I Became the Academyโ€™s Genius Shikigami Summoner – Chapter 136

๐‚๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ”

To revive the ancient witch’s voodoo doll, Eve, first and foremost, a reliable power source was necessary.

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Even if I were to use a medium that can be easily obtained in the market, it wouldn’t be able to produce a great output even if it was successful, and there would be no point in reviving her if that were the case.

Therefore, I spent a long time thinking about what to use as Eve’s power source.

The conclusion I came to was to use the cudgel that I had received from Myung-yul as compensation for the Arietta incident last time.

ใ€Yongcheon Talismanใ€‘

โ–ถA talisman with great power. The owner continuously recovers spiritual power by gathering the power of nature. A special spell is contained within the talisman.

Since it has the trait of gathering and storing the power of nature, it is perfect to use as a power source.

The cudgel itself is also very high-level, so it would be difficult to find something better than this.

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However, I decided against it because I didn’t think it was right to use something that contained the souls of the ancestors of the Hwang family so carelessly.

Having made my decision, I took out the Yongcheon Talisman from the Formless Box and placed it in the center of the location where Eve’s remains were spread.

And immediately, I began to prepare the ritual and cast the spell that I had prepared.



Shining patterns and lines were elegantly engraved on the surface, and endless spiritual power seeped into the area, adding strength.

About 10 minutes passed like that, and the light suddenly subsided, causing the ritual to waver.

ใ€Œ. . .๐˜พ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ก๐™™ ๐™ž๐™ฉ ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™›๐™–๐™ž๐™ก๐™š๐™™?ใ€

I had thought that I would succeed in one go, so I felt disappointed. As I was getting up from my seat, clicking my tongue, fortunately, the ritual began to absorb spiritual power again.



ใ€Œ๐™„๐™ฉ’๐™จ ๐™ฌ๐™ค๐™ง๐™ ๐™ž๐™ฃ๐™œ.ใ€

Convinced that the ritual had entered the success stage, I used the Spirit Absorption trait and squeezed out all the spiritual power contained in the Baryok Beads, blowing it into the ritual.

And finally, when all the light subsided, Eve, who had regained her previous appearance, was neatly placed in the center of the ritual.

ใ€Œ๐™„๐™จ๐™ฃโ€™๐™ฉ ๐™จ๐™๐™š ๐™– ๐™—๐™ž๐™ฉ ๐™จ๐™ข๐™–๐™ก๐™ก๐™š๐™ง ๐™ฉ๐™๐™–๐™ฃ ๐™—๐™š๐™›๐™ค๐™ง๐™š?ใ€

Perhaps some of the remains were completely lost, and her strength has also weakened.

However, her condition is much better than I expected. I closed my eyes with a sense of anticipation and sensed Eve’s information.



โ–ถLevel 52

โ–ถAbility Scores

ใ€Stamina: A-ใ€‘

ใ€Mana: -ใ€‘

ใ€Spellcraft: A-ใ€‘

ใ€Mental Strength: A-ใ€‘

โ–ถCharacteristics (traits) (6/10)

ใ€Witch’s Echo (A+)ใ€‘

ใ€Synthetic Body (A-)ใ€‘

ใ€Combat Instinct (A-)ใ€‘

ใ€Swift Strike (A-)ใ€‘

ใ€Output Enhancement (B-)ใ€‘

ใ€Brute Force (C+)ใ€‘

All three ability scores had dropped by two levels, and her level had also dropped by 10.

However, I was personally satisfied with the numbers. With this level, she would probably be able to deal with even a 2nd-grade exorcist.

Among the shikigami I have, she was the strongest, along with Ggong-sam-yi and Black Yin.

“Can you move?”

“. . .I, can.”

It was a bit choppy, but communication was not a problem.

Eve, who had suddenly opened her eyes, began to test her movements by body part as if to check her range of motion.

And soon, she raised her upper body and asked me a question.

“. . .The last order has been completed. New orders are required.”

It was clear that the last order she was referring to was the one where we, who were Challengers in the Chamber of Trials, were given the key to Verdi’s room.

After confirming that, I gave Eve an order.

“Nothing special. Just help me when I need you.”

“Yes. I will follow your orders.”

With that, I made a complete shikigami contract with Eve and sent her into the shadows.

With this, my purpose here was clear, and with a satisfied expression, I headed outside, where Seo Ji-an was waiting for me.

“You look good.”

“Thanks to you. It would have been difficult if I hadn’t gathered the materials.”

“. . .It was nothing. Are you thinking of going back to the academy now?”

As I nodded my head, Seo Ji-an opened her mouth with a serious expression, as if she had something last to say.

“I think my eldest brother has started to take an interest in you.”


The eldest brother must have been the person who formed an alliance with Seo Ji-an to defeat Seo Tae-hu, the owner of Dae-jin Industries.

Seo Ji-an nodded her head and continued to speak.

“I tried to hide it as much as possible, but somehow he got his hands on information about you. He probably knows about the incident related to the Cheong family. He might try to contact you in some way soon.”

“I understand. I’ll be careful.”

It was certainly a little nerve-wracking, but it wasn’t something I needed to prepare for right away.

Perhaps it wouldn’t be too late to think about it when the situation arises.

I said my final farewells to Seo Ji-an and left the residence to return to the academy.

