
How to Live as a Wandering Knight – Chapter 233

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐮𝐞 (7)

However, whether or not Ulrike cursed him in her heart, it probably wouldn’t have made the elf king cling to Johan any less. It wouldn’t have been any different if she had cursed him aloud.  

On the contrary, as a schemer who does not know the heart of the knight, she was excited that she was jealous. . .

Ulrike knew that too, so Ulrike just turned her gaze quietly.

‘𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘵!’

Elves had a knack for making feasts lively and rowdy. They loved alcohol and had a custom of drinking it roughly.

Already, several elven knights were drunk, throwing their glasses of wine, drinking barrels of wine, and snatching platters from the hands of servants and greedily devouring them.

To put it nicely, it was to eat and drink well to make the person who served them feel good, and to put it badly, it was to eat and drink without thinking twice.

Empire knights did not dislike alcohol either, but they did not shake it like elven knights.

“They really eat and drink like crazy.”

“My knights are not the ones who eat less, but they look like they’re eating a snack.”

Ulrike’s knights said in a tired voice.

However, even so, the feast was quite successful.

Above all, it was important to relieve the castellan’s anxiety and narrow the gap between each other. After having a feast like this, the awkward relationship is narrowed and suspicion is resolved.

In addition, the dissatisfaction of the knights also disappeared after this kind of feast.

Knights are infinitely simple people (in Ulrike’s view), so they growl until the day before, but if they agree at the feast, they work together.

If you think about it that way, even those disgusting guys could be passed over.


“. . .Did you say he got drunk?”

Ulrike asked back incredulously. The elf servant bowed his head apologetically.  

“The castellan didn’t put anything in the alcohol, right?”

“I already checked, and there was nothing.”

‘𝘐 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵.’

The elf king trusted the castellan as little as Ulrike did. When the wine bottle came out, he would have suspected the castellan first.

“After fighting the undead like that without taking care of himself, it’s no wonder he’s having a hangover from drinking.”

“It’s also a talent to talk so proudly about guys who passed out from drinking too much.”

Even though she said that, Ulrike didn’t say anything more. After all, the elf king wasn’t under her command, and above all, he had actually fought fiercely with the undead.  

“Hmm. . . Then shall we leave like this?”

Ulrike was delighted at Johan’s words.  

That would be great if they did that. Of course they wouldn’t have to wait for days, and they wouldn’t have to move with the annoying elf knights.

Now that the death knight, an undead, had been dealt with, the remaining undead in the forest were nothing special.

“. . .No. I think we should wait for the elf king. If we leave him, he might hold a grudge.”

It seemed trivial, but there was nothing trivial about honor. What flag to plant first on a conquered castle wall, who passes through the gate first, who to leave behind for the suppression. . . These were things that could easily lead to grudges.

“When I asked, he said it was okay to go. He told me we could leave.”  

“. . .Then that’s fine.”

Ulrike lost what to say and conceded. She didn’t expect that Angoldolph would let them go so easily.


Here is my attempt at proofreading and fixing any grammar errors in the text:

Even without the Elf King’s participation, the expedition force was sufficient. After collecting silver and holy water, and offering prayers with the attending priests, the expedition headed into the forest.

“It’s a shame the forces promised by the monastery have not yet arrived.”   

“At least we were somehow able to borrow. . .”

Secluded monks armed with poverty and purity, absorbed in prayer, would often not heed requests from nobles. Sending those paladins without even a warhorse was an impressive feat in itself.

Though it was regrettable they had not arrived, Johan was not overly concerned. At least for subjugating the forest nearby, they would not be needed.

They had the relic received from the castellan, and knights and infantry armed against the undead. It was almost excessive.   

“Where is Iselia-gong of House Bluea?”

“Oh. Iselia is also resting.”

“Hm? Did she drink that much?”

“Well, this and that. . .”  

Johan trailed off. She hadn’t drunk that much at the banquet, but after they had returned, just the two of them, she had drunk quite a lot.  

Since he had encouraged her to drink more, enjoying the clingy drunk Iselia, Johan felt a bit guilty.

Since they had sufficient forces already, there was no need to call for Iselia’s help in this situation. Johan had left wizards like Jyanina and Suetlg back at the camp. There was no need to make them suffer in the harsh forest.

“You’re lucky. Iselia-gong is quite the beauty.”

“Thank you.”

Whether Ulrike had meant it genuinely or not, compliments were always appreciated.  

“While not as beautiful as the Elf King, true beauty lies within, as they say.”

For elves, balance was key. With medium height, not overly thin or fat, and a lovely face, Angoldolph was the perfect elven beauty.   

Of course, from Johan’s perspective, standards that mercilessly cut for being slightly taller or meatier were harder to comprehend.

“Yes. Caccia-gong is quite the beauty as well.”

As he had received a compliment about his lover, etiquette dictated he return one about Ulrike’s spouse. Ulrike nodded.  

“She is beautiful. . . Wait. Suddenly complimenting like this is odd. Could you actually have slept with her?”


Karamaf barked, reacting to the change in Johan’s mood. Johan waved his hand to indicate he was fine, and said,  

“I have never slept with Caccia-gong.”  

“Is that so? I thought you might have. Though the count wouldn’t shamelessly show his face after sleeping with another’s wife.”

Johan realized Ulrike had received the rumors belatedly. Considering they had been around here for days, it was unbelievable she was only just hearing about them now.   

Fortunately, Ulrike did not seem angry, but Johan did not relax. Ulrike was fully capable of internally seething with rage.  

