
For the Prosperity of the Species! – Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Counterattack 5

We defeated Doomora, who had no equal.

In Gullak society, there might be despicable Queens, but there were no despicable Legionaries. This was because they had a simple brain structure that forced them to live honestly from the beginning.

Dean was also not a Legionary who would go back on his word, and he swore to cooperate with us in return for sparing Doomora’s life.

The content of the cooperation was that he would remain in this camp and provide the life force needed to produce enhanced Legionaries.

I don’t know how much Sweet Dew Dean has been force-fed so far. But one thing was certain: Mursheet would squeeze every last drop out of him before sending him back.

If he truly had near-infinite regenerative abilities, he would suffer near-infinite pain.

‘I’m sorry..! For making you get sold to an evil boss..!’

It was Dean himself who persuaded Doomora, who had vehemently opposed it, with good faith. At that point, I could see how honest a friend he was.

In the end, Doomora walked towards Mursheet.

“……I admit my defeat.”

Who could have imagined Doomora kneeling before Mursheet?

Aside from her strong pride, Doomora also had an honest and upright personality.

“Huhuhu, a fight you couldn’t have lost originally. You must be quite frustrated.”

There was a guy covered in mutations, and another with absorption abilities that ignored defense.

Mursheet’s faction was the nemesis of Doomora, if you could call it that.

But the answer that came back was this:

“……I’m not frustrated. Do you think anyone else would have faced us head-on?”


“You were just stronger, that’s all.”

Mursheet helped Doomora up and said,

“So, what are you going to do now?”

“I’ll return to my Outpost for now. Of course, after I cough up enough Sweet Dew to heal your advisors.”

“Will you be okay alone? You’re practically leaving half of your forces behind.”

Doomora’s ability was as good as leaving it here. In truth, Mursheet wasn’t the type to worry about the plight of other Outpost Queens, but she asked out of pure curiosity. The question implied, ‘Are you okay with giving up on promotion?’ …… about how she would hunt until the delivery date with her halved forces and how she would accumulate tributes.


Doomora hesitated for a while before saying,

“Actually, I was thinking it might be good to travel back and forth. I need to get used to being away from Dean.”

“Hoo, that long distance? What a tremendous waste. In terms of time, stamina, efficiency, and opportunity cost, all of it.”

“……Are you making fun of me? Then let me tell you honestly how I feel right now.”

Mursheet expected Doomora’s harsh words, but the first words were 180 degrees different from her expectations.

“I acknowledge you, Mursheet. You are above me in rank, and you deserve to reign as a Queen.”


“I no longer intend to compete with you for promotion. My goal is Legion Commander, not Queen. I opposed your promotion because I thought you were weaker than me. Now there’s no reason to oppose it.”


“If I have to leave Dean by your side anyway, I was thinking, what if I travel back and forth and help you? I can see Dean often too.”

It was Mursheet’s turn to be bewildered.

“Wha…… What are you saying? Help, you’re saying you’ll join forces with me?”



“Is it strange?”

“I can’t believe it. This is the first time an offer has smelled so fishy.”

“I’m serious. If I have to serve someone among the Outpost Queens, you’re the only suitable candidate.”

“What does that mean……?”

To Mursheet, whose suspicion had resurfaced, Doomora smiled for the first time.

“It’s simple. Because I don’t think I’ll lose to the other Queens.”


Watching their conversation, I stepped in and subtly greased the wheels.

“Mursheet-nim. There’s nothing better than forming an alliance. If travel is allowed between the two sides, our side will also be able to set foot in Doomora-nim’s hunting grounds.”

Mursheet, who had been calmly contemplating, glanced at me and then shifted her gaze to Doomora.

“……You must not forget that I can execute Dean at any time.”

I smacked my forehead.

‘My Queen…… that’s not something you say when you’re offering a handshake…… it’s a threat……’

But Doomora cheerfully bumped antennae. The Gullak handshake was a brief ‘antenna high-five’ kind of thing.

“Oh my. You don’t know me at all.”

Doomora handed over the Sweet Dew she had saved and coolly returned to her Outpost. The sight of a giant Queen walking alone through the forest was quite bizarre. While I was wondering if it was okay for the top priority target to be like that, Mursheet, who had been watching her back until the end, asked me,

“Last Legionary. Do you think she won’t report our mutants?”

“Are you still uneasy even with Dean by your side?”

“……I hate the situation where my fate can be swayed by another individual’s change of heart. If I were Doomora, I would have reported it without hesitation to reduce the competition. Jelleks can be made again.”

Thinking, ‘She’s ruthless, truly ruthless,’ I reassured her.

“Well, Doomora-nim isn’t Mursheet-nim.”

“……Then it doesn’t matter. The situation has resolved itself unexpectedly.”

Mursheet, who turned around, and I had mountains of work to do.

