
It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students – Chapter 108

Chapter 108: The Singularity Where Fate Gathers (1)

The Brave Fang beastkin party said they visited Kyung-joon to carry out a part-time job they received from the Fairy-Elven Alliance.

That part-time job was to deliver an item to Kyung-joon, although they didn’t know why.

“You mean this letter is the item? Who sent it?”

“Well? We’re just carrying out the task given to us. We asked why when we were told to deliver it to Brother Kyung-joon, but they wouldn’t tell us anything more.”

“I guess there’s no choice but to check it myself.”

“It’s like that.”

Kyung-joon immediately opened the letter.

An ordinary piece of paper came out.

As he read through it.

『To Kyung-joon-nim, from Larev, the highest elder of the Fairy-Elven Alliance.』

『I have seen your research, Kyung-joon-nim. I never knew you would improve our elves’ unique scroll magic in such a way.

Of course, what I saw was Ezeri Capillus’, not Kyung-joon-nim’s original magic.

I also heard a very interesting story from Gatekeeper TikiTiki.

…… (Omitted)…….

The Fairy King, the master of our Fairy-Elven Alliance, wishes to maintain a good relationship with you.

First of all, as a great nation, we need to show our generosity first.

We have left a small but useful gift.

By the way, this letter will burn and disappear as soon as you finish reading it for secrecy, so don’t be too surprised.

Let’s meet again in the future.』


As soon as Kyung-joon finished reading the last sentence, the letter burned and disappeared.

Strangely enough, it wasn’t hot at all.

Then, a new status window appeared where the letter had burned down.

[Epic skill 『Fairy’s Secret Delivery』 is activated.]

[You can acquire the secret item hidden in the letter.]

Epic skill 『Fairy’s Secret Delivery』.

It is a spatial magic skill that allows you to put items you want to deliver in a letter.

As an ‘Epic’ skill, the next grade after Unique, it requires tremendous magical sophistication.

Of course, if they made it into a skill book and distributed it, it wouldn’t be difficult to learn.

But that’s not going to happen.

Even if there was, they would definitely sell it at a high price.

“There are such convenient skills, amazing.”

The important thing here is that the Fairy-Elven Alliance can create such 『Epic skills for convenience』.

Rumor has it that you need to be at least level 500 to create an Epic skill.

It’s a dream for players who haven’t even reached level 300 yet.

[You have acquired the Unique item 『Improved Wings of the Sylph』.]

[You have acquired the Unique item 『Master’s Certificate from the Fairy-Elven Magic Academy』.]

I immediately checked the two items that came into the inventory.

[Improved Wings of the Sylph]

▶Wings made with the power of the wind spirit Sylph, improved with the Fairy-Elven Alliance’s unique technology. These wings allow even non-fairy races to fly using mana.

▶Allows the use of Unique skill 『Sylph Fly』 when equipped.

▶Item Grade: Unique

[Master’s Certificate from the Fairy-Elven Magic Academy]

▶A paper certifying that you have completed the master’s course at the Fairy-Elven Magic Academy.

▶Certifies that Ezeri Capillus and Kyung-joon have completed the master’s course at this academy.

▶Item Grade: Unique

The master’s certificate makes sense since he studied with Ezeri, but……

The truly surprising thing was definitely the 『Improved Wings of the Sylph』.

“Wow. They gave me wings?”

A Unique item that’s neither a weapon nor armor, but wings!

The status of wings in RPG games is very high.

In previous games before The World, veterans always wore cool wings.

Even they would wave their hands and say their wings were cheesy, but they wouldn’t take them off.

Sparkly! Blazing!

Gorgeous wings!

It’s like a shiny gold-threaded garment that symbolizes nobility.

It’s no exaggeration to say that wings are an item that determines your status in RPG games.

“I have to try them on right away.”


The Improved Wings of the Sylph were not visible just by equipping them.

However, the moment Kyung-joon poured mana into them.

[Unique magic 『Sylph Fly』]

[Sylph’s mana wings are created.]


Just like the wind blowing on an air hockey table and making the puck float, Kyung-joon started to float up into the sky.

His wings didn’t flap awkwardly like a fairy’s.

Only two light green mana lines on either side of him glowed.

“Oh! Look, he’s flying!”

“It’s like seeing a giant fairy!”

“Wow~! How does it feel?”

“Uh, uh? This is quite difficult? Ugh…..!”

Kyung-joon couldn’t answer the beastkin’s questions properly and almost lost his balance.

He swayed.

If his mana flow was even slightly disrupted, it felt like he would crash headfirst into the ground.

Contrary to appearances, Kyung-joon was in a very precarious situation!

“Ugh, ugh. Whew. Is this how you do it?”


Soon, Kyung-joon perfectly regained his balance.

But if you look closely, his whole body is still trembling.

It’s only because he has the Unique skill 『Multi Mana Control: Nano: Nano』 that he’s doing this well; if it were anyone else, they would have crashed headfirst before they could even control it.

In the end, Kyung-joon released his mana and stood on the ground with his own two feet.

“Geez…… Why are so many people trying to test these days?”

Last week’s Chairman Yoo and now the Fairy-Elven Alliance.

Both had a clear intention of testing him.

You can tell just by looking at the 『Improved Wings of the Sylph』.

From the feeling of using it just now, no matter how you look at it, this item wasn’t made for humans.