“Ah. My mistake. No need to anxiously defend yourself, I was merely jesting. Even if you had slept with Caccia, I would not be angry.”  

Johan was not a knight serving under Ulrike, but a Count leading a coalition force from afar. Ulrike was not stupid enough to get angry at such a person.  

“Are you not on good terms with Caccia-gong?” 

“No. . .she’s not a bad person. A bit dumb, but with a pretty face and soft skin. Good enough, I’d say. She could have been uglier. Why do you ask?”  

“I was a little surprised that you said you wouldn’t get mad even if I slept with her.”

“Ah. Of course, if they brazenly slept together, I would have been angry. That’s a matter of the family’s honor and dignity. But from what I heard, the count seems to have kept within boundaries. Then isn’t that their freedom? I’ve heard this kind of story before. It’s about an oriental sultan. He gave one of his concubines to a knight who had accomplished great feats.  

Isn’t it similar? Given the count’s position, even if he had slept with Caccia’s mother instead of Caccia, I wouldn’t have minded.”

“I heard the sultan story directly, and they said it was just a rumor.”

“. . .Really? You really do get around a lot.” 

She was surprised again hearing that he went as far as Vynashchtym, even though she had heard he traveled extensively.   

“Don’t get the wrong idea from me speaking about Caccia like this. I really don’t hate her that much. It’s just that Caccia is beautiful and has strong desires, and. . .I have a lot to take care of myself. We respect each other.”  

“Gong is quite beautiful and has strong desires as well, so they suit each other well.”

“. . .It’s better not to make unsuitable jokes.”   

Ulrike, who had been startled, spoke with an embarrassed expression. She hadn’t expected such sly words to come out of Johan’s mouth.  

“Iselia is enough for me, so it’s better for Gong to satisfy Caccia.”  

“Just that much? Are you that good at night work?”

Ulrike asked in pure astonishment. No matter how she looked at him, he seemed far removed from that area.  

“. . .It’s better not to reveal that.”   

“Ah. Why?”

“It’s my spouse’s honor.”   

“You’ll say all that but then this?”  

“I never asked Caccia-gong how hot she. . . .”  



In the middle of speaking, Johan froze. Karamaf barked as if something was off.   

“What. . .?”

Johan was horrified.   

In front and behind, no one was there.  

The most precious member of a party usually takes the middle spot. The vanguard goes ahead to check for danger, and the rearguard defends against any surprise attacks from behind.  

And that’s how Ulrike and Johan were positioned.   

But at some point, when he came to his senses, only the two of them and Karamaf were left, the party having completely disappeared. Ulrike immediately drew her sword. In a low, sunken voice, she asked,  


“. . .Doesn’t seem like it.”   

Johan didn’t believe a monster would do something like this. It had to have fooled the instincts of both Karamaf and Johan first. Also, the horse Johan was riding was no simple creature.  

“Must be a mischievous spirit or malevolent entity, or some phenomenon of the forest.”  

“You really know a lot about these phenomena?”  

“When you travel with wizards, you end up learning some magic.”  

First, Johan dismounted. Then he stood next to Ulrike and helped her down.    

Her horse, the most easily frightened of the group, whinnied at the scent of death permeating the forest.  

“Cardirian. Comfort that horse a bit.”  


“. . .It has quite the mischievous name.”   

“Its personality is pretty similar.”  

Johan drew his sword and surveyed his surroundings. To an unfamiliar person, the forest likely all looked the same, but to someone properly trained, they could remember the terrain and landmarks.  

‘𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘐’𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦.’  

“Well. . .may I take the lead in moving?”  

“I shall gladly follow, count.”   

Ulrike replied with a smile.


“These *sshole b*stards! If you can’t find them before sunset, I’ll make sure you can never act arrogant again!”

The dwarves and mercenaries were hopping around, oppressing the centaurs and the two poor eastern rangers. 

Those guys who usually brag about being masters of the forest haven’t been able to find their lord.

The oppressed “masters of the forest” had nothing to say, bowing their heads low.

“That’s enough. Why are you fighting when His Excellency is not here?”

Even the cheeky mercenaries did not get angry anymore. The point was to find Count Johan.

They really felt like they were possessed by ghosts. They were marching just fine and then the two nobles just disappeared into thin air.

“I once heard my grandfather talk about the spirits of the forest. He said they have nasty temperaments and deliberately lead people entering the forest astray.”

“Oh. . . So did your grandfather also tell you how to lure out and chop up those spirits of the forest?”

“. . .No, he did not.”

“Then why the f*ck are you telling us?!”

“I told you to stop! Young ones, step back!”

Instead of emotional reactions, the captains and above and Ulrike’s knights gathered for a calm meeting.

There were no wizards but magic was a mystery that was rarely experienced in life. There were ways to counter it, passed down orally. 

“First, let’s set up camp. So Their Excellencies can return.”

“I’ve sent men. They will come running at full speed with a wizard.”

“What about setting the forest on fire?”

“Just tell them to burn Your Excellency the Count to death.”

“. . .I’m sorry.”

When the knight under Ulrike apologized, the flustered centaur felt even more embarrassed. In Johan’s military camp, they would usually brush off words like that.

“No, I was too harsh.” 

“While we wait, let’s send out search parties in all directions. Report immediately if you notice anything strange. Signs of spirits can be found in even the most trivial things.”




“Does the path loop back around?”  


“I see. Thank you.”

Johan stroked Karamaf. Seeing the thing that had gone straight ahead appear from behind, it seemed the path went in circles.

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Translation-(COMPLETED) – How to Live as a Wandering Knight

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥《⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐》!!



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