We will use Dean’s life force and Doomora’s hunting grounds to mass-produce enhanced Legionaries. It was a tough road ahead for Mursheet, but I wasn’t going to relax either. I will continue to make the best preparations to climb higher.


The strongest Jellek responded to my call without delay. Bowing his antennae halfway meant that he didn’t submit, but he respected me.

“You’re quite the fighter, huh?”

“If you go through as many battles as I have, you’ll naturally become like that too.”

“No. I don’t intend to. I’m thinking of learning from you, in an expedited manner.”


“Teach me Gullak combat techniques. If it weren’t for my mutation abilities, I would have been utterly defeated. I need the basics as a Gullak too.”

Dean was silent for a moment. Then he smiled very faintly.

“You’re an unusual one.”

“I hear that a lot.”

And so, after having his life force sucked out, Dean’s daily routine became helping with my training. Like a Korean beef cow with no part to discard from head to tail, I will absorb Dean, this opportunity, to the fullest.


[ Tiltsiser’s Outpost ]

━Bzzzzzt. ━

“Your Majesty.”

There was an assassin bowing his entire body in the lowest possible posture.

Before him, the one-eyed Queen, Tiltsiser, was eating.

The screams of the sacrificial lamb being eaten alive filled the cave with noise, but it didn’t bother those who communicated through pheromones.

“Unbelievable results have emerged.”

The assassin was a scout who had been secretly following Doomora. Since he had to keep his distance even more because Doomora sensed him during the tailing, he couldn’t see the fight itself.

However, he did clearly witness them colluding after the fight was over.

After hearing the full report, Tiltsiser abruptly stopped eating.

“……Impossible. I had calculated all the variables.”

As Tiltsiser, who roughly wiped her mouth, quickly walked out of the cave, the landscape of the Outpost came into view.

The place she was in was the top of a cliff on a rocky mountain, and the thousands of Vivs, Virvs, Barabs, and Villabs lined up below all knelt as they saw Tiltsiser.

As a wave-like effect was created by the slight time difference, Tiltsiser thought,

‘……After their fight ended, I was going to eliminate both of them. I tried to reap the benefits, but they ended up joining forces!’

Even this temporary alliance, which was formed to check Mursheet, was slowly returning to its original competition now that five months had passed, so it was incredibly strange for them to form an alliance now. One of them would definitely fail to be promoted, so what in the world were they thinking?

Tiltsiser suddenly remembered Doomora’s career aspirations.

‘Damn it, come to think of it, Doomora was the b*tch who never had any ambition for promotion in the first place! Is she planning to support Mursheet……!?’

A bad feeling crept up on her.

The only thing that could soothe her was the assassin legion spread out below.

The assassin legion was no different from a squadron of fighter jets waiting for Tiltsiser’s single command. They were ready to be deployed, polishing their wings, with no thoughts in their heads other than the success of their mission.

Since they could only tell the truth when questioned by the Overlord, they were all ordered to commit suicide after the Queen’s assassination was completed. Nevertheless, they were in their positions like machines. Blind loyalty, soldiers accepting death without a shred of hesitation. This was the fearsome aspect of Tiltsiser’s legion.

However, since the operation was aborted, there was no need for them to be deployed.

‘Ah. Everything’s gone wrong. What am I going to do?’

Tiltsiser had been plotting a grand conspiracy starting with Doomora’s fight. A terrifying scheme that, if it went well, would inevitably make Tiltsiser the Queen, surpassing all other Outpost Queens.

But Doomora’s defeat caused her to stumble from the very first step.

‘Was I wrong in calculating Doomora’s combat power?’

That couldn’t be. The track record of that weapon of destruction had been nothing but victories. The queen of close combat, who saw through everything and blocked everything, losing to Mursheet……?

Above all, the disaster in the form of a Jellek would have been protecting Doomora, so how could they have lost?

‘I didn’t miscalculate Doomora’s combat power. The variable came from Mursheet’s side. Has she become different from the Mursheet I knew?’


Whichever the truth was, she couldn’t move without devising a new plan.

“All forces! Cancel the operation! Resume hunting and gathering!”

Even when disbanding, the assassins were swift. They tilted their heads a few times, but soon accepted the order and scattered in all directions. They would soon catch a large amount of prey, spreading like a black storm.

No matter how you looked at it, Tiltsiser’s Outpost was closer to a ‘hornet’s nest’ than a Gullak Legion.

‘……Ah, there was no need to think hard. I just had to take advantage of this situation.’

To wait for another opportunity, she needed to add more pawns. If Lubla and Doomora had failed, she would simply bring a more valuable Outpost to her side.

“Belev. From now on, you’re going to Sashmate’s Outpost.”

As Tiltsiser spoke, something shimmered in the background behind her.

“As you command.”

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