If you didn’t have at least elf-level mana control skills, you wouldn’t be able to control it, let alone balance yourself.

This must be what the Fairy-Elven Alliance is trying to gauge.

Whether Kyung-joon can properly handle their technology.

Or if he’ll end up like other humans, unable to use it.

“Could there be a few more meanings, like marking their ownership in advance?”

<Perhaps. Master wearing those wings itself implies some kind of relationship with the Fairy-Elven Alliance.>

Of course, no player would notice this.

But what about a nobleman from some kingdom, or someone with a discerning eye?

Even if they knew of Kyung-joon’s abilities and coveted them, they wouldn’t be able to approach him recklessly.

Because the existence of the wings itself was a symbol that proved the Fairy-Elven Alliance was backing him up.

“Well, I should at least use the gift gratefully.”

Kyung-joon said so and got ready to leave for Luxemb.

Of course, he kept the wings equipped.

As long as he didn’t pour mana into them, they wouldn’t be visible, so he wasn’t worried about attracting attention.


After a brief encounter with Brave Fang and his companions.

Kyung-joon arrived in Luxemb, a small border country between the Kingdom of Francois and the Kingdom of Deutschland.

For reference, it is much farther away than Plovdiv.

If it weren’t for the Warp Gate, it would have taken ten days by carriage.

“Looks like a decent city.”

Kyung-joon immediately sought out the event venue.

The event orientation was scheduled to begin in about an hour.

Nevertheless, the venue was crowded with people.

As expected of World, a global server game, players of various races and nationalities could be seen.

Of course, since the only information available was whether they were players or NPCs and their names, one could only guess their nationality based on their appearance and behavior.

Among them, a few players particularly stood out.

<Rank 99>

▼PigeonEatRice (Player)

“Coo, coo, coo.”

A neat gentleman’s suit, polished square-toed shoes, and even a hat.

An English gentleman straight out of a movie was standing there.

But his face was Asian.

He kept making cooing sounds while handling dozens of pigeons around him.

People passing by would look at PigeonEatRice as if they had seen a celebrity.

“Wow, isn’t that the famous pigeon guy?”

“Coo. Coo, coo.”

“You know what? I heard he intentionally maintains his rank at 99.”

“What? Intentionally? Why?”

“I don’t know. He’s doing it for his concept, I guess. Anyway, they say he’s been holding onto rank 99 since launch.”

“Coo, coo, coo.”

“Wow…… What a psycho.”

“But why the cooing sounds of all things?”

“In Korea, that’s how pigeons sound, apparently.”

“Typical Korean. Crazy gamers.”

“Coo, coo, coo.”

“I came on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Please give me a girlfriend.”

“I came on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Please give me a boyfriend.”



‘To think a crazy guy like that is Korean like me……’

Kyung-joon felt a sense of shame for some reason, even though he hadn’t done anything, and averted his gaze.

“Wow…… Look at that guy. He’s so cool.”

“Totally my type!”

“He’s really handsome.”

A handsome middle-aged man caught their eye as they walked down the street.

He had stylish, dark gray-blonde hair and was tall, suggesting he must have been very popular with women in his younger days.

No, he probably still is.

Even men would readily admit that he was truly handsome.

A sturdy-looking physique clad in shining plate armor.

And a large, gold-embossed shield and a silver lance.

The women around them were deeply impressed as they looked at him.

“He’s holding a shield, but the way he carries the lance makes it seem like he could switch between offense and defense freely? Hehehe……”

“Lady? What do you mean?”

“Hehehe, you’re better off not knowing. Or rather, once you know, there’s no going back.”

As the player called ‘Lady’ had implied, the handsome middle-aged man’s class was a Paladin.

And not just any Paladin, but a Templar Paladin.

It was a class that specialized in utilizing the flow and connections of the body based on holy power.

Incidentally, this meant that whenever they gave buffs or heals, they had to do it while touching and stroking the recipient’s body.

How did she know so much?


<Rank 6th>

▼DPSPaladin (Player)

“Greetings. I am DPSPaladin. I am a Templar Paladin capable of DPS, tanking, and healing above average. Looking for party members.”

(GoogleTL: Hello. I am a paladin who can handle d|ldos. I am a paladin who can handle d|ldos heels for more than 1 person. I am looking for someone to party with.)

……Because they had already been in a party and cleared dungeons together.

TL: There’s a ton of d|ldo pun that is hard to localize so we had to compromise.


If you’re Korean, you probably already know.

That crazy pervert is definitely Korean.

How could anyone even think of such a bizarre ID?

It’s a nickname that no ordinary person could ever come up with.

Is this the epitome of spacing despair?

” Hmm? Are you interested in partying with me? I’m down. “

” Gasp……! “

” Heek! “

” Right, I need to go to the store! “

Everyone who makes eye contact with him quickly averts their gaze.

It’s probably no coincidence that only men avoided his gaze after seeing his uncomfortably intense eyes.

‘If he notices me, he might cling to me. Of all places, why is that pervert here……’

At that moment.

” Hmm? This familiar energy…..? Could it be that boy from before? “

DPSPaladin seemed to sense Kyung-joon’s presence and looked around.

Translator’s Blog


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💎ᴠɪᴘ – 𝙀𝙭𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙫𝙚 (𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙏𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙨𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨) Free Ch1-100 (Password – AWEBSTORIES-FREE100CH)

Translation-(COMPLETED) – It’s an Academic Fact That Rankers Are Model Students

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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