joon’s explanation was very easy to understand.

He meticulously pointed out parts that smart people would just skip over, saying, ‘Why don’t you understand that?’

‘That’s a way of explaining that you can never do unless you’ve climbed up from the bottom.’

Those who were good from birth never understand those who struggle.

There’s no way a child who grew up in a wealthy environment could understand a child from a poor background.

Even if they say they understand, it’s just that they know it as knowledge.

They can’t truly understand unless they’ve experienced it themselves.

That’s why Yoo Seol-ha, Kim Chul-soo, and Park Young-hee’s explanations failed to capture the students’ attention.

It didn’t resonate with them.

No matter how smart and excellent they were, it was just their own league.

In fact, the three of them recognized this and gave their explanations accordingly.

Therefore, while explaining, the gaze of the three was not on their classmates, but on the teacher.

From the beginning, they had no intention of making others understand.

They just wanted to show off and prove they were right.

‘But Student Kyung-joon was different. He was looking ahead while explaining. His gaze was not on me, but on his classmates.’

The students in the class were relating to Kyung-joon’s words.

Even though they didn’t fully understand the content, they were trying to understand.

What none of the top 3 students in the entire school could achieve, Kyung-joon had achieved.

A student who wasn’t particularly outstanding before and was just below average.

‘No, rather, maybe that’s why he was able to do it. Now that I think about it, his grades……’

The math teacher checked Kyung-joon’s grades on the computer.

‘His grades in his first year… Ugh, disastrous. He was at the very bottom? Same in the second semester, barely scraping by above failing.’

In his first year, Kyung-joon was truly unimpressive.

But starting from the midterms of his second year, he started to improve dramatically.

‘Wow, this is……’

Upper-middle rank.

A student who was in the lower ranks for a year suddenly jumped to the upper-middle ranks in his second year.

It was a tremendous leap.

Looking at the rankings, it was as if a child who used to be around 400th to 500th place had jumped to 100th to 200th place.

‘Amazing. A kid like this is truly a once-in-a-blue-moon student that you rarely see in your entire teaching career…’

There are very few students like this.

Students who don’t do well at first but then suddenly improve.

Rather, these students often went on to better universities and adapted well there.

‘But they’re still not as good as the kids who were consistently good from the beginning to the end.’

No matter how much Kyung-joon’s grades improved, they couldn’t compare to those who had consistently ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd as if it were nothing.


The math teacher made up his mind and began to list the students to be included in the report.

Click. Clack.

Promising students from each class were listed in the report, and the names of students from class 2-7 also began to be listed.

『 Seoul National University Principal’s Recommendation Candidates: Yoo Seol-ha , Kim Chul-soo , Park Young-hee  』

Kyung-joon’s name was not there.

He wasn’t chosen as a candidate.

The math teacher closed the report file and started writing an email.


He didn’t attach the report he had just written.

The subject was also quite different from what he had originally intended to write.

『 Subject: Principal, would it be alright to postpone the submission of the report until the final exams? 』

The math teacher decided to observe a little longer.

Students who don’t do well at first but then suddenly improve are indeed amazing.

However, they are no match for those who have been consistently good from the beginning.

But if……

If there was one very unlikely scenario……

‘……If he surpasses those who were originally good…’

The math teacher saw the seed of that possibility in Kyung-joon’s explanation today.

If later……

If Kyung-joon could really surpass the other high-flying students and rise to the top.

He would definitely be the real deal.

The one and only true talent that no other talent could ever compare to.

‘If he’s really that kind of kid, he’ll be able to do anything, not just study.’

Whether Kyung-joon would become ‘that kind of kid’ or not would be determined in the upcoming final exams.


Seoul National University Principal’s Recommendation, a prestigious award given to only two students in the entire school!

It was an incredible honor just to be given the opportunity to be nominated.

Of course, Kyung-joon was completely unaware of this fact.

Today, Kyung-joon logged into Study Villa.

“I did well on the creativity problem, so my math grades should be a bit higher this time.”

< You mean your internal school grades? >

< ?_? >

Teemo tilted his head with a question mark emoticon at the unfamiliar word.

That’s because in the fantasy game world of World, there were magic universities, but no public education institutions like elementary, middle, or high schools.

“Yeah, internal school grades. You can think of it as a grade indicator. I was originally going to get a job right after graduating high school, but now I’m aiming for college.”

If he was aiming for college, he needed to improve his internal school grades.

< I don’t know much about your world, Master, but I’m sure you’ll be able to get into a good university. >

“Yeah. If I keep going like this, I’m sure I can at least get into a university in Seoul. No, I can’t let my guard down. I need to work harder!”

In Seoul.

A collective term for universities located in Seoul.

Although not precise, it generally refers to universities within the top 10-20%.

Being in this category doesn’t guarantee a successful life.

But the odds are much higher than they are now.

But In Seoul or not, there was one major problem for Kyung-joon to aim for college at the moment.

“It’s definitely going to cost a lot of tuition……”

< Even in this world, renowned magic universities often cost a considerable amount of tuition that even lower-ranking nobles find burdensome. >

“I don’t know what level a lower-ranking noble is, but…… anyway, it’ll cost us a lot too.”

Private universities that cost at least 5 to 6 million won per semester!

Over 20 million won for four years!