Now, it was time to move forward again.


The next day, I decided to visit Arietta, who had also returned to the academy the previous night.

I was worried about her condition since I hadn’t seen her during the vacation, and I also had something to tell her separately.

“. . .It’s been a long time, junior.”

“Yes. It’s been a long time. Are you feeling okay?”

“I’ve been drinking animal blood here and there during the vacation, so I’ve been able to hold on somehow.”

However, her face looked haggard for that.

As I gave her a worried look, she subtly avoided my gaze and said to me.

“Sorry. I guess it’s a reflex. I keep getting thirsty when I see you, junior.”

“You don’t have to hold back. I’m going to use the blood ritual anyway.”

I once again used the blood ritual of the fiend and gave her blood, and soon I began to tell her the purpose of my visit.

“Do you have a place to go after graduating?”

“A place to go?”

She was a senior, so she would soon be leaving the academy.

There were many options from there, but to be honest, I wanted to keep Arietta completely on my side.

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Her abilities are outstanding, and the growth potential of her True Noble Blood trait is still endless.

If it were me, I could definitely use my knowledge of the original work to raise her to a higher level.

“I’ve received offers from several places, but I haven’t decided on anything yet.”

“In that case, would you like to spend some time with me after graduation?”

“. . .With you, junior?”

Arietta’s expression was momentarily filled with doubt.

That was a natural reaction. To be honest, even I thought it was a bit of a sudden thing to say.

It was even more so since the one who said it was a student who was only a 2nd-year student at the academy.

Therefore, in order to attract her, I had to present an attractive and certain condition.

So, I started to throw out the bait that I had prepared without hesitation.

“What is your ultimate goal, senior?”

“. . .To become a special-grade exorcist someday and help people?”

Of course, that would be the case. She had grown up watching Myung-yul, who was called a hero in the past, and idolized him.

That’s why our goals align.

“I can help you with both.”

I took a deep breath for a moment and, for the first time, revealed to her one of the secrets that only I knew.

“The second Night Parade of a Hundred Demons will come soon.”

“Night Parade of a Hundred Demons. . . . . . ?”

“I will need people to be my arms and legs at that time. I’m thinking of you as one of them.”

“Why are you suddenly saying that. . . . . . .”

However, Arietta, who had been speaking, suddenly frowned and began to ponder something.

After a short while, her conclusion was affirmative.

“As expected, I don’t think you would lie about something like this, junior. But do you have any basis for it?”

“If there is, there is. If there isn’t, there isn’t. However, I am certain. That time is not far off either.”

“. . .It’s not something that can be dismissed as simply dangerous, you know?”

“Yes. But there’s no way to convince people anyway. I have no choice but to do what I can.”

After hearing my words, Arietta seemed to have realized something about my actions so far.

“. . .The portable boundary stone. So that’s why you made it.”

Arietta, who had studied the future of spells with me during the public presentation, was one of the people who knew relatively much about portable boundary stones.

She must have realized by now why I had focused on its commercialization and distribution without much compensation.

“At least I’ve been preparing for it for a long time.”

“. . . . . . .”

As I waited for her answer in silence, Arietta hesitated for a moment before nodding her head.

“I need some time to think about it. If I accept, what do you want me to help you with?”

“For the time being, it’s enough for you to focus on training and building up your strength. I’ll tell you the details separately later.”

“I understand. I’ll do that.”

Originally, I had planned to reveal more truths here and there, but she was more convinced than I thought. And I already realized the reason for that.

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In fact, I had half hoped for that when I brought it up.

Even so, it seemed like she needed some time to think on her own for now, so I left Arietta after finishing the conversation.

I had done everything I could. Now, all that remained was the time for waiting.


After Han Kang-yoon left, Arietta Morgan was left alone in the dormitory, lost in thought.

ใ€Œ. . .๐™‚๐™ง๐™–๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ข๐™– ๐™–๐™ก๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™™๐™ฎ ๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™ฌ.ใ€

After the Shin Do-hoon incident was over, the prophet Unyeon said this to Arietta.

The size of Han Kang-yoon’s destiny was enormous, and he would definitely be swept away by the storms of the times, whether good or bad.

So, if anything happens, she asked Arietta to help Han Kang-yoon.

ใ€Œ. . . . . . .ใ€

Arietta also agreed with that.

She had received great favors from Han Kang-yoon. If something were to happen again next time, it was her turn to help him.

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If that was really true, there was no way Arietta could handle it on her own.

However, Han Kang-yoon said that he needed Arietta’s strength.

Considering the portable boundary stone, it was clear that he was already moving in various ways to prepare for that time.


If someone had told Arietta that the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons would happen again, she wouldn’t have been able to do that much.

Han Kang-yoon was definitely an outstanding exorcist, and he was an existence that ordinary people couldn’t chase after.

Myung-yul, who was active during the previous Night Parade of a Hundred Demons and was called one of the heroes by citizens.

Arietta had come all this way, chasing after Myung-yul.

In that case, this must be the path she should take.




Having come to a conclusion, Arietta finally put all her worries aside and contacted Han Kang-yoon to give him her answer.

“I’ll do it.”

It was a sudden and still uncertain thing, but she had a feeling that this was the right answer.

And so, Arietta graduated from the academy, clearing all three years.

After that, no one was able to find her destination.

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