Half of 100 million won would be gone.

And that’s not all?

If the university is far from home, he would have to choose to live away from home instead of commuting, and living expenses, including textbooks and food, would also be enormous.

It was bound to be a huge burden for Kyung-joon, who already had a large family and wasn’t well off.

“But I have a vague idea of a solution. I made a lot of money selling that chair before.”

Kyung-joon had earned about 120 million liyans by selling the chair last time.

Even after deducting the commission, it was an amount exceeding 10 million won in Korean won.

Of course, that time was a bit special, and even if he made and sold more chairs now, he wouldn’t be able to earn that much.

Surely, as his name started to get out there, more professional analysis would be done, and the outrageous price he had set at first wouldn’t sell anymore.

‘But what if I could make that HP/MP recovery function work not just with chairs, but with anything you carry?’

A portable HP/MP charger!

It would definitely be a hot seller for both high-level and low-level players.

Of course, right now, he had no idea how to make it or what he needed to study to implement it.

But Kyung-joon had made the window this time, recorded the sound of rain before, and even made chairs and desks, so he saw the possibility.

“So, I need to study more both to get into a good university and to earn tuition later.”

Kyung-joon took out the Physics 1 and Chemistry 1 books from his inventory.

Both were borrowed from the library and had to be returned in a few days.

So, there was something he had to do before returning them.

“Teemo, today we’re going to review Physics 1 and Chemistry 1 from the beginning.”

Kyung-joon, who never neglected to review even the subjects he had already studied!

In fact, there’s nothing more annoying and boring than reviewing.

If you were asked to reread a novel you’ve already read, wouldn’t it be extremely boring unless it was really interesting?

Studying was the same.

However, Kyung-joon had been diligently reviewing every single day without fail.

He had been doing so ever since he changed his class to Infinite Knowledge Seeker.

“I’ll explain it to you, so pretend you’re hearing it for the first time and ask me lots of questions.”

Kyung-joon had his own special way of reviewing.

It was to pretend that Teemo was a student who knew nothing and teach him himself!

Originally, to truly know any knowledge, you have to be able to explain it to others so that they understand.

Moreover, doing it this way was much less boring than reviewing alone, and sometimes even fun.

< I understand. I am always ready. >

< ㄱ_ㄱ! >

“Okay. First, let’s turn on Dimensional Study Room.”

[ Mythical skill 『 Dimensional Study Room 』 is now ON. ]

▶ Time Dilation: 2.0x

▶ Accumulated Time: 31 hours 17 minutes

As soon as Dimensional Study Room was activated, everything except Teemo and Kyung-joon slowed down by 2x.

Confirming this, Kyung-joon opened his book and began to speak.

“Okay, let’s start. First of all, Chemistry 1 is a subject that……”

Kyung-joon began his Physics 1 and Chemistry 1 lecture for student Teemo.





[ Your Intelligence has increased by 1 through continuous studying. ]

[ Your Intelligence has increased by 1 through continuous studying. ]

Kyung-joon’s lecture seemed endless.

It was already the 6th hour.

Of course, there were breaks.

Once every 3 hours.

If a professor at a university gave a 3-hour lecture without a break, very few students would be able to endure it.

In the first place, even university professors can’t lecture for that long.

But Kyung-joon was somehow managing to do what even college students and professors couldn’t easily do.

[ Currently Applied Buffs ]

▶ Kyung-joon’s Ash Wood Chair with Lumbar Support: Tenacity +10%

▶ Kyung-joon’s Unshakeable Ash Wood Desk: Tenacity +10%

▶ Desk/Chair Placement Bonus: Tenacity +10%

▶ Kyung-joon’s Quartz Glass Windows (5): Creativity +25%

▶ Kyung-joon’s Quartz Glass Ceiling: Creativity +15%

▶ Kyung-joon’s Study Villa: Tenacity +10%

Tenacity, the driving force that kept him going through the lecture!

And Creativity, which somehow kept his mind working during those long hours!

This was possible because Kyung-joon’s Tenacity and Creativity had increased by 40%.

Of course, even with that, there’s a limit.

[Mythical skill 『Dimensional Study Room』 has been turned OFF.]

▶ Accumulated Time: 31 hours 17 minutes → 28 hours 09 minutes


The world that had been slowed down by 2x returned to its original speed.

“Ugh……! I thought I was going to die!”

<Thank you for your hard work. With this, you have completed reviewing about 67% of Chemistry 1 and about 53% of Physics 1.>

“Oh, that’s quite a lot? If I do a little more today, I can finish the review tomorrow and return the books.”

Kyung-joon said with satisfaction, slumped over his desk.

If he had only reviewed Chemistry 1, he would have finished it today, not tomorrow.

< Considering it took about 48 days to go through Chemistry 1 for the first time, this is tremendous progress. 48 days have been reduced to almost 1-2 days. >

“You’re right. This is truly remarkable progress, remarkable progress~”

He said, his voice exhausted, as he lay sprawled on his desk.


Suddenly, the entire Study Villa shook with an impact.

“What was that?”

Wondering what it was, he looked beyond the window.

There, something like a brown fur ball was sliding down…


“……What’s that a wolf?”

It was a grassland wolf, its nose bleeding after crashing into the quartz glass window.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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